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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Wasn't this article already confirmation that the pass was going to encounter a delay?
I do wonder if the postponements are partly why Min Min was first - she was simply in house, so it'd be easier to develop her and her pack period.

I don't want to go too deep into this for obvious reasons, but "the key parties" imply - if we're talking the direct meaning - that the third party dev and its publisher are heaquartered in different cities or whatever. It's impossible to draw a definite conclusion from this since many third party devs fall into that category.

This post gives me ShinyLegendary vibes. And if you wanted more reactions, why didn't you post it in the social thread?
If I may ask, what would give off Me vibes?

So I can in the future incorporate more of my style into posts made by SmashBoards' Headless Hockey Honcho. :4pacman:

Well it seems there are some crazy sky high expectations for whoever CP7 is, whatever happens will lead to crushing disappointment for sure.
My only expectations for FP7 are:

1. The character's going to be fun.
2. The character's going to have some crazy bull**** mechanic.
3. The character's going to land somewhere between Low and High tier (watch the character be borken instead).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2020
Los Santos, SA
What do u mean?? Dunkaccino is a lock man!
Jokes aside, I feel that since we seem to be in the halfway point, I'm not surprised that characters like Min Min and Byleth have been what we've seen. Fine characters and some people's favorites, but it doesn't really set anything ablaze. Fighter 7 could break this meh middle mold but I'm not betting on it.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Well it seems there are some crazy sky high expectations for whoever CP7 is, whatever happens will lead to crushing disappointment for sure.
I'm pretty sure there's crazy high expectations for EVERY character.

Byleth was supposed to be the "grand finale" of the first pass. Min Min was supposed to be the huge bombshell reveal that would jumpstart the second pass. As far as I can tell, there's nothing particularly special about F7, but people are still expecting something that's somewhere between Travis Touchdown and Crash Bandicoot levels of hype.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Well it seems there are some crazy sky high expectations for whoever CP7 is, whatever happens will lead to crushing disappointment for sure.
What I don't want is what I consider to be a "meh" or worse character because then I'm going to have to hear from "holier than thou" people about why I'm ungrateful when I express initial disappointment.

If a character comes out and I don't prefer that choice, I am going to express gratitude for their fans, but explain why I didn't want that character and be done with it. But I know someone here is going to say "just because you didn't want this character doesn't mean others didn't as well, stop being negative, stop trying to diminish the popularity of this character out of ignorance, stop this, stop that."

If all I'm doing is stating a general disappointment and nothing more, I'm really not going to want to hear a snarky response for the satisfaction of moral superiority.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2014
On this Planet
I don't know what to expect at this point.

I thought after the first reveal I'd have a good idea how the pass would turn out (like FP1), but I'm still clueless other than the fact I'm expecting about a 50/50 split between first and third party.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Connecting anything to either the Chinese gaming industry or the competitive Smash community. I see one of those topics and I know it's SKX31.

Most people you can probably tell who they are without looking at their name/pfp, actually.
That, and the fact that both topics are explained with long, detailed posts, often with helpful video examples of deranged competitive pro Smash clips.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2020
I've been on a Ys craze lately. Ys VIII was the fastest I've gone from interest piqued to a purchase, and it's payed off wonderfully. Asking about Falcom a week or two ago was the best decision I've made on this site thus far.
Same here with the Ys craze. I finished Memories of Celceta and jumped right into VIII. I'm having a blast with VIII -- it might top Oath in Felghana as my favorite, although they're very different games and I'm gonna wait till I finish it to decide. It's really cool how Smash speculation can introduce people to new games -- I found out about Falcom through a fake smash leak with Estelle in it, and while I had known about No More Heroes for a while from the YouTube video game countdown community that popped up years ago, hearing Travis's name pop up in speculation a while back is what convinced me to actually play it.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Connecting anything to either the Chinese gaming industry or the competitive Smash community. I see one of those topics and I know it's SKX31.

Most people you can probably tell who they are without looking at their name/pfp, actually.
Hmm...This makes think I'm actually pretty identifiable by my over reliance on specific words and ellipses...

...nah that'd be silly.

"Ees." Kinda like geese without the "G'", or east without the "T."
So in other words.


It's in the EEEEES.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Let me know how plausible this theory is:

Min Min was supposed to be revealed properly in March, but COVID-19 forced Nintendo to do that guessing game. And if that’s the case, maybe CP7 and CP8 were meant to be at E3.

This is purely a theory.
Seems to me that if she was supposed to be revealed by March, most things would have been worked out by the point the pandemic became a big deal over there. I can't see why they'd have had to delay her for so long so close to release.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Keep in mind this Pass was going through 2 E3's so they might not have done a dual reveal this year and they might not do one next year.
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
This is probably me reaching, but it almost feels like since Byleth, many are waiting for the big hype character to well... not exactly make up for them, but at the very least restore a sense of excited momentum that they had during the first fighter's pass. Basically they and to a lesser extent Min Min, have been the proverbial vegetables they've dutifully consumed while convinced the next dish to come is the big delicious desert. I'm not saying that's how I view it, but in certain discussion around characters feels a bit like that at times.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Let me know how plausible this theory is:

Min Min was supposed to be revealed properly in March, but COVID-19 forced Nintendo to do that guessing game. And if that’s the case, maybe CP7 and CP8 were meant to be at E3.

This is purely a theory.
I think Min Min was always set to be revealed in June, but if we assume it was to be in March, the character still likely wouldn't have released til around E3. And then if they showed FP7 to release, theoretically, in September, FP8 wouldn't release until at the very earliest, probably December. If FP8 released any earlier, 2021 would either have a very inconsistent or sparse schedule, much like this year ended up.

And revealing a character in June for a release in December seems quite unlikely to me, especially since you're then leaving the September Direct without a reveal.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2015
Medford, Oregon
Seems to me that if she was supposed to be revealed by March, most things would have been worked out by the point the pandemic became a big deal over there. I can't see why they'd have had to delay her for so long so close to release.
I don't think that is the case, the pandemic became a big deal worldwide just within a week or two before the direct when chances are the mini direct was mostly done at that point. Chances are March was always planned to be a mini direct and Min Min wasn't far enough in development to show a proper trailer or footage of yet, but there was a 6 month gap from the completion of FP1 and the start of FP2, so the ARMS segment was likely toss in so that there would be some kind of Smash news in the meantime.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I think Min Min was always set to be revealed in June, but if we assume it was to be in March, the character still likely wouldn't have released til around E3. And then if they showed FP7 to release, theoretically, in September, FP8 wouldn't release until at the very earliest, probably December. If FP8 released any earlier, 2021 would either have a very inconsistent or sparse schedule, much like this year ended up.

And revealing a character in June for a release in December seems quite unlikely to me, especially since you're then leaving the September Direct without a reveal.
I don't think she was always set to release in June, but it was likely that she was by the time E3 rolled around methinks, which would mean that there was probably not going to be a double reveal (or maybe even a single reveal) during it had we still had an E3 presentation.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Let me know how plausible this theory is:

Min Min was supposed to be revealed properly in March, but COVID-19 forced Nintendo to do that guessing game. And if that’s the case, maybe CP7 and CP8 were meant to be at E3.

This is purely a theory.
From what I can gather, she was intended for a Spring release (heh), but she got pushed back due to balancing and development issues. From that, I could actually see CP7 and CP8 being fairly big for E3, though who knows how much the schedules were moved around.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I don't think she was always set to release in June, but it was likely that she was by the time E3 rolled around methinks,
I don't understand, are you saying she wasn't set to release by June, but she happened to be ready around then so they just threw her out there?

There's no way a company like Nintendo would be that lackadaisical about their planning and scheduling... I mean in the March presentation they said the character was releasing in June.

which would mean that there was probably not going to be a double reveal (or maybe even a single reveal) during it had we still had an E3 presentation.
It's possible that there wasn't going to be a double reveal. Not a single reveal, though? I don't buy that.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Eh the longer we go without even seeing FP7 the more I might feel that MinMin was probably hypothetically meant to be the only "E3 reveal" at the time.

I don't really see why the next character would be this far off from E3 if they where meant to be revealed there initially, even with an ongoing pandemic.
Unless there are some huge delays going on, but I'd kind of expect Nintendo/Sakurai to let us know if the December 2021 deadline wasn't going to be met...

But that's probably just me..
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I give to you all, a hypothetical scenario.

A Smash trailer leaks, but not any footage of the fighter. Instead, to bring this conversation back up, the ending listing the copyrights is what leaks. This is what it contains:

Now, how do you react?
Never played Arcana Heart, but I guess Heart would be alright, even if her games haven't been ported to Switch, as far as I'm aware. Then again, she DID appear in BBTAG, so she should be fine.

EDIT: Nevermind, I thought you were talking about something else...
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
I give to you all, a hypothetical scenario.

A Smash trailer leaks, but not any footage of the fighter. Instead, to bring this conversation back up, the ending listing the copyrights is what leaks. This is what it contains:

Now, how do you react?

I unironically enjoy the Neptunia games so I would be very satiated
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I don't understand, are you saying she wasn't set to release by June, but she happened to be ready around then so they just threw her out there?

There's no way a company like Nintendo would be that lackadaisical about their planning and scheduling... I mean in the March presentation they said the character was releasing in June.
Of course not. I just think that the delay implies that Min Min released later than initially planned. It was definitely a planned release in June by the time that Nintendo Direct Mini was being put together.

It's possible that there wasn't going to be a double reveal. Not a single reveal, though? I don't buy that.
...yeah that's probably not right. The line of reasoning was that the trailer might not have been finished yet, but that seems kind of farfetch'd since the Sakurai Presents was probably filmed as early as May or something. Though their dates don't have to be related, it would mean they would be able to have the trailer out by E3, which is something they would want.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2015
Medford, Oregon
Well I certainly can't wait for the conspiracy theories that CP7 and CP8 actually swap places and that CP8 was this big E3 reveal in place of CP7 originally, but for some reason was swapped with CP8 for a reason that only makes sense to those that were irrationally disappointed by CP7. Only for said theory to be disproven once CP8 is revealed and it aint an E3 tier reveal.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Eh the longer we go without even seeing FP7 the more I might feel that MinMin was probably hypothetically meant to be the only "E3 reveal" at the time.

I don't really see why the next character would be this far off from E3 if they where meant to be revealed there initially, even with an ongoing pandemic. Unless there are some huge delays going on, but I'd kind of expect Nintendo/Sakurai to let us know if the December 2021 deadline wasn't going to be met...

But that's probably just me..
Well if the character was set to release this month, and they end up releasing next month, those aren't really huge delays.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
What would you guys say to an SSX Tricky stage? Something cool like Aloha Ice Jam or Tokyo Megaplex. You could be on a platform that follows the snowboarders down the course, sometimes getting close enough for them to interact with it and/or for you to hear their banter as they race. The platforms could even shift and change each leg of the track.
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