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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Do you guys think that we will get a Smash Direct this week about the upcoming tournament and perhaps that direct will reveal the next character or 2?

I could see 2 character reveals coming based on the long delay since the last reveal.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
A Minecraft character in Smash might be cool because I'd imagine their animation style would be unique like Mr. G&W.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Do you guys think that we will get a Smash Direct this week about the upcoming tournament and perhaps that direct will reveal the next character or 2?

I could see 2 character reveals coming based on the long delay since the last reveal.
If we're getting a Smash direct, its via an announcement for one and then a fighter reveal via a Sakurai Presents. Any tournament announcements will be done via Twitter.
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Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
If we're getting a Smash direct, its via an announcement for one and then a fighter reveal via a Sakurai Presents. Any tournament announcements will be done via Twitter.
So next week seems more likely?

I could see a double reveal with one character coming in October and the other in December/January time frame.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Huh... I thought it's under Platinum since Nintendo funded the second game. So, it's still under Sega, huh despite being Nintendo exclusive?
Sega owns the IP. Nintendo just has some rights to Bayonetta 2 and 3.


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
So next week seems more likely?

I could see a double reveal with one character coming in October and the other in December/January time frame.
At this point, it's pretty much impossible to predict when the next character will be revealed. It could be this week, next week, middle of October, beginning of November. Personally I agree with your time-frame, I think an October and January reveal make the most sense.

However, I think the next character is going to end up being a "lackluster" pick that the overall fanbase "didn't ask for" or "isn't popular" which might set some people off after waiting for so long if the character doesn't look fun enough to play as. You'll see the Reddit and 4chan posts "I cannot believe we waited 3 months only for 'x' to be revealed! I hate Nintendo! How dare they do this to us!"


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2020
I'm still incredibly hesitant about two more fighters being revealed before the end of the year. It makes little sense if the pass is until the end of 2021 and they've already revealed half of it. Then it'll just be fans complaining about how far the final three reveals of 2021 are being spaced out.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
At this point, it's pretty much impossible to predict when the next character will be revealed. It could be this week, next week, middle of October, beginning of November. Personally I agree with your time-frame, I think an October and January reveal make the most sense.

However, I think the next character is going to end up being a "lackluster" pick that the overall fanbase "didn't ask for" or "isn't popular" which might set some people off after waiting for so long if the character doesn't look fun enough to play as. You'll see the Reddit and 4chan posts "I cannot believe we waited 3 months only for 'x' to be revealed! I hate Nintendo! How dare they do this to us!"
I agree with your comments about a lackluster reveal. Most fans on here want big name 3rd party characters that are primarily popular in the West and not as popular in Japan. I am like that as well. Joker wasn't my cup of tea and seems like a waste of space vs. having Crash, Rayman, Ryu Hayabusa, or Doomguy. People, including me, forget Nintendo is a Japanese company that will primarily focus on what is popular in Japan.

You did misunderstand my post, I was stating reveal for next 2 characters next week (late Sept) with one actually hitting the game in October and the other in December.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I could imagine something close to this schedule for the rest of the Fighter's Pass (with most of the reveals for each occurring the month previous to their release:

October: Fighter 7
January: Fighter 8
April: Fighter 9
July: Fighter 10
October: Fighter 11
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
At this point, it's pretty much impossible to predict when the next character will be revealed. It could be this week, next week, middle of October, beginning of November. Personally I agree with your time-frame, I think an October and January reveal make the most sense.

However, I think the next character is going to end up being a "lackluster" pick that the overall fanbase "didn't ask for" or "isn't popular" which might set some people off after waiting for so long if the character doesn't look fun enough to play as. You'll see the Reddit and 4chan posts "I cannot believe we waited 3 months only for 'x' to be revealed! I hate Nintendo! How dare they do this to us!"
You act like this fandom cares about how newcomers play, and not just call every character they dislike a clone.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
OK, so I clicked on a quote and it brought me back to the page where I improperly gushed about War, which reminds that I need to do that now. First of all, he looks like dis:
He's one of the four horseman of the apocalypse, hence the horse. He has 3 main weapons (well technically 5, but it's just a worse version of one of them, and one's a better version of one of them and you get it so late in the game that I don't even have it yet and I'm really far into it):
  1. Chaoseater: War's personal weapon. It's a big 'ol sword, and his best combo tool to boot. Its got versatile ground combos, and he can launch opponents in the air for some cool air combos as well. I'd liken it to Link's launcher in Hyrule Warriors, but less clunky. He can even attack out of a dodge with it.
  2. The Harvester: The Harvester is a great money maker for War, as souls are the main currency. As the name implies, this is Death's Scythe, and it's really good giving you some breathing room with huge sweeping attacks. It's not nearly as versatile as the Chaoseater though.
  3. Tremor Gauntlet: The Tremor Gauntlet only has a one-two punch, and a charge attack, but it can stun lock certain enemies to death, and it tends to do a ton of damage.
Other four notable abilities from him are a sort of Glory Kill system, Wrath Abilities, Chaos Form and his horse of course.
  • Weak enemies and enemies with low health often get a button prompt to finish them off, giving you extra Souls, and when low on health, some health. In Smash, this could be translated as increased throw damage or K.O. power when throwing an opponent at 100+%.
  • War has access to various abilities that are stored in his Wrath meter, from powerful attacks like Blade Geyser, to defensive abilities like Stone Skin. They could use this as a sort of comeback mechanic, or just distribute them across his moveset.
  • His Chaos Form of a huge burning demon, and would 100% be his Final Smash. Lastly, his horse, Ruin, can be summoned whenever you want (so long as it's outdoors because they don't want you to have a horse in a dungeon I guess) and ride across the landscape.
  • While riding Ruin, you can still use Chaoseater, albeit with more limited strikes, and Mercy, which I'll get to later. In Super Smash Bros. Ruin could be a Side Special similar to Wario's Bike.
  • Oh, and he also has cool shadow wings that he can use to glide a bit, and ride updrafts.
So on top of all that, War gets a ton of items like in the Legend of Zelda series, and most of them are quite useful in combat.
  • Earthcaller: Your first item, and a pretty terrible one at that. It can be used to knock back enemies, but you don't get any followups or anything. It's just a get off me button, and there are way better later on.
  • Crossblade: A large cross shaped projectile that is basically the Boomerang from The Legend of Zelda if it were useful in combat. Here, it ricochets between enemies, and you can charge it up to have it spin in place on them, locking them in hitstun.
  • Mercy: It's a gun. You shoot people with it. And it's freaking awesome!
  • Abyssal Chain: Pretty much just the Hookshot. It can pull weaker enemies toward you, and you toward stronger ones. Not sure if I'd use it in his grab though. Perhaps as a tether recovery?
There are others, but they're not meant for combat.
I'm sure people are wondering how different he'd be from Dante due to his color scheme, choice of main weapon, and combos so here it is: Darksiders isn't a straight hack 'n slash, it's more like The Legend of Zelda, and Ōkami. In fact, it probably has more parallels to Ōkami then Devil May Cry. That wouldn't stop the comparisons mind you, but they certainly wouldn't play the same. In Super Smash Bros. I'd imagine he'd be kind of like a heavy, but with an actual combo game despite the fact that he is...not fast. Ruin would allow War to mix things up with some mobility, and there are a bunch of items that could be at his disposal that would help him stop opponents from zoning him out. His Wrath abilities would be great K.O. options as well, but you wouldn't be able to spam them.
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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
You act like this fandom cares about how newcomers play, and not just call every character they dislike a clone.
They use a sword?! And they're from a unique/popular game?! Of course! Just like all the other sword characters in Smash!! Can't wait to see that down special counter!


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
They use a sword?! And they're from a unique/popular game?! Of course! Just like all the other sword characters in Smash!! Can't wait to see that down special counter!
Honestly, SSBU's been really good with counters. The last counter we had was Joker, and that was locked behind Arsene. The other two original characters with counters were K. Rool and Incineroar, and they have their own little quirks that make them unique.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 17, 2011
However, I think the next character is going to end up being a "lackluster" pick that the overall fanbase "didn't ask for" or "isn't popular" which might set some people off after waiting for so long if the character doesn't look fun enough to play as. You'll see the Reddit and 4chan posts "I cannot believe we waited 3 months only for 'x' to be revealed! I hate Nintendo! How dare they do this to us!"
To add to this, too many fans seem convinced we're getting third party characters from here on out, despite the most recent trend being towards first party characters. I feel like too many people(I've spent time in the Papa Genos discord and have gotten turned off from there) don't actually play the game seriously, so they're only concerned with what game the character is from and not how they function and I think that is a mistake.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
Maybe we would speculate less if the online wasn't so bad. 😔
It's not that bad. You get used to it taking 2 seconds for the game to register your A press after a while, and the input buffer making you air dodge when you didn't want to is just a fun difficulty modifier. :4pacman:

Deleted member

I get pissed loads more from Quickplay than any dumb argument in here, so this works out for me.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Something tells me the next fighter may not be the super hype character everyone expects.

Call it pessimism, but I think Min Min was our only E3 reveal. I know the whole "multiple characters at E3 theory" is a thing, but it was more a lucky coincidence if anything.
I honestly wouldn't mind that, since I've personally always viewed the "2 characters per E3" thing as not exactly compatible with FP2 at large.

We're talking 6 characters spread over 2 years, which would mean at most 4 of them at the two E3s... yeah I'm not buying that because that'd be overcentralized. It would not be as much of a concern with base game or FP1 (1+1 Echo plus the veterans for the base game at E3, with 4 characters + 4 Echoes revealed elsewhere, and 2 / 5 at E3 for FP1, which was over 14 months).

Honestly, SSBU's been really good with counters. The last counter we had was Joker, and that was locked behind Arsene. The other two original characters with counters were K. Rool and Incineroar, and they have their own little quirks that make them unique.
Yeah - it isn't as bad as in Smash 4 where A) Counters were seemingly very prevalent, and B) Corrin's could one shot in certain situations (before being patched) and Bayo' Witch Time... hoo boy. The new h0t thing to talk / complain about is the "DLC t3ther". (Joker, Byleth, Min Min) or down airs being stall-and-falls (at least amongst the more competitively minded people).
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
To be honest, I’m not so sure that I would agree that suddenly 1st parties are likely because we got Byleth and Min Min, of all 1st party picks.

There’s so much more to the topic that individual characters might benefit from certain things, whiles others either don’t seem to fit the Fighter Pass model in the same way, 1st or 3rd party, or may not line up in the same way.

Would talk more but I’m about to teach!


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
On the topic of a reveal, I don't think it's happening this week. IMO, next week is the week, assuming Pokemon doesn't skip this week and then hog next week all to itself.

Which is entirely possible and I wouldn't rule it out, by the way. Pokemon, as much as I love it, isn't very kind when it comes to sharing the spotlight. :nifty:


Smash Ace
May 28, 2019
San Francisco
Honestly, this could be pretty fun. I've considered checking out Gravity Rush, but, y'know, no PlayStation. I'd imagine a lot of floating and mobility, perhaps with a strong grab game because of all the gravity frickery.
Yeah, she'd prib
It's not that bad. You get used to it taking 2 seconds for the game to register your A press after a while, and the input buffer making you air dodge when you didn't want to is just a fun difficulty modifier. :4pacman:
As a Sheik main, it's extra fun to play online. :4pacman:


No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
Some of you guys say next week we'll get news, but next week will roll around, and we'll say "okay it has to be next week then" and then that week will roll around, and...

we're stuck here forever, aren't we?


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Some of you guys say next week we'll get news, but next week will roll around, and we'll say "okay it has to be next week then" and then that week will roll around, and...

we're stuck here forever, aren't we?
insert appropriate Simpsons meme here

Yeah, if it's not this week, it's the next. Or the next. Or the next. Or the ne-


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Your reaction if this was Ultimate’s DLC lineup;

-Frank West & Piranha Plant (early purchase bonus for Smash Ultimate, made able to separately purchase upon release date)

Vol. 1
-Joker (Pack 1)
-Hero (Pack 2)
-Banjo-Kazooie (Pack 3)
-Euden (Pack 4)
-Terry Bogard (Pack 5)

-Byleth (early purchase bonus for Vol. 2, made able to separately purchase upon release date)

Vol. 2
-Min Min and Echo Fighter Ninjara (Pack 6)
-Sora (Pack 7)
-Crash Bandicoot (Pack 8)
-Scorbunny (Pack 9)
-Sakura Shinguji and Echo Fighter Sakura Amamiya (Pack 10)
-Bandana Dee and bonus fighter King Boo (Pack 11)


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Some of you guys say next week we'll get news, but next week will roll around, and we'll say "okay it has to be next week then" and then that week will roll around, and...

we're stuck here forever, aren't we?
You just realized that? It's a never-ending loop of shooting down unlikely characters, repeating the same tired arguments, complaining about a lack of new characters, suggesting new characters, ignoring the aforementioned new characters, bringing up and arguing about Geno, complaining about the arguing about Geno, then arguing about Geno again not even a week after, because neither side can accept that they did something wrong and attempt to rectify their mistakes, meaning it will continue until Nintendo says "YES" or "NO" right to our faces.

Home sweet home, amirite? :4pacman:



Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Your reaction if this was Ultimate’s DLC lineup;

-Frank West & Piranha Plant (early purchase bonus for Smash Ultimate, made able to separately purchase upon release date)

Vol. 1
-Joker (Pack 1)
-Hero (Pack 2)
-Banjo-Kazooie (Pack 3)
-Euden (Pack 4)
-Terry Bogard (Pack 5)

-Byleth (early purchase bonus for Vol. 2, made able to separately purchase upon release date)

Vol. 2
-Min Min and Echo Fighter Ninjara (Pack 6)
-Sora (Pack 7)
-Crash Bandicoot (Pack 8)
-Scorbunny (Pack 9)
-Sakura Shinguji and Echo Fighter Sakura Amamiya (Pack 10)
-Bandana Dee and bonus fighter King Boo (Pack 11)
I feel like it's a little too... Predictable, y'know? The only real surprise characters are Sakura and Euden, and everything else is what we've been going over consistently. I prefer to have surprises, something that takes everyone off-guard. I don't see why we'd need to have two preorder bonuses, or why we'd need to cram Bandana Dee and King Boo into the same spot. Byleth's also got a fair bit to come with them that a solo fighter couldn't bring (Music, Spirits, stage, have I mentioned the music?), and shunting them into the bonus spot is kinda selling them short.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
A little off-topic but which Smash sequel has the strongest set of first three initial newcomers in your opinion?
Ridley was an amazing addition, but I can't help but say Smash 4's because of all the fanart surrounding that trio.
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Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Your reaction if this was Ultimate’s DLC lineup;

-Frank West & Piranha Plant (early purchase bonus for Smash Ultimate, made able to separately purchase upon release date)

Vol. 1
-Joker (Pack 1)
-Hero (Pack 2)
-Banjo-Kazooie (Pack 3)
-Euden (Pack 4)
-Terry Bogard (Pack 5)

-Byleth (early purchase bonus for Vol. 2, made able to separately purchase upon release date)

Vol. 2
-Min Min and Echo Fighter Ninjara (Pack 6)
-Sora (Pack 7)
-Crash Bandicoot (Pack 8)
-Scorbunny (Pack 9)
-Sakura Shinguji and Echo Fighter Sakura Amamiya (Pack 10)
-Bandana Dee and bonus fighter King Boo (Pack 11)
Why would Frank be a separate character? A Dead Rising Stage could be fun & the series has some good music!
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