So, I have been thinking, since we are talking about Geno again, that in terms of those who played it, while Mario RPG was a great game, it certainly did not have high sales like other Mario games such as Super Mario 64, Galaxy and Odyssey, which I believe sold more than Super Mario RPG. Super Mario RPG was not even initially released in Europe. I am not even sure on Wii Console sales where it appeared, or how many people actually played the game on the SNES Classic. That said, I think some people who found out about Geno online rather than his game may not have a true connection to him. Heck! I can even say I remember people saying Geno was not too useful in the later parts of the game, or not as used. Then, of course, there are those who found out about Geno online, but still don't care about him, probably because they have not even played Mario RPG and have no connection to him at all. Connections aside, I don't think the Geno fanbase, including those who are connected to him but did not play Super Mario RPG, is that big. Not to mention, the list of evidence that was posted a page or more back for Geno possibly getting in is mostly circumstantial.
Still, we shouldn't get on the case of Geno fans for wanting Geno in Smash Bros. Ultimate. Those guys are no different as people like we are, and it does not matter what reasons are against Geno or how you guys may feel about him. Geno fans deserve to be treated as well as any other person out there. You may feel free to disagree, but that doesn't mean they should be criticized, bullied or picked on or whatever for what they believe. We are all Smash fans in the end, and I am sure some of you were picked on for wanting a certain character in a Smash game before, so you should know how they feel when they are not treated well for wanting a character like Geno in a Smash game.