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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
While I think it's premature to declare the "Cacomallow" leak dead, it's likely fake as we never got a direct confirmation on whether it is real or not.
Some of Cacomallow's strongest arguments have been destroyed, but the leak itself hasn't been deconfirmed.
The fact that Nintendo never took down the "leak" after all this time really hurts its chances of being real.
Again, "Cacomallow" is LIKELY fake, but it is premature to say so.
I could claim Bubsy is the next fighter right now and no one would be able to disprove it for certain, but the evidence would be so weak that we may as well consider it "dead".

That's how I see Cacamallow. Even without hard proof of it being fake, there's too much stacked against it at this point for us to have any reason to give it any benefit of the doubt. Not unless your a Doomguy or Geno fan willing to grasp at any straw handed your way, as Snash fans tend to.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I think the question is why would Gamespot have E3 news when Nintendo officially pulled out in like, the first week of March.

As for the Insiders, Imran teased Min Min only a day before she dropped, and others on ResetEra said they only got their press kit info like, a day/a few hours before she came out. Even Shinobi's Banjo leak was only a couple days before she dropped. I find it very, VERY hard to believe that they've been sitting on Geno all this time and NO ONE's slipped up or been seeking extreme clout.

And as for the Legacy XP thing... people always point to Geno, and always seem to ignore that the game has SEVEN/EIGHT characters not in Brawl but they ARE in Ultimate, not including Geno:

Young Link
OoT Ganondorf(A bit of a stretch on this one)

and, I dunno.....

****ing Ridley?

But no, it's 100% Geno and not these 7(8) characters that are big selling points for Ultimate, between EVERYONE IS HERE and "****ING RIDLEY".
Doesn't XP have Waluigi, Metal Sonic, and Shadow too? Why aren't they talked about as well?
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Sep 26, 2013
Doesn't XP have Waluigi, Metal Sonic, and Shadow too? Why aren't they talked about as well?
Truth be told?

Like, you want the honest to god truth?

Because they're not Geno.

No shade at all to Geno fans on this one, but I don't see the Legacy XP takedown mentioned at all in any of these other fanbases, it's pretty exclusively used by the Geno fanbase as "Evidence" despite... ya know, there's a LOT of reasons it could be.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
So it was referring to Mario 3D Collection, but the translation was slightly inaccurate from Nintendo Everything.
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Sep 26, 2013
Welp, Nintendo Everything is responsible for another mistranslation.
I ****ing called it'd be the 3D collection, rofl.

It was either that or MonHun.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
More first parties seem like a pretty safe bet. As for who, that's tough to say outside of rehashed Pokemon discussions or looking back to Rex. I would say Ring Fit Adventure was a likely addition, but that unfortunately was Spirited away, so outside of a few options, there's not that many immediate stand outs. I think a Nintendo newcomer will probably be the one that will really catch us off guard in the end.

This is all, of course, ignoring the inevitability that is Gooigi. :nifty:
I agree that we will probably get a new first party rep but I am having trouble thinking of someone, A pokemon is likely I like most of the gen 8 pokemon So I would be happy but assuming it won't be: I want Rex but IDK I don't think he will be getting in even though there is very little stopping him, Lora would be cool but very unlikely, Elma would be perfect but unless we get Xenoblade X 2 or a port I don't see it happening yet, And Melia Would also be great that is another one that has very little stopping her but I'm not sure if Nintendo would ask specifcally for Melia. Aside from those 2 IP's there are not very many Nintendo games that I think have a chance. I don't think a Mario character has a very good chance due to the lack of information given at the 35th anniversary (Or Gooigi is too powerful), Astral Chain and Ring Fit got spirited, There are no Zelda characters that I could see being added in the foreseeable future unless they do an echo pass. Kirby ehhh this is another one I can't see without some promotional game, Unless Nintendo gets really wacky the only first Parties that I can see ATM is Xenoblade or Pokemon maaaybee Tokyo Mirage Sessions but I think the IP is owned by Atlus so it technically doesn't count
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Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2019
Yeah, I think that's the reason Geno's so divisive around here. What's brought up as "evidence" for him isn't something clearly in his favor like a new game or whatnot, it's always ambiguous leaks and drawing conclusions. Heck, even if CacoMallow is real, it might not even lead to him at all; It could easily just be Doomguy. Even if it's not Doomguy, it could still just have a Geno costume sitting in the corner. Two costumes isn't enough to constitute an entire wave. Some of his supporters jump on anything that could vaguely relate to Geno, and that's why he's such a controversial subject here on SmashBoards.
What about this scenario: CacoMallow is real, but there's nothing further related to those properties getting in. We get a Mallow costume, but Geno never returns as either a costume or a fighter, and Doomguy also remains absent in the same way we get Rabbids but not Rayman.

Truth be told?

Like, you want the honest to god truth?

Because they're not Geno.

No shade at all to Geno fans on this one, but I don't see the Legacy XP takedown mentioned at all in any of these other fanbases, it's pretty exclusively used by the Geno fanbase as "Evidence" despite... ya know, there's a LOT of reasons it could be.
I've actually seen people say the takedown is evidence that BOTH Waluigi and Geno are getting in, the former as a pseduo-echo bonus character and the latter as a fully realized one.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I agree that we will probably get a new first party rep but I am having trouble thinking of someone, A pokemon is likely I like most of the gen 8 pokemon So I would be happy but assuming it won't be: I want Rex but IDK I don't think he will be getting in even though there is very little stopping him, Lora would be cool but very unlikely, Elma would be perfect but unless we get Xenoblade X 2 or a port I don't see it happening yet, And Melia Would also be great that is another one that has very little stopping her but I'm not sure if Nintendo would ask specifcally for Melia. Aside from those 2 IP's there are not very many Nintendo games that I think have a chance. I don't think a Mario character has a very good chance due to the lack of information given at the 35th anniversary (Or Gooigi is too powerful), Astral Chain and Ring Fit got spirited, There are no Zelda characters that I could see being added in the foreseeable future unless they do an echo pass. Unless Nintendo gets really wacky the only first Parties that I can see ATM is Xenoblade or Pokemon maaaybee Tokyo Mirage Sessions but I think the IP is owned by Atlus so it technically doesn't count
Fiora, who has had crossover appearances before: "Am I a joke to you?"


Smash Apprentice
Apr 30, 2020
What do you guys think of the chances of each companies's chances of getting a fighter? Iirc, the contestants (when excluding indie companies) are:
  • Nintendo
  • Capcom
  • Bandai-Namco
  • Sega
  • Blizzard
  • Bethesda
  • ArcSystem Works
  • Level 5
  • Ubisoft
  • Koei Techmo
  • Disney
  • Microsoft
  • Sony
Child companies's IPs are also up for consideration via their parent company...Hopefully I didn't list any child companies given that convention. Let me know if I forgot a reasonable contender that is not a child of any of these companies.

EDIT: Forgot Microsoft and Sony. lol
  • Nintendo: Pretty high, since they are the wild card and the one to choose the fighter's franchise, so anything can happen.
  • Capcom: Don't know, I see most of their fighter(s) coming over to Dragalia Lost or other games before Smash. Though Capcom and along with Konami is known to be pretty lax when it comes to crossover, but it could be something small like a Mii costume(s) or spirit(s) than a fighter.
  • Bandai-Namco: Have only one fighter which is disappointing and maybe this Fighter Pass 2 will continue this thread.
  • Sega and Square Enix: If the fighter comes from a Sega or Square Enix RPG series than I will rate them pretty likely.
  • Arc System Works: If sword or blade-like fighters are off the table, then no chance i guess.
  • Level 5: Slim, I think a Mii costume or spirit works way too well.
  • Koei Temco: If Nintendo has a interest in a Ninja, Samurai, War Lord, Martial Artist, Photographer, or Alchemist character, then yes.
  • Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Disney, Microsoft, and Sony are pretty low or nonexistence.

Other companies:
Marvelous: Story of Seasons, Senran Kagura, and Rune Factory.
GungHo Online: Puzzle & Dragons, Grandia, and No More Heroes
Natsume: Pocky & Rocky, Wild Arms and Harvest Moon. Recently their games have been showing up on the NES/SNES online update.
Cygame: Most likely Dragalia Lost. Though there are Shadowverse and Granblue.
Kadokawa Games: They own FromSortware and Spike Chunsoft.
Imagineer: Medabot and Fitness Boxing.
AKIRA: Fighting EX Layer. They did help with developing Tetris 99, and now recently, they are working on Super Mario 35.


Sep 26, 2013
What about this scenario: CacoMallow is real, but there's nothing further related to those properties getting in. We get a Mallow costume, but Geno never returns as either a costume or a fighter, and Doomguy also remains absent in the same way we get Rabbids but not Rayman.

I've actually seen people say the takedown is evidence that BOTH Waluigi and Geno are getting in, the former as a pseduo-echo bonus character and the latter as a fully realized one.
If Cacomallow was real, Nintendo's bots would have struck it down the minute it was uploaded for copyright infringement, and yes, this is an automated process. They're not done by humans, so there's no tinfoil hat conspiracy that they didn't do it to avoid suspicion.

As for the 2nd.... stop, just stop it. Don't listen to that guy, the guy who's sheaparding a blind flock.

I'd love Geno to get in(So people can talk about something else), but I just don't see any credible evidence.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Fiora, who has had crossover appearances before: "Am I a joke to you?"

To sum up my thoughts on Fiora, They are like Melia I don't know if Nintendo would want someone from Xenoblade 1 and I think she has less of a chance than Melia because of superficial promotional reasons but I do think that she has a decent chance. SPOILER TERRITORY I know that Sakurai has already spoiled the whole Mecha Fiora thing but he might be hesitant to put a spotlight onto it but that is just a theory with no weight to it I'm just spitballing
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC

To sum up my thoughts on Fiora, That is like Melia I don't know if Nintendo would want someone from Xenoblade 1 and I think she has less of a chance than Melia because of superficial promotional reasons but I do think that she has a decent chance. SPOILER TERRITORY I know that Sakurai has already spoiled the whole Mecha Fiora thing but he might be hesitant to put a spotlight onto it but that is just a theory with no weight to it I'm just spitballing
she also appeared in PXZ2 alongside Chrom, Lucina and various Nintendo NPCs. in all her spoilery glory like they didn't give a crap lmao
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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Bold of you to assume that Simea from Crystalis won't come out of nowhere and take us by surprise.

View attachment 286153
8 Bit rendition of "You'll never see it coming!" plays.

Truth be told?

Like, you want the honest to god truth?

Because they're not Geno.

No shade at all to Geno fans on this one, but I don't see the Legacy XP takedown mentioned at all in any of these other fanbases, it's pretty exclusively used by the Geno fanbase as "Evidence" despite... ya know, there's a LOT of reasons it could be.
Oh, and also, Mage Ganondorf is in XP.

Doesn't XP have Waluigi, Metal Sonic, and Shadow too? Why aren't they talked about as well?
There's another aspect that's not talked about. Legacy TE, which to quote SSBWiki:

Legacy TE is a tourney-viable modification of Project M 3.6 that aims to add new content while also keeping core, fundamental gameplay unmodified. It features a variety of tourney-safe alternative stage skins, costumes, and quality of life features. This includes shortcuts to edit a players' controls without leaving the character selection screen, an improvement to character files to reduce crashing likelihood, and an improved menu interface. A debug menu made for the mod allows players to train their skills for professional tournaments. For example, there is an option to show DI lines that show how directional influence affects where an attack sends an opponent, with a clearly defined end point that either aims to the ground or stops in the air. A variety of tools and resources have also been made for the mod, allowing tournament organizers to easily customize their builds, including changing the stagelist, replacing costumes, or editing brand assets on menus. Legacy TE has received worldwide adoption and is generally considered the go-to edition of Project M by tournament players. Version 2.11 was released in January 2019. Version 2.5 was released on August 26, 2019, and features 15 costumes per character, stage alt toggle options in the code menu, and many other features. On March 13th, 2020 the Legacy Team announced that development of Legacy TE had concluded and that Version 2.5 was the final release.
...Ended development on the same day as Legacy XP because the Legacy team was responsible for both mods.

Nintendo has a long history of opposing mods period - if I had to hazard a guess it stems from Nintendo at large viewing their games and hardware as "their own property / toys". The hardware is especially important in this context, quoting SSBWiki again:

While derivative works are not inherently breaches of any law or rule, the patch files for the mod include various copyrighted assets not present on the original disc, such as the Fountain of Dreams stage. In addition, the act of launching PM relies on circumventing some protection on the console, thereby breaking the console's end-user license agreement and warranty. Likely as a result, Project M has not been featured at any tournaments sponsored by Nintendo, as doing so would essentially be sponsoring hacking their own consoles and misappropriating their assets and characters.
I heavily suspect that the hardware's one of the main reasons why Nintendo's so heavily anti-mods / emulation. While the response is incredibly hamfisted, it's also one out of severe PR paranoia. Nintendo's head honchos and lawyers don't want to see the Switch or any other console hacked or homebrewed on a major scale and become an indirect haven for many unapproved M or (especially not) X-rated games. Those in turn could severely damage Nintendo's PR image.

To go back to Legacy TE / XP, Nintendo's indirect stance is probably a major reason those two projects shut down, regardless of whether Waluigi / Geno / whoever else was planned for FP2.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
So it was referring to Mario 3D Collection, but the translation was slightly inaccurate from Nintendo Everything.

obligated text here


Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2020
you'll never know
Saw people talking about cacomallow here so here's my thoughts on it
I think it is possible cacomallow could be real albeit not entirely likely. I say this because there's just so many strange things about it. For one, we haven't seen a leak like it since. Wouldn't you think that other people would try to make leaks similar to cacomallow after seeing how much attention it got? I think other people just weren't able to make anything on the same level as cacomallow. This is evidenced by looking at the smash modding scene at the time. Not a single mii costume mod even remotely comparable to the quality of the cacomallow leak. Hell, any mii mods at the time couldn't even get the UI for the costumes functioning properly yet we see in the cacomallow leak that the mii hats have proper UI.
There still hasn't been a mii mod on the same level of cacomallow. Ultimate modding was plagued by file limitations for the longest time, any mod replacing something couldn't be a larger filesize than the thing it's replacing. Only recently did modders figure out how to not have this limitation.

The argument in favor of cacomallow is understandable, nobody has any real clue how it could've been faked. While it does seem weird that mii costumes would leak so far in advance, I think it's possible Nintendo actually has a bunch of mii costumes prepared at all times then just releases them with whoever. They're probably still sitting on certain Sm4sh costumes that haven't returned yet, saving them for when it'd make the most sense to release them.
Now, if cacomallow is real then that does not guarantee Geno and Doomguy to be fighters. Both could easily end up as mii costumes as well.

Deleted member

Doesn't XP have Waluigi, Metal Sonic, and Shadow too? Why aren't they talked about as well?
From what I've seen the Geno sub community is really the only community that really uses it as "evidence" to support their character. Nintendo is notorious for sending their ninjas to assistante any mod in sight so a custom smash roster going down doesn't really mean much in the big picture. Now there are a few odd things about how Legacy XP got shut down that feels a bit odd(the legacy Xp team didn't say anything directly saying that Nintendo was the one who shut em down, nor did Nintendo say anything, but in Nintendo's case I think it's reasonable to assume they wouldn't care about making a statement like that) but I feel most people take it way out of proportion, especially when Legacy Xp was undoubtedly not the only nuked mod in the same general timeframe.
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Sep 26, 2013
Saw people talking about cacomallow here so here's my thoughts on it
I think it is possible cacomallow could be real albeit not entirely likely. I say this because there's just so many strange things about it. For one, we haven't seen a leak like it since. Wouldn't you think that other people would try to make leaks similar to cacomallow after seeing how much attention it got? I think other people just weren't able to make anything on the same level as cacomallow. This is evidenced by looking at the smash modding scene at the time. Not a single mii costume mod even remotely comparable to the quality of the cacomallow leak. Hell, any mii mods at the time couldn't even get the UI for the costumes functioning properly yet we see in the cacomallow leak that the mii hats have proper UI.
There still hasn't been a mii mod on the same level of cacomallow. Ultimate modding was plagued by file limitations for the longest time, any mod replacing something couldn't be a larger filesize than the thing it's replacing. Only recently did modders figure out how to not have this limitation.

The argument in favor of cacomallow is understandable, nobody has any real clue how it could've been faked. While it does seem weird that mii costumes would leak so far in advance, I think it's possible Nintendo actually has a bunch of mii costumes prepared at all times then just releases them with whoever. They're probably still sitting on certain Sm4sh costumes that haven't returned yet, saving them for when it'd make the most sense to release them.
Now, if cacomallow is real then that does not guarantee Geno and Doomguy to be fighters. Both could easily end up as mii costumes as well.
Except in like 24-48 hours, people made Mii Hats comparable to the Cacomallow leak.

People kept saying how "Impossible!" it was, but then they did it, and it wasn't even as hard as people made it out to be.

Like, when it first dropped, a BIG thing going for it was "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO DO THIS!"

Except, no, it was very possible and people made Mii Hats just to mock the leak less than 24 hours afterwards.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2019
If Cacomallow was real, Nintendo's bots would have struck it down the minute it was uploaded for copyright infringement, and yes, this is an automated process. They're not done by humans, so there's no tinfoil hat conspiracy that they didn't do it to avoid suspicion.

As for the 2nd.... stop, just stop it. Don't listen to that guy, the guy who's sheaparding a blind flock.

I'd love Geno to get in(So people can talk about something else), but I just don't see any credible evidence.
I wasn't being serious with that first part. I just think it'd be hilarious.

But yeah, there's a reason I have that thread blocked. Unfortunately, the idea of Geno is in while Waluigi is a bonus (and both getting revaled during CP7) has spread beyond just that thread. We really need closure soon because I'm tired of that insanity leaking out elsewhere.


Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2020
you'll never know
Except in like 24-48 hours, people made Mii Hats comparable to the Cacomallow leak.

People kept saying how "Impossible!" it was, but then they did it, and it wasn't even as hard as people made it out to be.

Like, when it first dropped, a BIG thing going for it was "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO DO THIS!"

Except, no, it was very possible and people made Mii Hats just to mock the leak less than 24 hours afterwards.
Examples of these mii hats? The most I'd seen around that time was an attempt to recreate the Mallow mii hat seen in the leak but textures were low quality and it lacked UI as well as the slight jiggle the mii hat in the mod had. Looking through gamebanana.com which seems to be the hub for most Ultimate mods, the highest quality mii costume mods came months following cacomallow and one was a port of a Sm4sh costume and the other was a Steve costume which would be simple enough to work with under the filesize limitation as he's not very high-poly to say the least lmao.


Sep 26, 2013
Examples of these mii hats? The most I'd seen around that time was an attempt to recreate the Mallow mii hat seen in the leak but textures were low quality and it lacked UI as well as the slight jiggle the mii hat in the mod had. Looking through gamebanana.com which seems to be the hub for most Ultimate mods, the highest quality mii costume mods came months following cacomallow and one was a port of a Sm4sh costume and the other was a Steve costume which would be simple enough to work with under the filesize limitation as he's not very high-poly to say the least lmao.
I mean, I'm not going to go dig through Twitter posts a year ago, but if you're saying "Well the textures were different!"... yeah, no **** lol. Someone made their own Mii costume in less then 24 hours. If you gave them enough time, they could very easily probably make exact replicas, the only reason they didn't was they just wanted to prove it wasn't as impossible as others were claiming.

As for examples, well, if you think custom UI elements are a big deal, then I have bad news for ya:

This was made right during the height of the Cacomallow leak, notice the custom UI

And here's Mugman. Notice, he has a custom UI.

Like, if Cacomallow's only excuse is "Well, no one made the EXACT model".... did you seriously expect them to when they were rushing to make these to prove a point? Give them 24 hours and they absolutely could, but at the same time, does anyone seriously care? The point is that making Mii hats was more than doable, and not this crazily insane impossibility like soo many thought.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2020
you'll never know
I mean, I'm not going to go dig through Twitter posts a year ago, but if you're saying "Well the textures were different!"... yeah, no **** lol. Someone made their own Mii costume in less then 24 hours. If you gave them enough time, they could very easily probably make exact replicas, the only reason they didn't was they just wanted to prove it wasn't as impossible as others were claiming.

As for examples, well, if you think custom UI elements are a big deal, then I have bad news for ya:

This was made right during the height of the Cacomallow leak, notice the custom UI

And here's Mugman. Notice, he has a custom UI.

Like, if Cacomallow's only excuse is "Well, no one made the EXACT model".... did you seriously expect them to when they were rushing to make these to prove a point? Give them 24 hours and they absolutely could, but at the same time, does anyone seriously care? The point is that making Mii hats was more than doable, and not this crazily insane impossibility like soo many thought.
Ah I stand corrected on the UI thing, most mii mods I'd seen didn't have functioning UI.
However, the Mallow hat there looks considerably worse than the Mallow hat seen in cacomallow. iirc This hat was actually ported from a Sm4sh mod. You provide the argument that if someone had enough time then they could easily make something with the same quality as cacomallow but that has yet to be proven. Like I said earlier, you'd think that someone would try to make a mii hat on the same level as cacomallow by now whether that'd be for a mod they could share with everyone or for their own cacomallow-inspired leak yet nobody has.
Making mii hats is more than doable, I never said they aren't. What doesn't seem to be easily doable is a mii hat of the same quality seen in cacomallow. Well actually, now I guess it could be easily doable due to filesize limitations being removed from the equation but that only happened like a month ago.
I am just saying I find it odd how it's nearly been a year since the leak yet the closest thing we've gotten to a replication of it is that Mallow mii hat you posted which looks considerably worse.


Sep 26, 2013
Ah I stand corrected on the UI thing, most mii mods I'd seen didn't have functioning UI.
However, the Mallow hat there looks considerably worse than the Mallow hat seen in cacomallow. iirc This hat was actually ported from a Sm4sh mod. You provide the argument that if someone had enough time then they could easily make something with the same quality as cacomallow but that has yet to be proven. Like I said earlier, you'd think that someone would try to make a mii hat on the same level as cacomallow by now whether that'd be for a mod they could share with everyone or for their own cacomallow-inspired leak yet nobody has.
Making mii hats is more than doable, I never said they aren't. What doesn't seem to be easily doable is a mii hat of the same quality seen in cacomallow. Well actually, now I guess it could be easily doable due to filesize limitations being removed from the equation but that only happened like a month ago.
I am just saying I find it odd how it's nearly been a year since the leak yet the closest thing we've gotten to a replication of it is that Mallow mii hat you posted which looks considerably worse.
Yes, we know, the OP of that video even said so. The point of the video was to prove that it was doable and nothing more. The textures don't matter when the entire point of the video was to silence the thought that "SMASH ULTIMATE MII HACKING IS IMPOSSIBLE!" which was rampant at the time.

If the only argument for Cacomallow's life support is "Well, no one's made an exact replica", I have to counter and as "Does anyone care to?"

Mii hat modding is already an absurdly small scene as is, and the point wasn't if there was a match, but if it was possible, which, yes, it is.

How long will people keep this leak alive in the hopes that it bears fruit? We're almost an entire year since it happened and people still cling to it. Pardon my skepticism but if it misses not one, not two, not three, but FOUR reveals come the next character, it's going to get harder and harder to take this seriously as anything but a joke.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Ah I stand corrected on the UI thing, most mii mods I'd seen didn't have functioning UI.
However, the Mallow hat there looks considerably worse than the Mallow hat seen in cacomallow. iirc This hat was actually ported from a Sm4sh mod. You provide the argument that if someone had enough time then they could easily make something with the same quality as cacomallow but that has yet to be proven. Like I said earlier, you'd think that someone would try to make a mii hat on the same level as cacomallow by now whether that'd be for a mod they could share with everyone or for their own cacomallow-inspired leak yet nobody has.
Making mii hats is more than doable, I never said they aren't. What doesn't seem to be easily doable is a mii hat of the same quality seen in cacomallow. Well actually, now I guess it could be easily doable due to filesize limitations being removed from the equation but that only happened like a month ago.
I am just saying I find it odd how it's nearly been a year since the leak yet the closest thing we've gotten to a replication of it is that Mallow mii hat you posted which looks considerably worse.
Tbf, I mean no one would be able to replicate the exact model 1-1, not even Sakurai's dev team would be able to.

Its kind of like asking an artist to draw an exact replica of a certain drawing, its not going to be a complete 1-1 match...
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
If the only argument for Cacomallow's life support is "Well, no one's made an exact replica", I have to counter and as "Does anyone care to?"
Pokémon fans: "They might not be the same models." "They're the same models, you cannot recreate a model so exactly."
Smash fans: "But nobody has made a 1-1 recreation yet!"



Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2020
you'll never know
Yes, we know, the OP of that video even said so. The point of the video was to prove that it was doable and nothing more. The textures don't matter when the entire point of the video was to silence the thought that "SMASH ULTIMATE MII HACKING IS IMPOSSIBLE!" which was rampant at the time.

If the only argument for Cacomallow's life support is "Well, no one's made an exact replica", I have to counter and as "Does anyone care to?"

Mii hat modding is already an absurdly small scene as is, and the point wasn't if there was a match, but if it was possible, which, yes, it is.

How long will people keep this leak alive in the hopes that it bears fruit? We're almost an entire year since it happened and people still cling to it. Pardon my skepticism but if it misses not one, not two, not three, but FOUR reveals come the next character, it's going to get harder and harder to take this seriously as anything but a joke.
Tbf, I mean no one would be able to replicate the exact model 1:1, not even Sakurai's dev team could.

Its kind of like asking an artist to draw an exact replica of a certain drawing, its not going to be a complete 1:1 match, no matter how talented they are...
I'm not looking for a 1:1 replica, I'm looking for something of comparable quality. Yes nobody can perfectly replicate but it should be possible that someone can create something with similar quality, right?
While mii hat modding is a small scene, if it's so easy to make a mii mod on the level of cacomallow then I find it odd cacomallow is the only instance of it. As I've said previously, wouldn't you think other people would try to make fake leaks using mii hat mods to gain attention? It's just extremely odd that the cacomallow leaker would be the only person to try and make high quality mii hat mods.
And ultimately, that's my point. My point is that cacomallow is extremely odd. I'm not saying it's real because I can definitely see it being fake. I am just saying that it's too odd for me to to dismiss it entirely.


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Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
If either of the Mii costumes were real we would’ve seen them by now. I see no reason as to why someone would have been able to get video of them nearly a year ago, specifically only the Mii’s, and then not be released yet. Doesn’t make sense. This leak was meant to imply that Geno and Doom Slayer were going to be the next two and we’ve gotten Min Min and Byleth since then if I’m not mistaken.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm not looking for a 1:1 replica, I'm looking for something of comparable quality. Yes nobody can perfectly replicate but it should be possible that someone can create something with similar quality, right?
While mii hat modding is a small scene, if it's so easy to make a mii mod on the level of cacomallow then I find it odd cacomallow is the only instance of it. As I've said previously, wouldn't you think other people would try to make fake leaks using mii hat mods to gain attention? It's just extremely odd that the cacomallow leaker would be the only person to try and make high quality mii hat mods.
And ultimately, that's my point. My point is that cacomallow is extremely odd. I'm not saying it's real because I can definitely see it being fake. I am just saying that it's too odd for me to to dismiss it entirely.
I mean, define quality cause like

This is quality.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2015
Medford, Oregon
I think the question is why would Gamespot have E3 news when Nintendo officially pulled out in like, the first week of March.

As for the Insiders, Imran teased Min Min only a day before she dropped, and others on ResetEra said they only got their press kit info like, a day/a few hours before she came out. Even Shinobi's Banjo leak was only a couple days before she dropped. I find it very, VERY hard to believe that they've been sitting on Geno all this time and NO ONE's slipped up or been seeking extreme clout.

And as for the Legacy XP thing... people always point to Geno, and always seem to ignore that the game has SEVEN/EIGHT characters not in Brawl but they ARE in Ultimate, not including Geno:

Young Link
OoT Ganondorf(A bit of a stretch on this one)

and, I dunno.....

****ing Ridley?

But no, it's 100% Geno and not these 7(8) characters that are big selling points for Ultimate, between EVERYONE IS HERE and "****ING RIDLEY".
Also with the Legacy XP debacle, its a fangame Nintendo took down. They do it all the time and stuff like AM2R and Metroid Samus Returns being developed at the same time is just a coincidence. Even if Samus Returns didn't exist, Nintendo would still likely take it down since they have taken down plenty of fan projects that never overlapped with anything in active development. Hell there are rumors they were behind the sudden shut down of the original Project M. Not to mention, Legacy PM is already by default competing with Smash Ulimate, if anything that give Nintendo greater reason by default outside of sharing a character, Nintendo has shown no interest in.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
I could claim Bubsy is the next fighter right now and no one would be able to disprove it for certain, but the evidence would be so weak that we may as well consider it "dead".

That's how I see Cacamallow. Even without hard proof of it being fake, there's too much stacked against it at this point for us to have any reason to give it any benefit of the doubt. Not unless your a Doomguy or Geno fan willing to grasp at any straw handed your way, as Snash fans tend to.
Just because I think it's premature to call it dead, that doesn't mean I think Cacomallow is real is real.
I believed the leak could have been real but now that a year has passed, I'm on team fake at point.


Sep 26, 2013
I already mentioned the Steve mii costume and I already explained why it worked. Steve is very low-poly and simple meaning he could easily fit under the filesize limitation that had been plaguing Ultimate modders at that time.
But at the same time, why does any of this matter.

Mallow is 2 colors, cream white and pink, and its eyes are textures, and its made of very simple shapes.

This keeps estoy loopin' back to the point that no one's made a hat like it, and I frankly don't see why that matters in the end.


Smash Cadet
Sep 18, 2020
you'll never know
But at the same time, why does any of this matter.

Mallow is 2 colors, cream white and pink, and its eyes are textures, and its made of very simple shapes.

This keeps estoy loopin' back to the point that no one's made a hat like it, and I frankly don't see why that matters in the end.
But that Mallow hat alone is probably higher-poly than the entire Steve mii costume you just showed me, that's the point I'm making here. Point me towards a mii hat mod that's as high-poly and quality as the Mallow hat.
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