Alright, good ole fashion question time!
What is your “most” most wanted character in Smash Bros? Like... the one character, that above all else, you want in the game more than any other.
For me personally, While Young Wizard from Wizard101 is high up there in terms of my wants list(well really it’s the only reasonable one outta the bunch) I would be estactic if literally anything Bushiroad got in(I imagine a Bushiroad character would be Blaster Blade or Chronojet Dragon)
Like, a card game character has always been pretty high on my wants, but I really feel that a Bushi character would be way more interesting than just simply slapping an MtG planeswalker or Dark Magician into the game and calling it a day. Like... you have your generic sword boys... but with lazer swords(The Blasters) Fiery apoloyptic dragons(Overlord and all his various evolutions and possible future forms) but then you have some out there concepts... like bug mafia(Megacolony) Football but there’s no rules(Spike Brothers) and nom nom canabalistic cyborgs dinos(Tachikaze)
There’s a lot of content you could add with just a single Bushiroad character, although reality slaps me in the face and says it’s not happening because no anime.

But that’s all I gots to say about that.