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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2014
Pokemon Guessing Game: Put 1-896 in a number generator and whatever number you get is the next DLC rep

Let's see, I got 647... KELDEO CONFIRMED. Ascended his Pokeball status like a king.
198 that's... Murkrow, right?

Finally, a proper avian fighter that isn't attached to a mammal.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 9, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
If there's really nothing else for this week, I hope people will stop talking about Nintendo direct rumours. We have one basically every month and it turns out to be wrong or there's a caveat of some sort.

Also besides, it's just getting old now. just wait and you shall receive.
Don't be naive, the talk will never stop.

The year is 2080. It's been decades since Nintendo was absorbed into the amorphous blob known as the DreamWorks Corporation, and even longer since they made any announcements in video format - when Twitter finally went bankrupt, they experimented with other reveal types including robodialling random fans to spread the news about new games. And still, the fabled legends of "directly to you", "please understand", and "Bill stop eating those donuts" persist like whispers through the wind. In the morning, rychu_supadude III, esq. uploads into the HoloNet and checks his daily feed. "TOTALLY LEGIT LEAKER WHO DEFINITELY HAS A TRACK RECORD MADE A WINKY FACE THAT ALSO RESEMBLES AN N IF YOU SQUINT, COULD THIS BE THE RETURN OF DIRECTS?" say all the headlines. He doesn't even flinch. "Just another Tuesday" he says as he swipes over to the latest SiivaGunner update, "at least we don't have to worry about Smash speculation after they added literally every character ever except Goku".

Deleted member

Pokemon Guessing Game: Put 1-896 in a number generator and whatever number you get is the next DLC rep

Let's see, I got 647... KELDEO CONFIRMED. Ascended his Pokeball status like a king.
I got number 216, which is....Teddiursa. Boo....would have preferred something in Gen 8...or at least a final form lol.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Pokemon Guessing Game: Put 1-896 in a number generator and whatever number you get is the next DLC rep

Let's see, I got 647... KELDEO CONFIRMED. Ascended his Pokeball status like a king.
I got 824... Blipbug... No, that's not happening. I'm trying again until I find a pokemon I respect.
Torkoal, nah
Buneary, nuh-uh
Primeape, eh... not really
Palpitoad, Nooooooooooo...
Tangela (sigh)

There we go! Number 625, Bisharp! That's my first choice. The others were merely just a test to see if the rng calculator was working.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Don’t look at me. I am not mad. Just disappointed.
Yeah, you have been pretty sane about this tbh. I like that also, it would be super wild if this mario remake stuff was also leakbait. Nintendo weeding out the leakers and wannabe leakers
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
Yeah, you have been pretty sane about this tbh. I like that also, it would be super wild if this mario remake stuff was also leakbait. Nintendo weeding out the leakers and wannabe leakers
Thanks for that. I do wish I could say the same about the other Geno fans. How is everyone onthis topic taking this news, anyway?

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Even as a Geno fan, I'm honestly more annoyed at the Partner Showcase reminding me that the first six core Final Fantasy titles still haven't been ported to Switch. Don't know what the hold up there is.
To be fair, if the ported versions of V and VI are the Steam version with the hideous Android graphics I don’t want it


Deleted member

They get mad about anything if it doesnt confirm geno. fatman has really stoked their expectations to unhealthy levels
I thought thats why he was generally disliked; he's basically BlockedContent in Forum User form.

Cap'n Jack

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2015
Do is the Smashboards community thinking this points to a general this Friday? No Direct, or something different?


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
They get mad about anything if it doesnt confirm geno. fatman has really stoked their expectations to unhealthy levels
Not sure it's 100% Fatman, though he definitely has a role in it. He insists he's just speculating, but people just take his words and run with it. I've seen a certain guy talking down to anyone who has the nerve to be even the slightest bit negative. Doesn't help that every time he gets something right, Fatman feels the need to point it out, even though he's supposedly just speculating. Leaking, guessing, make up your mind already.

But yeah. There's a line between simple optimism and getting ahead of yourself. It's best to be mindful of that line.

Deleted member

I didn't know that being disappointed in Nintendo for refusing to give us any sort of substantial news on first party stuff constitutes as "unreasonably mad".
I haven't looked into the Geno thread to see what 'unreasonably mad' constitutes, but it probably is more than the rightful disappointment most of us have for once again not getting any general direct news.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I mean, nothing today hurt Geno's chances. Not sure why there's outrage over everything staying the same. In a way, that's better than getting a character reveal who isn't Geno and having one less character slot to compete for.
The thing is, by now Geno's become more of a Smash character than a Mario character, and his thread has become a more general thing that is also partially devoted towards covering rumors. The thread's going to react to more general stuff, related to Geno or no.


Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
I haven't looked into the Geno thread to see what 'unreasonably mad' constitutes, but it probably is more than the rightful disappointment most of us have for once again not getting any general direct news.
There was like, one guy there who was somewhat angry. Everyone else (myself included) was either just expressing deflated disappointment, or was over it and perfectly fine already.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Running from the cops in Stardust Speedway.
The thing is, by now Geno's become more of a Smash character than a Mario character, and his thread has become a more general thing that is also partially devoted towards covering rumors. The thread's going to react to more general stuff, related to Geno or no.
On the bright side, since one of their evidence for Geno covers Amiibos, if we don't get anything by the end of September, that would be another thing wrong for them. It's not much, I admit, but it should be a good blow to them.


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
Yeah, you have been pretty sane about this tbh. I like that also, it would be super wild if this mario remake stuff was also leakbait. Nintendo weeding out the leakers and wannabe leakers
My issue with Nintendo is that they wouldn't have the leakers if they actually gave news! Nintendo is very bad about being very slow to report anything. Their Marketing department should be fired for this draught. Every time Nintendo has historically taking 2 steps forward, they end up staking a step back.

Nintendo was rocking in the early Wii days but then poor marketing and developments ruined the Wii U era and nearly sunk the company. I am afraid they are making the same mistakes this time around. They hit gold with the Switch but it seems like things are stalling a little bit with them. Perhaps it is COVID-19 challenges that are hurting them but it is still bad that they have gone nearly 10 months without a major product presentation.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Not sure it's 100% Fatman, though he definitely has a role in it. He insists he's just speculating, but people just take his words and run with it. I've seen a certain guy talking down to anyone who has the nerve to be even the slightest bit negative. Doesn't help that every time he gets something right, Fatman feels the need to point it out, even though he's supposedly just speculating. Leaking, guessing, make up your mind already.

But yeah. There's a line between simple optimism and getting ahead of yourself. It's best to be mindful of that line.
"I'm just speculating unless I get it right in which case remember I have credible information"

Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Maybe that's why he got so fat.
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