I think the issue
@Supirorguy is there isn't a inherently wrong (or 100% be it) view point on certain things. But the take away is the
appearance of/lack of genuineness to your points. Since I don't know you, I am not assuming things, just going by the appearance of things at this point.
Topics: Hype responsibly / no echo chamber / dismissing those who don't believe Geno is a lock as hate / be healthy.
There isn't anything inhertiantly wrong with those topics. True. But what is really fueling those topics is the assumption that "If Geno does not get in, the fandom is going to riot since they are unhealthy." When a person is using these topics and these "warnings" to a
specific fandom, it is making an assumption. It is assuming EVERYONE thinks Geno is a lock, they will attack anyone who doesn't, we can't hype responsibly and we will riot since we are unhealthy.
Imagine if you went to a NCAAP meeting with a large group of its members and say "Hey guys, don't commit any crimes since you wouldn't want to go to jail." How would that go for you? Would they think "Oh, he is watching out for us and our health, I don't want to go to jail!" or more like "Because we are black you think we are predisposed to commit crimes?" I know the answer to that one.
That is why I am NOT a fan of telling fandoms to Hype Responsibly, don't riot, be healthy, you all attack people who don't agree with you, etc. etc.
At most, you can say that in the Newcomer's thread to Hype responsibly since it is not one particular fandom.
If a SPECIFIC CHARACTER support thread has people who think said character is a lock. That's fine. They don't need to be told how to feel or act IN THEIR OWN THREAD. At most, to be true to your thought, you need to go to EVERY SUPPORT THREAD and say these words to clear this misconception. Though I highly doubt anyone who does the whole "Hype Responsibly/Don't Riot/Etc. Etc don't do that.
It'ss always the Geno thread. We need to be the targets. Ridley, K Rool and Banjo bore this mentality, I guess we will need to as well until either a costume or fighter is revealed. I pity the next long requested fighter.
I know how Greninja felt in Smash 4. X character is too strong? Better nerf Grininja. Online is laggy? Better Nerf Grininja. Rinse and repeat.
Ok I said my peace and will not bring up this topic again.