See I don't even agree with this because while a lot of the rules have been broken, Geno represents a combination of a lot of those same rules that haven't been broken yet.The thing about Geno is that over this past year two big roadblocks have been lifted for him, with both "long dead characters" and spirits being added to the game. The problem is, neither of those things can be classified explicitly as evidence toward Geno, just things that happen to apply to him. As far as evidence toward him, there is none (if you don't count cacomallow, which is undoubtedly fake).
Here are the three big factors I look at for non-omnipresent gaming icons: relevancy, appearance frequency, role (protagonist/antagonist/etc).
The "irrelevant" argument is generally referenced to a character not appearing in a long time. This applies to K Rool, Banjo, Ridley and Dark Samus. All of these have appeared in more than 1 game and have primary roles (main protagonist or antagonist). Unused characters, but ones with legacy outside of arguably Dark Samus.
We have plenty of one off characters, but they don't break the relevancy or role rule. The closest would be Dark Pit who breaks role and appearance frequency, but not relevancy as his game was a year old when revealed (a game developed by Sakurai himself I might add).
We have plenty of characters that break the relevancy rule, but none that break role or appearance frequency.
Geno would break all three. A one-off non-protagonist in a 25 year old game. Does that mean he's not getting in? Of course not, he's more likely to get in than ever before. But he would be an extreme anomaly on the roster compared to even the other "irrelevant" characters.
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