Adding onto the opportunity cost perspective is the fact that he not only has competition inside of Square-Enix, but also within Nintendo, and even inside the Mario fanbase. Without getting into "meme" picks, a ton of Geno fans think that Geno should get in because he would represent Mario RPGs. But a potential Paper Mario, does the exact same thing while advertising a property that Nintendo still owns and is still an active character. Sure PM is not a huge request, but there are some people who do want to see him in, the major complaint usually thrown out is that he'd be "another Mario" which doesn't really fit because they could make him incredibly unique. On the other side of things you have Waluigi, who's just as requested as Geno, if not more so; again, he's fully first party so he wouldn't have to worry about negotiations with a potential 3rd party AND unlike Geno he's still an active character. Another major character is Toad, who while isn't requested at all, is still a major playable character in most Mario games nowadays.The issue for Geno has always been the opportunity cost issue for Nintendo and Sakurai. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest aren't just massive series, they're massive series that have have defined Nintendo consoles and have massive fan bases in their own right. Passing on Cloud or Hero would have been, to be blunt, pretty dumb considering how much value they add to the game for certain people and how much those franchises can mean the world to certain people. And that's not exactly an issue that has been resolved. Square Enix has a ton of great and beloved titles, several of which with continued connections to Nintendo (Octopath Traveler and Bravely Default II have been positioned as two of the Switch's biggest third party releases) or have lit the world on fire (Nier's become a huge success story and 2B herself has turned into a new icon practically overnight) or are literal icons of gaming in of themselves (Lara Croft and Sora even if he technically is Disney).
Sure, Banjo & Kazooie were able to handle that opportunity cost question... but think of how much more they had going for them. They were previously owned by Nintendo outright, they had a top level Microsoft executive supporting their inclusion in Smash and even somewhat directly influencing people to believe in their possibility at the right time for the Smash Ballot, they were practically the mascots of Rare and by extension mascots of the N64 era for Nintendo, and they wholly represented a unique universe as the main characters of their game. Geno just doesn't really have any of that. He's got "Deuteragonist" of Super Mario RPG, a unique collaboration between Nintendo and Squaresoft that did well on release, fan support (polls well, but also doesn't get the same amount of more universal love that Banjo & Kazooie, King K. Rool, or even Ridley got... they all had detractors, but there's also just a much larger percentage of people who are either wholly apathetic to Geno or actively against him), and Sakurai having some interest in him... It's just not the most compelling set of circumstances for a fighter when other characters could be on the table. Being a end of life Mario RPG Deuteragonist that isn't even the titular character of his game since it's a Mario game first and foremost just isn't the most weight.
I won't be terribly surprised if Nintendo picks him, and I'm a big fan of Super Mario RPG, but I also don't have much expectation that they'd invest in him. At least Microsoft could choose to capitalize on the good will of Banjo & Kazooie in some way with a new game... but Square Enix can't really do much at all with Geno even with all the good will in the world unless they go all out on a Super Mario RPG 2 with Nintendo, and that's really their only benefit from including him. So I don't see Square Enix fighting for him any time soon either, and he has to absolutely get past the hurdle of actually being picked by Nintendo first. He's a fan request, sure, but so are 20 other popular and more marketable and inherently beneficial to Nintendo and/or the other companies involved. The time he has been requested isn't inherently some indicator of value or "deserving to be the next fan request to get in."
So really, Geno's problem is that there are a good chunk of MARIO characters that apply to his "niche" but do it better, are easier to negotiate with, benefit Nintendo more, are more active, or a combination of these. That's not to say Geno is impossible or Geno can't get in, but that there are a ton of obstacles in Geno's way, more so than just Square-Enix. People like to bring up Banjo-Kazooie when trying to support Geno, but it's like you said; Banjo has a completely different set of circumstances that helped his inclusion.