Implying taking slots is a real thing
Characters take resources, and resources are used to make characters. So no, it literally IS a thing. Unless you think it's impossible to spend rent money on booze, because if you spent it on booze it's no longer rent money
Alph's unjustified exclusion from the clone club has nothing to do with Fire Emblem, because:
A.) Alph was done this way back in 4, which brought back

, who was going to be a costume like


originally and Alph. Alph, in the end, was the only one of the costumes who wasn't converted into a clone. No reason has been stated for why he's been given this treatment to the day, and it's unreasonable to blame it on Fire Emblem when Kid Icarus and Dr. Mario should also be responsible for some reason.
B.) IIRC, Chrom's inclusion was based off demand from the Smash Ballot, like other characters such as Ridley, K. Rool, Simon, etc. If Alph wasn't decloned, I assume Alph didn't get that far in the ballot to get decloned. That isn't favoritism from Sakurai, that's the people, the audience, the fans, demanding Chrom.
Those resources were used on Lucina over Alph. If they planned for Alph to be treated like the others... and Alph ends up not being treated like the others... it's pretty simple to assume they ran out of resources (whether it be time or sometihng else), which was instead spent on Lucina as higher priority. The fan ballot thing, whatever, it's not like we have the results ourselves. If he decides which ballot presences to directly respond to, that's still favoritism anyways.
Roy was heavily requested to return from Melee after a 15 year absence, similar to

. The same could've been said for Snake and Wolf, adding the fact they brought back

, but Roy was ultimately chosen. Corrin though, I agree with. I will never agree with the decision to include Corrin. The Smash 4 DLC was half veterans, though. Blaming it all on Fire Emblem for having 2/7 pieces of the pie is absurd.
So you agree Roy was picked over Wolf or Snake or any other veterans who would've been popular, then? Again, resources that could've been used to add a relevant and popular semi-clone (Wolf, who actually reappeared in Star Fox Zero while Roy's been absent from everything since his debut) were used on FE, because it gets special treatment.
Smash Bros. may have gotten Fire Emblem localized internationally, but Fire Emblem's heavy revival in 2013 was all thanks to Awakening. Other series dying shouldn't be blamed by the hands of Fire Emblem. Nintendo simply chose to not make more Golden Sun games. Nintendo was stupid with what direction they should've taken Chibi-Robo in. And sometimes they just forget games exist in general, such as Sin & Punishment and Custom Robo.
Hell, Smash Bros. only revived one series, and it's because Sakurai decided to make the game himself.

You don't see Mother 4, Punch-Out, Duck Hunt 2, a new original Castlevania, or a new Donkey Kong Country with K. Rool's return. Bringing in characters isn't usually with the intent to revive franchises.
Smash presence basically guarantees the characters receive some minimum level of attention which makes it far easier for them to get anything new. That should go without saying.
It's pretty disingenuous to claim that Smash relevance has never done anything for those listed franchises, too. Mother had EB0 brought into the West because Smash kept interest in the series alive, just as it helped introduce people to the series in 64. If Mother 3 ever gets released, you can thank Lucas somehow appearing in Brawl, being popular enough to appear as Smash 4 DLC and returning in Ultimate for being a part of that. Konami actually came out with Castlevania collections around the time Simon and Richter got in, one for the PS4 and now one on Switch, which is about 100% more Castlevania related content than they were putting out before Smash. Punch-Out was put in Smash BECAUSE it was brought back so I don't know why you're listing it with the others. And it's literally only been a bit longer than a year since K. Rool was put in Smash so obviously they haven't developed a full god damn game to put him in in that time. Unless you count the
rumor that Retro DID want to bring him back in the Tropical Freeze port, which literally would be bringing the character back due to popular demand.
The only "newborn" that's "malnourished" is Astral Chain in terms of sales. However, it's already gotten a nominee in the Game Awards, so in that regards it's only starving in financial reception, not critical reception.
Or, you know, XB2, or ARMS, who also did very well on Switch and would benefit from Smash recognition, while also fleshing out different game universes?
It isn't. It never has been. If "Everyone is Here!" never happened, I guarantee you a lot of FE characters would've been cut.
If you're going to point fingers, I'd suggest pointing them at Sakurai, the person who chooses what goes in the game, not the series he chooses. And in the end, Sakurai chooses whatever he damn pleases, as long as they're fun to make or whatever nonsense that was about.
EDIT: In the end, you still don't have to support Fire Emblem characters if you don't want to. But maybe instead of creating convoluted reasons as to why they should never ever set foot in Smash again, it'd be easier to just say "I don't want another Fire Emblem character" and leave the argument at that because that's respectable enough.
It should go without saying that any criticism of Smash is criticism of Sakurai's decisionmaking. Yes, it's ultimately down to his bias, which I'm arguing is stupid and tonedeaf. And I don't see why just saying I don't want another FE character is better than explaining
why I don't want another FE character. It's the same post, but with a glimpse into the thought process behind it.