So I thought if I'm going to do this at all, I might at as well do it properly. I'll try and do it chronologically as much as I can. Feel free to point out stuff I miss, but at least you can see what rPSI was posting and make up your own mind about him.
1. Firstly, at the beginning of the game Ryker threw his vote around quite often, yet barely ever gave reasoning, and if he did he basically contradicted himself or didn't really take a stance. Classic case of a scum trying to appear helpful, when they are in fact not doing much except for voting.
Ryker, you've squeezed all the info you need out of McFox right now. It's going too far that town can't do anything.
Unvote; Vote: Ryker
He's not helping town at all. I only voted with him because I thought it would help town get out of RVS, but now he's gone monstrous and closed minded.
The explanation here is stupid. Ryker got us out of RVS with his fluff case on Swiss. Even if it was centralised around 3 players (McFox, Swiss and Ryker) it was better than the continuous "which is better RVS or RQS." I mean, it was fair enough to say that Ryker should stop pursuing Swiss, but saying that he's "monstrous and closed minded" is waaayy out of line imo.
FoS: SwordsRbroken
He made a classic "could be wrong though" in case Ryker does end up mafia. He should not be shaky on his decisions.
SBR was more so expressing his opinion than anything. SBR called rPSI out on this post. It's worth noting that this was the first point that sparked others to suspect rPSI in the first place.
I also don't like the bit "in case Ryker does end up mafia." It seems like he thought ryker was going to get lynched, and that he was covering his own *** since he was first on the Swiss wagon. While this is assuming a hell of a lot, I don't see why it was necessary to discuss Ryker in that particular post. He could of just said "Vote SBR because he is unclear in his decisions, and he hasn't voted yet." Adding the Ryker bit is unnecessary.
My FOS and my vote make who I think is suspicious quite clear.
As I explained above, the explanation accompanying the Vote and FOS were shaky enough. Here he probably should of elaborated on why he cast his Vote and FOS, but he didn't.
Ryker was severly limiting the toDay's conversation by posting a fluff argument with McFox. McFox obviously is trying to be a good IC and give Swiss right to remain silent and acted sort of like his attorney. However, this could also be classic buddying, but I'm not quite sure if it's truly scummy.
SBR called him out massively on this post, and it's clear to see why. The whole post is basically what Frohawk did later on, in that he commented on the situation but didn't take a stance at all.
My motive was just trying to generate conversation other than Ryker's fluff war.
In fact, I'm fine with your vote one me, it's showing me that your trying to be pro-town. I didn't really see that in you before.
rPSI gives an explanation on why he's playing the way he is (lots of votes, little substance).
He's trying to generate conversation. It's kind of hard to respond to someone's vote if they don't give reasons for there stance, or pose questions to the player they're voting. Like for example:
Unvote; Vote: Hidajiremi
Scum actions are scummy.
Hida made a fairly legitimate post that was in response to some suspicions I raised about him. I basically say I'm satisfied with his explanation for now, but rPSI puts a vote on him. Again, without asking for any form of explanation or posing any questions.
2. Next I'll post some of the arguments and questions I brought up, and how rPSI responded to them. Note that I've cut out some stuff that isn't incredibly relevant, since this post is going to be huge anyway.
I get a vibe from you that is such:
"Well it's Day 1 so it's a random vote anyway so there's no point in acting upon anything meaningful. We can't actually use this info until later in the game"
That is not at all my stance. Day 1 is not a random vote for the sake of random voting, it is a random vote because there is no true way to determine who is scum and who isn't. We only have "vibe's" to base this off of and a little bit of playstyle with it. Of course on Day 1 the people that do more lurking and really active ones are going to seem suspicious.
I think I was unclear in explaining this, so I'll rephrase it a bit
My take on you: "you're barely contributing/not posting enough substance"
Your excuse for this: "it's day 1, everything is random so It's pointless to post much substance.
Well the only vibe I'm getting from you is "posts alot with no substance" so you're already suspicious to me.
The next time rPSI addressed my point, he said this:
BTW, you guys think I'm not seriously contributing when people are up for there second prods. LOL
That was basically the discussion I had with him.
Next, to save myself quoting useless junk, look at posts #203-#218 (bunch of really short posts). SBR and Swiss are trying to pressure rPSI to a degree, but he keeps shrugging it off
After this, I also raised a few more points that he responded to.
rPSI, since you don't want to respond to what I wrote earlier, I'll just ask you a simple question.
If we lynch Vitamin C and he flips town, and nobody comes forward with any results the following day, how are we any closer to finding scum then we were on Day 1?
I mean, the only thing we have against VC is that he doesn't post. So it's not like we're going to be able to pick scum from town depending on who voted against him, etc.
But I'd definitely have to agree that I'd rather lynch a lurker than someone who is contributing.
How are we going to find scum after Day 1 you ask? You get legitimate reads. Having an entire Day 1 and the majority of Day 2 can get you more than just vibes, it can get you serious scum reads.
I didn't really deem your post necessary to respond to because it's just generating fluff. I really dislike fluff, it slows down the game and makes it easier for scum to slip in because during a read through, you start to miss stuff if your reading 15thousand pages of material that's entirely fluff.
I find it quite contradictory that you so readily jumped on and supported ryker's fluff case on Swiss, yet when other players make a similar (and arguably more legitamate) case on yourself, you straight away dismiss it because it's fluff. To me that is a weak excuse for not defending yourself.
And then he didn't respond to that last bit.
So that's pretty much everything. See what you think. I'm tired so I'm going to have a break for a few hours, and I'll be back later.