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Newbie 19/Paper Mario: TTYD mafia // Game Over! Who won?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Vote Count

2. Vinyl.
3. Ori_bro
4. Orboknown (1) - mightbebenjamin
5. Rake
6. mightbebenjamin (3) - Rake, Vinyl., Ori_bro
10. Ramen King
13. JTB (1) - Ramen King

Not voting: Orboknown, Lolilovesrain, JTB

With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
but what about le yellow scum ? Wouldn't it be equally likely that Red is killing based on their ideas on who is yellow ?

I mean yeah Ori first would only make sense because then you couldn't be found but no-one CC'd so I can't see Ori not being cop at this point unless the real cop is an absolute ****-*** who ignores me and Ran's advice to IMMEDIATELY CC SHOULD SOMEONE CLAIM A ROLE YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT.

/that detrimental to town-wincon salt
if ori doesn't get NK'd tonight he is red scum because that is the only faction with a NK and scum has no reason to not NK a claimed cop.

this isn't saying ori is scum. it's just pointing this out. that said, scum may wifom the kill to put blame on ori but that would be silly.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
being late to work because of this. fuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh
ok rake. i will give you my scum read.


and here is why.

orboknown has 976 posts on smashboards. assuming that most of these are from mafia games and given his reputation for not posting much and for him admitting to being a lazy poster in his first post (#158), i imagine that he has played this game enough to pick up some very good tactics. one of which, he is using on us now. this is what he is doing.
and none of those are from Dgames. In gact, I post little because i simply don't have much comp time atm. if I did, i'd be postiong up a storm(see newbie 16 and chunks of 17.)
Day 1. i am inclined to believe that he was being lazy then. he admitted to being in a different game at the same time and was having dificulty keeping up with ours at the time. he probably assumed that there was little chance we would get his scum buddy on day one so he let it ride. so what did he not count on? us lynching badwolf. red scum died on day one. orbo didnt become very active untill later on in the day. by the time he got to concentrate on us, dave had been tunneled into infinity. so what does he do? he tries to muster up some suspicion here and there to distract the angry mob from badwulf (he never pushed anybody too hard. just little things that never took off). in fact, he talked about trying to find links between people and just said he wasnt too good at it. imo, he was talking about yellow scum because it would be more likely that there would be a weak link in the yellow scum than the red scum, considering that both of them have experience. and when that didnt work he did the only thing he could do. he jumped on the bus. he never provides any points for this. in fact, the first and last time he mentions badwulf in a post is when he votes him. he never says, yeah vinyl, i agree with you or, thats a good point there. he just says that we need 7 to lynch so he votes badwulf. at this point, badwulf is dead and he goes into the night phase.
Hey i just pointed out things of wolf's that I saw as off.Rake quoted them. You're reaching here.
Night 1. so he would he kill? its hard to tell. a non frequent poster has a hard time making enemies. so he has to kill a person who might start to look into them. you wouldn't catch it untill you found out that J died. in post 460 he called J the most dangerous player in the game. he even puts it in quotation marks to backdoor his theory so that when he killed J, he could back out of the suspicion if anybody quoted it. by killing J, he kills the only person that would ever suspect him in his mind, given how ell J plays this game. he killed off his only threat and then slumped back into the shadows for the next day...
honestly, I would have killed Rake or ran. both weer and have remained straight up town to my eyes. Rake knows me pretty well and ran is a solid player.
Day 2 - seeing as he didnt post too much in day 1, he decided to play the rest of the day as a non active member. he stayed back and decided to see how the rest of the day would go. by doing this, he could claim that he was lazy in the begining and then later on he could get more involved in the game and play more risky under the ruse that since he wasnt active at first, he couldnt possible have a complicated endgame and therefore would be able to sit in the back of everybody's minds while we went after each other. for his last post in day 2, 8 people had already casted their votes so even if he voted then, he would not be suspicious. but he cant risk doing the same thing he did at day 1 again with a bandwagon and no support. any way, day 2 gets really interesting with a lot of accusations flying around and a lot of different opinions and its generally very intense most of the time. orbo posts some in the begining and then lays off. the 2 big people on day 2 were Kary and rake. they duke it out for a while and in the end, its a tie. the vote is tied 4 to 4 for 2.5 hours before the mod declares the day to be over. this would have given Orbo time to see that there would be a tie. all he had to do is sit back and not vote. if he doesnt vote, then its a tie and no townies die. but how does that benefit him? hes a red scum. i will tell you. orbo got handed the perfect situation on a silver platter. if he let a townie live, he could say that he didnt want to kill either of them, and thats why he didnt vote. he could say that he had town reads and thought that they were innocent so he helped out the town and that gets him brownie points. so no vote gives him an advantage later for when he plans to become more active.
Lot of words to say life ****ed me and I couldn't get on. A lot of you're "case" is me "lurking", which is not a scum tell for me.
Night 2. so what now? he still hasnt made any moves. Vinly pushed him a little in 890 but that quicky gets forgotten because thats right before when the game heats up. infact, he goes innactive after that point until just recently today. so who does he kill now? he did the same thing that he did before. he kills a person because of a tiny post. something insignificant that you wouldnt notice unless you looked for it. ranmaru dies. why? post 946. Ranmaru stated before the day was over that not posting is bad because it doesnt benefit the town. so what would he do after we tie? the next day he would make sure that ther were no more ties. orbo could only pull the stunt of liking both the people once. if another day went by with no lynches and he doesnt vote, people will begin to think he is hiding too much and will go after him. he has to kill ranmaru so that this doesnt occur.
you're being idiotic.
3. Day 3 - the epic of kary and clover. the two of them fought it out for a long time before eventually Kary lost and was lynched. for the entire day, Orboknown posts nothing. now why do this? at this point, he has pushed his inactivity to the limit. he cant stall any more after day three and will have to become active so he doesnt get killed off for being so and so that he doesnt get replaced. if he posts nothing on day three then he can come back in with his im-so-sorry-i-will-get-involved-now face on and he can play regular. he would be excused for any little mishap because he would have skimmed 1300 posts. he could push and claim he was innactive. he had 3 days to play this part and now he can enter the game with temporary impunity. im guessing it would last him 2 days or so and by then he could become a more frequent poster and save his own skin. in fact, he even says that posting more is good in post #402. he can now come back in the next day and pull this off. all he has to do is make sure a townie dies and we dont tie again. this is not a problem because Kary is lynched with a large majority.
More of life screwing me over.
im the turning point in this game for him. once im gone he can do whatever he wants. all he had to do was count on me not nailing him. he figured i was new and that i would break down and practically lynch myself after a little while. but now that ive thrown his whole plan to the rest of you, he wont be able to pull it off. even if i die today and you dont believe me, when i flip vanilla town everybody will look at him. your exposed. game over. long live the town.
i'm walking away now. i'll get to this monday because of work today and slapping more siding on this house this weekend


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Zen = Ramen King

He got a name change, true story
he got another account. true story
Frack this page just ate my defence. time to do it again....
-i know i said this before but here is my best resoning for not being red scum. when badwulf was under suspicion, i voted for him before it was too late. he defininently had a chance to stay alive when i cated my vote, so voting him would just be a shot in the foot. i dont think that i could have cleared him of all suspicion if i was his scum buddy, but i could have avoided all suspicion by voting a less suspected player. i have voted for mafia buddies before, but i never target them before it was too late. i know enough about this game to not do that.

-yes, i did vote Kary because i thought he was scum. true, i hoped that if he flipped scum of any kind that i would get townie points
wtf with the bolded parts? " i voted scum partners before it was too late." " I voted badwolf before it was too late" did I just read that right?

second dash is just looking for preservation.

@Orbo: In no particular order:

Current Reads
Top 2 scumSpects
Thoughts On Vinyl.
Thoughts On Benjy

Whenever you get the time.

Also if Orbo gets replaced I want his replacement to address those same questions
you're town. I'm town.
Loli i need to look at.
zen is giving me weird vibes, but he usually does that.
JTB null.
Benjy needs to burn in flames.
Vinyl null, could be scum need to read in iso.
errr.... am I forgetting anyone?

i hate to say this but lynching orbo is a bad idea today. i think he is just a townie who doesnt care too much about this game and isnt posting much. hes just kinda there. if you want to kill him just because he doesnt do much then sure but imo hes just another townie to help keep our numbers above the mafia's.

i agree with your statement about orbo not being scum because he would take too long. whoever wanted clover dead knew it before it before the day was over. However....somebody stated earlier that he is absent a lot durring every game and that his online status is invisible. technically, if he is a highly experienced player, he could be pulling the whole not-very-active thing as a disguise. i believe that he has 796 posts on this site right now so its not completely out of the realm of possibilities. can i get some thoughts on this?
hey hey hey he says right here I ain't scum then now he's on me when he thinks it could save him? self preservationist much?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Man leave it to Orbo to re-confirm / make me feel awesome about me And Ori's suspicion on Benjy.

And yeah Orbo it took 3 votes and me kicking him in the pants to actually go and do any real scum hunting.

Also I totally thought Zen got name changed .
Guess it makes more sense that he got a new account seeing as how Zen is super banned.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
I wanted to cop Rake since he was the person I suspected when I was replaces in. It was a real toss up between Clover and Benji on N3 and I ended up going with Clover.



Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
@J I think I understand why you think Clovers post is good. Only when it comes to BadWolf though.

My only scum opinion is based on just a vibe that's emitting from my computer screen and it's coming from

I think it had to do with the fact that he kept posting weird random things and being friendly but then saying trust no one and just I dunno. xD Bad vibe.

can't tell how any of you are playing though since I've never seen you guys play in previous games and I've never played with you or know how you'd act if you were town or scum.

h also, Homeslice made me iffy just because of the whole "give people a chance" thing in post #184.
loli what got you onto badwolf back then? anything used from after this post is not acceptable.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
loli what got you onto badwolf back then? anything used from after this post is not acceptable.
I just felt like he was scum =/ just a feeling there was no hardcore evidence on him. Clover gave points to it that I agreed with.

Though at first I thought maybe him and homeslice were scum buddies and that they were using her niceness as a distraction but then she mentioned how she's just nice so i let it go.

I said it after that post you quoted tho.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
lesse here...

Hipster again. you are finally going onto the badwolf bandwagon, which makes me believe that you are turning on your scumbuddy in order to distance youself ( i know how much you hate that term but sorry, seemed appropriate ). it might just be that im so convinced you are evil that you can do no right as of now, but im looking into you a lot more from now on. .
what happened to this read benji?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
@whoever knowsWho replaced homeslice? JTB or Zen?
I'm going to just point you in that direction but I'm not going to do the work for you. However, you are onto something it seems. ;P
read the quote J quoted here. He might have thrown his buddy slightly under the bus here.


Smash Rookie
Jun 2, 2012
when i said i voted badwulf before it was too late, i meant that when i voted him, there was still a large possibility that he wasnt going to get lynched. if i was his scum buddy, i could have helped save him and maybe drawn some suspicion off of him. when i voted him, i think he only had 2 or 3 votes. we needed 7 to lynch on day 1 and while 2 or 3 is a lot of votes, its wasnt hopeless. the red scum, if they voted for him, would have waited for a lot longer untill there was little chance for his survival and then jumped on the bandwagon so that they could backdoor relations later on. also, if i had defended him, it wouldn't have been too suspicious because the vote on day 1 is usually just a really good guess for the most part.

btw you never said why you voted for badwulf. all you said was that it takes 7 to lynch. (472). can i have an explanation?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I provided my reaosning for it in prior posts. lemme go grab em

you has other stuff to answer to.

@MOd ninja-thanks swords

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Vote Count

2. Vinyl.
3. Ori_bro
4. Orboknown (1) - mightbebenjamin
5. Rake
6. mightbebenjamin (3) - Rake, Vinyl., Ori_bro
10. Ramen King
13. JTB (1) - Ramen King

Not voting: Orboknown, Lolilovesrain, JTB

With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
@mod-some of these players aren't even in the game any more :/Alive

alive players list said:
2. Vinyl.
3. VitaminC
4. Orboknown
5. Rake
6. mightbebenjamin
10. Hipster Sister
13. Homeslice


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Vote: mightbebenjamin

who cares if hes at L-1

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
@Loli: It means that only one more vote is needed for the lynch. L-2 would mean that two more votes are needed for the lynch. And so on.
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