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Newbie 19/Paper Mario: TTYD mafia // Game Over! Who won?


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I guess we may wanna take a look at vinyl.,benjy, and ramen.

I only say ramen because he is very strong and I could have gotten a misread because of this. I kind of wanna look back at when hipster was posting because I was leaning towards her possibly being scum.

I remember ran mentioned her but he never got a chance to actually say his thoughts on her position ;-;


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also at this point the only people not to have suspicion on me is Orbo. And technically Zen but Hipsters slot was on me before so I guess that`s sorta a net null.

Imma have to consider massively changing my town play at this rate.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I guess we may wanna take a look at vinyl.,benjy, and ramen.

I only say ramen because he is very strong and I could have gotten a misread because of this. I kind of wanna look back at when hipster was posting because I was leaning towards her possibly being scum.

I remember ran mentioned her but he never got a chance to actually say his thoughts on her position ;-;

That`s cool beans with me but I should let you know I have Vinyl. as town IIRC the reads I gave Ori, and although he was at odds with Kary and Ran, now knowing those two flips I think that Vinyl. makes it a triangle of Townies, but you and Ori have stated that you are interested there so that`s were I will be.


Smash Rookie
Jun 2, 2012
Ori - sorry for the mess up. i forgot that there was a name change so that really threw me off. i was comparing this list to the original to make sure i covered everything and i missed the 4th change.

i hate to say this but lynching orbo is a bad idea today. i think he is just a townie who doesnt care too much about this game and isnt posting much. hes just kinda there. if you want to kill him just because he doesnt do much then sure but imo hes just another townie to help keep our numbers above the mafia's.

as for giving up, im not going to do that till sworddancer says vanilla townie mightbebenjamin has been lynched or the red scum kills me. thats that. the thing that im worried about is that at this point in the game people form really strong opinions on people and i feel like im almost to the point where i can do no right in your eyes. thats kinda what happened to badwulf in the end. everything he said was ripped to shreds and then thrown in his face. now it wasnt bad there because it helped us lynch a red scum but i really dont wanna end up in the same position.

btw i am claiming vanilla town.

i agree with your statement about orbo not being scum because he would take too long. whoever wanted clover dead knew it before it before the day was over. However....somebody stated earlier that he is absent a lot durring every game and that his online status is invisible. technically, if he is a highly experienced player, he could be pulling the whole not-very-active thing as a disguise. i believe that he has 796 posts on this site right now so its not completely out of the realm of possibilities. can i get some thoughts on this?

rake, i was actually looking for that post where you listed all the replacements. i couldnt find it when i was looking for it. now i have it on a sticky note on my screen. sorry for all the confusion.

i hope i caught uup on everything so far. if i missed anything i will try to post tomorrow at 5 ish. if i missed anything, just leave another post. i am still working on my ideas for red and yellow scum so when i have a good case i will try to post it.


Smash Rookie
Jun 2, 2012
wrt my 4th paragraph, yes i did say that i wanted clover dead. i was totally convinced that he was scum and if i could have, i would have lynched him yesterday. i hate to bore you all with the traditional "ive been framed" speech but thats what you are going to have to hear. whoever killed clover knew that im not a strong player and figured that i would get blamed for it and that the town would have me lynched. but thats why you have to believe me. their plan is great because there is no way for me to say what they did without sounding corny and hollow. the only defense i can mount only makes me more suspicious and there is nobody left who knows me well enough to tell you all that im not a bold enough player to do this to myself. can i get some support here? i need to know who believes me at this point.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Ori - sorry for the mess up. i forgot that there was a name change so that really threw me off. i was comparing this list to the original to make sure i covered everything and i missed the 4th change.

i hate to say this but lynching orbo is a bad idea today. i think he is just a townie who doesnt care too much about this game and isnt posting much. hes just kinda there. if you want to kill him just because he doesnt do much then sure but imo hes just another townie to help keep our numbers above the mafia's.

as for giving up, im not going to do that till sworddancer says vanilla townie mightbebenjamin has been lynched or the red scum kills me. thats that. the thing that im worried about is that at this point in the game people form really strong opinions on people and i feel like im almost to the point where i can do no right in your eyes. thats kinda what happened to badwulf in the end. everything he said was ripped to shreds and then thrown in his face. now it wasnt bad there because it helped us lynch a red scum but i really dont wanna end up in the same position.

btw i am claiming vanilla town.

i agree with your statement about orbo not being scum because he would take too long. whoever wanted clover dead knew it before it before the day was over. However....somebody stated earlier that he is absent a lot durring every game and that his online status is invisible. technically, if he is a highly experienced player, he could be pulling the whole not-very-active thing as a disguise. i believe that he has 796 posts on this site right now so its not completely out of the realm of possibilities. can i get some thoughts on this?

rake, i was actually looking for that post where you listed all the replacements. i couldnt find it when i was looking for it. now i have it on a sticky note on my screen. sorry for all the confusion.

i hope i caught uup on everything so far. if i missed anything i will try to post tomorrow at 5 ish. if i missed anything, just leave another post. i am still working on my ideas for red and yellow scum so when i have a good case i will try to post it.
You missed the part where you say the Vanilla Townie`s name.

Look at how I claimed : Darkly, Vanilla Townie

That is more what I was looking for.

Benjy Ori states that she suspects of scum and that Red might be setting you up.

Therefore give me your strongest pick for Red Scum.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Vote Count

2. Vinyl.
3. Ori_bro
4. Orboknown
5. Rake
6. mightbebenjamin (3) - Rake, Vinyl., Ori_bro
10. Ramen King
13. JTB

Not voting: Orboknown, mightbebenjamin, Lolilovesrain, Ramen King, JTB

With 8 alive it takes 5 to lynch.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Honestly though replacing Orbo is a double edged sword.

By requesting a replacement , we make the replacement catch up, yes there is time until the next deadline, but IRL stuff and the amount of posts, I'm not sure having him replaced would be the best thing. Unless his replacement was the towniest town to ever town-bro town and managed to be read that way. And managed to get caught up mucho fast and not run into anymore 502 BS, then the replacement might be worth it but that's alot of if's IMO.

By leaving Orbo in at least we know he doesn't have as much to catch up on , even if he stays away until some undetermined time.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Plus Orbo can't really be toDay's play either way.

It would be too dangerous IMO to lynch an inactive slot for being inactive and just hope red-scum doesn't kill or cop (totally unlikely).

Unless you people have seriously compelling evidence on Orbo Scum and really at this point it's way too far a stretch to say : Orbo's a vet so he'd avoid posting to avoid being caught and only PM his NK's.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
There's no telling of he's yellow scum or whatnot, But is there anything else we can do other than just leve him out of it?


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I definitely don't think killing orbo would be a good idea. He's inactive...and I'm PRETTY sure right before day 3 ended he said he was V/LA or w.e. and then night happened so fast soooooo I don't think he's red scum and I am looking for red scum.

I....kind of am mad that ori already claimed cop without a red light up because now that he's claimed cop...if we manage to find the red guy and lynch him then cop doesnt do us good at night and if we dont find the red guy then ori will definitely be killed tonight....and we dont rlly have anything from his night action except rake being either town or yellow

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

he's null for me because looking over his posts, I don't see him and J together or really fighting each other in a way that would suggest bussing.

And really they don't touch each other's posts too much except when J said he wasn't going to town bro with Orbo.

So null is pretty much what he is.

Ori's scum on him is basically right now because he hasn't copped Orbo which doesn't even clear the slot of yellow scum anyway.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I definitely don't think killing orbo would be a good idea. He's inactive...and I'm PRETTY sure right before day 3 ended he said he was V/LA or w.e. and then night happened so fast soooooo I don't think he's red scum and I am looking for red scum.

I....kind of am mad that ori already claimed cop without a red light up because now that he's claimed cop...if we manage to find the red guy and lynch him then cop doesnt do us good at night and if we dont find the red guy then ori will definitely be killed tonight....and we dont rlly have anything from his night action except rake being either town or yellow
Like I said before, this is like the weirdest cop thing I've ever seen, but the cop's do line up with how VC was acting toward Kary IIRC and as I recall Town PR's always go through first so it's completely legitimate that Clover could be copped then killed.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
yeah but i don't think it was the best to come out with the cop thing =/ ONLY because he didn't get a red scum when doing his night action yet. Also, doesn't help that we don't have like a doctor or w.e. so that if he claimed cop it'd be w.e. because then the doctor could stay quiet and then just keep healing him at night so that he could find red without being killed T_T

It makes cop now just turn into normal townie with no special stuff cuz red is either dying today or killing him tonight....and he doesnt get a thing if he cops yellow because they appear town .....

I dunno if that makes any sense....

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
There is only one real upside to Orbo getting replaced: IF(enormous if) Ori is red scum and managed to get lucky that non of us are cop, pushing Benjy (scum-spect one ) and / or Orbo.

So really if he gets replaced the first thing his replacement would need to do is claim / CC Ori if Ori is scum (HUGE IF). Which really I doubt but we can't rule it out until every slot has posted toDay IMO.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
yeah but i don't think it was the best to come out with the cop thing =/ ONLY because he didn't get a red scum when doing his night action yet. Also, doesn't help that we don't have like a doctor or w.e. so that if he claimed cop it'd be w.e. because then the doctor could stay quiet and then just keep healing him at night so that he could find red without being killed T_T

It makes cop now just turn into normal townie with no special stuff cuz red is either dying today or killing him tonight....and he doesnt get a thing if he cops yellow because they appear town .....

I dunno if that makes any sense....
It doesn't really help that I was posting that Big thing for the cop to read to avoid a mis-lynch and because claiming before you have a guilty is insane(not really scummy I guess , but definitely insane, because now we HAVE to get red, where before we could catch out yellow / still hunt red. But I actually agree with going for red so w/e.

Just means more reading for me.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
So...you want us all to claim? do you want us to put like the name of what we are as well next to it ??? I got the cutest thing ever :3

Are we even allowed to say what we are like the name other than townie ?


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
okay so read the rules we can paraphrase what we are BUT we cant refer to the picture like tell you what the image is of....all right xD Good thing i read the rules again lol so yeh mass claim time?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
However, all scum have been given safe claims, thus knowledge of the flavor is neither necessary nor beneficial towards your success this game.
I'm fine with it (cuz I've claimed twice now XD).

But in an open set up it doesn't really help or hurt.

So here's how to claim Loli

I am : Darkly , Vanilla Townie.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008

I googled darkly paper mario and it literally showed me the picture

I'm not scared of saying the name i'm scared of getting in trouble with the person running the game.
When you look at the rules it says you can't refer to the image but like you said darkly....its the name of the character...and...the image is of that name so isnt that breaking the rules?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

I googled darkly paper mario and it literally showed me the picture

I'm not scared of saying the name i'm scared of getting in trouble with the person running the game.
When you look at the rules it says you can't refer to the image but like you said darkly....its the name of the character...and...the image is of that name so isnt that breaking the rules?

I've said it 3 times now, if I was going to get in trouble over it , Swords would been on me quicker than jam on a bagel.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Ori this mass claim applies directly to you as well, I want you to state the name SPECIFICALLY of the cop.

I.E. : I , Ori_Bro am: Mario , Town Cop

or whatever chara the cop might be


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Are...you sure? cuz of rule #7....ugh I would rather wait for swords to give me the okay of saying the name of my character...

The one thing you should know about me is that i'm huge on following rules especially IRL like...i just can't get in trouble....sooo yeh

I'm perfectly fine with saying the name but i would prefer to wait for him to give me the okay!

Btw darkly looks bad o-o


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Lol, it's okay to say the name.

Just don't put the image and you'll still be following the rules.

All you have to say is like this:

I am Name, Role.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
You're all not swords...I'm waiting for the rule master! I just do not feel comfortable saying it if i think i'm possibly breaking a rule. I'm extremely sorry like i'm rlly anal about that stuff. Only when it comes to rules....I'm not a rule breaker EVER! If I think I'm doing something wrong I get panic attacks lol it's that bad soo i'm just gonna wait for swords.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Loli, you are not aloud to copy and paste your Role PM that is whats private. A name and role means nothing. If you are trying to hide whether you are scum or not is depends on how clever you are i guess.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I'm perfectly FINE with saying the name of my character. So long as the rules let me.

Rule #7 says that you are not allowed to refer to the image....but by saying "I am Darkly, vanilla townie" you are inevitably referring to your image.

Since if you either know paper mario or just google darkly paper mario you see the image.

I guess since Swords hasn't said anything about it...then it should be fine but personally I'd like to get an okay from Swords on that one thing since it's his rules and stuff. =/

Again, I apologize on that but it's not holding up the game and I really have issues when it comes to rules/getting in trouble.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
A 13th rule has been added to the OP.

Basically, if you want to ask me a question or make a request (just as requesting a prod on a player), then either PM me about it or use the @MOD: command in thread.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Not sure why a mass claim is even needed, there's only one PR in the game and that has already come out. Everyone is just going to claim vanilla townie.

Unless you think the flavor is going to help you, which in any case, isn't going to.

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