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Newbie 19/Paper Mario: TTYD mafia // Game Over! Who won?


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I'm still fine with pushing Benjy.

There was something else I needed/was going to say but the eating breakfast/lunch thing made me forget it.......I too am going to eat something and hopefully I'll remember what I was going to say.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
NP Rake I'm willing to risk it for a secured win toDay. Also, since trhe Kary lynch flopped, I wanted to look into Clover because
1. I had in in my radar of scum
2. You actually asked the cop to investigate him or Orbo? I believe.
I had it as between : Vinyl / Clover / You (Ori ) and Me

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Kary, if by some miracle of Gorf you flip town , me or Zen will die toNight, look at how the lynches have gone.

Cop should WIFOM between Vinyl and Clover.

If cop has already been on Clover then WIFOM Between Vinyl. And Benjy

If cop has copped any combination of 2 of those people : WIFOM your cop bewteen the one you haven't and Ori / Me.

Any disagreements from the rest of you ?
This was what I was in favour of last night

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
It sucks because you hadn't copped Vinyl or Clover yet.

I thought for sure with all the Clover suspicion early on that he would be one of the very first people copped.

I guess maybe VC didn't like Ran's case or whatever. Plus it explains why VC got a town read on Kary so fast after their exchange.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Ori bro, why claim before you had a guilty :/

Off work in a few, then in thread a while later


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Alright here's some facts for people :

1) Even if we all go Benjy now, he won't get lynched unless:
a) Orbo comes in, catches up / makes amazing town posts and hammers
b) JTB gets back in here, looks incredibly townie with his new caught up thoughts / reads / answers to my questions and hammers Benjy
c) Benjy hammer's himself (doubt it ).

Benjy has softclaimed / claimed townie so I think he should full claim as in:

I am "/insert Benjy's role here"

If we go Benjy toDay and he manages to flip town ( serious doubt on this ).

Then the NK tonight would be in most likely order :

Ori > Me > Zen

So if any of those things happen a Benjy non-read, there needs to be a town consensus toDay as to who we lynch tomorrow.

So considering all of that, who would you guys want and why ?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
The night phase thing makes sense with regards to Orbo. I wanted to see when he was last on, but his profile is on invisible. As for why I want to lynch him. Solely based on being useless/not contributing. I didn't know he was V/LA though.
Why? Just curious? If I can't get a really distinct read on him I want to know why you can.
His prod dodging is a null tell. He does so every game. As for why I have a town read is from his ease into the game how he asked me if he could just sheep me. It felt guiltless to me. I also like that he actually looked into the plan I proposed and has been on the same page as me at least yesterday.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Oh btw: I put me and Zen there because previously the NK's (like J's ) and now Ran's were towards the stronger presences of town. I think the plan for Red-scum was to take out experience and just run newbie's in circle's.

Now that the newbie's have largely replaced out or been NK'd (besides Benjy). Red-Scum may just be killing randomly or killing in order to set people up.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Then the NK tonight would be in most likely order :

Ori > Me > Zen
I don't think this will be the case. Ori, yes. But red scum should be looking for yellow scum right now. Otherwise they will win over him.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Oh btw: I put me and Zen there because previously the NK's (like J's ) and now Ran's were towards the stronger presences of town. I think the plan for Red-scum was to take out experience and just run newbie's in circle's.

Now that the newbie's have largely replaced out or been NK'd (besides Benjy). Red-Scum may just be killing randomly or killing in order to set people up.
But yeah as you all saw J flipped yellow scum so it's my guess this was just sheer luck / Badwulf was gunning there anyway so it's possible his partner didn't think Badwulf would die D1 and could bus Badwulf into the ground after A J death and flip of what the other red scum thought would be town and Badwulf being so aggro on "town" J.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I don't think this will be the case. Ori, yes. But red scum should be looking for yellow scum right now. Otherwise they will win over him.
Yeah I guess so.

But realistically the best person for either scum faction right now at least IMO is Benjy.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I don't think this will be the case. Ori, yes. But red scum should be looking for yellow scum right now. Otherwise they will win over him.
And plus Kary thought I was scum and a lot of this thread has had me as it at some point.
So really it would then be Ori > Me and red scum could hope to get lucky on me. They wouldn't of course but still, people before had Clover as possible scum mates with J , people have also had Benjy and Homeslice now JTB's slot as yellow scum too so now the pool gets wider

Ori > Rake > Benjy (if he's not red scum- which i still doubt) > JTB ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Oh you mean that you think that he can be either scum?

even after his newest wall my read on him is :

RedScum : 80% chance
YellowScum: 20% chance

he just isn't looking very good in any light and the more I read of him the more it becomes he should be the play toDay. I'm open to other suggestions / ideas but for now it's going to be Benjy. Later on toDay after JTB posts again I'll be looking at Ran and Kary Vs Vinyl but from first look that would be T v T v T.

And i'll re read JTB after whatever he puts up later too.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Now that the newbie's have largely replaced out or been NK'd (besides Benjy). Red-Scum may just be killing randomly or killing in order to set people up.
If Benji flips town or goon I believe they are trying to set people up (Primarily Benji)

I guess I'll ask this. Rake and Zen what are your reads currently? I gave mine what are yours?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I like your plans of action.
• I'd like to keep the pressure on him for now, I think he is beginning to lose faith in the game so it should be easier to read him more now.
• I'm going to give them a 2nd read through soon, I find it odd he didn't know I replaced in for someone lol.
• Orbo is definitely an option if need be. But since the Night Phase ended so fast I have a feeling Orbo might not be mafia :I The remaining mafia member is definitely active enough to make a night phase last less than a full day.

Why? Just curious? If I can't get a really distinct read on him I want to know why you can.
Well thanks lol. It just seemed like the right plan to have though TBH.

IDK if Benjy is giving up / what he is doing but right now it doesn't look like a whole lot so I think the pressure needs to stay on him. He states he is bad under it and really that's kinda like a "Oh i'm always bad under XYZ condition so you shouldn't see it as slipping" thing to me.

Its good to see that you, Rake, and Loli are on the same thought process as me right now.

Zen/JTB: what do you guys think of the possibility of Orbo being mafia in correlation to the overall speed of the night phase?

As soon as the Night Phase begins I can be damn sure I am the first to pm Sword lol.
As I think I said the speed of the Night phase makes me doubt Orbo as Red-Scum.

If Benji flips town or goon I believe they are trying to set people up (Primarily Benji)

I guess I'll ask this. Rake and Zen what are your reads currently? I gave mine what are yours?
Here you go:

Ori: Obviously town. The only reason I questioned the cop order was to see if you were going to slip up and say you copped someone and got an innocent and had pressure on that person. (I.E : Like Clover).

Loli: Null
Vinyl: Town
Orbo : null
Benjy : just did benjy but : 80% red scum , 20% yellow scum
JTB: Null with small town lean.
Rake: I know I'm town.
Zen: Town

I know I missed yellow mafia but that is because I actually just have not seen enough from players like JTB / Orbo to have a solid grasp on what they are doing.
And at this point redScum should be top priority.

After red is gone (hopefully today) that would be 7 alive with 4 to lynch. So with 2 remaining yellow scummers that would mean town would need 4 or 5 mis lynches depending on what the yllow win-con would be.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
The night phase thing makes sense with regards to Orbo. I wanted to see when he was last on, but his profile is on invisible. As for why I want to lynch him. Solely based on being useless/not contributing.
Yeah so Zen seems to be on the same page as me / Ori which is cool beans.

And yeah I can't say for certain that he is V/LA but it certainly seems that way right now.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Thanks for the read list Rake. I wanna see Zen and JTB's reads since those are detrimental right now.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Thanks for the read list Rake. I wanna see Zen and JTB's reads since those are detrimental right now.
it'll never be a problem to out my reads. I know they might not be perticularly helpful but realistically, i'm not going to let orbo getting on wulf and his other early stuff change the fact that he hasn't been around to get a solid bead on. Then with JTB he hasn't caught up or posted anything i could say i liked besides his reason for not answering my question.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
to continue my last post---which is where my small town lean on JTB comes from. WRT loli, she was on BW IIRC but at some points her posts have just been , sorta i guess not all there(No better way to describe it. her defence to me and rans pressure and alot of her recent post have looked pretty townie, so if she continues that and seems to scum hunt then she'll most likely move to a town read for me. @Benjy: Where are you looking and why?


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
EBWOP on my 1197: the town beside orbo's null was a mistype. i was starting to make a point about the townie appearance but realized that orbo hadn't been in this thread for me to give him a town card, i deleted most of that poiny but just noticed i missed the word town. derp


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
EBWOP: townie appearance of orbo's puah on bw. the word poiny is supposed to be point. i hate my psp's internet. @whoever is viewing right now / will be viewing between now and approx 3:30ish: i'll be stuck on this thing till then, so i'll answer questions directed to me but wont be quoting until im back on the comp. sheisty psp multiquote /general quoting issues


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Hipster > Replaced by Zen
Homeslice > Replaced by JTB
VitamenC > Replaced by Ori_Bro
Ori: whoever it was [ i think it was benji ] can't even pull that he didn't know who replaced who, and can't say that he still doesn't know who zen is because iirc i explained his name change in a post of mine. i outline right here who replaced who and iirc you had to correct someone on who yo replaced. so if benjy is all caught up i don't see how he would miss it.



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Letting you guys know that I have been reading, but there are so many big posts that it's taking forever x_x

There's no reason for a lynch to go through quickly toDay, we have 9 days and we should make use of it.

Zen, which mafia is more important to lynch right now, red mafia or yellow mafia? Same question to you Rake.

I don't know how anyone could have a town read on me because I feel like I haven't done anything this game to warrant anything other than a null read. Zen having a town read on me because asking if I could sheep him as well as agreeing with his night kill plan doesn't ring well with me. It's nothing conclusive, but it's a slot I'm keeping an eye on.

benjamin is the current wagon, correct? Can someone bring up why he's up for the play toDay?

Rake posts so ****ing much that I end up skipping most of his posts early on. Him bringing up the cop quote over and over makes me think he's town since neither yellow or red scum profit from a cop guilty. Definitely not red scum, but could be yellow. Don't really care about him right now.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Letting you guys know that I have been reading, but there are so many big posts that it's taking forever x_x

There's no reason for a lynch to go through quickly toDay, we have 9 days and we should make use of it.

Zen, which mafia is more important to lynch right now, red mafia or yellow mafia? Same question to you Rake.

I don't know how anyone could have a town read on me because I feel like I haven't done anything this game to warrant anything other than a null read. Zen having a town read on me because asking if I could sheep him as well as agreeing with his night kill plan doesn't ring well with me. It's nothing conclusive, but it's a slot I'm keeping an eye on.

benjamin is the current wagon, correct? Can someone bring up why he's up for the play toDay?

Rake posts so ****ing much that I end up skipping most of his posts early on. Him bringing up the cop quote over and over makes me think he's town since neither yellow or red scum profit from a cop guilty. Definitely not red scum, but could be yellow. Don't really care about him right now.
I think it would be best both numbers wise and looking at the playerlist to go for RedScum. Plus now that Ori outed we have to get rid of RedScum, that's what Ori meant by make the game more interesting, because now the pressure is on town to step up to the plate.

Sorry about my mass posts but almost all of it is entirely relevant to whats going on.

I can link my thoughts on Benjy for you , and Ori's if you like right now or I can wait till your fully caught up. I'm back on the comp so I can just multi-quote it.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Ha JTB you're acting like I cleared you for it. I just said you look townie to me so far. For you to say that I shouldn't think so is weird.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
It doesn't matter which mafia we lynch. As I told Ori, we still have a couple of days even if we don't lynch red scum today. So long as we lynch scum, we are good.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation

Benjy & Orbo I'd go with lynching.
Loli is null.
Reconsidering JTB. Might actually make a 180 on him.
Town for you, Rake, and Vinyl.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I definitely think we have to get rid of red scum. Only because ori claimed cop already so red scum will Target ori.

I have no idea what to do though since my thoughts on kary were scum but then he flipped town....so now I'm a little unsure if the people I pegged as town are actually mafia


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I definitely think we have to get rid of red scum. Only because ori claimed cop already so red scum will Target ori.

I have no idea what to do though since my thoughts on kary were scum but then he flipped town....so now I'm a little unsure if the people I pegged as town are actually mafia

I don`t know if you already fleshed out your reads but if you didn`t :

What were your reads post Kary flip
What are your reads now


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Uhh...pre kary flip?
Kary- so mafia it wasn't even funny because he was Sooo aggro and cursing all over the place and not wanting you to go back and bring stuff up

Clover - first town then ran made me think he was more goonie. I believed it because of earlier when it seemed like j was trying to get my views to align with clover and he turned out to be mafia(j did)

VitaminC/ori- null at first but we all know is cop.

Hipstersister/ramenzen- seemed null/mafia with hippy but then turned into town

Benjy - seemed null/townie then just became null

Homeslice/jtb - seemed like she was town. He wasn't posting much so then it was null

Rake- seemed town never rlly had any suspicions toward you iirc.

Vinyl.- seemed like inexperienced town so I was okay with him.

I'm using my phone btw so this is kind of weird to do. Not home and all that

Uhhh after kary flipped ill hold on



Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I'm gonna seperate these xD

After kary flipped town and clover was nkd and also flipped town

My thoughts are basically

Rake- town or yellow scum still leaning to town

Ori- town cop was claimed

Ramenzenny- you take charge and so I'm more nervous of those who take charge because you have the ability to lead me in a direction. You turned into what ran was for me.

Benji: not sure anymore because he made points as to maybe the mafia killed off clover and kary died as to have us then go for him but then it turns into the whole wifom thing I think it was called? That's what it turns into I think...

Vinyl.- he could be mafia I had him as nothing/inexperienced town but kary seemed to think he was mafia

Jtb: started seeming possibly town again not sure.

Orbo: needs to just say his thoughts

I think I got everyone?


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Loli one last thing :

While we wait for Benjy to do whatever it is.

Where do you think I should look and or who should I take another look at for red scum
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