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Newbie 19/Paper Mario: TTYD mafia // Game Over! Who won?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Wait, say Zen is this ******** as scum, what scum is he?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
It's a gamble scum Zen doesn't need to take. The timing is all off. No-one is trying to lynch him right now, and if people carve holes in his plan (which they are likely to do given the playerlist) it only makes him look worse, right? Unless you do what I do know and discount it... WIFOM.

Gut says Zen actually can't read me/Ran/anyone for **** and thinks this is a good idea.

If Zen is scum then I feel what he's doing is arguably less ********. But I can see an argument for him being either scum... yellow probably makes slightly more sense because it allows him more options.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006

going to do a full read tonight, dunno what kary is at but im going to make sure im up to date before the Day ends.

inb4 zen goes wtf vote kary


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
After seening most of toDay's posts my suspicion of Zen has gone up, my suspicion of Rake has lowered a bit, and I want to go deep into a clover look through. After all the votes on him yesterday he did absolutely nothing to defend himself, he simply just voted Kary and left with no explanation.

To put some pressure on him and hopefully get some things that could help us

Vote: Clover.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Vote Count

2. Vinyl.
3. Ori_bro
4. Orboknown
5. Rake (1) - Kary
6. mightbebenjamin
7. Clover (1) - ORI_bro
9. Kary (3) - Zen, Vinyl., Clover
10. Zen
13. JTB

Not voting: Orboknown, Rake, mightbebenjamin, Lolilovesrain, JTB

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch.

Orboknown, Lolilovesrain, and mightbebenjamin have all been prodded.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008

Ori how much have you read? I actually don't like your slot.
I've read the entire thread, thus why I feel Clover needs to go. I have a solid town read on Kary. I think when you guys push at him, he just gets too defensive because he is a townie trying to live. Rake I'm still not sold on being town. I see him more as null-scum atm.

Clover avoided all shots fired at him yesterday which is very peculiar. he had 3 votes on him and did nothing. I want to hear what he has to say, the ay he played during D1 made me think scum.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Take out one of "towns" lead forces for hunting scum and give yourself room to operate.
Someone tell me I'm just being suspicious but this is exactly what's happening.

Also Ran totally called he wouldn't be here to push Clover somewhere when he was talking to Kary, I'll be looking for the exact post and context but in anycase it is interesting he had such a feeling.

Oh that reminds me, while I am elsewhere : UNVOTE

at Benji : I saw you viewing the thread.

Give me your reads , etc now seeing that your Ran suspicion turned out to be wrong


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Claiming town vs. claiming both your name and that you're vanilla - not the same.
Lol at this.

In General:
Claiming Town - Player will either believe so or be unsure.
Claiming Town with Name and Role - Player will either believe so or be unsure.

And yet:
Claiming Town - "Why would you simply say something just like that? Hrm..."
Claiming Town with Name and Role - "Okay, but I could be onto for awhile."


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC

1. You will be stupid to go off and ignore people as it could decrease your chance of finding scum.
2. Strongly Disagreeing/Opposing with caps on is not even. You did it twice.



Smash Rookie
Jun 2, 2012
my, my, MY this game has gotten good since i left for vacation. im really liking this game now. just as a side note, i should be good for the rest of the game because im done with vacations for the rest of the summer. i will be able to post every day after 4 from now on so hopefully, no more prods for me.

lets get on with the reads shall we?

1. Kary - wow this is confusing. you seem to have a very strong personality in this game so im not exactly sure if you are being aggressive or you are losing it. im going to go with yellow scum. you are overpushing some players so its my guess that you are a yellow scum because you are playing the part perfectly. this is a great disguise because you wouldnt be suspected because your agression would be waaaaaay too obvious. thats just my read. as i said before i suspect you of being scum so im going to vote you for now because i dont know who the last red scum is.

2. Anomandaris_Rake - to tell you the truth i had a theory that you were a scum at first but that is dwindling. not sure anymore. you are either a townie or a VERY good scum.

3. Clover - you know my feelings on you. i still want you dead but right now it would be hard for me to get you lynched so im going to lay off for now unless i can get some more support. i suspect kary almost as much as you, but if i voted for you right now it would probably be a waste. i be back for you later...(i know that sounds scummy but theres no way to say it different)

4. JTB - i had a good read on homeslice and you are playing well too. i have you pegged as a townie.

5. Vinyl - frag. not exactly sure what you are doing. my best guess is that you are a townie. you have a lot of suspicious aggression but i think thats coming from the innactivity. i can understand that. you are trying to get reads on people and its not working if we arent posting. might look into you later but i doubt it at this point. with all the accusations that have flown at you lately, i think that you would have broken if you were scum of wither kind.

6. Ramen King - i really dont like your agreement with red scum. while it does look grea on paper, it basically gives red scum the liberty to play us until they dont feel like following anymore and then they can throw a wrench into everything the town plans. also, if the town asks the red scum to kill himself one day, especially if its on the first day, it make this game a thousand times more complicated and i can barely keep up with it right now. i play this game in a way thats not so much, what did they say that was scummy, i play it in a way thats, why did this person get killed last night? if that makes any sense. this really messes with my mind. anyway, i have a pretty good read on you. hipstersister was kinda suspicios to me but you are a lot less. not worried about you for now.

7. Lolilovesrain - you havent posted a lot lately. this isnt a knock against you because i havent either. dont have a read right now. plus its late and i dont feel like dgging through 1051 posts right now to look for contradictions and the like lol.

8. Zen - i lost track of who you replaced so sorry. no read as of now.

9. ori bro - baaaaaaaad move. you changed your vote at the end of the day in the last post to make it a tie so that nobody got lynched. that is really a scummy move and it seems blatantly obvious at this point that im suprised you havent been jumped. kary was one of the most suspicious people at the time of voting and you saved his life. if by some chance you are a townie, you have stuck your neck waaaay out to save this guys life and the only way for me to believe you would be for one of you to die and flip town. but since im convinced that he is a scum of some kind, since you saved his life you must be yellow scum buddies. kary was going down but still had a chance. you have, in essence, thrown him a life vest with an anvil in it and then tied it to your own foot. today, kary needs to die and after him, im hitting you next. death to yellow scum!

10. me! - i guess its time for me to prove my townieness. i know that im not really suspected right now except by clover so i guess this is a little odd for me to do this but a lot of you want reads on me so i guess i will give something that will hopefully convince you that im not lying. i have not posted a lot in this game due to various restrictions and that will hopefully change. i have tried to support myself without the use of quotes because im lazy at this game. there have been a lot of accusations flying around and i will admit that i have tried to keep my head down some. my biggest problem in real life mafia is that i talk too much and generally get myself killed so im trying to not do this now because this is the most intenst game i have played so far. im kinda upset that everybody i know in real life has died/requested replacement minus clover. i could really read them well because i knew them so im kinda angry. o well. cant be helped. ugh. there are also a lot of playstyles going around and its hard to keep track of opinions at times. yes i know that this statement is a backdoor, and this scentence is backdoorception (lulz) but its just whats going through my mind right now and i figure if i tell you all exactly what im thinking then you will see that i am town. also, its hard to use right grammer while listening to music with words. i would not reccomend this.

well thats what i think for now. i will post tomorrow around sometime so i would appreciate some feedback and reactions. Zen please clear up who you are. i had a bad enough time keeping everybody's names streight before they got replaced. my thinkie thinker isnt working really good right now.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Rake what do you want us to be looking at in the post you linked? The only part I see is him categorizing you and Clover as scum and wanting the town to lynch you both off. He also asked the cop to look at Benji. Since he was town, should we push his dying wish and go for Clover?

I'm sticking with Clover because he is scummy, I just wish everyone else would see that as well :(

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I just wanted you guys to see that there might be a pattern there worth looking into in terms of who's dying.

Also : VOTE : Mightbebenjamin

This is where the pressure needs to be and your all about to see why.

BTW: Kary I'm still on you like a hawk

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
^ da hell ?

2. Anomandaris_Rake - to tell you the truth i had a theory that you were a scum at first but that is dwindling. not sure anymore. you are either a townie or a VERY good scum.
You don't even realize how I am not letting you just swing this out there.

7. Rake - you have a LOT of experience playing this game online dont you? the last post, holy cow. that was a lot of evindence about a lot of things. the fact that you admitted to doing pregame blind says a lot about how you play. i do not suspect you at this time because you are in this game to win it and i dont think that a mafia member would show stuff about so many peolpe at one time. the fact that you mentioned several people eliminates a lot of suspicion from me because a mafie member would slowly pick off people (at least thats what i think). by posting that much tho, i think you have dubbed yourself as a threat early on in the game, and i think you have increased odds of getting killed by the mafia because of it. i hope you dont die because i really think you are innocent and i would love to finish the game with you.
So far the people who have been NK'd have been the one's who posted a great deal (J had the thing with Badwulf / other suspicions IIRC, Ran was On me, Clover, Vinyl. as well as stuff on other people IIRC).

Rake - You are an interesting person in this game. you have made a lot of posts with tons of evidence. that is what leads me to believe that you are the most powerful player. i agree with a lot of what you say, but i just read 5 pages of just you so im i little frazzled. as of now, i do not suspect you.
I'm still not that powerful btw.

Also If you had me as scummy at first, why were you agreeing with the things I was saying ?

Underlined: So right here you either :
a) Lied outright (were not open as a townie should be)
b) Were trying to be a little buddy buddy with me while moving your read a little to reflect a null
c) *least likely* You actually had suspicion on me and were playing some unknown angle.

as for connections, im not exactly sure. as u know, my 2 biggest suspicions are Badwolf and Hipster. the odd thing is, they have both been targeted but neither has mentioned the other. if i was under scrutiny, i would try to put it off on the person who had the greatest chance of being taken out instead. i think that this could be a sign of both of them being together, but this will take more looking into.
You did exactly this IIRC when there was suspicion on you and Badwulf.
I'll have to find the context but I'm 80% you did exactly that tactic when pressed.

@Clover / Kary / Ori_Bro: Help me out And double check this for me whenever you get a chance ? Please and thank you

Hipster again. you are finally going onto the badwolf bandwagon, which makes me believe that you are turning on your scumbuddy in order to distance youself ( i know how much you hate that term but sorry, seemed appropriate ). it might just be that im so convinced you are evil that you can do no right as of now, but im looking into you a lot more from now on. hopefully, you will say something exceptionally townie soon.
First Off: You sheeped one line of a wall of mine in order to look good to me ( at this point I believe you had no suspicion on me that you stated) And to look good to the other people on that wagon IMO. Me and Ran both stated our issue with that, So I'd actually like you to go in depth now that Badwulf did indeed flip scum as to why exactly that one thing made you so sure of Badwulf scum.

What exactly qualifies as exceptionally townie in your eyes Benjy ?

i think she is just making whatever observations she can glean from having to read a lot at a time, which is how i have been playing so far. since she is acting like me, im pretty sure she is a townie. at the moment im not really worried about her.
Underlined: Did Benjy soft claim right here ?
I think we've established why these sorts of things are odd / noteworthy.

my read on ranmaru? out of all of the frequent posters here, i am having the most dificult time reading him and im not sure why. his push to cop me tonight is a move im not very familiar with in real life mafia, so im not sure what to read of it. it could be that he is just a good player and a valuable ally when they find out im town
We just went from soft-ish town claim to town claim, in the same post.

These two claims *no better word for them* came right as Ran started to pressure Benjy with a copping as I recall.

Plus there was no need to put that in his post at that point, IIRC no one really had all that much suspicion on him and then when ran started to lean there he makes a claim.

You are red scum.
If this is the case, you are pushing a yellow scum so that way when he dies, you are still a hero and you have another chance to keep pushing your influence to kill of the rest of the yellow during the day while you kill townies at night. also, aggression is exactly what gave badwolf away. when he began to be heavily suspected, he became flustered and he made a lot of posts with *s in them. i think that this is what pushed a lot of players onto him. since most everybody noticed that, why are you letting yourself get angry? even if you are innocent, this is a bad playstyle and after a while people are going to start looking into you more. i am also considering the possibility that you know this and that by copying the playstyle of a known red scum, you are masking your real role because a real scum would be smart enough to not. i risky move, but here i think its biting you in the back and if i have anything to say about it, it will get you lynched because this is the possibility that i think is the most likely.
Underlined: Did Benjy just role fish ? Me thinks so.

The next part is confusing but here's what I am able to see of what he's saying :

Kary is masking his real role by playing it scummy and that he is doing so because real scum would be smart enough not to play scummy ? So I guess he's accusing Kary of being yellow in that case.

@Benjy: care to elaborate on this point? I believe you are voting Kary now, so is this what is influencing you most. What else is playing into your read on Kary after seeing all of his recent posts ?

basically, my whole opinion of this is that my trust on you is completely dependent on who dies and what rake flips if he dies
Firstly : Ran died. Why does this push Kary for you ?
Secondly: Why is it only dependant at this point on what I flip ?

So all in all Benjy I guess it comes down to me seriously doubting you had me as scum AT FIRST because you essentially stated the exact opposite with your first reads wall. You then moved slightly to what I can only assume is null stance.


Where did you have a scum read on me and why ?

I want specific posts: this ": I am lazy at this game " thing will not fly and it comes off as newbie scum trying to avoid quoting in order to avoid being caught out like his partner got caught.

Why did your scum read on me ? What were you hoping to gain from it ?

I think I asked this but : What has pushed Kary to the forefront of his recent posts.

You see benjy, I think you are the last red scum.

I think your stating you had this scum read on me because there is wavering suspicion / outright suspicion (from Kary) wrt my slot and by posting it now you hope to be able to jump back to me should people get back on me. You even leave yourself a back door when you do this :
you are either a townie or a VERY good scum.
The fact that you only decided to out this read right at the point when the suspicion was flying around me and not at any other point is why I doubt this so highly.

I think your still on Clover because you actually believe Clover to be yellow scum and hope that by getting lucky and managing to push Clover's lynch you gain town points.

Also not that this really proves anything, but when I was scum with Badwulf in the last newbie game, some of his way of scum hunting was to look at who got killed and why, he even stated he did it this way. I have no idea if this is a RL mafia play style or if you just slipped up.

While you have mad some stances on slots, it seems like more often than not your jumping about. For example: At some point early in the game you stated you had no suspicions and that her playstyle resembled Homeslice's , IIRC aftre that you moved to what appeared to be light suspicion on Loli and now you have essentially stated as having a null due to the fact you are to tired (more likely lazy) to bother quoting and looking for contradictions.

IMO Benjy: Your scum hunting drive has been especially lackluster , you have moved a great deal of your reads around IIRC and have made them generally unspecific and even moved some around to appear to be scum hunting , when in reality your not even moving them for any stated reason / facts that come up.

The only slot I can recall you actually sticking to is Clover's, beyond that you seem to be following popular opinion / vote count in order to appear to be doing something.

And now this suspicion on Kary just makes me believe you are trying to push Kary to appear town to me and Zen and the other players like Vinyl. who have stated issues with Kary's posting style / posts themselves.

To wrap up I think the weak reads deal is moreso that if we lynch incorrectly you can try to play it off as "I'm newbie town, I got swept up by the powerful players, I had that person as town here or here and they just managed to push hard enough that my reads got blurred".

All in all Benjy your looking pretty scummy at this point and I would just love to hear your ACTUAL READS. Because apparently you had me as scum very early.

So either:
a) your hiding your real reads.
b) you don't have any real reads and are following popular opinion / posting wee little bits of open reads to swing around later
c) You actually never had a scum read on me and your trying to pull some sort of "I never actually had a scum read on you but now you went super aggro on me so now I do ". Type deal, which btw , now that I've done all this would be pretty much come off as scum trying to save face to town.

So to repeat my question : @Benjy : At what point did you have me as scum and why. With posts supporting it. And why did you only out it now. Also why has Ran dying sold you on KaryScum, which of his posts specifically do you find scummy and why ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
mightbebenjamin;14571779 7. Kary - I COMPLETELY AGREE. SLOW DOWN THE POSTING PLEASE. oh yeah and my reads[U said:
. i think you are townie because you, like me[/U], missed a lot of posting and then came in and tried to catch up. you reacted in the same way that i did, and since i am a townie, i think that you are one too. again, that could change because its hard to keep track of everything, but for now i trust you.
Another claim.

Once is an accident.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times makes it a problem.

@JTB/ Vinyl.: What do you make of this and do you think my suspicion of his sudden Kary flip. And of the amount of times Benjy slips out this "townie" issue.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
EBWOP: The part were Benji says "and since i am a townie, i think you are too" Was supposed to be underlined


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
After some quick glances on the past few pages, Benji doesn't ever really start wagons. He posts his opinions after he is asked, then hops on a wagon.

I will post some of those instances very soon after I go back much more.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'll definitely look into Rake.

So today should be Clover or Benji
I'm going to assume there was supposed to be a "that" between into and Rak wrt to my post on Benji due to your most recent post where you state you'll be going back to gather evidence.

Also I'm holding you to this.

Kary I see you viewing. Any thoughts so far ?


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
I'm going to assume there was supposed to be a "that" between into and Rak wrt to my post on Benji due to your most recent post where you state you'll be going back to gather evidence.

Also I'm holding you to this.

Kary I see you viewing. Any thoughts so far ?
I hope I can deliver, here is what I gathered.

[COLLAPSE="Benji's Posts]
[quote="mightbebenjamin, post: 14563541"]favorite role? hard to tell. if i had to pick it would probably be hunter. you always have a hunch and if people dont like how your playing, you always get your way in the end.[/QUOTE]

its nice to do this with people online. i usually play with mostly girls, so sexism eliminated me in the first 3 turns lol.
Yeah Rake, why ask that question? hm?...wait, Ran, why you question his question? trying to throw around some suspicion? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?????...wait, benjamin, why you question his question about question? WHAT AM I HIDING? TELL ME.
im not really sure at this point who to vote for. i think that if homesclice was scum that she wouldnt be talking as much and would be trying to keep a low profile. i am a little suspicious of badwolf but im not really sure if its from his posts or from everybody else saying he is. i think that J could be because he is really analyzing everybody heavily at this point and its only day one. tbh, i dont think he has any reason to suspect me, so im a little leory of him saying so much, but im not going to accuse anybody until later on when i have a better idea of how people are playing.
OOOOOOOK so i just missed like 20 hours of posting so i just read like 4 pages and here are my ready.
1. if you sustpect me of being scum because i havent talked a lot lately, its because i have an 8 hour job and i played LoL for 2 hours when i got home. i wasnt expecting it to move fast because this is my first game. i had no idea that there would be 250+ posts in 3 days.
2. Hipster Sister - i suspect you in all honesty. you have said a few things and then had to cover for them. i know you have played this a lot so i dont think that you would be making so many little rookie mistakes at first if you werent nervous.
3. Vinyl - you confuse me some. you are playing this very well and have not drawn a lot of suspicion despite many posts. i doubt you are mafia because you probably would have slipped up by now.
4. Kary - you have made a very bold acusation. as for now, that puts you in the clear form be because maifa members play it way safer on the first days. or at least they do in real life. i doubt that you are playing opposite on the computer, so for now i am on your side, but that could come back to bite you later on.
5. Homeslice - i know you well enough to know that you are playing this the same way you would in real life, so the little slip ups that you have had are not raising any red flags. i think that you are playing well, and if you were scum ,it would have bled through by now with all your posts.
6. J - i somewhat suspect you of ellening, but you arent agressive enough yet for me to think that that is valid. you do have a lot of strong reads/opinions so im not sure what to think of you. i still think you could be one so i will be watching you. you could be an agressive townie or you could be a more laid back mafia, im not sure yet.
i g2g so i will post the rest of my thoughts later.
ooooook now for the rest of my thoughts.
7. Rake - you have a LOT of experience playing this game online dont you? the last post, holy cow. that was a lot of evindence about a lot of things. the fact that you admitted to doing pregame blind says a lot about how you play. i do not suspect you at this time because you are in this game to win it and i dont think that a mafia member would show stuff about so many peolpe at one time. the fact that you mentioned several people eliminates a lot of suspicion from me because a mafie member would slowly pick off people (at least thats what i think). by posting that much tho, i think you have dubbed yourself as a threat early on in the game, and i think you have increased odds of getting killed by the mafia because of it. i hope you dont die because i really think you are innocent and i would love to finish the game with you.
8. Ranmaru - you could be. im not sure yet. there are a lot of things floating around in my head right now. you do a lot of consecutive posts cleaing up previous ones, so i feel like you are trying to avoid suspicion too much and it is showing. you have to be etreemly careful about what you say in this game because you can get quoted and that can generally mess you up. your slightly reckless posts could be an overreaction because of paranoia or it could be a genuine attempt to save yourself. i am keeping my eye on you and am curious to see how you react under pressure.
9 - Badwolf - well well well this is an interesting case. i suspect you as well. you posted a little too much in the pregame for you to not draw any gazes. you have been under a lot of scrutiny this game so im still not sure if my opinion if my own or if i am just going along with the group. you latest posts have demanded proof though. you are playing it like a mafia member who gets arbitrarily selected in the begining because if the mafia gets suspected in the first day, they tend to get mad because they finally have a role and want to play it. i have seen that happen before. the demand for proof shows some anger, which is not common of townies this early. this may just be because you are being attacked really early, but i dont think you have gotten emotionially attached enough to this particular game yet to feel that way about a townsperson role.
9. Clover - right now, in my eyes you are safe. your comment about the subconscious in the very begining shows that you are really looking into people from the start. you are putting a lot of pressure out now, i and that has made you innocent in my eyes for basically the same reason as Rake. for now, i trust you.
10. Vitamin C, Rain, and anybody else i missed - i do not have a well formulated opinion about you right now. i have been focusing on the people i know right now to see how they are acting because i can read them better. i also have focused on the people they are attacking/being attacked by. if i have missed little scuffles between you and them, i will admit that i skimmed a good bit. when i form an opinion about you, i will post it!
ooooook now for the rest of my thoughts.
7. Rake - you have a LOT of experience playing this game online dont you? the last post, holy cow. that was a lot of evindence about a lot of things. the fact that you admitted to doing pregame blind says a lot about how you play. i do not suspect you at this time because you are in this game to win it and i dont think that a mafia member would show stuff about so many peolpe at one time. the fact that you mentioned several people eliminates a lot of suspicion from me because a mafie member would slowly pick off people (at least thats what i think). by posting that much tho, i think you have dubbed yourself as a threat early on in the game, and i think you have increased odds of getting killed by the mafia because of it. i hope you dont die because i really think you are innocent and i would love to finish the game with you.
8. Ranmaru - you could be. im not sure yet. there are a lot of things floating around in my head right now. you do a lot of consecutive posts cleaing up previous ones, so i feel like you are trying to avoid suspicion too much and it is showing. you have to be etreemly careful about what you say in this game because you can get quoted and that can generally mess you up. your slightly reckless posts could be an overreaction because of paranoia or it could be a genuine attempt to save yourself. i am keeping my eye on you and am curious to see how you react under pressure.
9 - Badwolf - well well well this is an interesting case. i suspect you as well. you posted a little too much in the pregame for you to not draw any gazes. you have been under a lot of scrutiny this game so im still not sure if my opinion if my own or if i am just going along with the group. you latest posts have demanded proof though. you are playing it like a mafia member who gets arbitrarily selected in the begining because if the mafia gets suspected in the first day, they tend to get mad because they finally have a role and want to play it. i have seen that happen before. the demand for proof shows some anger, which is not common of townies this early. this may just be because you are being attacked really early, but i dont think you have gotten emotionially attached enough to this particular game yet to feel that way about a townsperson role.
9. Clover - right now, in my eyes you are safe. your comment about the subconscious in the very begining shows that you are really looking into people from the start. you are putting a lot of pressure out now, i and that has made you innocent in my eyes for basically the same reason as Rake. for now, i trust you.
10. Vitamin C, Rain, and anybody else i missed - i do not have a well formulated opinion about you right now. i have been focusing on the people i know right now to see how they are acting because i can read them better. i also have focused on the people they are attacking/being attacked by. if i have missed little scuffles between you and them, i will admit that i skimmed a good bit. when i form an opinion about you, i will post it!
through all of the posts, whenever people put up a list of who they want to lynch, i've noticed that i keep popping up in third place a lot. any particular reason for this?

also, Rake, i did read a lot of your post. i follow your opinion on badwolf. the evidence you showed has really increased my suspicions on him. i am going to vote him for the first day because im sure that he is, and then i want to see who dies. a few thing i dont agree with tho. homeslice has changed opinions a good bit, but to tell you the truth, based on how well i know her, thats just the way she is. i know that it comes across as suspicious on the internet, but when somebody i know posts somthing, i try to imagine them saying it, and in her case it doesnt seem off to me (yes, even the hawk screech. she really would do that). i know its not the best idea to go against the most powerful player in the game this early, but i honestly dont believe its her. the only defense against this on the internet that i can provide is that she is not a newbie mafia player and she would not make the rookie mistake of switching around so much. i think that she is just overposting beecause lets face, it, if all of us posted all of our opinions whenever they changed, this page would be 4 times as long. also, hipster and homeslice are close friends in real life, so i expect them to respond to each other a lot. i do suspect hipster still.
i am aslo considering lolilovesrain her playstyle so far has been to say her opinion, good or bad of a person and then to back off. she never alignes herself with a person totally, and she is keeping a low profile. this way, she can put others into the spotlight so that they get attacked and then she can back off by quoting herself to say that she never was really for/against them. its a pretty good defense if you ask me...

Vote: BadWolf28738
just one last note before bed, hipstersister, you have had a lot of serious accusations thrown against you by Rake, and you havent responded at all. all you are doing now is trying to get people to look at others and targeting them. this is really a bad indication. if you were a villager, you would be going against his argument instead of trying to get others to find yours more relevant and bringing up what other have done? right now you are showing a solid mafia tactic and im more suspicious now.
i know that this is an intense game with a lot of reads, but i got off at 11 last night and i jsut got home in time to read 9 pages of posts. can we slow up a little bit? there are 13 people in this game and its really hard for me to keep up on everything when i have to keep track of 200 posts a day. so if i say something boneheaded in my post like, has anybody thought about badwolf, ( i know i voted for him. its just an example ) its because i just got fed up and started skimming. Also, i dont quote people because its a lot of work to keep track of everybody and if i quote half way through getting caught up, i look like an idiot because there will be a ton of new evidence by the time i finish.
now with that out of the way, im going to try to update my opinions.

1. Rake - You are an interesting person in this game. you have made a lot of posts with tons of evidence. that is what leads me to believe that you are the most powerful player. i agree with a lot of what you say, but i just read 5 pages of just you so im i little frazzled. as of now, i do not suspect you.
2. Ran - you have eased in and out of suspicion some, so im not sure what to think of you. there are a lot of opinions floating around here, so im not too concerned about you at the time. i dont have a full formed opinion about you right now, so you are in the gray area.
3. J - i think that you are playing this well enough to be a townie. you haven gone with the bandwagon on a few things and started your own opinions as well. i think that you would be a lot more vicious on a consistent bases if you were mafia. i do not currently suspect you.
4. Homeslice - i still believe that you are a townie. after your response to Rake's ideas, i believe that you countered in a good way, and he would have attacked you more if there was suspicion in it. i doubt you now, but suspicion may surface later. who knows.
5. Badwolf - i still stand by my vote for you. i think that you are just mad because you are scum and you have been targeted since the pregame. anybody would be angry at that, but i think that a vanilla townie would be a lot more level headed at this point.
6. Hipstersister - i have some suspicion of you at this point. you have consistently sided with homeslice during the time you you were both attacked and since suspicion around homeslice. this makes me believe that you thought that it would eventually, and you wanted to be on the side of a known townie once all the smoke cleared. i think that you could be scum with somebody else who attacked her, but im not sure which one it could be.
7. Kary - I COMPLETELY AGREE. SLOW DOWN THE POSTING PLEASE. oh yeah and my reads. i think you are townie because you, like me, missed a lot of posting and then came in and tried to catch up. you reacted in the same way that i did, and since i am a townie, i think that you are one too. again, that could change because its hard to keep track of everything, but for now i trust you.
8. Orbok - i dont have a well developed read of you, but i found your agressive post a little suspicious. its not much to go on, but i have an eye of suspicion on you right now. this will develop more later.
9. Lolilovesrain - you could be. you dont post much so i dont have a great read on you either. it all gets fuzzy after about 150 posts so it could just be the timing. you seem to have an exuberant personality which shines through a little. if this is a front, you definently are mafia, so i will be watching to see if it is genuine.
10. Clover - i dont know what to believe anymore. honestly i dont. im trying to read the massive posts about you, and then you massive posts back, and theres a LOT of stuff flying around right now. however, you have kept a cool head so far so im inclined to think you are a townie. im not entirly sure though. it is unlikely that all of that would be said about you if you were just a normal townie, so for now, you are my best guess for cop.
11. vitamin c - idk and at this point, im tired of typing.
whoever 12 is, sorry i forgot about you. it took a while for me to catch up so i probably read stuff about you and just couldnt think of your name/opinion when this i wrote this. like i said to kary. will try harder in the future.
as for me, im sorry, i know a lot of you wanted my ready earlier and some of you wanted responses. this is the earliest i could get on so your requests on page 23 or 24 didnt really manage to stay in my head by page 30. will try to respond to anything posted tonight.
on one last note, Badwolf, whenever i make a post, i always copy it first before i send it so that if it gets eaten, i still have it. i learned that the heard way by emailing my gf
on a second last note, i know hipster, homeslice, J and badwolf in real life. do i know anybody else here?
sorry, i had the same person in there twice and i didnt want to forget anybody. who is vinyl?/firstname?
as for connections, im not exactly sure. as u know, my 2 biggest suspicions are Badwolf and Hipster. the odd thing is, they have both been targeted but neither has mentioned the other. if i was under scrutiny, i would try to put it off on the person who had the greatest chance of being taken out instead. i think that this could be a sign of both of them being together, but this will take more looking into.
also, i forgot your question, and it would would be a pain to find. can you just post it again please?
i noticed that loli plays a very girly, somewhat hyper game. if this is her personality, i would expect that. this is why i dont suspect homeslice. i know that she is a very happy person and i dont think that her playstyle stands out. im saying that if loli is putting on a front, and this can be proved, then she will most likely be mafia because that is one of the easiest playstyles to mimic and the least suspicious if it is done right.
as for an emotional appeal, im not entirely sure about if this would work. it is a lot harder to do over the intrernet so i dont think its a good strategy unless you can do it well.
lesse here...
hipster, the reference i made to the attack on you that you couldnt find was faulty, i did misread a post.
Clover, at first i didnt suspect you, but there is a little doubt growing in the back of my mind. little things here and there do seem to be popping up, but not enough to suspect you yet. you have defended yourself well, so you have held under pressure. on a scale of 1 to 12 (since there are 12 people other than me in this game) i would put you at a 7 or an 8 (1 being mafia don, and 12 being captian America).
Hipster again. you are finally going onto the badwolf bandwagon, which makes me believe that you are turning on your scumbuddy in order to distance youself ( i know how much you hate that term but sorry, seemed appropriate ). it might just be that im so convinced you are evil that you can do no right as of now, but im looking into you a lot more from now on. hopefully, you will say something exceptionally townie soon.
Clover, are you calling me benjy because i know you irl or are u just joining everybody else? just curious. helps me get a read.
Kary, your all caps response is confusing. it is either a bad townie move that you are hoping gets the point across, or you are playing a too stupid to be true mafia role. i would appreciate a response to this.
Badwolf, i wanna see you respond to J's wall. you havent defended much lately, only assigned other blame. not looking good for you if you want to convince us before the dealine.
would say more, but g2g to bed.
for whoever wanted more details for my suspicion on loliloves rain, heres my read right now.

loli has admitted to being busy for most of the day with a job/school, so this is the most likely reason for her hanging back. honestly, i understand this because i have one too. when we began to target her for doing this, she seemed somewhat flustered an quickly managed to post a wall on her feelings at that time. as of now, i think she is just making whatever observations she can glean from having to read a lot at a time, which is how i have been playing so far. since she is acting like me, im pretty sure she is a townie. at the moment im not really worried about her.

my read on ranmaru? out of all of the frequent posters here, i am having the most dificult time reading him and im not sure why. his push to cop me tonight is a move im not very familiar with in real life mafia, so im not sure what to read of it. it could be that he is just a good player and a valuable ally when they find out im town, but it could be that he will kill me tonight as mafia and waste the cops ability for a night. if i am killed and a cop reads me, thats a net zero for the cop and the villagers since everybody finds out who you are when you die. thats points against you right now from me. also, out of all the people who like to post huge walls of info, he and Rake do this the most. they can sometimes take up nearly an entire page of just them going back and forth about who could be evil. i think that if both of them were villagers, they would end up agreeing much more. as of now, i cannot even give a good guess as to which one could be.

would i vote for clover today? im not sure. yes, i do feel that his push to have me killed is quite fishy, but there is still a possibility that he is completely innocent. he has been under suspicion before and i believe that this is not a coincidence. im getting a yellow scum reading from him now, but if a huge push is going on a red scum who we are sure of, i will hold off on a campaign against him for now.

also, i would like to end this with a quote i found quite...enlightening. when J was killed by the red scum, his last post was "good luck newbies! bah go scum!" (#613). the implication given here is that the nexbies and the scum are divided. basically, i feel like there is at least one very experienced player on the yellow scum team. as i stated before, i suspect either rake or ranmaru of being one of these, but since they are among the most experienced (yes i know they are not the only ones.) i feel that this reinforces my belief. can i get some more opinions on this idea?
o and just to be clear, i dont mind getting copped tonight because that just gives me an ally during the day. i do feel that if i die, you really need to push ranmaru because he is either going to leeroy jenkins it at this point or get epic framed.
in response to Rake

i quoted J with the knowledge that the roles are randomized. the implication given was that since he said good luck newbies, go scum, it implies that as far as yellow scum goes, it is possible that there are no people in that faction that are very new players just as a coincidence.
also, you did specify 2 different people to get copped tonight, being myself and hipster. maybe this is me being uberparanoid. maybe its not. im not sure yet and i need to re-read you. by wanting 2 people to be copped tonight, you have created a perfect backdoor to your argument. should you be the red scum, by having 2 people get copped you could be giving yourself a 50-50 chance of killing the same person who gets copped and if not, you could get them the next night, assuming the red scum are unified in their thinking and not of a few different opinions. also, it is a great defence against my argument. i will have to look into your posts a little more to see which side im going to lean to because in my eyes, that was as townie as it was scummy. i will post when i change my opinion from neutral to one side or another,
kary, the post you put up in #857 was horribly agressive, as have most of you posts regarding Rake. most of your posts lately end with the general idea of, hurry up and kill him because its totally obvious and you all should have noticed it right now. while this may be the case, you have to consider that making such a huge accusation is very VERY controversial. since this game runs on people revealing their roles after they die, if you are wrong then this game is over for you because everybody is going to tunnel you to china on day 3. i have a lot of conflicting thoughts about this subject, the more that i think about it.
1. You are yellow scum.
If this is the case, you are trying to tunnel a very influential player out of the game which only makes your job easier. you may actually think he is red scum and that if you can kill him off, he will flip and you will be practically invulnerable for a long time while. i know that red scum are a priority, so suspicoin on you would not even be valid until all the red scum are dead.
2. You are red scum.
If this is the case, you are pushing a yellow scum so that way when he dies, you are still a hero and you have another chance to keep pushing your influence to kill of the rest of the yellow during the day while you kill townies at night. also, aggression is exactly what gave badwolf away. when he began to be heavily suspected, he became flustered and he made a lot of posts with *s in them. i think that this is what pushed a lot of players onto him. since most everybody noticed that, why are you letting yourself get angry? even if you are innocent, this is a bad playstyle and after a while people are going to start looking into you more. i am also considering the possibility that you know this and that by copying the playstyle of a known red scum, you are masking your real role because a real scum would be smart enough to not. i risky move, but here i think its biting you in the back and if i have anything to say about it, it will get you lynched because this is the possibility that i think is the most likely.
3. you are a Townie
the agression ploy could be the same as i described in point 2, only with you using it to mask your townieness. this i highly doubt since it would be unnesecary and would only draw attention to yourself. it would further the townie cause if you were right and frankly, while i doubt this option the most, i also want this to be true the most because i want the scum dead as the rest of us townies. i just wish i could believe you. you agression has kinda ignored some of his arguments and responded with telling him that he spent a while defending himself, not explaining to the rest of us that his defense is wrong and why. if you really wanted to do the best job of it, you should have done it a different way. you have not played this game a lot online im guessing so it could just be a rookie mistake because Lord knows i have made them too.

now for something else that i would love some opinions on. we havent really talked about who would lynch J and why. J supported me a lot in this game and i believe that the comments he made have really helped my reputation given what he said and his amount of online experience. even though he flipped yellow scum, i dont think he was trying to befriend me in-game just so i would be suspected if he died. i think that it was his honest attempt to take out the red scum so that he could play his role with a lot less worry and a lot more fun. my real issue here is, who would want J dead? my thought now is Clover. since J was one of the people who was totally convinced that i was town, if he were to die then my support would dwindle as well. this would leave me to be a relativly easy target to have executed during the day. if nothing else, it would be easier. this would allow the town to take out a villager since i was no longer under the wing of an experienced player. that is why he waited untill today to post and vote me. i know i didnt post a lot during day 1 but he would have pushed me more if he had a real suspicion. thats why for now, im going to

does anybody else have any ideas about this subject? i would appreciate some feedback on this.
i want to push clover because he did something that confused me and i want to understand why. his vote for me was, in my opinion, right out of the blue and i dont know what to take of it. it just surprised me and on day one, people would spend days building up walls and then still not casting their votes. im not sure if he is a townie or not but it just really raised my alert to him. i kinda suspected him before but there were others i had on the list way above him. i just dont think that his playstyle is that of a person who is just a regular townie.

as for kary, your last post gives off a totally different playstle than what you have been showing recently. its a lot more passive and it reminds me a lot of what J was doing. it hasnt raised my suspicion of you as yellow scum because of that, but it does increase the chance that you are red. i feel like you changed you playstlyle just to suit the needs of individual players. you are, for lack of a better word, targeting players and catering to them to increase the vote count. it seems a little too underhanded for me to trust you. this could just be good playing though. as usual, i am completely unsure. i would like to see some more response from rake on the recent events, but i dont think im going to get to see them (i have camp. will explain in next post). i will def look into them when i get back. basically, my whole opinion of this is that my trust on you is completely dependent on who dies and what rake flips if he dies. as of now, im going to keep my vote where it is and hopefully homeslice will be able to convince enough people to lynch clover, seeing as she is the only other one voting for him.
ok people i need all of you to read this. I am leaving for church camp tomorrow morning and will not be able to post again until saturday. The night starts on the 27th so i will only be missing a little of day and part of the night. My vote for clover still stands and i will try to post on saturday if the night is over by then. Thank you.
my, my, MY this game has gotten good since i left for vacation. im really liking this game now. just as a side note, i should be good for the rest of the game because im done with vacations for the rest of the summer. i will be able to post every day after 4 from now on so hopefully, no more prods for me.

lets get on with the reads shall we?

1. Kary - wow this is confusing. you seem to have a very strong personality in this game so im not exactly sure if you are being aggressive or you are losing it. im going to go with yellow scum. you are overpushing some players so its my guess that you are a yellow scum because you are playing the part perfectly. this is a great disguise because you wouldnt be suspected because your agression would be waaaaaay too obvious. thats just my read. as i said before i suspect you of being scum so im going to vote you for now because i dont know who the last red scum is.

2. Anomandaris_Rake - to tell you the truth i had a theory that you were a scum at first but that is dwindling. not sure anymore. you are either a townie or a VERY good scum.

3. Clover - you know my feelings on you. i still want you dead but right now it would be hard for me to get you lynched so im going to lay off for now unless i can get some more support. i suspect kary almost as much as you, but if i voted for you right now it would probably be a waste. i be back for you later...(i know that sounds scummy but theres no way to say it different)

4. JTB - i had a good read on homeslice and you are playing well too. i have you pegged as a townie.

5. Vinyl - frag. not exactly sure what you are doing. my best guess is that you are a townie. you have a lot of suspicious aggression but i think thats coming from the innactivity. i can understand that. you are trying to get reads on people and its not working if we arent posting. might look into you later but i doubt it at this point. with all the accusations that have flown at you lately, i think that you would have broken if you were scum of wither kind.

6. Ramen King - i really dont like your agreement with red scum. while it does look grea on paper, it basically gives red scum the liberty to play us until they dont feel like following anymore and then they can throw a wrench into everything the town plans. also, if the town asks the red scum to kill himself one day, especially if its on the first day, it make this game a thousand times more complicated and i can barely keep up with it right now. i play this game in a way thats not so much, what did they say that was scummy, i play it in a way thats, why did this person get killed last night? if that makes any sense. this really messes with my mind. anyway, i have a pretty good read on you. hipstersister was kinda suspicios to me but you are a lot less. not worried about you for now.

7. Lolilovesrain - you havent posted a lot lately. this isnt a knock against you because i havent either. dont have a read right now. plus its late and i dont feel like dgging through 1051 posts right now to look for contradictions and the like lol.

8. Zen - i lost track of who you replaced so sorry. no read as of now.

9. ori bro - baaaaaaaad move. you changed your vote at the end of the day in the last post to make it a tie so that nobody got lynched. that is really a scummy move and it seems blatantly obvious at this point that im suprised you havent been jumped. kary was one of the most suspicious people at the time of voting and you saved his life. if by some chance you are a townie, you have stuck your neck waaaay out to save this guys life and the only way for me to believe you would be for one of you to die and flip town. but since im convinced that he is a scum of some kind, since you saved his life you must be yellow scum buddies. kary was going down but still had a chance. you have, in essence, thrown him a life vest with an anvil in it and then tied it to your own foot. today, kary needs to die and after him, im hitting you next. death to yellow scum!

10. me! - i guess its time for me to prove my townieness. i know that im not really suspected right now except by clover so i guess this is a little odd for me to do this but a lot of you want reads on me so i guess i will give something that will hopefully convince you that im not lying. i have not posted a lot in this game due to various restrictions and that will hopefully change. i have tried to support myself without the use of quotes because im lazy at this game. there have been a lot of accusations flying around and i will admit that i have tried to keep my head down some. my biggest problem in real life mafia is that i talk too much and generally get myself killed so im trying to not do this now because this is the most intenst game i have played so far. im kinda upset that everybody i know in real life has died/requested replacement minus clover. i could really read them well because i knew them so im kinda angry. o well. cant be helped. ugh. there are also a lot of playstyles going around and its hard to keep track of opinions at times. yes i know that this statement is a backdoor, and this scentence is backdoorception (lulz) but its just whats going through my mind right now and i figure if i tell you all exactly what im thinking then you will see that i am town. also, its hard to use right grammer while listening to music with words. i would not reccomend this.

well thats what i think for now. i will post tomorrow around sometime so i would appreciate some feedback and reactions. Zen please clear up who you are. i had a bad enough time keeping everybody's names streight before they got replaced. my thinkie thinker isnt working really good right now.

Here is every post Benji has made. Not once does he start a single push. All he has ever posted is his thoughts on people and a simple vote thats it. Not once does he delve deep into why he voted for whom he selected. His incrimination of me switching my vote is ridiculous. I switched my vote because a Kary lynch is not right since I have a town read on him and I don't want town to lose someone because of a mislynch.

Rake, your theory of him just agreeing to kill those who talked the most is clearly correct. After looking at each of his post, he is definitely a goon. I don't think he would dumb enough to vote his scummate on D1.



ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008

collapse tag fail >_> That was supposed to be all nice and organized so people dont need to scroll down.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Right... Someone explain to me the difference between Benji and say.... Vinyl?
If you're scum for not really pushing anything this game then half the playerlist is scum :ohwell:

Rake, I see you blowing things out of proportion and my thoughts are like :facepalm:

Oh, and the reason we got no lynch yesterday was because there was no majority. It's nothing to do with tying the waggons.

@Rake: what's your opinion on Clover right now?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Gawd rake, reading walls are a problem for me. Can you make sure to do more TL;DRs?

So, for the benji stuff, It was hard for me to completely understand. But still, one part he lies to you while buddying and stuff?
Welp, I might have to consider benji to respond.

And what else is that he:
is being less active
Is mostly (or only) posting his thoughts and reads.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Right... Someone explain to me the difference between Benji and say.... Vinyl?
If you're scum for not really pushing anything this game then half the playerlist is scum :ohwell:

Oh, and the reason we got no lynch yesterday was because there was no majority. It's nothing to do with tying the waggons.

@Rake: what's your opinion on Clover right now?
You are random.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
TL;DR of my case:

-He jumps wherever the popular vote is
-His reads are full of back doors
-He magically had me as scum early on and decided to out it right when there were questions towards my slot, a direct contradiction to what he was posting
-He hasn't done any scum hunting of his own
-He sheeped me very hard on Badwulf, which me and Ran talked about.
- His scum read on me is an enormous back door.
- He states he doesn'r suspect me at one point but now states he had a scum read on me from early on
- As I recall , under Ran's initial scrutiny came his sheeping of me and his vote and Badwulf, and then says he would take this as a scum indicator when other people do it
wrt to his suspicion of Badwulf and Hipster
- He has some sort of mystical standard of posts / content of posts that would clear Hipster instantly
-He claims in at least three places I've found so far and in each case there has been questions about his slot. The first claim was soft, then there was another in the same post only stronger, and when Ran wanted to cop him he claimed again.
So all in all it looks like he's trying to stick claims everywhere to come off as a townie angry at what really amounts to light prods of suspicion towards his slot and thus not worth claiming over.

(I.E : someone pokes towards his slot, he reacts defensively and inserts a claim)
- In one of his posts that I quoted I'm pretty sure he's trying to role fish Kary.
Plus in the second part of that quote is the only real aggresive push that I have seen from Benjy as I recall on a slot.
- His entire opinion of Kary was dependant on who died and what I were to flip were I dead.
He seems to have forgotten on his last wall why Ran's death pushes Kary to the forefront and because he claims to use who dies to scum hunt I especially want him to elaborate on this.
- His "I'm to lazy to quote" attitude just screams newb scum trying to avoid being caught out, which is exactly what happened to Badwulf because of quoting reasons.
Plus he puts it in a place like he's trying to justify not quoting / doing anything perticular wrt his "early scum read on me" And in a place where it seems like he's trying to be newb townie and scum hunt wheh he's actually just jumping to wagons and not quoting anything to avoid being called on the reasoning as I just stated.
- The only person he's managed to stay on (if you can call it that) has been Clover and I'm going to read him again because at some point I believe he swaps opinions on Clover.
- His reads are hollow and don't seem to actually be reads and more like something he could point to should he need to.
- It's my firm belief these weak reads are so he can jump around as I just stated and Ori seems to agree that he has been jumping quite a bit

I'm pretty sure that's the long and short of it for now

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
TL;DR: reachy case

It's so ridiculously one-sided I can't seriously believe you think any of that.

And where on earth did this suspicion come from?

Vote: Rake (again)

SOMEONE please explain to me why what Benji has done is scummy but what Vinyl has done isn't.

Vinyl I'm not 'random', what point are you trying to make?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
It came from a world I like to call scum hunting.

If Benjy can do something to disprove me explain where the **** his scummy read on me was / came from. *Which is one of the main reasons why I am now looking at him * then I'll maybe move elsewhere.

Oh and I had middling suspicion on him before, so it didn't come out of nowhere , it came from the fact that he's trying to leave himself holes especially when it comes to my slot.

It's also not reaching because his latest read on me is a direct contradiction to what he had posted before and it looks bad.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
@Kary : I'll re-read Clover again if you can explain why Benjy's magic early scum read , a direct contradiction to his early reads walls, doesn't look like scummy reaching / back-dooring / whatever you want to call his last "read" on me
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