I thought of something incredibly incredible last night. This may be a bit much for a newbie game, but hopefully you all will follow. Keep in mind that this is something that will only really work in this situation we are in only in this setup. Also keep in mind that I am extremely awesome.
So basically we as town make a deal with red scum. This deal will benefit both us and the red scum while we look for yellow scum.
The deal is as town we no lynch for the rest of the game until both yellow scum are killed. In return, red scum Night kills who we as town vote for. Essentially for town this is ridding of the night kill. Since scum will be killing who we want it's as if we are lynching everyday without night kills. You see what I mean? Since town chooses the kill, it's the same as a lynch. This rids of random night kill from scum and the power red scum has from that. So basically during the day we all vote for two people to be night killed (it has to be two which I'll explain later). To do this we will use the command "Night Kill: Player name" and keep track of the votes ourselves just as the mod does with the regular votes. Once we have the majority for the first pick, we will do the same thing for the second pick. Once both are decided, we will then end the day in a no lynch. And red scum at night will kill between either of the two picks from town. The next day we will do the same and so on until we have caught both yellow scum.
Now what's in it for red scum. i.e why should they agree to this. Just as it rids of town from the night kill. It also rids of red scum from a lynch. With this deal, there is no possible way for red scum to be lynched. Since we are choosing two people for red scum to kill from he wont be outed for not killing. So say we only chose one person for red scum to kill. If he didn't kill that person at night, we would assume that person was red scum. That's why we have to choose two people so that red scum can enter this deal safely. With two people to choose from, there is no way for red scum to be corned. If he is one of the picks to be killed. He can simply choose the other person to kill. And since town revotes the next day it is also possible for him to get out of the lynch pick if he had been in it before.
So hopefully you see that this is both greatly advantageous for town and redscum. The only ones who are at disadvantage from this are yellow scum. Since they can't night kill, they pretty much have to either wait for their doom. Once we have lynchkilled both yellow scum. We will end this deal and then we can start looking for red scum.
We need to get into this fast. What does everyone think? I feel that the only people who would try and disagree to this at this point would be yellow scum.