Thank you so much! I really dont expect that I will receive an answer that fast!
Yeah I have others questions that I add lately after my post ><
8) Does play some times with others characters will help my game with Sheik?
I tryhard with Sheik. Im on her maybe be 10h a week just in lab. Players on my team told me that play other charcacter (maybe slower like bowser or gannon) will help me to better play with Sheik. I dont say it befire but Im I roller player... I mean in that that I roll too many times and I tryhard to not do it anymore. I roll really really really lot of time. I had to oblige myself to run shield, or just run, short hop etc. Play Bowser will help me to use more jab, and jump/run for movement because his roll is slow and really punishable. Does it necessary to use other players others to understand their moves?
9) How to do a good spacing with Sheik? I think this is a tight relation with my control. I dont do good spacing fair. I ALWAYS get punish with grab after a fair or nair with bad spacing. I cant fair anyone by holding back. If you have just tools or good input to do it efficiently, I will be glad.
10) What is the good playstyle with Sheik?
I think be aggressive or defensive is good as well, but I do love to be a zonning player. I charge my needles and throw it to get my space and punish bad approach of my enemy. I love just grab or do a little combo, and replace myself safely on the ground. But the bad thigs is that I dont get I good judge of what doing instead of needle when somobody comes to me. I suck at it. And I dont know of to be aggressive and approach eaither...
I'm now much zen with all the answers and I will practice with more faith in my game. Thank so much!!
8) Some like to use Corin, the reason being that she is similar in play style (her Fair and Neutral B are very similar in particular) but less, well, top-tier, making her a good character to learn with.
9) In neutral, you almost always want to land attacks as far away as possible to minimize how they can punish in case the attack whiffs. As for doing Fair while holding Back, just use the C-stick, preferably while it is set to Attack as opposed to Smash.
10) You will need to adapt based on who you are facing. Against most characters, camping to bait and punish is a viable tactic as they are forced to approach against your Needles, which is not easy to do and as a result can easily leave them open for attack, from which point you can destroy them with your great combo game and such. This is Sheik's optimal playstyle Against ones who like to camp themselves, you can afford to be aggressive as you have more than enough tools to deal with projectiles and fast enough moves that you should be able to beat out their attempts to punish your approach.