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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Jun 8, 2009
Bringing the conversation to your profile omega (Yes. You're still the good ol' Omega I know) :troll:

Err... Back to the topic.

Um... Thoughts about Slime?


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Speaking of music.............................

Yo Omega, that Dearly Beloved "fight" theme is all remixed right? I wouldn't know you never linked me to your YouTube :O

Last Story is Final Fantasy? Its that Japan only game with the guy from your old avatar right?
Actually The Last Story is an entirely different game, but Nobuo Uematsu did the music for that game. Of which that song, especially, had the greatest throwback to the old Final Fantasy sound. Yes my last avatar was the main male from that game, Elza.

Let's try not talking about Slime today...


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Ah, well you said Final Fantasy music and linked to that. What platform is it for?
btw you should put Pheonix's head on you Starman avatar lololol
Jun 8, 2009
Err... Off for now.

I'll be clicking the refresh button along with those who are waiting for Wright's reveal in event hubs.

FU FU FU FUF UF UFUFUFUFUF----- HOLY ***&(&#(%&#(%#)%

Oh and to solidify it...



Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Every time I think of Phoenix Wright in Marvel, I think of all the delicious tears of Megaman fans.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Err... Off for now.

I'll be clicking the refresh button along with those who are waiting for Wright's reveal in event hubs.
Screw Wright. We all know he's just a joke character. :troll:

I know everyone's really waiting for Frank West. He's covered wars ya know. :awesome:

Frank West
Iron Fist

= the Manliest Team EVER (I wanted Mega MAN also but oh well :p)

Anyway back on whatever topic we were on...


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
I saw that Frank West was gonna be like how he was in Tatsunoko vs Capcom, much like Zero with some changes here and there. But he looks fun to play, reminds me of Jill in MvC2 (*gasp a zombie)

I don't really think there was a topic...Sora on 3DS "brings up chances" :awesome:


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Delicious you say?
Oh very much so.

ANd I think SmashChu might be pleased (no sarcasm here) to hear about the stuff being put into Street Fighter X Tekken that was announced the other day at the TGS. First thing is the Pandora mode which requires you to sacrifice your on point character (with 25% or less health) and leaves you with your other character powered up with unlimited meter. Downside is that it only lasts about seven seconds and if you can't beat the opponent by the time the meter is drained, you lose. Despite its coolness and all, I can't see this being used seriously in competitive play.

Then there's the 4-player mode. You have two teams of two and the players work in tandem. When P1's character is switched out, P2 takes over. In Cross Assault, it pretty much turns into a team Smash battle. Finally, there's the Gem System. Not much is known about it, but we do know that you can customize your character's moves. I can't see this being used due to the insane balancing problems this would create, but it's cool for casual players.

What do you guys think of this stuff?
Jun 8, 2009
It's really cool.

I can't wait mainly for the 4 player battle

This is gonna be one hell of a night for me



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Oh very much so.

ANd I think SmashChu might be pleased (no sarcasm here) to hear about the stuff being put into Street Fighter X Tekken that was announced the other day at the TGS. First thing is the Pandora mode which requires you to sacrifice your on point character (with 25% or less health) and leaves you with your other character powered up with unlimited meter. Downside is that it only lasts about seven seconds and if you can't beat the opponent by the time the meter is drained, you lose. Despite its coolness and all, I can't see this being used seriously in competitive play.

Then there's the 4-player mode. You have two teams of two and the players work in tandem. When P1's character is switched out, P2 takes over. In Cross Assault, it pretty much turns into a team Smash battle. Finally, there's the Gem System. Not much is known about it, but we do know that you can customize your character's moves. I can't see this being used due to the insane balancing problems this would create, but it's cool for casual players.

What do you guys think of this stuff?
I personally think Capcom went overboard with making the "comeback" mechanic lack cruelly of opportunities to use it

you can't combo into it.
you can't cancel into it.
the damage boost isnt that great.
10 seconds is awfully fast for a game where the blockstrings seem to be pretty long
seems to be easily predicted and/or baited
don't know if it causes any chip damage à la X-Factor

the situation I see this working in competively ( cuz netplay pandora will be hilarious , no doubt about this) is unblockable setups and when both have low health

glad when I want "comeback mechanics" in my SSB4 I will put items on very high

edit : no opinion about the 4 players mode and the Gem mode so far


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
I can see Pandora mode being used as a last resort but not as often, of course, as MvC3's XFactor. The whole game sounds amazing. I like the fact that its another fighting game crossover as opposed to NamcoXCapcom which was RPG (although I still wanna chance to play it). The Gem System sounds like it would work like the 3DS customization for SSB4, assuming it turns out to be that kind of customization.

Sora would actually be my first choice as a third party in terms of a character in general, but realistically I give it to Megaman and/or Slime(&Chocobo).

It'd be awesome for a "comeback" mechanic in SSB4, other than having to use items, but that would make SSB4 stray from being unique to other fighting games.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Oh very much so.

ANd I think SmashChu might be pleased (no sarcasm here) to hear about the stuff being put into Street Fighter X Tekken that was announced the other day at the TGS. First thing is the Pandora mode which requires you to sacrifice your on point character (with 25% or less health) and leaves you with your other character powered up with unlimited meter. Downside is that it only lasts about seven seconds and if you can't beat the opponent by the time the meter is drained, you lose. Despite its coolness and all, I can't see this being used seriously in competitive play.

Then there's the 4-player mode. You have two teams of two and the players work in tandem. When P1's character is switched out, P2 takes over. In Cross Assault, it pretty much turns into a team Smash battle. Finally, there's the Gem System. Not much is known about it, but we do know that you can customize your character's moves. I can't see this being used due to the insane balancing problems this would create, but it's cool for casual players.

What do you guys think of this stuff?
Funny enough, I actually hate the Pandora mode. It's the same reason I hate X factor. Why can't we just have a normal fight. Why do we need these gimmicks. I guess the good news is it will work in reverse. Where X factor ruined Marvel, it will do nothing in SFxT cause it seems like it sucks. We'll see.

The other modes are good. I'm surprised it took this long to make a mode where each player controls a character. Could have had that in the other vs games.

Before you say "Smashchu hates fighting games," I'm more interested in this one. My only worry is the silly Pandora mode which almost killed it for me.

Also, on MvC 3, not sure why we have Pheonix. What is he going to do? Throw papers at you? Leaving Megaman out of this game is like leaving out Mario in Smash. He's Capcom's mascot. This is another reason I'm not a big fan of Marvel. Nothing in the game seems organized or thought out. It's a mess, and I don't mean that in a good way. I would like something more along the lines of Tatsunoko.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Isn't there an option where you could disable X Factor, like how you can take off items in SSB? I'm sure Pandora would have that option. X Factor brings something new and makes that last character more interesting to fight, but I'm not here to persuade you :)

Wasn't XD the only one with an actual story? Colosseum, Stadium and Revolution are all "expansions" aren't they?


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
It'd be awesome for a "comeback" mechanic in SSB4, other than having to use items, but that would make SSB4 stray from being unique to other fighting games.
We already have that within the items in Brawl , that's the Smash ball , that might make a come back or not

or do you want something along the lines of Lucario's aura and being able to deal higher damage/knockback attacks when you have high percentage but this would mean commands to activate it and all that good stuff

this sounds too complicated for Smash anyway

Isn't there an option where you could disable X Factor,
nope , unfortunately


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Pokemon Colosseum is part story mode. Pokemon XD was basically the sequel to that game.
There was no Shadow Lugia trophy at all tho?

We already have that within the items in Brawl , that's the Smash ball , that might make a come back or not

or do you want something along the lines of Lucario's aura and being able to deal higher damage/knockback attacks when you have high percentage but this would mean commands to activate it and all that good stuff

this sounds too complicated for Smash anyway

nope , unfortunately
Well I still think X Factor makes things more interesting. It can't be spammed and is predictable towards the end, which can be seen as "common" technique. There may be an option in UMvC. Or you could just choose not to use it :)
More along the lines of Lucario's Aura, which is why I said without using items. It'd be cool if it was natural like Lucario's or activated. It's not needed since SSB's fighting system is already good as is but itd be cool to have.
The only real issues to me are physics and balancing.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
X factor is beyond dumb... it cancels blockstun upon activation... that is soooo dumb and basically lets you kill a character for free if they try to pressure you.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
As for having a X factor like mode. No; Smash is already good as it is and doesn't need gimmicks like Capcom fighters keep needing. :p


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Funny enough, I actually hate the Pandora mode. It's the same reason I hate X factor. Why can't we just have a normal fight. Why do we need these gimmicks. I guess the good news is it will work in reverse. Where X factor ruined Marvel, it will do nothing in SFxT cause it seems like it sucks. We'll see.
My guess is that Pandora, in the end, will be like Guilty Gear's Instant Kill moves. They're cool and all, but they are completely impractical. To me, Pandora is a pact. It's not like X-Factor where you have a get-out-of-jail card. Pandora just gives you the shovel and you hope you aren't caught escaping.
The other modes are good. I'm surprised it took this long to make a mode where each player controls a character. Could have had that in the other vs games.
I think that would've been doable in TvC, but not MvC because that'd require six players. Marvel's laggy enough online as it is, and I think six players would be too much.

Also, on MvC 3, not sure why we have Pheonix. What is he going to do? Throw papers at you? Leaving Megaman out of this game is like leaving out Mario in Smash. He's Capcom's mascot. This is another reason I'm not a big fan of Marvel. Nothing in the game seems organized or thought out. It's a mess, and I don't mean that in a good way. I would like something more along the lines of Tatsunoko.
In terms of roster, what does TvC have over MvC3?

I think the reasoning behind these subjectively odd rosters is that the priority is diversity and balance, not purely fanservice (but it's still there). Technically though, the decisions behind the Marvel characters was strictly Marvel. I think they're using it more like an advertising ploy though because I think each of the new Marvel characters has something in the works, be it a movie or new comic book series. X-23 and She-Hulk though are a bit of a mystery, but they play very differently from their male counterparts.

On the topic of Megaman, as I've said before, Ammy, Arthur, and Dante are all able to use fully expanded versions of what Megaman would've done. I think the decision for Phoenix Wright was a result of fan demand and as a design challenge: How do you come up with a faithful moveset for a character with no explicity fighting experience. Remember, the most creative stuff comes out of limitations. Case in point, a lot of the things we find in retro games like Mario's head, Samus' Ice Beam, etc.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
@---: Technically, Smash already has a gimmick in the form of a Final Smash. But I enjoy it.:phone:
Maybe, but I don't really see it as a gimmick. Each character has there own FS that each add something new to the gameplay and is a legitament move in my opinion despite not being used in competetive play.

Anyway I was just making fun of it since Capcom fighter fanboys annoy me to no end so when I can find something to make fun of I go for it. :laugh:

Sorry if I offened anyone here, as I actually have respect for you all. :(


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Actually, you'll find a number of complaints on comeback mechanics, not just in Capcom fighers, but in other games.

And Final Smashes are in the same vein of Guilty Gear's Instant Kills to a degree as some moves could easily do instant kills, and then you just had some moves that just sucked. All in all, the final smashes were really imbalanced overall. As they are, I can't consider them legitimate moves.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
well this thread could be entertaining to keep track of.

if the game is as slow as brawl, it won't matter what controller its on.

also, it better have ganon. and he better be good again.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Actually, you'll find a number of complaints on comeback mechanics, not just in Capcom fighers, but in other games.

And Final Smashes are in the same vein of Guilty Gear's Instant Kills to a degree as some moves could easily do instant kills, and then you just had some moves that just sucked. All in all, the final smashes were really imbalanced overall. As they are, I can't consider them legitimate moves.
Of course, (Cough...Tripping....Cough)

As for legitimacy of FS, of course not for competitive play, everyone knows how unbalanced they are.

I ment they're legitimate during non competitive play with friends.

Although at least we have the option of turning FS's off, on Capcom sites they complain about X Factor as much as we complain about tripping.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
My guess is that Pandora, in the end, will be like Guilty Gear's Instant Kill moves. They're cool and all, but they are completely impractical. To me, Pandora is a pact. It's not like X-Factor where you have a get-out-of-jail card. Pandora just gives you the shovel and you hope you aren't caught escaping.
Yeah. I'm just not a fan of it because I wish they would just stick to the basics. SFxT looks fun just on it's core gameplay. I'm not why we need to add Pandora. It also looks silly. I was woried it would just be hurp derp pandora, but I guess it turns into a gimmick.

I think that would've been doable in TvC, but not MvC because that'd require six players. Marvel's laggy enough online as it is, and I think six players would be too much.
True. Just strange that they haven't tried it at all. You are right, TvC would have used it better than MvC3

In terms of roster, what does TvC have over MvC3?

I think the reasoning behind these subjectively odd rosters is that the priority is diversity and balance, not purely fanservice (but it's still there). Technically though, the decisions behind the Marvel characters was strictly Marvel. I think they're using it more like an advertising ploy though because I think each of the new Marvel characters has something in the works, be it a movie or new comic book series. X-23 and She-Hulk though are a bit of a mystery, but they play very differently from their male counterparts.
I was more talking about the overall game. It just feels like a mess. MvC3's roster is funky and eliminates good characters for "unique," ones. The X factor. The lack of modes. The fact that characters attacks are ridiculous so using anyone who is just "normal," means you get beat. Just everything.

I liked TvC's roster because it was different. We knew it wasn't a sequel to MvC2, but a "spiritual," successor. So having different Capcom characters was interesting. We got characters we wouldn't have normally seen. I also liked that they went with Megaman Vollnut over classic. Gave it a different feel. MvC3 didn't feel right. A friend of mine commented that the roster was weak. He mentioned it had cool villains like Doctor Doom, but then you have MODOK. So you had a jumble of characters who are kind of out of place and try to make it work. What I would have preferred them to do is to take the staples of the series and the good characters from MvC2 and then just expand on that. They left a lot of good characters on the chopping block like Cyclops and Venom and Captain Commando and Megaman for other "unique," characters.

On the topic of Megaman, as I've said before, Ammy, Arthur, and Dante are all able to use fully expanded versions of what Megaman would've done. I think the decision for Phoenix Wright was a result of fan demand and as a design challenge: How do you come up with a faithful moveset for a character with no explicity fighting experience. Remember, the most creative stuff comes out of limitations. Case in point, a lot of the things we find in retro games like Mario's head, Samus' Ice Beam, etc.
I'm sure that's what they thought about Megaman, but they are still wrong. No Megaman is like no Mario in Smash. Think of it this way: before Brawl, everyone thought Ness was a goner. But he comes back, and now we have two characters who are very similar. But Ness is a staple of the series as are the other 11 from the first game. Even though Lucas filled Ness's roles, it wasn't enough to justify dropping Ness. The same is true of Megaman. He's a staple and the company's mascot. He should be in there. In a game like this, it's less how they play and more who they are. The rest can be filled in and that's the challenge. Sakurai has done this a lot with Smash. This is why we have Wolf over Krystal.

With Pheonix, sure, you can make a moveset. Sakurai had a moveset for Animal Crosser as well. But he's changed his tune because it doesn't make much sense to add someone if they can't fight. It's going to be out of place for him to fight because he can't any of what he will do in this game.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Meh, with the exception of MIKE ****ING HAGGAR, I perfer TvC to the MvC series.

The first 2 games were terriblely unbalanced, just borrowed sprites from past Capcom games, bad music, way to many joke and cloned characters that were just as if not worse then Pichu.

MvC3 I found had way too many issues with it but releasing UMvC3 less then a half a year later and at a discounted price and not being able to upgrade like the SF4 series is nothing but bull ****.

TvC had pretty good online, a much more balanced roster, more gameplay modes, more unlockables, and the Barouke combo system was amazing compared to X Factor.

In fact the only things bad with TvC I found was that the graphics could have been better and that they should have tried to keep what was lost on the worldwide release such as the anime cutscenes.

Anyway we should try and get back on topic now...


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah. I'm just not a fan of it because I wish they would just stick to the basics. SFxT looks fun just on it's core gameplay. I'm not why we need to add Pandora. It also looks silly. I was woried it would just be hurp derp pandora, but I guess it turns into a gimmick.
I think Pandora's just there to excite new players to the game. For people like you and me familiar with fighting games to some degree, it's nothing, but it does look cool. Basically, the idea is that new players come for Pandora, but they stay for the core gameplay which will more than likely be the meat and potatoes. That being said, that idea won't apply to everyone.

I guess it's a good thing it's a gimmick for once.

I was more talking about the overall game. It just feels like a mess. MvC3's roster is funky and eliminates good characters for "unique," ones. The X factor. The lack of modes. The fact that characters attacks are ridiculous so using anyone who is just "normal," means you get beat. Just everything.
I'll be the first to admit that the first MvC3 is lacking in modes. In terms of attack power though, MvC2 is both notorious and famous for being a touch of death game so they applied that to MvC3. That's just how it is.

They left a lot of good characters on the chopping block like Cyclops and Venom and Captain Commando and Megaman for other "unique," characters.
Wasn't Cyclops just basically Ryu? Capt. Commando and Venom I believe may have been subject to technical limitations, and CapCom got a spiritual successor with C. Viper. Megaman, IDK, but he never seemed all that interesting to me in MvC2. Watch him be DLC though.
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