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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I used to go to a friend's house when I was young and he had Balloon Fight and Ice Climber (and on an unrelated note, Kid Icarus, Clu-Clu Land, and Mach Rider). (or as I call it, a retro smash character orgy! o.o)

Ice Climber I guess is only really fun as a speed run game.

Balloon Fight had an awesome single player balloon run mode, an okay vs computer battle mode, and a pretty fun 1v1 mode.

But yeah, a Balloon Fight balloon run match as a stage, or even the basic layout stage (which was partially stolen viva the fish in The Summit) in the single and multiplayer mode would make a great stage.

Balloon Fighter, needless to say, could be totally awesome and original, much like Game and Watch, and *hopefully* would still be able to fly a bit and fight a bit without his balloons. That or maybe just have his balloons on him without the chance of them popping, which would get ride of that possible dilemma.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2011
San Diego, CA
Balloon Fighter in SSB4? How would he play, I'm interested :D

Most 1st and 2nd party characters that were in Brawl that existed before Melee were represented in Melee via trophies, themes, etc.

Diddy Kong, A helmetless Samus that wasn't unlockable but on the game disc without hacks, Meta Knight, King Dedede, *enter Pokémon names here*, the Woflen (well, it's pilot was in Brawl), Pit, Captain Olimar, and Wario.

If anything, it at least signifies the Balloon Fighter isn't totally forgotten by smash.
That's a really good point. I remember that when I saw Pit the first thing that went through my head was that he was a trophy in Melee. Any other ideas on (S)NES/N64 characters to appear?

Been gone for about 10 pages, what else been going on?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Why'd he get scrapped from Melee anyways? He would've much more fun to play with than the slow C. Falcon clone...

Lulz, I'm a Journeyman now.

Lol..he got scrapped because Sakurai found complications with his moveset, at the time he was originally intended to be instead of the Ice Climbers but somewhere along the way Sakurai stumbled upon a complication with his moveset, since I guess he was meant to have the balloons all the time, thus he didn't see him working, thus he ended up getting replaced by Ice Climbers instead.

Fun Fact: Bubbles and Mach Rider were also intended to be playable at one point during Melee's development.



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Why'd he get scrapped from Melee anyways? He would've much more fun to play with than the slow C. Falcon clone...
It's a lot easier to add a clone that an original character. Melee originally had 20 characters planned, probably all original, but ultimately had 26, with 7 clones. So one could make the argument 7 clones = 1 characters, and when some 7 of your clones are (then) ultra popular characters like Luigi (who should be in), Ganondorf, and Falco, you gotta do it.

With Brawl, that didn't really happen much, mostly because the roster was pre-planned, albeit Sonic was added late (which may explain why his move set is inconsistent, and not that great).

I'm not really sure if there's a situation that warrants late additions of clones, or at least many "true" clones.
  1. Luigi is becoming more "Luigi" ish, with a continued added originality in each game.
  2. Ganondorf's move set in Brawl was much more... Ganondorf-esk than his superb form in Melee, but his awful move set was nothing short of a fiasco in Brawl. He should be totally redone.
  3. Toon/Young Link is becoming more based off Zelda games with himself as the main character. We'll probably see added sword play moves inspired from games with Young/Toon Link.
  4. Falco is probably going to have a few added moves. Anyone else want two blasters that aren't totally campy, lame, or have ridiculous range=???
  5. Wolf's weird fighting style, stance, and the way he plays is probably going to branch him off into his own character entirely.
  6. Lucas and Ness are probably going to become more and more with more moves based off the moves they use in the Mother series, specifically both of their Final Smashes.

Also, while Ganondorf's movement in Melee was fairly slow (not as bad as in Brawl, though), Ganondorf's moves actually were pretty fast, and he is nothing short of a powerhouse in Melee IMO. Ganondorf in Brawl... was just embarrassing though. Awful, awful balancing and he really felt uninspired.

And Little Mac talk is awesome! Little Mac for Smash Bros. Wii U. He would add so much to smash bros! Hopefully he doesn't have a cheap move where Doc heals him between rounds! :laugh:

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Lol..he got scrapped because Sakurai found complications with his moveset, at the time he was originally intended to be instead of the Ice Climbers but somewhere along the way Sakurai stumbled upon a complication with his moveset, since I guess he was meant to have the balloons all the time, thus he didn't see him working, thus he ended up getting replaced by Ice Climbers instead.

Fun Fact: Bubbles and Mach Rider were also intended to be playable at one point during Melee's development.

Hmmm, interesting, maybe he didn't know how to make him play when his balloons get popped?

The Mach Rider song... that song was good, too, but I never understood why put it in Port Town Aero Dive instead of Big Blue in Brawl...

Are you referring to Bubbles from Clu Clu Land?



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Little Mac definetly needs to happens, I wonder if any bosses or AT's like King Hippo or Doc would appear? I would be pretty interesting to see those two along side Little Mac.

Jun 8, 2009
Yeah. He would be the first character........----

Actually, I'm not sure about how unique Mac is. I'm one of the people who are interested in him. Yes. I am. Some are not interested and they think he's boring. Because all he does is punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Hmmm, interesting, maybe he didn't know how to make him play when his balloons get popped?

The Mach Rider song... that song was good, too, but I never understood why put it in Port Town Aero Dive instead of Big Blue in Brawl...

Are you referring to Bubbles from Clu Clu Land?

That's Precisely why Sakurai may have scrapped him in Melee.

And yes, I'm reffering to Bubbles from Clu Clu Land, I don't know how he would have handled but it sure would have been fun though.

Also, that Mach Rider theme was also one of the best songs on there, it also should have been in Mute City lol..



Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah. He would be the first character........----

Actually, I'm not sure about how unique Mac is. I'm one of the people who are interested in him. Yes. I am. Some are not interested and they think he's boring. Because all he does is punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch, punch.
Balrog, Dudley, and Steve say hi.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Fun Fact: Bubbles (the main character from Clu-Clu Land) and Mach Rider were also intended to be playable at one point during Melee's development.
Also, Sukapon was also heavily considered, and Sakurai seemed to like the idea of Takamaru. Pit also was considered for SSB64, and rumor has it Meowth was considered very strongly as well (and there is evidence that supports that claim).

I'm glad Mach Rider wasn't on Big Blue in Brawl, because I never ever play Big Blue.

Balloon Fighter in SSB4? How would he play, I'm interested :D
He could be very flight based, attack with his hands, legs, and even balloons in unique ways, and could be a combination of a "WTF?" and a retro character sans-G&W. He could really have some goofy, unique, and interesting moves and movement even.

Heck, imagine him throwing explosive balloons that eventually fly up the stage or something like that! :laugh:

Also, his balloons don't necessarily need to pop. His three balloons could just be permanently on his back, or perhaps one or two of them pop when he takes a certain amount of damage to limit his recovery and flight abilities.

That's a really good point. I remember that when I saw Pit the first thing that went through my head was that he was a trophy in Melee. Any other ideas on (S)NES/N64 characters to appear?

Been gone for about 10 pages, what else been going on?
Exactly. There's a good bet many characters who were significant trophies (as in, not Goomba common enemy trophies, or random non-main character or significant character in a series or game characters), stickers, and Assist Trophy characters could be playable.

@ berserker
Little Mac could be interesting because he would be the first boxer. Think about it: no one really uses their fists as their primary weapons. All characters who use their arms or punches use them for quick punches with perhaps a move or two. However, none of them punch like a purebred boxer, maybe Snake aside with a few tilt attacks. Having nearly all punching moves would easily be a first, so long as all of them are original, each attack is unique, and each adds something to Little Mac's move set, which they all definitely could be if Sakurai dug deep enough into the Punch-Out series.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Yup, Meowth, Bowser and DeDeDe were all rumored to be in 64 as well, Meowth would have been so EPIC.

Mewtwo I think was supposed to be in 64, too. He has the worst luck lol, getting scrapped in 64 and Brawl after getting close to being in AND being low-tier in Melee...

Dedede I heard was scrapped because Sakurai didn't want to overrep his own franchise at the time.

Meowth would've be epic, I would have loved to see how they would have incorporated Fury Swipes in Smash.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Mewtwo I think was supposed to be in 64, too. He has the worst luck lol, getting scrapped in 64 and Brawl after getting close to being in AND being low-tier in Melee...

Dedede I heard was scrapped because Sakurai didn't want to overrep his own franchise at the time.

He was? Well regardless I hope Mewtwo definetly comes back and returns in SSB4, I can't believe that even after all this time, Mewtwo is still a highly requested character till this day.


Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
He was? Well regardless I hope Mewtwo definetly comes back and returns in SSB4, I can't believe that even after all this time, Mewtwo is still a highly requested character till this day.

Yep, and he's an awesome Pokémon! Not only is he OG and the first "true Legendary", he's well-known by a lot of people because of the movie (and Smash). And unlike all the clones, he was the only original character to ever be cut in the Smash series, so even people who weren't big on Pokemon didn't like it when Mewtwo was cut.



Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
Balrog, Dudley, and Steve say hi.
Dudley is my BOY! You'll here good things from me if Little Mac's moveset meets his caliber.

Meowth would've be epic, I would have loved to see how they would have incorporated Fury Swipes in Smash.
Would've raised a few eyebrows if he had showed up at brawl's release, but I think I could have settled.

Not so much now.

_ _ _

Here's a fella I haven't seen in a long time.vvv


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
He was? Well regardless I hope Mewtwo definetly comes back and returns in SSB4, I can't believe that even after all this time, Mewtwo is still a highly requested character till this day.

Yeah, Mewtwo was one of those melee characters that was planned but never went anywhere.

But he does need to come back. Unique characters have no business getting cut like that.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yeah, Mewtwo was one of those melee characters that was planned but never went anywhere.

But he does need to come back. Unique characters have no business getting cut like that.
Agreed, Mewtwo needs to return twice as powerful and be his own character once more, no offense to Lucario fans but I'd rather see Mewtwo in anyday simply because he was the first and most popular till this day, not to mention he was a powerful villain at that.



Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Woo! Little Mac talk!

Anyway, I'd see him being close range, using some extremely strong punching moves.

On a personal note, I'd rather him not use other boxers' moves...but he could if they needed to.

For Specials, I'd see his neutral Special being a chargeable, but not storable, jab to the opponent's head that, when fully charged, gives a dazed effect.

His Side Special would be Little Mac rushing foward a bit and using a strong Hook. This move would have high knockback.

For an Up Special, it would be a Star Punch. It gets more power, knockback, and vertical gain when you have more Stars. These would be displayed by the HUD screen. You'd gain stars by doing 20% damage to the opponent. It resets after each use, to prevent broken-ness and to be accurate to the games.

For a Down Special, he would do a Dodge+Counter Punch move. Basically, it acts like other counters, but Mac's happens to be the strongest in the game.

As a Final Smash, Giga Mac would work nicely as a transformation type Final Smash, which eliminates certain lag on moves, prevents flinching, and gives him a huge power boost.

He'd have a special taunt where Doc Louis would give him a tip on how to defeat the opponent based on their weaknesses.

For other attacks, I have some in mind, but nothing spectacular or concrete. Just my ideas. Little Mac is a must for SSB4.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
Balloon Fighter, needless to say, could be totally awesome and original, much like Game and Watch, and *hopefully* would still be able to fly a bit and fight a bit without his balloons.
Sadly enough, Balloon's chances have manifested themselves in Tingle, more or less.

And for you tingle fans, a major portion of his moveset is probably going to resemble the balloon fighter.
(much like how wario needed warioware)


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
Agreed, Mewtwo needs to return twice as powerful and be his own character once more, no offense to Lucario fans but I'd rather see Mewtwo in anyday simply because he was the first and most popular till this day, not to mention he was a powerful villain at that.

>someone says mewtwo is more popular than Lucario

>Steam posts

but there's nothing wrong with prefering him. I can see why people do.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
Woah Steam, you got that disgruntled look in your eye... errbody hit the dirt!



Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
because you shouldn't make statements like that when mewtwo might not even be the most popular one between the two these days. I am probably guilty of the same thing the other way.

either way... in terms of popularity they should probably both be in.... lol.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
If the devs are going to make a full character, it should be in both games. The systems can handle it.
So you're saying that we need both Matthew and Issac? Toon Link and Young Link?

>someone says mewtwo is more popular than Lucario

>Steam posts
I rest my case.

True, but it also means he wouldn't rule out characters that would otherwise be fighting for a slot if universal rosters were made, if rosters were divided this way we could be looking at potentially 60 characters in total from both,
That's just the thing. If it were possible to mix and match characters to you're suiting that would be pretty neat right? But in the grand scheme of things, that means that you have to get both titles to have access to each character. Which seems to be on the more frivolous side of things.

Competitive players would have a field day with that one.
Jun 8, 2009
Balrog, Dudley, and Steve say hi.

Yeah. I'm interested in Little Mac.

B - Charged punch - Chargeable. The time the enemy is stunned depends on how long you charge it. Deals from 19 - 30%.

Forward B - Flurry - Little Mac does a series of punches. It's like Marth's dancing blade except he punches the enemy and you can follow it up to the following attacks

A - Rapid blow
B - Strong punch
X/Y - Uppercut (Not star punch lol)

Up B - Star punch - See what opossum said

Down B - Rush - Little Mac rushes to the enemy. Clicking the shield button will make him side step while running. You can follow up any attack while Little Mac rushes. To stop rushing without attacking, click down B again.

@Omega: I'm neutral. I'm sort of leaning to universal rosters though. I don't care though overall. As long as the roster of the wii U version is good then I don't give a **** about the roster debate


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
That's just the thing. If it were possible to mix and match characters to you're suiting that would be pretty neat right? But in the grand scheme of things, that means that you have to get both titles to have access to each character. Which seems to be on the more frivolous side of things.

Competitive players would have a field day with that one.
Well getting both titles would be frivolous yes, but there's always used and friend to access them without actually buying both games, you get me? ;)

I'm curious as to your opinion, what do you support, universal or non-universal?



Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
Hard to say exactly, I 'support' a universal roster with version exclusives of the similar characters.

I think the best example I could come up with, so that people can follow exactly what I mean, is the difference between Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic.

Runner up example goes to Path of Radiance Ike and Radiant Dawn Ike.
On the surface they are virtually the same character, however their forms are altered ever so slightly (either by an age difference, or a design difference)

The other thing that I support, though perhaps the first time I've shared, is a DS roster that focuses directly on signature characters. That means a roster that removes all clones and any hint of clones.

To further elaborate, that means Luigi is absent on the 3DS. Nothing against Luigi, or any other clones for that matter.

Just that when I look at a series, I want to see what its mascot can do, first and foremost. Do I expect this to happen? Never, as a matter of fact, such a notion is so poorly thought out, that I couldn't explain exactly what I meant if I tried.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
So uh, let me try to bring some folks back around.

Has anybody played Nazo no Murasame-jō or have a good idea of how Takamaru moveset would be structured?

SW- huge fan of the sarcasm there.

I like your idea though, bit personally I would like to see Classic Sonic to be Modern Sonic's alt instead of having to obtain him through a different version since it's well...the same character
What would an alternate costume look like on Sonic?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@nLim8d: Hmm.. Interesting, well Ike. Wouldn't be a good example, true they are both different in age an design but why not have Ike and a completly new character like Roy for example, I know where your getting at, you want different versions or variation of the same character right? Well why not have them as alternate instead? I like your idea though, bit personally I would like to see Classic Sonic to be Modern Sonic's alt instead of having to obtain him through a different version since it's well...the same character, I feel it would be more rewarding of you got a different character from the same series instead like Bowser Jr. on the Wii-U and Toad on the 3DS for example.

Aside though, I could easily see the Wii-U having all the characters from the 3DS along with extra exclusives which is what I really want.



Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2011
I know where your getting at, you want different versions or variation of the same character right? Well why not have them as alternate instead?
Essentially it would raise some concerns or as I call it, bickering among fans if they couldn't have the actual design of their variation choice.

Personally, I feel that X would fit the Arena much more prominently than Classic, but then we run into arguments that deviate pretty far from my initial reasons for seeing it that way.

It's relentless

I hold Issac to a similar regard.

like Bowser Jr. on the Wii-U and Toad on the 3DS for example.
Get ready to face the flames when Bman gets back.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Essentially it would raise some concerns or as I call it, bickering among fans if they couldn't have the actual design of their variation choice.

Personally, I feel that X would fit the Arena much more prominently than Classic, but then we run into arguments that deviate pretty far from my initial reasons for seeing it that way.

It's relentless

I hold Issac to a similar regard.

Get ready to face the flames when Bman gets back.
Yes, Megaman's X design would surely be the better one to have, honestly I don't care as much, just as long as we have a good overall roster on both games then it should be settled.

BMan? Why should I worry about him? Berserker?

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