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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
To me, it would make the most sense to cut Lucas if either, seeing as his game won't be coming out of Japan.

Ness has been in Smash since the beginning, and while I normally despise the rule of twelve (Jigglypuff :/), it seems to apply here.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@JohnKnight: I would definetly like too see DLC exclusives as well, not to mention If they had DLC has an option to getting nearly any past stage or character would already be hype, but Sira actually adding a bunch of extra other new content would also certaintly make Smash 4 mire enjoyable for fans alike, tbh I would actually look forward to Smash 4 200% more knowing that some of the good classics would be returning, no doubt that I want it. Better online such as headsets being utilized via the Wii-U controller would also work wonders.


Deleted member

Cut Ness and replace him with the much more interesting Masked Man. Strongest solution in the whole world.
Why do you support Ness being cut so much? Cutting him would be an outrageous move as would any other character not named Toon Link, Lucas, or Wolf (Third-party characters as well to those who understand that they are not a given).


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Ness has been in Smash since the beginning, and while I normally despise the rule of twelve (Jigglypuff :/), it seems to apply here.
Get out. Jiggly has paid it's dues, leave it alone! It's like twelve years old and still can compete popularity and fanbase wise with newer Pokemon(like Lucario and Zorocario), and can compete with some of the heavy hitters of the first Generation (Meowth, Charizard, Mewtwo). So you leave him/her alone.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Who cares about sense. Masked Man is better than both of them.
Agreed. He basically is Kid Vader, with his laser sword and arm blaster. Doubt it heavily, but yeah, he's cooler.


Lol, I'm sorry, but that thing just trims my begonias! Why have Jigglypuff when you could have the other anime stand-in Meowth. Or the first real legendary all the kids would gasp in awe over, Mewtwo.

Jigglypuff was chosen as a Kirby copy. I hate that thing. XD


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Ness is not going to get cut, period, he is part of the original 12, plus he's always represented the Earthbond series as a whole, he doesn't need to go and isn't going anywhere, if anybody gets axed it will be Lucas, Nintend is NOT happening I'm sorry, but it's a freaking semi-dead series already, we don't need an army of Earthbond character represented in Smash 4 if the series is going downhill, there's no point to it.



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Why do you support Ness being cut so much? Cutting him would be an outrageous move as would any other character not named Toon Link, Lucas, or Wolf (Third-party characters as well to those who understand that they are not a given).
I can support any outrageous thing I want, silly goose.

Ness is an old hag. Lucas is better in every way. Just look at that hair. Cut Ness and bring in a character that isn't another big-headed psychic boy in a striped shirt and shorts. Masked Man is just the best there is. A villain, too.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009

Lol, I'm sorry, but that thing just trims my begonias! Why have Jigglypuff when you could have the other anime stand-in Meowth. Or the first real legendary all the kids would gasp in awe over, Mewtwo.

Jigglypuff was chosen as a Kirby copy. I hate that thing. XD
This is how I think the Pokemon should be picked for smash4.

1. Pikachu (Icon, most popular Pokemon)
2. Jigglypuff (Popular Pokemon, Original cast member)
3. (Pokemon Trainer from one of the five regions preferrably Johto/Hoenn)
4. (5th Generation Pokemon, Victini, Genesect, Zoroark)
5. (Popular Pokemon, Mewtwo, Lucario, Meowth, ect)

This way, we get a new PT, our fifth generation buddy, and a Pokemon that is popular that isn't just from the latest Gen.

More people voted for her on Sakurai's poll, she's probably more well-known for DKC2
Link please. The Brawl poll is supposed to be lost forever because it was never released to the public, so link please.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Disagree that more people want Dixie Kong. There are quite a few people against her inclusion whereas King K. Rool receives next to no opposition and more demands then Dixie Kong (Only exception I can name is Pieman0920).
More people voted for her on Sakurai's poll, she's probably more well-known for DKC2 (K. Rool tends to be forgotten in the background), and she's been more visible over the last decade than K. Rool has, although Donkey Kong kinda drifted into the darkness (Retro brought it back! Halleluiah!)

Either way, I want both of them.

Also, why are we arguing the rule of 12? It's practically set in stone that they won't go away. Ness even survived the awful and hindsight stupid "Up until now" debate that was utterly ridiculous.

The rule of 22 seems near set in stone, especially since all the clones have been gradually more original. "Clones" in Brawl are more original than the characters in SSB64 (where most of them share the same 3 A button attacks).

And Masked Man (or Masked Boy, as he is a boy)
is Claus. Claus
is already an alternate look for Lucas. He could make a great boss, sure, but really there is no reason he should be added. Ness and Lucas were the main character, Claus wasn't. If this was a LOZ-sized (or even Star Fox-size) he would probably be in, but it's unlikely he will. In minor Nintendo series, main characters make it in over villains every time. That's why we see Pit, but not Medusa, Ike, Roy, and Marth but not the Black Knight, and Ice Climbers instead of Polar Bears! :laugh:

Besides, Giggas (or however it's spelled) is the best Mother boss of all-time!

On a random side note, what about the rule of originals? Every character with an original moveset, aside from Mewtwo returned in Brawl. (how Ice Climbers got in over Mewtwo is beyond me, especially since their game is blood awful! :laugh:) So if hypothetically Mewtwo returns, would you guys say the rule of originals would then be true?

You kinda went off on a tangent there. . . I was talking about how there were these characters that needed to be added in past installments, and now there is about only three characters that need to be added in SSB4. Which leaves room for lesser characters to get in. I was talking characters that are needed, not characters that are popular.
Popularity is why characters are needed. Diddy Kong and Wario weren't "needed" for smash, they just are wanted for Brawl to the point of it being insane not to add them. The same goes for Peach, Bowser, and Zelda in Melee. Why wouldn't you add a ridiculously popular and well-known character. It only builds up hype, interest, and potential revenue you could make from smash.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

Lol, I'm sorry, but that thing just trims my begonias! Why have Jigglypuff when you could have the other anime stand-in Meowth. Or the first real legendary all the kids would gasp in awe over, Mewtwo.

Jigglypuff was chosen as a Kirby copy. I hate that thing. XD
Sorry buddy, but I have to agree with shortie on this one why?

Well even though Jiggs was nearly cut in Brawl, it still as popular as ever, at least in the Smash community that is, and sure I would rather see Meowth or Mewtwo replace it, but it seems Jiggs has developed from being a "joke character" that it was in SSB64 to a more serious candidate, and i do agree Jiggs does seem a little alike like Kirby, but not for a sec do I believe it should be or will be axed, unless we see some kind of trailer or DOJO update concerning Meowth or Mewtwo's inclusion I doubt Jiggs will be going anywhere.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
This is how I think the Pokemon should be picked for smash4.

1. Pikachu (Icon, most popular Pokemon)
2. Jigglypuff (Popular Pokemon, Original cast member)
3. (Pokemon Trainer from one of the five regions preferrably Johto/Hoenn)
4. (5th Generation Pokemon, Victini, Genesect, Zoroark)
5. (Popular Pokemon, Mewtwo, Lucario, Meowth, ect)

This way, we get a new PT, our fifth generation buddy, and a Pokemon that is popular that isn't just from the latest Gen.
I'd be alright with that... though I might categorize it a bit differently. Though I feel if we kicked out Jiggs and plopped in Victini as the cute little pokemon AND new gen rep, we could have our cake and eat it too. Mewtwo is still really iconic, and should probably make it back...
Dunno, even if it isn't what we expect. At least pokemon's roster is a surprise each game.


I know, I know... Jigglypuff's just been in Smash too long to kick out... Though, mind you, it's not like Fighters have pulled roster upsets before. Marvel vs. Capcom, megaman what-whaaaat?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Popularity is why characters are needed. Diddy Kong and Wario weren't "needed" for smash, they just are wanted for Brawl to the point of it being insane not to add them. The same goes for Peach, Bowser, and Zelda in Melee. Why wouldn't you add a ridiculously popular and well-known character. It only builds up hype, interest, and potential revenue you could make from smash.
I was talking characters that play important roles in their games (Peach, Zelda, Bowser)/are big franchises of Nintendo(Wario). These characters are needed. I'm not talking characters who are just popular. Toad is a character who is "just popular". He serves virtually no real important role in the Mario franchise. Popularity is not the sole reason for characters getting into smash. Trust me.

I know, I know... Jigglypuff's just been in Smash too long to kick out... Though, mind you, it's not like Fighters have pulled roster upsets before. Marvel vs. Capcom, megaman what-whaaaat?
Well now we see that Megaman as a whole is sort of on the fritz since his creator left Capcom. I would love it if Nintendo pulled a "Third Strike" this time around and slit the roster down to like 18 veterans, and a lot of newcomers.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I can support any outrageous thing I want, silly goose.

Ness is an old hag. Lucas is better in every way. Just look at that hair. Cut Ness and bring in a character that isn't another big-headed psychic boy in a striped shirt and shorts.
Boy, the way you say it they should just rename Ness to Nintend :/


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Besides, Giggas (or however it's spelled) is the best Mother boss of all-time!

On a random side note, what about the rule of originals? Every character with an original moveset, aside from Mewtwo returned in Brawl. (how Ice Climbers got in over Mewtwo is beyond me, especially since their game is blood awful! :laugh:) So if hypothetically Mewtwo returns, would you guys say the rule of originals would then be true?
Giygas would definetly be the greatest boss in SSE EVER!! Totally invincible and such would make it epic. :cool:

As for your question, sure, but then comes a problem, what about Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Roy? I know for a fact that if Mewtwo is considered why shouldnt the other be as well, not that I want them anyway, i'm just saying it wouldnt be fair to just have Mewtwo when in fact there were others like Roy.

Pichu is well....the worst character ever, so I could care less, as for Dr. Mario just an alternate costume for Mario would be fine.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Oasis man, stop crackin me up... ;)

Things I've accomplished since I've been here:

Made lengthy analyses [x]
Fended off trolls with flames [x]
Argued with homos [x]
Accumulated sufficient data regarding viable picks [x]
Peer reviewed Essays [-]
Contributed to a collaborative appeal project [-]
I think Project Begnion may have a use for you mon frier. *Slaps heartily on the back* Omega is working on an essay, and we're trying to garner support. ;)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well now we see that Megaman as a whole is sort of on the fritz since his creator left Capcom. I would love it if Nintendo pulled a "Third Strike" this time around and slit the roster down to like 18 veterans, and a lot of newcomers.
How so? If anything it would upset alot of mainers and fanboys, if alot of veterans such as PT, Sonic, Ike were cut and replaced with a bunch of newcomers, I don't think it would be a good idea IMO for them to do that, it's almost going to make it seems like a totally different smash game rather than having the same iconic cast we've come to know and learn.

Deleted member

OmegaXVII said:
Ness is not going to get cut, period, he is part of the original 12, plus he's always represented the Earthbond series as a whole, he doesn't need to go and isn't going anywhere, if anybody gets axed it will be Lucas, Nintend is NOT happening I'm sorry, but it's a freaking semi-dead series already, we don't need an army of Earthbond character represented in Smash 4 if the series is going downhill, there's no point to it.
Definitely agree with this. We are much more likely to see a third Earthbound slot then Ness get the boot and the chances of us getting a third spot is pitiful to say the least.
Oasis_S said:
Ness is an old hag. Lucas is better in every way. Just look at that hair. Cut Ness and bring in a character that isn't another big-headed psychic boy in a striped shirt and shorts. Masked Man is just the best there is. A villain, too.
That would be terrible for a character who is known as the face of Earthbound to be replaced by a villain with low requests to be playable who would be lucky to even get an Assist Trophy treatment. It's not like they can't make Ness/Lucas unique.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
This is how I think the Pokemon should be picked for smash4.

1. Pikachu (Icon, most popular Pokemon)
2. Jigglypuff (Popular Pokemon, Original cast member)
3. (Pokemon Trainer from one of the five regions preferrably Johto/Hoenn)
4. (5th Generation Pokemon, Victini, Genesect, Zoroark)
5. (Popular Pokemon, Mewtwo, Lucario, Meowth, ect)

This way, we get a new PT, our fifth generation buddy, and a Pokemon that is popular that isn't just from the latest Gen.
I would be happy with this set-up, especially if the latter two choices were Victini and Mewtwo respectively.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
I would love it if Nintendo pulled a "Third Strike" this time around and slit the roster down to like 18 veterans, and a lot of newcomers.
I would eat my socks if they did that.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@JohnKnight: I would definetly like too see DLC exclusives as well, not to mention If they had DLC has an option to getting nearly any past stage or character would already be hype, but Sira actually adding a bunch of extra other new content would also certaintly make Smash 4 mire enjoyable for fans alike, tbh I would actually look forward to Smash 4 200% more knowing that some of the good classics would be returning, no doubt that I want it. Better online such as headsets being utilized via the Wii-U controller would also work wonders.

DLC could solve 10% of the character discussion, and most of the logical discussion. We could get literally every character in Brawl, Mewtwo, and about a dozen awesome newcomers (perhaps mostly retro) and a new 3rd party character on to the disc, and then add highly wanted characters through DLC, and maybe return Roy as well (Pichu that hurts itself but does ridiculous knock back?).

Well even though Jiggs was nearly cut in Brawl, it still as popular as ever, at least in the Smash community that is, and sure I would rather see Meowth or Mewtwo replace it, but it seems Jiggs has developed from being a "joke character" that it was in SSB64 to a more serious candidate, and i do agree Jiggs does seem a little alike like Kirby, but not for a sec do I believe it should be or will be axed, unless we see some kind of trailer or DOJO update concerning Meowth or Mewtwo's inclusion I doubt Jiggs will be going anywhere.
Unless you read an article I didn't, when was Jiggz almost cut. I remember a lot of people said it'd be cut, but those generally were the same people who said Waluigi deserves to be in Brawl for his "important" role in the Mario franchise! :laugh:


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
How so? If anything it would upset alot of mainers and fanboys, if alot of veterans such as PT, Sonic, Ike were cut and replaced with a bunch of newcomers, I don't think it would be a good idea IMO for them to do that, it's almost going to make it seems like a totally different smash game rather than having the same iconic cast we've come to know and learn.
Third strike is Arguably the best SF game out there, or at least that's how SF fans have painted this picture for me. So if Nintendo kept:

1 Mario
2 Luigi
3 Peach
4 Bowser
5 Pikachu
6 Link
7 Zelda/Sheik
8 Kirby
9 Dedede
10 Marth
11 Ness
12 Falcon
13 Fox
14 Donkey Kong
15 Olimar
16 Ice Climbers
17 Pit
18 Samus/ZSS

and then used all that extra room to add newcomers, you wouldn't be a tad bit excited? Plus, if we could get fantastic gameplay like 3rd Strike, then we would be set. And if you reeeaaally wanted play as Sonic, no one is asking you to stop playing Brawl. Some people were probably turned off by Third strike because only four characters returned, the rest were brand new, but I think that's the fun about the game. It feels fresh.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Yo, Oasis, what on this Earth are they feedin ya? I'm super curious as to what curseword you used, I might be in trouble...
It was poop.

Poop you, nLiM8d. Poop you.

That reminds me I need to go clean up some Ness. Otherwise known as "cat poop."


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Link please. The Brawl poll is supposed to be lost forever because it was never released to the public, so link please.
It isn't lost forever; it's in the Brawl archives. SamuraiPanda made a threat about it translating it from Japanese (actually, he made this thread, too! :laugh:). I talked to him many times about it.

I found the link! :grin:

Click Here for the English Translation by SamuraiPanda

I was talking characters that play important roles in their games (Peach, Zelda, Bowser)/are big franchises of Nintendo(Wario). These characters are needed. I'm not talking characters who are just popular. Toad is a character who is "just popular". He serves virtually no real important role in the Mario franchise. Popularity is not the sole reason for characters getting into smash. Trust me.

Well now we see that Megaman as a whole is sort of on the fritz since his creator left Capcom. I would love it if Nintendo pulled a "Third Strike" this time around and slit the roster down to like 18 veterans, and a lot of newcomers.
Toad is just popular, not ridiculously popular like Ridley is.

Also about Mega Man's creator... yeah, even he admitted he didn't make Mega Man. He just drew him, and help further the concept of him, but the idea was already there before he arrived at Capcom.

If Nintendo pulls a "Third Strike," I think it will likely be only the 3DS or Wii U version. Plus they could just add on with DLC, which could be really awesome. If this were permanent with no DLC and it happened with the 3DS SSB, I'd be totally fine with it. If that happened to the Wii U Smash Bros... not so much. Also, Nintendo better not pull tricks out of Capcom's hat. I don't want to pay 60 bucks for a game, then 40 bucks for a re-release, then 40 bucks for yet another re-release, and then 40 bucks on DLC for costumes and new stuff that they had time to put on the disc. (BioShock 2 status I dare say!)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Third strike is Arguably the best SF game out there, or at least that's how SF fans have painted this picture for me. So if Nintendo kept:

1 Mario
2 Luigi
3 Peach
4 Bowser
5 Pikachu
6 Link
7 Zelda/Sheik
8 Kirby
9 Dedede
10 Marth
11 Ness
12 Falcon
13 Fox
14 Donkey Kong
15 Olimar
16 Ice Climbers
17 Pit
18 Samus/ZSS

and then used all that extra room to add newcomers, you wouldn't be a tad bit excited? Plus, if we could get fantastic gameplay like 3rd Strike, then we would be set. And if you reeeaaally wanted play as Sonic, no one is asking you to stop playing Brawl. Some people were probably turned off by Third strike because only four characters returned, the rest were brand new, but I think that's the fun about the game. It feels fresh.

Lol.. it's almost as having the original Melee cast but with alot of newcomers instead, it would be cool though if it has a bunch of worthy new characters, otherwise I would like to keep it as is, no need to get rid of alot of good characters.

DLC could solve 10% of the character discussion, and most of the logical discussion. We could get literally every character in Brawl, Mewtwo, and about a dozen awesome newcomers (perhaps mostly retro) and a new 3rd party character on to the disc, and then add highly wanted characters through DLC, and maybe return Roy as well (Pichu that hurts itself but does ridiculous knock back?).

Unless you read an article I didn't, when was Jiggz almost cut. I remember a lot of people said it'd be cut, but those generally were the same people who said Waluigi deserves to be in Brawl for his "important" role in the Mario franchise! :laugh:
Yes, I highly agree and support the concept as well, DLC would provide extra characters that wouldn't otherwise make it onto the disc in time for release, it definetly needs to happen, more characters for us means more end profit for Nintendo.

As for Jiggs being cut, it was proven under the forbidden 7, but Jiggs barely made it in Brawl.



@SSBF: See? You care so little about Ness that you didn't even notice he's different (worse) than Lucas.

Definitely agree with this. We are much more likely to see a third Earthbound slot then Ness get the boot and the chances of us getting a third spot is pitiful to say the least.
Agreed, Earthbound does not need a 3rd rep, much less replace the most iconic one we've had in Smash since the beginning.

It was poop.

Poop you, nLiM8d. Poop you.

That reminds me I need to go clean up some Ness. Otherwise known as "cat poop."
EWWW!! Shouldn't Ridley take care of that? :awesome:

Shut up and wait derp
Alrighty then, let's see it then!!


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
That isn't Sakurai's Japanese poll. That is lost forever. That's just Sakurai's blog. Those aren't votes, those are just how many times those characters are mentioned when fans wrote to him. Not his poll at all.

This. Okay don't get the wrong idea. He's minor compared to the 4 characters but having a minor role doesn't do anything to the "chances".
He's minor compared to Bowser Jr too. Yep. I said it.
Jun 8, 2009
Toad ISN'T getting in, that's almost a fact lol..
This looks awesome , who is she??

Definetly another female for Smash, it already lacks some.

Stop being a derp Omega.

He's a man. A FABULOUS MAN!
Here's another stage idea that I've thought up...


Stage Icon


ExciteBots is a scrolling stage, which takes place in five different regions. The regions include Mexico, Fiji, Egypt, China, and Kilimanjaro. There's also the bonus Nebula region, which can be unlocked.

Basically, like Mute City, the battlefield will move around and stop at various spots. However, players need to watch out for incoming ExciteBots, as they can heavily damage fighters upon contact. Fighters can't harm the ExciteBots at all, even though they can damage each other.

Six different ExciteBots are involved, which include...

1: Frog
2: Beetle
3: Ladybug
4: Bat
5: Turtle
6: Grasshopper



Wii U Controller Feature

This stage implements a feature that utilizes the Wii U controller. The player who is using the Wii U controller has the option to control any of the six ExciteBots, and race around the track, while the other players duke it out.

This option is optional to use, especially if only 1 human player is present.

If enabled, the Wii U controller user can choose the ExciteBot he/she wants to use. The controls for the bot will go as follows...

Button Actions
A: Use Item; press while going the wrong way to head back to the right direction.
B: Accelerate
Y: Hold while airborne, and tilt the Wii U controller to the left or right to do an Air Spin.
Control Pad /\: Boost

Motion-Sensing Actions
Steer: Tilt the Wii U controller left or right.
Red Bar: Move the Wii U controller in a circular manner until the bot releases the bar.
Yellow Bar: Move the Wii U controller away from you to release.
Flip Bar: Move the Wii U controller in a circular manner until you grab the bar again.
Song Rail: Raise the Wii U controller at the right time.
Crash: Shake the Wii U controller to recover.

If you're confused about the motion-sensing controls, refer to the various ExciteBots videos online. You're basically utilizing the exact same actions from that game.

If the Wii U controller feature is disabled, the ExciteBots will be controlled by the CPUs. If the lone human player is using the Wii U controller, the feature will always be turned off. However, in a CPU only brawl, the player can enable the Wii U controller feature in an attempt to mess up the CPU players.

All the elements that were used in the game are involved in this stage.

Track Select

After choosing your Wii U controller option, you can choose which track to battle on...

1: Mexico
2: Fiji
3: Egypt
4: China
5: Kilimanjaro
6: Nebula (unlockable)


Music is determined by which track is chosen. However, some tracks, such as Mexico and China, may have unlockable songs, which originated from Excite Truck or ExciteBike: World Rally.
Awesome stage idea M&S. Do you have any plans on making a cool new mario kart stage?
I believe king k. rool is one of the most likely newcomers of sb4 =P
Stating the obiou----

*Remembers that he didn't get in brawl*

Still likely and deserving
Toad is a pretty minor character, yet we have plenty of "reasons" to add them.
This. Okay don't get the wrong idea. He's minor compared to the 4 characters but having a minor role doesn't do anything to the "chances".

@Shortie's edit: :|

Now where's that Ghriahim support group


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
That isn't Sakurai's Japanese poll. That is lost forever. That's just Sakurai's blog. Those aren't votes, those are just how many times those characters are mentioned when fans wrote to him. Not his poll at all.

He's minor compared to Bowser Jr too. Yep. I said it.
What were you guys referring to? As far as Sakurai's Poll goes?

inb4berserkerseesthis :awesome:


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Giygas would definetly be the greatest boss in SSE EVER!! Totally invincible and such would make it epic. :cool:

As for your question, sure, but then comes a problem, what about Dr. Mario, Pichu, and Roy? I know for a fact that if Mewtwo is considered why shouldnt the other be as well, not that I want them anyway, i'm just saying it wouldnt be fair to just have Mewtwo when in fact there were others like Roy.

Pichu is well....the worst character ever, so I could care less, as for Dr. Mario just an alternate costume for Mario would be fine.
Gigygas is greatest waiting to happen. :cool:

Dr. Mario can be an alternate outfit, and Roy should make it IMO. If they could recraft Pichu to do a tad more damage, hurt itself all the same, but do out of the park knockback (like better 40% better than G'dorf or Bowser), then Pichu could be awesome. If Pichu was like that in Melee, hate for it would be minor compared to how much it is actually hated (unless it was brokenly amazing).

That isn't Sakurai's Japanese poll. That is lost forever. That's just Sakurai's blog. Those aren't votes, those are just how many times those characters are mentioned when fans wrote to him. Not his poll at all.
Well he randomly picked a couple of votes for newcomers. He didn't count Sonic votes, because Sonic votes would blow everything else out of the water. (probably triple the combined votes of votes for everyone else)

If there was a poll like that, he either simplified it like in SamuraiPanda's thread, or kept it from the public. It'd be cool if he did an international poll and asked for various opinions from fans. :cool:
Jun 8, 2009
It was long because of M&S stage concept. With out it, it's shorter than Omega's.

Oh great. I got derp'ed
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