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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Take your pick. Is he a spin-off character or a Zelda character? =P

Spin-off : Not big enough to merit being in Smash unless as a last resort.
Zelda : ONLY popular in Japan, and is a pretty minor character in every aspect.

And I am disturbed and appalled that you are comparing Tingle to Yoshi.
I somewhat agree with you, Tingle shouldn't be considered, but you have to take the Japenese community into effect, for one, Tingle is pretty much popular in Japan, and if Sakurai were to do another poll over in Japan concerning character inclusions, Tingle would most likely end up near the top, even if he is considered as a "spin-off" character, people can't deny his chances and the fact that he actually does have a fanbase, even if its not as big as say Ridley, personally i'd like to see Ghirahim.


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
Ok, if anyone here that supports tingle can give me a GOOD MOVESET then i will agree.
since everyone brought up tingle i haven't heard of one good moveset, and i really don't think he can fight

convince me!
there is a moveset by BongoBuddy61.
Also, I like Tingle. I wish they released his games in america. I don't know why people hate him so.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Take your pick. Is he a spin-off character or a Zelda character? =P
Is Yoshi a Yoshi character, or a Mario character? He's both. Is Diddy Kong a DKR character or a Donkey Kong character? He's both. Just like tingle.

Spin-off : Not big enough to merit being in Smash unless as a last resort.
Zelda : ONLY popular in Japan, and is a pretty minor character in every aspect
Toad is a pretty minor character, yet we have plenty of "reasons" to add them.

What it comes down to is this. If you want another Zelda character, you need to look at the most deserving, and he is. We don't need another Zelda character. We are running out of options as well, so to say him having a spin off has no merit isn't true. We are reaching into the bottom of the barrel when it comes to how many viable Zelda characters are left, and he is the most recurring character in the series with the best credentials. We are down to the nity grity, so you can't be picky.

And I am disturbed and appalled that you are comparing Tingle to Yoshi.
They are very comparable. Tingle is a small scale Yoshi. He's a minor character who got a few spin-offs, just like Yoshi. The only difference is Yoshi got a loooot more popular. Still, they are very similar.

@JohnKnight, you said protect us from his homosexual actions. You don't recover from something like that. So let's just pretend like it never happened.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I wonder what Johnknight thinks of Captain Falcon, our eccentric purple tights-wearing grown man with brass nipples that explodes on you if he gets his hands on you.

Tingle's got nothing on him.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2011
there is a moveset by BongoBuddy61.
Also, I like Tingle. I wish they released his games in america. I don't know why people hate him so.
Ok now that's a nice moveset, i'll keep my promise. I won't nag about tingle being inapropriate anymore.

And i don't hate tingle i think he's awesome. i played rosy rupee land all the way to the (disapointing) end! but i just think/thought he wasn't cut out for fighting in brawl


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Oh come on, what are you guys, fourteen? Even if Tingle was gay (and there's no real reason to say one way or the other).
Tingle is the only Zelda character to have any sort of spinoff games, as well as being a sizable character in the main series, specifically Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.

Tingle could rep either Zelda, or his own series; Tingle's Rupeeland. As for moves, there's plenty of options, look up the previously mentioned game.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
When has a main character in a spin-off game ever made it in Smash? Wario got two series of his own, Yoshi got a lot of his own games, so they don't really count.

Tingle doesn't warrant the spot. He's the most deserving Zelda rep not already in smash along with Toon Zelda and Vatti, but that's not saying much.

And Mario Party/Kart doesn't need reps. The most popular and most important characters in those games are already in smash pretty much. We don't need Funky Kong, Waluigi, Daisy (she's already an alternate Peach outfit), or Rosalina just because they were in Mario Kart or Mario Party.

Also, Nintendo doesn't own Geno; Square Enix does, so unless Sakurai or Nintendo goes out of his way, or there's a new RPG featuring him and Square Enix wants to support it, there's really very little chance he could make it. (as much as a I love SMRPG) Besides, Mega Man and Pac-Man probably have propriety over him as a 3rd party character since they are much more popular and are world-renowned icons of gaming.

Edit: @ Oasis
Captain Falcon is a hardcore, adrenaline, justice, and victory-driven testosterone-based super bounty hunter racer with huge nipples. What is offensive about that? (unless you're jealous, which everyone is!)

Besides, if you don't want Captain Falcon in Smash, he's already killed you.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Oh come on, what are you Johnknight, fourteen?
There ya go.

, what would Black Knight's alternate colors be? As a general, a recurring enemy in FE, they've been portrayed with differently colored armor throughout the series, right? The FE characters in Smash tend to not have just randomly made alternate colors, they're usually drawn from something in the games...


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Tingle doesn't warrant the spot. He's the most deserving Zelda rep not already in smash along with Toon Zelda and Vatti, but that's not saying much.
You're right. But when you're talking about adding another Zelda character, he IS the most deserving.

ANYWAY BARBASOLikeepwantingtocallyouBURMASHAVE...
I always want to call him Bibarel. . . >.>



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@ Omega
I'm against the idea of Dixie and Diddy Kong teaming, because I feel it'd take away from their originality. Plus let's be honest-that'd be a formula for Meta Knight to the next level! Banana combos with Dixie's hair range and Diddy's side B would equal disaster for the tiers in 1v1. Just thinking about them in 2 on 2's is scary! o.O :psycho:
Okay, consider this then if we were to get only 3 DK reps from the franchise who would you honestly want? We already have Donkey kong and Diddy Kong, if Dixie were to be a solo character as you suggested, then why wouldn't King. K. Roll be deserving as well, and I say this because it's very unlikey that we'll get that many reps conserning the DK franchise, it's just to many considering it's technically somewhat a part of the Mario franchise.

Let's look at it:

Donkey Kong (Pretty much in)
Diddy Kong (appeared in Brawl, nuff said)

Potential newcomers concerning the DK franchise:

King K. Rool (Honestly, I think and believe he is by far the most deserving character that's missing, i mean c'mon he's pretty much the bad *** looking antagonist from the game, plus he's a highly demanded character, more so than Dixie.)

Dixie Kong (She would make a great character, but i don't think Sakurai will include 4 rep just for the DK series, that's why I suppoert the duo concept since it would mean that we will get all 4 character as Diddy and Dixie would technically count as one character on the roster, plus Sakurai showed interest in the idea, so why shouldn't he bring and revive the idea if he seems interested in doing so?)

Cranky Kong with Animals (I honestly don't see him getting in, but would probably provide a nice moveset concerning switching animals and such seeing he's like the original Donkey Kong, but mainly just for lulz. :laugh:)


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
There ya go.

, what would Black Knight's alternate colors be? As a general, a recurring enemy in FE, they've been portrayed with differently colored armor throughout the series, right? The FE characters in Smash tend to not have just randomly made alternate colors, they're usually drawn from something in the games...
Brand-loyalty FTW

Glad you asked! I'd noticed a couple good options when I was thinking it over.

There's his Begnion Army colors

Crimea Colors

Zephiel's Colors (FE6)

There's some cool options to dip into. :)


Ahaha, Bibarel, one of the worst/most hilariously uninspired Pokemon ever. I love it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Brand-loyalty FTW

Glad you asked! I'd noticed a couple good options when I was thinking it over.

There's his Begnion Army colors

Crimea Colors

Zephiel's Colors (FE6)

There's some cool options to dip into. :)


Ahaha, Bibarel, one of the worst/most hilariously uninspired Pokemon ever. I love it.
Hey those are nice ideas :)

**Adds them to my Black Knight moveset**

Don't worry I will give you credit for it? Do you want to see it via a PM??


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@JohnKnight, you said protect us from his homosexual actions. You don't recover from something like that. So let's just pretend like it never happened.
No, I'm saying his character is extremely offensive. It prevents negative stereotypes about gay people, which is a strong reason why I feel he is not deserving.

Also, when did I say protect us from his "protect us from his homosexual actions."=??? Unless I had some major typo, that is not something I would say or type. Heck, most my friends in high school were gay.

I'm just saying-Tingle can be viewed as offensive to gay people as a negative stereotype. If you were gay, would you want to be made a joke out of by a green tight wearing thief who owns male tight-wearing slaves on an island? How is that not a recipe for disaster?

You're right. But when you're talking about adding another Zelda character, he IS the most deserving.
I think Vatti and Toon Zelda are more deserving. Toon Zelda is a main character in 3 canon Zelda games. Vatti is the main villain in two Zelda games, and the co-main villain with Ganon in another.

Tingle has a major role in a bunch of Europe and/or Japan-only spin-offs. (one of which was yet another Balloon Fight clone) The only major role in any Zelda game he had was in the Wind Waker, unless you consider selling a few maps in Majora's Mask or stealing rupees in Four Swords Adventure a "major role."

On top of that, Zelda doesn't deserve another spot, unless Vatti (and possibly the Four Swords sub-story) continues to be made and developed, and gains popularity, or Toon Zelda is in another game or 2 IMO.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
@ Omega, ah, credit isn't necessary, though I could actually do some color swaps in Photoshop if you'd like? :)
And I'd love to see that moveset via Pm, send 'er over :)


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
@John Knight

It's never been said Tingle was gay though, that's something gamers are groundlessly applying to him. If he is, then he is, but there's no basis.

Tingle embodies elements of Otaku, obsession with Japanese culture, parodied by his late thirties age and obsession with being a fairy.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
How do you display the characters that you want under your sig like most people have here.
Go to your User CP, and go you'll see a tab on the left that says signatures, then you'll just have to add image tags along with the links of the image, hope this helps. :)


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
My Nintendo Tournament Preliminary Round 03 has started. This time, it's Chun Li vs. Ivy Valentine. I would love for some of you to play :)

If you were gay, would you want to be made a joke out of by a green tight wearing thief who owns male tight-wearing slaves on an island? How is that not a recipe for disaster?
I'm about halfway there, and no, because that isn't what he is about. Tingle isn't "The Token Gay" character. If he was he would have a lisp and drink Martini's and like to listen to all the Jpop Link could handle. He represents something else, but I don't know what. I'm not going go too far into this discussion, because it's really off topic, and irrelevant.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Omega
I wasn't saying K. Rool wasn't deserving in that post; rather, Dixie and Diddy Kong would be broken to the max. Like, could you imagine battling two little mini-Meta Knight-leveled broken characters... IN A ONE ON ONE! You'd have to worry about getting destroyed by Dixie's hair, Diddy's naners, and various other potentially broken attacks they'd have.

K. Rool and Dixie are deserving. If just one makes it, I'd be fine with it. If both of them made it, I would be extremely happy. Either way, both deserve some major role in a future smash game.

@ Barbasol
Some of Japan's cultural views of gay people are offensive elsewhere, such as the view of gay people and their role in stories in Japanese anime and manga. Heck, nearly every anime I've seen with homosexuals features them as hair designers, exotic dancers, cross-dressers, and various other negative gay stereotypes (not that American anime, television, movies, or comics depict homosexuals as individuals, sadly). To make it worse, they all talk really different from everyone else to make it obvious they're gay. It's almost like comedy masks in ancient Greek and Rome that were made to embody slaves as a punch line. That is why Tingle is insultive to many many people, including myself, which is why I don't think he'll never be accepted worldwide as a character people like. On top of that, his purpose is to annoy you!


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Ivy Valentine? Who is she? from Soul Caliber lol...
Yeah, from SC. I picked her because I think it would be interesting to see the two leading Ladies square-off. They're both pretty freakin' awesome.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2010
Go to your User CP, and go you'll see a tab on the left that says signatures, then you'll just have to add image tags along with the links of the image, hope this helps. :)
Yeah that helps a little bit i cant seem to get the images to my sig.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@John Knight

It's never been said Tingle was gay though, that's something gamers are groundlessly applying to him. If he is, then he is, but there's no basis.

Tingle embodies elements of Otaku, obsession with Japanese culture, parodied by his late thirties age and obsession with being a fairy.
I've seen a lot better jokes of middle aged men who are obsessed with anime and manga... specifically in anime and manga! :laugh:

But there are many reasons to hate Tingle. Really, his actions are just... annoying. He is literally just a filler. Even in the Wind Waker, all he did was sell you map translations, steal stuff, and make his slaves and siblings do all the work for him. There's nothing remotely interesting about him that makes me want to play him. If you want someone who rides a balloon, just put in the original Balloon Fighter. If you take away that balloon, what else does he do but translate maps, steal from people, make everyone work for him, throw confetti, and do one dance move? That hardly warrants a character slot.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Hehe, John's hatred towards Tingle is making me laugh atm. :laugh:

But anyhow, he does seem annoying annoying to say the least, not to mention he looks funny enough, I didn't mean to offend anybody who thinks otherwise.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I've seen a lot better jokes of middle aged men who are obsessed with anime and manga... specifically in anime and manga! :laugh:

But there are many reasons to hate Tingle. Really, his actions are just... annoying. He is literally just a filler. Even in the Wind Waker, all he did was sell you map translations, steal stuff, and make his slaves and siblings do all the work for him. There's nothing remotely interesting about him that makes me want to play him. If you want someone who rides a balloon, just put in the original Balloon Fighter. If you take away that balloon, what else does he do but translate maps, steal from people, make everyone work for him, throw confetti, and do one dance move? That hardly warrants a character slot.
Oh, I definitely won't argue the fact that most people dislike Tingle, that's pretty well a given in the West. But he's still the most deserving Zelda character available. I'd love for Skull Kid to make it in, but he can't hold a candle to Tingle's credentials, same goes for Vaati, Ghirahim, Zant, Midna, etc.

There is always moveset potential, no matter the character. All you need is the feel for a character, and everything else can fall into place, see Captain Falcon, Fox, Falco, Wolf, R.O.B., Mr. G&W.

For my interpretation of the character, Tingle's quite flashy, so his attacks could use little poofs of smoke like he does in the games, or spray confetti, most of his smash and tilts would be particle effect heavy. Stuff like that.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Don't forget Ghirahim, after all he will be the most relevent character concerning Skyward Sword, I wouldn't be surprised if Sakurai included him just to advertise and promote the newest entry as well, I also see Ganon though, but this time around he should definetly have his sword or at least use his Dark Magic, he deserves to be unique by this point in Smash.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I personally wouldn't count on Ghirahim, both Midna and Zant were widely hoped for during Brawl spec days, but they never made it in, same goes for Skull Kid in Melee.

Who knows though, it's very possible Ghirahim could evolve into a more long-term Zelda character. We sure could use some alternate mainstay villains rather than trot out Ganon like a one-trick pony.

I'd still like an earlier Zelda game where Majora exists in it's true form before the mask.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Oh, I definitely won't argue the fact that most people dislike Tingle, that's pretty well a given in the West. But he's still the most deserving Zelda character available. I'd love for Skull Kid to make it in, but he can't hold a candle to Tingle's credentials, same goes for Vaati, Ghirahim, Zant, Midna, etc.

There is always moveset potential, no matter the character. All you need is the feel for a character, and everything else can fall into place, see Captain Falcon, Fox, Falco, Wolf, R.O.B., Mr. G&W.

For my interpretation of the character, Tingle's quite flashy, so his attacks could use little poofs of smoke like he does in the games, or spray confetti, most of his smash and tilts would be particle effect heavy. Stuff like that.
He has no major role other than translating maps in one game to help you find a piece of the Triforce (which was filler, plain and simple), and selling maps so you can have a more complete map in another game (which wasn't even required). If that's all it took to be in smash, Linebeck would be in smash as well. Toon Zelda has had a major impact on the series in her 3 appearances (plus regular Young Zelda), as has Vatti as the second most common main villain.

If being in spin-offs qualifies as main character status, we might as well add Waluigi, Birdo, Daisy, Funky Kong, and Tiny Kong.

G&W had his own series to build moves upon, ROB had Gyromite and cool retro technology, Fox and Falco had their own technology, and by the time Wolf was in smash he'd already been playable by foot in Star Fox Assault.

As for Captain Falcon, he had the world's most incredible nipples. Plus I'm pretty sure Miyamoto had thought of using him in hand to hand combat, and made his SSB64 moveset. (he is actually credited with making a good amount of several character's moveset in SSB64, and a few in Melee)


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I personally wouldn't count on Ghirahim, both Midna and Zant were widely hoped for during Brawl spec days, but they never made it in, same goes for Skull Kid in Melee.
I would like to point out that with Melee, Smash had much more important characters to add. Same with Brawl, but now that we are looking at almost all of Nintendo's major franchises being represented properly, we have room to add the less important characters. Like Toad, Medusa, Girahim, Tingle, ect.

The place we are at with SSB4 we have never been. We've almost always have been trying to fill the quota on characters that needed to be added. In Melee, Peach, Zelda, Bowser ect. all needed to be added, no ifs, ands, or buts. With Brawl we had more wiggle room, but still, Diddy, Wario Dedede, Meta Knight, Ike ect were all pretty much needed. Now I think Nintendo can finally look at less important characters and Smaller franchises. It's just something to think about.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yea. a Majora pre-quel would be nice, as for Ghirahim, as of now he can be considered as a "One-Shot" character, but the same could be said for such a character like Roy for example.

and yes, shortiecanbrawl brought up a good point, less significant characters definetly have a shot at it this time around since most of them are in but we still need the likes of Ridley, King K.Rool and such.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
If being in spin-offs qualifies as main character status, we might as well add Waluigi, Birdo, Daisy, Funky Kong, and Tiny Kong.
Uhh.... Tingle has his OWN games, he's not just in the spin-offs, he's the MAIN CHARACTER. Think Wario in Warioware, or Yoshi in his games. The characters you mentioned have never rose above supporting roles in their games.

He has no major role other than translating maps in one game to help you find a piece of the Triforce (which was filler, plain and simple), and selling maps so you can have a more complete map in another game (which wasn't even required). If that's all it took to be in smash, Linebeck would be in smash as well. Toon Zelda has had a major impact on the series in her 3 appearances (plus regular Young Zelda), as has Vatti as the second most common main villain.
In one game that was his function, yes. Tingle in Wind Waker was more significant, as he was integral to the entire design of the game.
I'd also suggest you actually read about his spinoff games, http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Freshly-Picked_Tingle%27s_Rosy_Rupeeland

Besides, you would want to deny the world of this magnificent specimen of a Fairy-man?



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Hehe, John's hatred towards Tingle is making me laugh atm. :laugh:

But anyhow, he does seem annoying annoying to say the least, not to mention he looks funny enough, I didn't mean to offend anybody who thinks otherwise.
Who doesn't hate Tingle like he's the devil himself? He looks weird, he acts stupid, and he's probably just in Zelda for filler. That's all he ever does is take up time. The only thing that's memorable about him is how stupid and pointless he is. I really hope they kill him off in a future Zelda game... forever.

Also, no new Zelda reps are gonna happen unless it's Toon Zelda (maybe with Tetra), but that's only because she almost made it into Brawl, and because Sakurai seems to like the idea of Zelda and her transformations being playable just like he likes those stupid space animals too much.

And a Majora's Mask prequel would be epic.

I agree with you shortie... to an extent. Sure, no one will ever be wanted for smash nearly as badly as Sonic was, except for Sonic's return in future installments.

However, there are characters that are just as badly as the Ike's, Dedede's, Meta Knight's, Captain Olimar's, and Diddy Kong's of the world in Dixie Kong, K. Rool, Mewtwo (a big question mark!), Roy (wanted, buy highly unlikely), Ridley, Issac (Matthew is lame!), Mega Man, Geno (amongst dedicated gamers, albeit the fact he's not as likely as the rest I'm listing), a 5th Generation Pokémon (it's a sure thing!), Paper Mario, and possibly a new Fire Emblem character (if a new Fire Emblem game is made, if it's good, and if the character is memorable).

While that's not as many as Brawl's truly needed characters, that still is a lot to answer to, assuming all the 22 characters in Melee and Brawl return, and all the Brawl newcomers return (maybe minus Wolf). That probably leaves us no more than 15 new character spots. Think about it. Who should it be?

Let's say hypothetically everyone in Brawl returns (I don't want to get into the likelihood of this happening or not happening). That's 39 characters, if you include Shiek/Zelda, Samus/ZSS, and the PT's Pokémon as unique characters. Now let's say Mewtwo returns. That's 40. Now we add Dixie Kong, King K. Rool, Ridley, a new Pokémon and a Fire Emblem rep, Mega Man, and Paper Mario. That's 47 characters already.

Do you really think they'll have a lot of room after that? Even if like 5 of the Brawl characters and the above combined don't make it, that's 42 spots. That's not a whole lot. I couldn't seem more than a dozen new characters, and that's pushing it (a lot). Reasonably that's like 6 to 8 more.

Hopefully Nintendo realizes this, and either takes their time, makes console exclusive characters (hopefully that aren't permanent exclusives with DLC), and have DLC characters.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
Oh My God! Finally more someone who supports ninten! I am a declared fan! Look what I did: :)

And I was thinking, all the characters belonging to Earthbound had changes in their design, and perhaps, by some miracle, get in Sm4sh Ninten, he will need a new disign, since its original form does not present a definitive structure.

So I did a drawing showing how to think it would be a design of 'new Ninten'. It is based on the original, kept the main features (T-shirt and cap blue and red), it is also based on those scouts who knock on your door selling cookies or doing some kind of good deed to win some kind of medal or button. I also did its representation of shape and color of the PSI, would square with a kind of 'green Bulbasaur,' (the Ness is a white circle and Lucas is a yellow hexagon)

His Moveset:

A: Punch
AA: Punch
AAA: Explosion with PSI.

Side 'A': A kind of punch that resembles the Hadouken, but using PSI
Up 'A': will be identical to 'Side A', however, upward.
Down 'A': Same as 'Up A'.

'Walking' A ': A push energized with PSI.
'Running' A ': A Kick energized with PSI.
'Looking up' A ': A simple attack with a punch powered up.
'Kneeling' A ': Roundhouse.

Side 'A' in the air: A punch down.
Up 'A' in the air: Kick up energized with PSI.
Down 'A' in the air: Burst PSI down.
'A' in the air: spin with PSI.

Standard B Moves: PK Ground: A column of earth will rise around Ninten and 15% damage for who is reached.
Side B Move: PK Fire: A lightning bolt will hit the opponent that will fire for 5 seconds with 10% damage.
Up B Move: PK Teleport: teleport to the direction requested. If fallow is in this place of arrival, someone will receive 13% damage.
Down B Move: PSI Magnet.

Final Smash: PK Techno: Will form a green bubble and that is in the middle will lose about 300% without causing any kind of thrower, leaving you vulnerable to any attack hit.
I remeber someone (probably parrothead) mentioned him for Brawl but I didn't know who he was talking about. Yeah Mother is a really good game. I think Ninten needs to be very limited on his PSI moves and be a stronger more physical form then the other two. So it would look like this.

Ninten: Low PSI Strong Physical
Ness: Med PSI Med Physical
Lucas: Strong PSI Low Physical

Deleted member

@Mario_and_Sonic_Guy: I loved Excitebots: Trick Racing[/b] and I would love for it to have a stage. Sadly, the chances of that happening is not great, especially since the game bomb in America and did not even reach Japan. :(
Tsubame said:
I wouldn't see professor layton fighting really.. he's more like the assist trophy type, slime isn't a big enough character in games to be playing a role in smash bros he's just an enemy and ryu hayabusa... that would like.. be the same as putting in banjo and kazooie or something, though snake was put in to so i am not really to speak xD
Professor Layton actually does have move set potentials. Talk to Hoots about it for reasons why he would work as a fighter in SSB4. For Slime, size isn't an issue at all. If it was, Bowser and Olimar would never be playable.
majora_787 said:
Is it just me, or is Layton the Geno of SSB4 speculation
Not even close. Phoenix Wright and Travis Touchdown is much closer to that.
Master Rapier said:
Popularity isn't always a sure thing. If that was true Geno and Krystal would have been in Brawl.

A problem is Palutena is Kid Icarus' final smash so they would have to change that.

Judging from just the NES game Palutena didn't do anything in the game and Medusa was a giant wall.

If you think about it if you developed your own original character wouldn't you want him in Smash?

Plus just looking at him he seems to have an Ike-ish look to him. He could very well use that "hammer sword" just like Ike's blade.
It's true that popularity isn't a sure thing, but it does help a lot. In this case, if we get a Kid Icarus rep, popularity will play a large role in deciding the next character. Medusa and Palutena are more requested then Magnus and as such, will probably be chosen over Magnus, regardless of whenever or not Magnus was Sakurai's own creation.

As for Palutena and Medusa, we will have to wait for Kid Icarus: Uprising to see what they do.
Tsubame said:
Well actually, nintendo DID note that they didn't want any more 3rd party chars in the game, i don't know if that will mean sonic and snake will be kicked out as well
Where did they say that? The closest thing we have is that Sakurai doesn't want to add too much to avoid upsetting the fans, meaning that he may add more third-party characters, but will be very picky.
Starphoenix said:
Btw, I'm now an active supporter for Ghirahim. Finally get to hear his voice and music. Who cares about one shot/multiple shot, when there is an interesting character out there I darn well am going to support it!

We don't need a fifth Zelda rep, but if we get one, Ghirahim is the best choice. I support his inclusion over Midna's, Skull Kid's, and especially Tingle's.
Zzuxon said:
Is this better?
I want you to list out all the characters, not just newcomers before I check your list.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
When it comes to a series getting another character, Earthbound is the least deserving series. Earthbound doesn't need two characters, and they should never have three. I mean, if we wanted to "Complete" Yoshi's franchise, Baby Mario, and Kamek/Bowser Jr. are needed, yet no one is using series completions as an argument for those characters. Because it's silly.

No Ninten. He could be a costume/re-color though.
Absolutely this. If I had to kick out one character, it would be Lucas. The only character Earthbound needs is Ness and Ness only.
Tsubame said:
I believe king k. rool is one of the most likely newcomers of sb4 =P
Likely, but not as much as Little Mac, Ridley, Medusa, or Takamaru. That said, despite the fact he may have relevancy issue, he has a good shot of being playable and deserves to be playable.
Oasis_S said:
Is it time for me to start chanting "CUT NESS!" again.
Heck no. If a Earthbound rep is cut, it should be and probably will be Lucas.
Johnknight01 said:
However, Dixie Kong is more deserving because more people probably want her in, and it is probably easier to draw up a moveset for her, similarly to how easy it was to add Diddy Kong in Brawl.
Disagree that more people want Dixie Kong. There are quite a few people against her inclusion whereas King K. Rool receives next to no opposition and more demands then Dixie Kong (Only exception I can name is Pieman0920).


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
You kinda went off on a tangent there. . . I was talking about how there were these characters that needed to be added in past installments, and now there is about only three characters that need to be added in SSB4. Which leaves room for lesser characters to get in. I was talking characters that are needed, not characters that are popular.
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