Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Hmm.. That's a very interesting point you brought there, I would personally like to see Mewtwo getting back in, not so much Lucario, so if it meant bringing back Mewtwo then I definetly would want to see Victini represented instead..I honestly don't care how many fire using character there are in Smash, as long as they provide something new to the table, I don't have a problem with it. It's only a problem if it results in clones, which Victini will certainly not be. Even so, Victini is a Fire/Psychic Pokemon, so he has more out of his arsenal then just Fire moves.It would be the first time a Mew-like Pokemon is playable and would eliminate all need to keep both Lucario/Mewtwo out of Smash whereas Zoroark has somewhat similar body structure that will probably result in neither getting in, making only four slots that much more likely, when the seirres deserves at least five.
Not only that but Victini would potentially "break" the cycle of clones/semi clones; meaning we wouldn't get another pokemon with a potentially similar style to Mewtwo or Lucario which in this case would most likely be Zoroark.
If Victini could break that cycle and bring uniqueness to the table, plus potentially giving Mewtwo a higher chance then I don't see why Victini shouldn't be in at all. Perhaps I've changed my view on this, now I might just support Victini solely for those reasons.
Maybe so, but that's If it gets enough popularity and maybe highly demanded by fans, but of course exposure plays a big role as well so I guess Sakurai would greatly consider Victini just like Lucario before it.I agree we the movie theory. They will use the star Pokemon of the latest movie in America probably. Which will probably be the victini movie by then.
I highly agree with you, it's a shame and kind of ironic that Sakurai didn't include any tribute or representation of SSB64; the game that started it all, hopefully for SSB4 he could include classic SSB64 stages either in game or possibly as DLC content, as well as music, it was a shame that even music was put in Brawl, but I'm hoping fir at least more variety from all 3 games this time around, mainly SSB64 representation.Bleuuuu, i hated how brawl gave almost no recognition of 64. I can understand tributes to melee, but the only bit of music from 64 really was the credits, and even then, in my music it was labelled as melee. Basically everything else was melee and brawl tributes. :/
I hope they give a bit more recognition to the first one in SSB4, or i'll personally be really annoyed.