Ok, I’ve decided to finally do that music post this computer messed up on last time. I used word so I could save it every so often XD. Anyway, I just wanted to show you a bit of the music I really loved and grew up with andsome of it that I want to be in SSB4(some of it is already in brawl ^^ )
[COLLAPSE=Luco's Music Choices]
Map Music
Yoshi’s island is simply an awesome game, and this is a great piece of music. A revolutionary thing at the time, yoshi’s island made it so as you went through the game the map music changed, and built up with multiple layers until the final world.
Story Music Box
I love how the story music box is just slightly out of tune, but it still sounds as beautiful. :D
Final Battle
Ok, for those of you who haven’t played yoshi’s island, firstly I frown on you(j/ks). Secondly, here’s how the jig works. You first storm in to Bowser’s castle, and after choosing the way to get to baby bowser and having multiple encounters with his henchmen, you finally come to a sleeping bowser, who wakes up and decides he doesn’t like you(also he wants Mario), so you two have a lovely little fight where you have to dodge his ground pounding(yes this is where that move comes from for bowser) which causes a small shockwave. After making your own shockwaves you beat baby bowser. Kamek then comes back and exclaims at his wounded master. He gets quite angry, and then uses his magic colourful dust to turn bowser in to the monster you see in the pic in the link. In doing so bowser ruins his own castle, leaving only a few bits of ruin for you to stand on. Then comes the final fight. Bowser himself has very few moves, pretty much throwing rocks at you to wipe away the last bits of castle you stand on, but for the most part he’s slowly coming towards you, getting bigger and bigger, and the only way to keep him back is to shoot eggs at his open mouth. This is why I’ve been scared of him from childhood. Towards the end of the battle, bowser loses it completely, and comes at you full pace, never stopping, and it takes all you can to survive. Yea, I’m still scared of the thought of that monster taking up everything, leaving nothing, void, darkness…. Black… ugh….
But yea he’s awesome and the music’s awesome.
Castle & Fortress
This music has an interesting mood to it, and it’s fun to play to this music when you’re trying to reach a boss
Ok this is definitely one of my favourite bits of music of all time. It’s upbeat, it’s ready to go, it’s just generally happy, and really, really, catchy. Original all the way!(although brawl version was good too!)
Flower Garden
Another one of my favourites, and again, upbeat, happy, and really rhythmic and beaty(is that a word?)
Story title
I love how they added the sounds of the sea to this one, and the first part kind of reminds me of call and response (until it’s as if the second person learnt it all and plays it in the second part)
Ok, moving away from Yoshi’s island before I get carried away, I have a few from SMW:
Ok, DKC a bit:
Fear Factory
Fear Factory was pretty intense, and it’s coupled level(also a factory lvl) gave me chills whenever the lights went off. I love it when the music suits the level!
Mine Cart Madness
Mine Cart madness was redone in DKCR, but that version was nowhere near as good.
Snow Mountain
I have memories of going through the thickening snow here. The team did an amazing job on the level, and I think some of you will remember a cheat that just about bypasses half of the level if you deliberately mis-shoot in one of the battles.
Haunted Hall
Haunted Hall was an epic lvl, and so was the music. I was always creeped out by the ghosts that would kill you if you didn’t make it to the checkpoint on time…
Ok there were only a few from DKCR that made it in to my like list, but the ones that did are the ones I love:
Rocket Barrel 1
Here’s number 1 of rocket barrel music. It was really fun to be, say, chased by a Giant bat to this music:”Yes, I love you to but I really need to concent- Aww!” Cue fall music!
Rocket Barrel 2
This is number 2. This, I remember, plays for getting to the final boss, and it’s quite hard, with thigs clamping down on you, and airships that drop things trying to kill you. Fun! Fun!
Fear Factory(DKCR)
Yea I have to admit I liked this version of F.F. too.
Savoury Stu
Yea I got real freaked when stu started dropping big bombs on me. Ooooohhhh….
The Mole Train
Another boss- The Mole train. Really cool effects for this one, and the level was awesome.
Ok Starfox:
The 90’s were the golden age of videogames and star fox was another legendary game of the era. Everyone in it spoke strange language, translated only by the com, and one had to brave the dangers to defeat andross. Corneria was your starting point in all 3 ways, but who could resist going through it with red sky?
Space Armada
Slippy actually wants to turn back in this one…. But anyway, this was epic, and I don’t know why people actually WANTED to miss the parts where you went through ships.
I found this level really funky and the music was groovy too!
Ok you should listen to some of the other songs for these. The last 2 songs I’ll leave you with are these:
The day the world revived
The day the world revived. Really slow and beautiful.
Crysta is the first town in Terranigma, a game which I recommend to all of you, especially if you like chrono trigger. I dunno, these two games just seem a bit like brother and sister to me. ^^
Oh ok, one more!
This is a remastered version, but it’s one of the best remastered versions of a song I’ve ever heard, so I’ve put it up here for you to hear. Terrangima did some wonderful tunes…
A continent is born
I whistle this tune over and over whenever it’s in my head, and often I’ll add bits here and there, but the essence of the song stays the same. It’s a beautiful tune, even if it only lasts like 20 seconds.[/COLLAPSE]
Ok, those are the songs I grew up with, and I think you should hear them too just to see which ones you like. I’ll post a Secret of Evermore one somewhere in there as well just for you star