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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I've played just about every Street Fighter, Vs. series, and a couple KoF games. Have also played Smash Bros since the 64. In Brawl I'd say I'm about maybe mid-level. My friend actually won tournaments, and I could whip him around so that says a little something. :p

Never been into competitive scenes in any camp. But I do know I'm probably capable enough to place well in them. But have too many work, college and family responsibilities now.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia

You could definitely play with me then, the GA community is so nice. We would gladly accept you. (Judging from how make stages) you would make a great player with proper training.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007

You could definitely play with me then, the GA community is so nice. We would gladly accept you. (Judging from how make stages) you would make a great player with proper training.
Who say's I'm not already trained? ;)

Granted I'm a little rusty as I haven't been as active as I used to be. I had a mean Ike that could hold his own against some improper match ups. Now, I lean more towards Falco and Mr. Game and Watch.

Only other game I'm pretty good at is MKWii, I have like 8000-9000 btu in the wifi?


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I'm guessing you have played that much people on our PR and if so it has been a while. The skill in GA has rose in the past year instead of being stagnant. Everyone has improved greatly with GA actually hosting tournies and getting OoS players to come. We've had Ally come once (claimed as the 2nd best in the world) and M2K was living here for a couple of months (the claimed best player in the world), that's when everyone got better in a really fast pace and the pace has really slown down.

We have been having upsets at our tournies, players like BigLou and Kismet are losing to players that should lower levels than them. So everyone who has been in the scene for a while is really close in skill now so crazy like that happen now but to a person just joining getting in would be hard without one of our help/advice.

Ahh so much to say, I'll VM you.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
As much as the current discussion is off topic, it's a hell of a lot better than discussing characters.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
tbh, I think it's refreshing to take a break from discussing that as it usually goes in circles because no one wants their fav. character to be dropped out of their dream roster so logic and the such is useless and only causes well...

me posting images of my reactions.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile

This is not about characters!

I’m writing a script for my ideal SSB4 opening. It comes in two versions; one “normal” version that plays if the player has not unlocked every collectible in the game (that includes characters, stages, music, trophies, stickers, etc.), and a “full” version that only plays once all collectibles have been unlocked.

The following songs are cued throughout this script.

Melee Opening (Smashing… Live! Version)

Brawl Theme

Super Smash Bros. Opening

The reason all three songs are used is because the ideal cinematic I have for SSB4 would include a merge of the Melee and Brawl themes, with elements of the original SSB overture at points. This would be done with, of course, a newly-composed song for SSB4. It would be composed so that the parts of all these songs merge together in a beautiful and coherent manner.

Below is an incomplete script for the “full” version of the opening cinematic.

[COLLAPSE=SSB4 Opening Cinematic Script]Melee Opening – 0:00 – 0:20 (alternatively, SSB Opening 0:00 – 0:15)

The screen dimly lights up (in a dark blue hue) and reveals a trophy display case. The case is empty but for one trophy – Mario.

Master Hand moves out in front of the screen from behind. He grabs the Mario trophy and takes it out, closing the case behind him.

The camera pans to the right as Master Hand moves towards a dimly-lit row of trophies in the distance. The trophies in order from left to right are:

Luigi, Marth, Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Samus, Kirby, (empty space), Link, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Fox, Ness, Jigglypuff

The camera focuses in on Master Hand with the Mario trophy as Master Hand moves towards an empty space between Kirby and Link. Gently, Master Hand positions Mario in the empty space. He tilts him slightly forward and flies backwards out behind the camera. The camera zooms out to reveal the entire row of trophies. In the background, one can see silhouettes of what appear to be additional trophies, but the background is hazy and dark so nothing can really be made out.

The camera darkens to a black screen. The Nintendo and Sora Ltd. logos pop up – Nintendo on top, Sora at bottom. Between the logos and below, the words “and” and “present…” appear respectively in basic white font.

The logos and words fade out.

Melee Opening – 0:21 – 0:26

The camera lights up and is positioned far behind the first row of trophies at slightly above ground level. Light enters the room from a distant sunrise rising over mountain peaks. The light shines over the trophies, revealing they are located on a rock island in a sea of water with the mountains and sun in the distance. (Think the setting of the first few seconds of the Brawl opening)

As the room lights up it reveals two more rows of trophies behind the first row. You see these trophies from the backside as with the first row.

Melee Opening – 0:26 – 0:29

The camera changes to a view in front of the trophies from roughly half the height of the distant mountain peaks and sunrise. From the front, the light now reveals the faces of the trophies in the back rows.

Melee Opening – 0:29

The camera suddenly zooms in on the Mario trophy as it emits a blue, firey aura around itself. (Think of the similar sequence in the Melee opening)

Melee Opening – 0:30

The screen turns black. Writing in the bottom-left corner; “Nintendo’s All-Stars In”

Melee Opening – 0:31 – 0:33

Mario transforms as in the Melee opening. The camera is still focused on Mario, but is zoomed in on him than in the Melee opening. In the background and far sides, you can see the other characters transforming as well.

Melee Opening – 0:33 – 0:37

Mario is completely transformed from a trophy into a living being. The camera changes to a more zoomed-out position from a left angle to show both Mario and the six closest trophies in his row (Yoshi, Samus, Kirby, Link, Pikachu, Donkey Kong) as they enter cool battle poses (imagine them as whatever you like).

Melee Opening – 0:37

A clawed foot stomps on the ground in front of the screen. Mario and his row of trophies are completely in battle poses now.

Melee Opening – 0:38 – 0:40

The camera turns around to a right angle onto Bowser and a separate group of characters having transformed from trophies into living beings. This group of trophies contains all of the villain characters in SSB4, although it’s not just villains (Lucas, for example, is in this group). Visible in front of the camera showing off their battle poses are Bowser, Ganondorf, Ridley, King Dedede, King K. Rool, and Zoroark. This sequence is in slight slow-motion.

Melee Opening – 0:41 – 0:43

Camera changes angle to the space in-between the two groups of characters from the right side of the original trophy row. Now the characters from each side dash to the opposing side and charge up their attacks. For example, Mario jumps out with a fireball in the palm of his hand (similar to his forward smash) while Bowser prepares to swipe his claws at Mario. As they prepare to attack, the camera enters slow-motion (as in the Melee opening battle between Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pikachu).

Brawl Theme – 0:05 – 0:06

Audi famam…

The character are still about to attack and still moving in slow-motion, but a flash of light from the distance between the characters begins to flood the camera until all that can be seen is bright golden light.

Brawl Theme – 0:06 – 0:31

… illius.
Solus in hostes ruit
et patriam servavit.
Audi famam illius.
Cucurrit quaeque
tetigit destruens.

This part of the cinematic would recycle Adventure Mode cutscenes. (I know some people didn’t like that in Brawl’s opening, but it saves the developers time and money. And don’t fear – it is only at given parts that Adventure Mode cinematics are recycled. The rest of the cinematic would use original footage as I describe it.)

Melee Opening – 0:44 – 0:57

(Under construction)

Musical Note – The song will transition from the Brawl vocal part into the second segment of Melee’s theme.

Melee Opening – 0:58 – 1:12
Brawl Theme – 0:32 – 0:44 (Vocals Only)

Audi famam illius
Audi famam illius

(Under construction)

Musical Note – This section of the cinematic merges the second segment of the Melee opening theme with vocals from the Brawl theme. Parts might have to be changed to allow this; the main french horn part in this part of the Melee theme would probably be removed to emphasize the vocals, as well as the transition-bringing woodwinds.

Brawl Theme – 0:44 – 1:09
Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.
Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.
iuxta me.

(Under construction)[/COLLAPSE]

That's all for now. I'll see if I can finish this by the end of this week.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
1+ post

Alright screw It, I'm gonna post that roster....


Look what I found:

according to this, it only has 40 characters, doesn't have any 3rd parties and doesn't even have Ray, what do you guys think of it


this one is SO much better, it's more realistic and has more variety of characters, I approve of this with some minor swaps.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
1+ post

Alright screw It, I'm gonna post that roster....


Look what I found:

according to this, it only has 40 characters, doesn't have any 3rd parties and doesn't even have Ray, what do you guys think of it



this one is SO much better, it's more realistic and has more variety of characters, I approve of this with some minor swaps.[/QUOTE]
First roster: Where the heck are Lucas, Ike, Falco, and any third-party characters? In addition, what the **** is that fourth DK spot supposed to be?!?!

It's not quite the worst I've seen, though. I've seen rosters that cut Captain Falcon. Out of 5, it ranks a 1.5

Second roster: This is much better, but it is far from perfect. Tom Nook isn't going to happen, and I don't think Animal Crossing necessarily needs character representation; the amount of AC content in Brawl was perfect. IMO, Lyn and Mewtwo lost their chances as characters in Brawl. Sonic (or any third-party franchise for that matter) doesn't need a second character. I wouldn't drop Wolf or Lucas; they've earned their spots. I'm OK with Jigglypuff going. Toon Link is kind of an "iffy" removal for me; I think he's necessary to represent both the younger Link and the cel-shaded games, but he also was a clone. Also, we'd probably need one more retro character.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
With all this talk about realistic chances and percentages for likelihood being pulled out of nowhere, I have to say that at this point, it's anybody's game.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
First roster: Where the heck are Lucas, Ike, Falco, and any third-party characters? In addition, what the **** is that fourth DK spot supposed to be?!?!
Lol you say it like third parties have to be in.

And it's cranky controlling three if the animal helpers. I think anyway



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
A lack of Mii, the inclusion of Tails, Volnutt, Andy, and Lyn are hardly realistic. :V

Also, why is Paper Mario over on the other side?
Because he would represent a new franchise - the Paper Mario franchise. I agree, though, that even then, he should be with the Mario sub-series characters like Yoshi and Donkey Kong.

I think the roster wasn't meant to look like the way it would look anyways. It's just a fancy way to organize them.


While no 3rd-party characters have to be in and I wouldn't mind if there weren't any, it would be a bad move on Nintendo's part, so yes, I expect something there.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
If I were you,I'd refrain from trolling.I myself wouldn't want 12-13 days of ban,would you?
Actually since I am, myself, Idgaf, LOL.

Oh I see Omega posted the roster. Then I see the same circular **** we did 2 pages ago, then you look back again 7 pages ago, and then 13 pages ago. Wow I see a cycle.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Squawks may be one of the animal helpers that appears the most, but he'd be boring to use. Rambi is fine, and Squitter is awesome. I guess I'd recomend Expresso though in place of Squawks, or maybe even Ellie to make a DKC/DKC2/DCK3 type of thing going.

But really though, Funky before any of them. (And I mean he should be in before not just PT Cranky, but also Dixie and Cranky. >:V)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
The second roster IMO was far better, it at least had 3rd parties not to mention some realistical choices, I do agree though Tom Nook isn't deserving or demanded enough, just Smashville. :awesome:


Deleted member

Regarding the Roster OmegaXVII posted at #12774:

Mario: Seven reps will not happen. I would love to have Toad, Bowser Jr., and Paper Mario in to satisfy the fans, but it overreps the franchise.

Mario Sub-series: Four reps for Donkey Kong is not realistic and totally not needed. The choice of Cranky Kong and Animal Friends is also awful.

The Legend of Zelda: How does Mario get seven reps but Zelda only three? We have a very good chance of one of Toon or Young Link returning for SSB4.

Metroid: Fine by me.

Kirby: Fine by me.

Star Fox: I doubt Star Fox is losing a rep. It is possible, but it's kind of unnecessary.

Pokemon: Fine by me.

F-zero: Captain Falcon is fine by himself. I would accept a second rep, but seriously, in a 40 slot roster, they honestly think it's realistic to expect two reps from the franchise?

Earthbound: Even thought I have no problem seeing Lucas get the boot, he is near guarantee for SSB4, especially since he was a starter. Should not be dropped.

Fire Emblem: One rep? Seriously? This is a very popular franchise in Japan, Ike should at least be in that roster. It is absolutely ridiculous to drop either Fire Emblem characters we have now.

Kid Icarus: Where's a second rep? Kid Icarus is due for a second one; it should have been easy to see Medusa or Palutena take the spot.

Pikimin: Fine by me.

Retro: Where's Takamaru? He is easily the most likely new retro character we have, there's no reason not to at least add him.

New franchises: Seriously? Tom Nook? Animal Crossing will probably never be in SSB4 with a playable character. It also takes up a spot that more worthy characters like Saki, Starfy, or Ray.

Only forty characters and he succeeded in making a roster that I would be incredibly disappointed with, and I would already be disappointed with the small number. Lots of unnecessary cuts and some terrible additions to the game makes this a roster not to be desired.


In terms of veterans unlockable, these are what I think should be unlocked in SSB4:

- Ganondorf
- Yound/Toon Link
- R.O.B.
- Falco
- Wolf
- Lucario
- Ike
- Lucas
- Mr. Game & Watch
- Snake
- Sonic
berserker01 said:
502 bad gateway
I hate these things so much, it's annoying and affects the flow of discussion.
JavaCroc said:
BTW, I've noticed that the "available at start" retro characters all had origins on the NES. I think the SSB4 team should move on from the NES and include an SNES character as the next new retro starting character.
By now, the SNES and N64 will be considered retro characters; so there's no reason why they can't be considered retro. However, unless Saki would count as one, I really doubt we're going to get any SNES/N64 retro characters as the NES was more successful then the other two.
JavaCroc said:
Lucas (Ness should have been at start)
I agree with this. Easily the character that should not have been available from the start.
JavaCroc said:
Snake and Sonic (Keeps SSB fans guessing if they are replaced by new third-party characters like in other fighting games)
I don't think they're going to leave fans guessing on whenever or not they're returning. I think all third-party character will be revealed before the final roster is shown like last time.
xIblisx said:
Besides the mixture of 502 Bad Gateways, is Smashboards loading slow for anyone else? Every other site is going faster than this place atm.
Yes it has. God it is annoying.
xIblisx said:
1) They confirmed there are 2 Wii U tablets compatible now
Where did they confirm it would be compatible with two Wii-U tablets?
Starphoenix said:
Only other game I'm pretty good at is MKWii, I have like 8000-9000 btu in the wifi?
I'm good at that game as well, although having not played it in awhile has brought my skill down considerably.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@SSBFan: I agree, they should definetly have new characters as secret unlockable, I want this smash to feel the biggest and best one when Im unlocking characters, just have the Veterans asstarters since we already know there gonna be in.

Also I agree with Cranky or the assistant animals not being in, if anything we'll probably get King K Rool or Dixie/Diddy Team, no need to have a character such as him, he's not deserving enough.

Okay I shall PM you the roster I created :)


Deleted member

JusT facE, they Both Have aRm CanNons plus thEY loOk siMilar,juSt thEir ColOr coStumE is All!!

They're not even close to similar. Mega Man is a small robot boy, Samus is a tall woman in a space suit. There is no reason to expect them to be the exact same.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
Because he would represent a new franchise - the Paper Mario franchise. I agree, though, that even then, he should be with the Mario sub-series characters like Yoshi and Donkey Kong.

I think the roster wasn't meant to look like the way it would look anyways. It's just a fancy way to organize them.


While no 3rd-party characters have to be in and I wouldn't mind if there weren't any, it would be a bad move on Nintendo's part, so yes, I expect something there.
It would be a bad move to make a game for nintendo's all stars exclusively nintendo characters? The third parties could have quite possibly been 1-time guests sorry =/



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
JusT facE, they Both Have aRm CanNons plus thEY loOk siMilar,juSt thEir ColOr coStumE is All!!
There is so much wrong with this it doesn't even deserve to be refuted... What I will say is one weapon does not make a character similar to another. 10 people can use the same item, but all 10 of them are going to utilize it differently.

Lord Hokage

Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007

They're not even close to similar. Mega Man is a small robot boy, Samus is a tall woman in a space suit. There is no reason to expect them to be the exact same.
u kNow what, Ryu Is More POpular aNywaY, he IS CapcoM's MAscOt, plUs he's mOre icOnic, if CaPcom cHooses s reP it wiLL moSt likEly be RyU anywayS :p


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Also I agree with Cranky or the assistant animals not being in, if anything we'll probably get King K Rool or Dixie/Diddy Team, no need to have a character such as him, he's not deserving enough.
Not deserving enough? That's the original Donkey Kong, you're talking about. The main antagonist of the game that put Nintendo on the map. Mario's first rival. And outside of DK and maybe Diddy, he's the DK series character who has shown up in the most games. Sure his role isn't anything to write home about, and he's been playable in only a handful, but if there's anything that takes Cranky out of it, its not because he doesn't deserve it. :/


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Not deserving enough? That's the original Donkey Kong, you're talking about. The main antagonist of the game that put Nintendo on the map. Mario's first rival. And outside of DK and maybe Diddy, he's the DK series character who has shown up in the most games. Sure his role isn't anything to write home about, and he's been playable in only a handful, but if there's anything that takes Cranky out of it, its not because he doesn't deserve it. :/

People can debate Dixie Kong and King K. Rool till the cows come home. Truth is the only other staple in the Donkey Kong series apart from Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong has been Cranky Kong. He has always been a character in my mind I could see being the next "shock" character. How would he work? Couldn't tell you, but I wouldn't put it past Sakurai and his team to find some surprising and humorous way to incorporate him.

Nothing is off the table.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Not deserving enough? That's the original Donkey Kong, you're talking about. The main antagonist of the game that put Nintendo on the map. Mario's first rival. And outside of DK and maybe Diddy, he's the DK series character who has shown up in the most games. Sure his role isn't anything to write home about, and he's been playable in only a handful, but if there's anything that takes Cranky out of it, its not because he doesn't deserve it. :/
Alright, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but you still have to look who he's up against, Sakurai clearly showed interest in Dixie so mostly likely he might want to bring the idea back, TBH if Cranky were to appear, he'd most likely would appear in his classic form as an AT, even then Funky Kong would probably come before him.

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