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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Don't worry. It's fine. Shin would never tell them.
It left me speechless... I'm still speechless, at least I can still type.

I think it's best for all of us to hide it... Forever. In fact, delete it from whatever image-hosting site it was uploaded in, and delete the account as well. If you can change your IP adress, then better yet.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
and here I was thinking about posting it back...

I like that japenese screen, it was interesting, who was that character though?


Deleted member

@OmegaXVII: Can I see that roster you posted?
Barbasol said:
But more than anything else I want some surprises when it comes to unlockable characters!

Captain Falcon, Marth, Ness, Falco as unlockable... Seriously?
- Ike should have been the unlockable one from Fire Emblem since he's new and not the quintessential, it'd be like unlocking Mario while starting with Yoshi.
- Meta Knight and/or King Dedede should at least be unlockable... Meta Knight especially, he just reeks of cool unlockable character.
- Captain Falcon should be starter, we all know he's gonna make it.
- Wario, Captain Olimar, Pit all new franchises.. but some should have been a susprise unlock like F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Earthbound, etc. were at first.

And before anything else, make it harder to get everyone. That was m main gripe w/ Brawl.
I have to agree. There should be fewer newcomers available from the start and vets like the original twelve and Marth should be available from the very start. In return, you should have to unlock Ike and Lucas.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Nice, I like the concept. The stage sounds like it may be a little small. Is it about the size of lylat cruise (with similar tilting :p)?

Another great stage concept, star!

It wouldn't be much smaller then that stage you listed, Lylat Cruise. The tilting would be a little more angled, but not to the point of the characters sliding everywhere.

Starphoenix you stole my idea lol.

Pilot Wings stage, not a M/Wii stage, I still remember when Nintendo made games that weren't half-***** Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/Mii games :troll:
I just melded Pilotwings and the "Wii" series into one group.

Just reposting for those who may not have caught it.

[COLLAPSE="Stage Concept"]So last time I went with a very popular choice. Went a different route with it so I could maximize the amount of "cameo-ness". That's right, I'm coining that. But I'm starting to become a little tired and sore having done so many concepts now. It's time for a nice relaxing vacation, like maybe on an island or something... Hmm, I dunno... Is there such an island?

Well what do you know, there is! WuHu Island, the popular resort island for Mii's. Having now appeared in several games, and been the central setting for several of those, this island has become as iconic as their charactertures. It really is splendid living, you know? Look at how much you can do! Well add brawling to that list because this peaceful island is about to get rocked! But it is very big, where would you fight? I mean there is so much to see and do how on earth could you encompass an entire island in one stage? Easy... By plane!

That's right, the entire stage will be atop of a propeller plane. Not as wild as Ruinous City, this tour isn't as much about making your head spin as it is an easy glide through the cities locales. It'll dive lower to the island giving you the opportunity to see more. Fly past the light house, dodge the blimp, over the beach, arpind the volcano, yes you see it all folks.

The stage itself, it is a four winged plane which means two levels on each side. It shares a similar design to Venom from Melee. Except not as large and not the Grey Fox design, obviously. It is simple and relaxing... Although don't let the tranquility fool you. When the plane makes turns left or right the wings will tilt, causing your players to slide a little and the stage will become slanted in the direction the plane is turning. So don't get to confortable hanging around the edge, you could fall, so watch your step.

Stage Example:


Stage Example 2:


Stage Name: WuHu Island
Stage Icon: Giant W

Wii Sports Resort - Main Theme
Wii Sports - Wii Sports Theme (Brawl)
Wii Fit - Get In Shape
Wii Party - Menu
Wii Party - Rope Sling
Pilotwings Resort - Hang Glider
Pilotwings Resort - Plane
Pilotwings Resort - Super Rocket Belt
The Last Story - Battle With Jill
Steel Diver - Title Screen
Endless Ocean - Aquarium
Startropics - Cave Action

Oops, forgot to add my little commentary at the end. lol

Well here was a relaxing change of pace from some of the other crazy stages I've posted lately. It is simple and straightforward. An airplane flying around an island. Tried to spice up the stage with some interesting track choices. Trying to find some good tunes out of the "Wii ____" series was difficult. But the choices are pretty good, I at least like them. Where I go from here is anyone's guess. I only have one more stage left that I had planned to do. After that I'm not sure where to go as I'm awaiting several games to be released before I even begin speculation on anything regarding those series. Until next time!

Off topic: I'll find a stage to fit this song into! http://youtu.be/T5lL9_jGX78[/COLLAPSE]


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Whoa! Yet another stage concept? It reminds me of Delfino Plaza somewhat, but I like the scenery of the tropics in Smash, it needs more beautiful backgrounds along with the characters to drop our jaws down.



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Yeah, I was one of those R.O.B. predictors. And I've been smug about it ever since. :p

My new crazy retro hunch is for Duck Hunt Dog. The problem is people are wanting characters like Sukapon or Takamaru but they're kinda one off and less Nintendo iconic. Which is what the retro choices like to be.

I could however see Takamaru or Sukapon and Mike Jones being a Japan/West exclusive duality.
I do like the idea of having Takamaru and Mike Jones to represent games sold exclusively in the East and the West.

I wouldn't mind Duck Hunt Dog, but he would not be a WTF character; everyone suggests him as such, but when everyone is suggesting him, he simply wouldn't be a surprise then. I'd support a character such as Mr. Stevenson, Tin Star, or Tetris Block as a WTF character.

BTW, I've noticed that the "available at start" retro characters all had origins on the NES. I think the SSB4 team should move on from the NES and include an SNES character as the next new retro starting character.

But more than anything else I want some surprises when it comes to unlockable characters!

Captain Falcon, Marth, Ness, Falco as unlockable... Seriously?
- Ike should have been the unlockable one from Fire Emblem since he's new and not the quintessential, it'd be like unlocking Mario while starting with Yoshi.
- Meta Knight and/or King Dedede should at least be unlockable... Meta Knight especially, he just reeks of cool unlockable character.
- Captain Falcon should be starter, we all know he's gonna make it.
- Wario, Captain Olimar, Pit all new franchises.. but some should have been a susprise unlock like F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Earthbound, etc. were at first.

And before anything else, make it harder to get everyone. That was m main gripe w/ Brawl.

@ Fatty

I was really excited at the gauntlet of characters being bam-bam-bam revealed, it made me think brawl would be packed with awesome new characters... Then I saw Snake get revealed and I was seriously disappointed.
I absolutely agree. It was ridiculous how mostly veteran characters were hidden while most of the newcomers were revealed before Brawl's release.

For the next game, I think most of the Brawl characters should be available at the start with the exceptions of:
  • Lucas (Ness should have been at start)
  • Metaknight (Kirby doesn't need three characters at start if that's all the series has)
  • Falco/Wolf (We expect both to return, so no need to hide both of them away)
  • Lucario (If she returns; it would keep the ravaging SSB and Lucario fans arguing over him until he's revealed either as returning or replaced)
    [*]Snake and Sonic (Keeps SSB fans guessing if they are replaced by new third-party characters like in other fighting games)

Sukapon had the most votes for a retro character?!

Since Marth's redesign was brought up, I'm wondering if we'll be seeing something more like Melee's Fox/Falco designs come back. Star Fox 64 3D is the newest game, and the character designs have remained faithful to the original (I wonder how Wolf will look? We never saw any more than his face).

ON A BIT OF A RANDOM NOTE. I hope in the story mode, Falco keeps getting annoyed after continually being mistaken for different races. Toon Link would think he's a Rito, while Samus would think he's a Chozo. It's too bad SSE didn't make an effort for the humor a gigantic crossover offers.
Ha, I love the idea of Falco getting mistaken as many different races.

For the next Adventure Mode, I'd like to see cutscenes of Toon Link and normal Link seeing each other - that has the potential to look cool. There could be a sort of antagonism between them at first before they accept each other and fight together.

Just for the sake of reference:
**Melee poll results**

Where's that Ridley moveset?
Here is a good Ridley moveset made by ShadowHydra on IGN Boards. I'm only posting this to give Ridley fans something to look at while we wait for Oasis.

So last time I went with a very popular choice. Went a different route with it so I could maximize the amount of "cameo-ness". That's right, I'm coining that. But I'm starting to become a little tired and sore having done so many concepts now. It's time for a nice relaxing vacation, like maybe on an island or something... Hmm, I dunno... Is there such an island?


Wii Sports Resort - Main Theme
Wii Sports - Wii Sports Theme (Brawl)
Wii Fit - Get In Shape
Wii Party - Menu
Wii Party - Rope Sling
Pilotwings Resort - Hang Glider
Pilotwings Resort - Plane
Pilotwings Resort - Super Rocket Belt
The Last Story - Battle With Jill
Steel Diver - Title Screen
Endless Ocean - Aquarium
Startropics - Cave Action

Off topic: I'll find a stage to fit this song into! http://youtu.be/T5lL9_jGX78
Great stage for the Wii series with good song choices.Good job. I made a nearly identical stage back then, but it used the island setting from Pilotwings 64 instead.

I hope Marth gets redesigned, and if Link in Brawl is any indication, Sakurai seems to favor recent incarnations.

I'm still betting on Black Knight though, if we get any. For a number of reasons, really. Out of series importance, he ranks actually quite high. Medeus is Marth's villain, and Black Knight is Ikes. But Medeus won't work from a fighter standpoint given his nature. At the same time, most bosses in Fire Emblem levels are Generals, so the Black Knight sums up the classic bosses at once. Caeda would be fine by me, but more people know the Black Knight.

In order to best represent Fire Emblem as a whole, we need to break down what is the most important to the series, and I'd regard this as classes if we're looking at the big picture.

The main archetypes are:
Lords- Main character ala Marth, Lyn, Ike is technically one
Mages- Magic users like Michaiah
Mounted Units- Like Caeda
Knights- Heavy armored units like the Black Knight.
*- Not taking weapons into account as they vary.

I'd argue Lyn actually has the least to bring to the series as a whole because she'd be a light, quick sword user... like Marth. Caeda could offer a more unique playstyle with her lance. Michaiah would be great from a gameplay standpoint, firing off magic attacks hopefully not being a more developed Zelda clone. But the Black Knight offers an interesting gameplay perspective in his heavy armor, generals can all use lances and javelins.

Hope that made sense... really tired.

Black Knight Cutscenes:
Greils Fall: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBmU4nx7dJM
Ike vs. Black Knight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvfhL1BfByA
Zelgius (In red armor, not in guise of the Black Knight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tquKa4_xCQA
Interesting. I wouldn't mind the Black Knight taking the third spot for Fire Emblem, although I also wouldn't mind seeing Caeda or Micaiah there. However, I could also see a new FE lord taking that spot if a new FE game is revealed anytime soon.

and here I was thinking about posting it back...

I like that japenese screen, it was interesting, who was that character though?

What the heck were you guys talking about?!? LET ME SEE!!!! ;)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
What Pokemon do you guys think will represent the series in SSB4?

Well TBH this list is what I think we'll likely see as far as Pokemon go:

Pikachu: He's iconic, he's guaranteed!

Jigglypuff: He/she is part of the original 12, she is almost guaranteed but her neatly being axed in Brawl is what might bring him/her down.

Zoroark: is from the current gen, recently had a movie and is quite popular, might replace Lucario being the Dark/Psychic type.

Victini: has a movie coming up which will give it exposure, if Sakurai looks at the the list of Pokemon whose had a movie, there's no doubt that Sakurai wouldn't at least consider it, has a good chance as well.

Pokemon Trainer: seeing that he was on Brawl and is also quite popular and unique, I don't think this guy is going anywhere, if anything we might just get him replaced with a newer generation trainer, his chances are almost guaranteed.

Among those we might get Genesect but I'm not too sure about him, as for Lucario his chances aren't looking so good considering we have Zoroark or/and Victini as the latest generation reps, if Sakurai decides on a factor, it most likely might be by exposure and a movie just like Lucario was before them.

Personally though, I'd like to see Meowth make an appearance instead of Zoroark, Meowth would definetly be unique without having to get another potential clone.

@JavaCroc: If someone else says so, I'll post what I was talking about. ;)



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Besides the mixture of 502 Bad Gateways, is Smashboards loading slow for anyone else? Every other site is going faster than this place atm.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I already reported it to mic and he told me he's fixing the issue along with Bionic.

But yea, these 502's are dumb, it was BAD yesterday, not slow for me though, just reload :urg:

Edit: OKAY, now I'm mad! :glare:



Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
I think the only way we can save this thread is to re-cover everything but this time take it slow. Look at the rate their chance thread. They're talking about characters and after 9(?) days they are still on topic.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Re-cover everything? :-/

Also, his thread has an one way direction so you cant really deviate but in this thread it's so vague with barely any info, you can only do so much.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
Guys,I've been thinking about the new Smash.Being that its on the Wii U and 3DS,1 player gaming devices,I concluded that this may be a semi-first person POV game.Its POV will be similar to Super Mario Galaxy and most likely will no longer be 2-D third person POV. Im just saying,idk if this is how its going to be,but in my opinion,semi-first person looks as though the only option for Wii U and 3DS.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Dude!! That's like my most anticipated game right now, I was hoping for a Beta at e3 but we just got a character confirmation, I so want to see E. Honda vs. Ganryu

You mean we get a downloadable beta release, right? Because it was playable at E3.

Yes, I'm afraid I'm the youngest here. Unforunately I expected to be stupidest...but we can all see that's not the case.

LOL, playing smash has made me dedicated to other things like, working out, schools, (I never had a problem with girls though :awesome:) and sticking to things. The community is good so when I reach out to the SFxT I hope the community is just as good, if not, I always know where I can fall back to.

I'll post images/gifs when the time comes.
According to your profile, you're older than me by about a month and a half.

Smas has made you focused in other areas. That sounds like one of the benefits of taking martial arts lessons. Playing Street Fighter has brought back that fighting spirit in me, made me realize risks and awards, and made me realize that I can turn my weaknesses into strengths. Odd, huh?

Be careful when you join that community though. Make sure not to mention that you have a Smash background because that's opening a big can of worms. Also, be prepared for haters. I have my fair share of them because of my El Fuerte. It was disheartening at first, but I came to realize that it doesn't matter who hates you, but rather who likes you.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
Re-cover everything? :-/

Also, his thread has an one way direction so you cant really deviate but in this thread it's so vague with barely any info, you can only do so much.
That's why we need to set up a topic and a timeframe for discussing it. Right now like you said this thread has no real direction. We can have star post a stage and the next post could be about why there should or shouldn't be 2 final smashes. If we set up a day or a week or whatever for stages we can go more in-depth and by going slow we wont run out of topics nearly as fast.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
According to your profile, you're older than me by about a month and a half.

Smash has made you focused in other areas. That sounds like one of the benefits of taking martial arts lessons. Playing Street Fighter has brought back that fighting spirit in me, made me realize risks and awards, and made me realize that I can turn my weaknesses into strengths. Odd, huh?

Be careful when you join that community though. Make sure not to mention that you have a Smash background because that's opening a big can of worms. Also, be prepared for haters. I have my fair share of them because of my El Fuerte. It was disheartening at first, but I came to realize that it doesn't matter who hates you, but rather who likes you.
First off my profile age is a lie LOL.

I got some influences going for me, Smash, Capoeira, and Drumline. I completely agree with you.

I can expect it from the community but I have plenty of haters in school and on the internet so what are some gamers gonna do? If I ever get into fight because of a video game is the day I need to die. They'll learn to accept me. I'll just have to earn my place. I won't come on as strong.

@Funk: That's getting ready to work especially as time goes on, more and more people will come and it will derail any type of topic we will have. The hidden code of following the topic only works with there is some info driving the said hidden topic.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
First off my profile age is a lie LOL.

I got some influences going for me, Smash, Capoeira, and Drumline. I completely agree with you.

I can expect it from the community but I have plenty of haters in school and on the internet so what are some gamers gonna do? If I ever get into fight because of a video game is the day I need to die. They'll learn to accept me. I'll just have to earn my place. I won't come on as strong.

@Funk: That's getting ready to work especially as time goes on, more and more people will come and it will derail any type of topic we will have. The hidden code of following the topic only works with there is some info driving the said hidden topic.
Lie or not,ur still older than me.

Do you agree with my earlier comment?I think it has somewhat truth in it.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
If you ever get into a fight over a game, I wouldn't worry about it if it wasn't you who started it. I've had this feeling for quite some time it's gonna happen to me at one point. When you've got people who say you're "Not playing Street Fighter" because you're able to maintain your unpredictability and they can't adapt, it makes you worried. I feel some, except for those starting out, are going to refuse to understand my rationale while playing, making themselves stupid.

That being said, I'm not playing to make people like me. I don't have to act a particular way and neither do they for my satisfaction.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Lie or not,ur still older than me.

Do you agree with my earlier comment?I think it has somewhat truth in it.
1st Person in Smash or do you mean in other games?

If you ever get into a fight over a game, I wouldn't worry about it if it wasn't you who started it. I've had this feeling for quite some time it's gonna happen to me at one point. When you've got people who say you're "Not playing Street Fighter" because you're able to maintain your unpredictability and they can't adapt, it makes you worried. I feel some, except for those starting out, are going to refuse to understand my rationale while playing, making themselves stupid.

That being said, I'm not playing to make people like me. I don't have to act a particular way and neither do they for my satisfaction.
I completely agree with this. I don't think anyone should influence how you play because they can't beat it. That's how you are supposed to play.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
And to make things worse, these people that tell me this kind of crap have played other fighting games in the past. I think because SF4 is my first time playing a fighter competitively, they view me as inferior.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
@Iblis Yes,i mean Smash4 because Wii U has only 1 controller,meaning that offline multiplayer may not be optional.And not Halo type Pov,Mario Galaxy Pov.
Also,I am aware that the 3DS and Wii U will work together for Smash4,but offline multiplayer doesn't look as if its going to be included.Only if Wii U has Multi-Controller slots or Wii-Mote sync,then they mayy throw in something. It would be kinds dumb to take out multiplayer in a 4 player video game


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
And to make things worse, these people that tell me this kind of crap have played other fighting games in the past. I think because SF4 is my first time playing a fighter competitively, they view me as inferior.
That's really dumb. Hm I see I will definitely be that kid then. LOL

@Iblis Yes,i mean Smash4 because Wii U has only 1 controller,meaning that offline multiplayer may not be optional.
Couple of things wrong with this.

1) They confirmed there are 2 Wii U tablets compatible now
2) They've already shown gameplay of 5 players in "Catch Mii"
3) Nintendo has had the 4 player console thing going for a while now, that would be dumb to stop it
4) Even if they didn't confirm the Wii U tablet thing, it would still be compatible with the classic controllers and wiimotes(&Nunchuck). Maybe GCC ports if they finally notice that many gamers loved that controller set-up
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