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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
Technically Cranky Kong has already made cameos in both Melee and Brawl. In the one Donkey Kong level with the house and rushing water and image of Cranky can be seen inside the house. Also since he's the original DK he was in the classic DK stage. I don't know if Cranky will be an assist trophy but if he is then he may be in his classic DK style.

I've been pondering this idea on how many 3rd parties will be in it. Since this is useing characters from other games that means they have to get rights to use them. Do they have to pay royalties and if so how would that work (each character, genre, company)?

Deleted member

Lord Hokage said:
u kNow what, Ryu Is More POpular aNywaY, he IS CapcoM's MAscOt, plUs he's mOre icOnic, if CaPcom cHooses s reP it wiLL moSt likEly be RyU anywayS
So is Mega Man. Also, if you can tell, getting third-party characters is an entirely different ball game from adding Nintendo characters in. You're forgetting that Sonic got in purely by popularity; which shows that with third-party characters, popularity is the most important factor in getting a character in. Mega Man clearly has the massive support and that is why if we get a third third-party character, it will probably be him. Also, Capcom is trying to get him in SSB4, not Ryu. You honestly think it's a good idea to put in a character that is not highly requested at all, not to mention has been in every single Capcom crossover? It won't hurt fans to give Ryu a break from Capcom crossovers.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Also about your "Capcom would choose Ryu first" No you are wrong. Dead Wrong.

Read and stop spewing non-sense. Source and everything is in there. K, everyone let's move on from him. LOL
Say what you will about that man, troll or not he knows his stuff. C'mon Nintendo, give him the opportunity to make that Nintendo X Capcom. Though I'd personally feel it'd be better handled under Nitsuma's hands, Ono seems less "business" than the others. Which has it's pro's and con's.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I'm reading the thread right now Omega. I just noticed you've on this forum longer than I have O.o

Star, called me a troll T.T

Deleted member

Regarding Cranky: Now that Pieman0920 and Starphoenix mentioned it, I will say that based off being the main antagonists of Donkey Kong, he has a small shot. Much smaller then that of Dixie or King K. Rool, but still a shot. While I would obviously prefer the latter two, I would be interested in seeing how he operates.
Master Rapier said:
I've been pondering this idea on how many 3rd parties will be in it. Since this is useing characters from other games that means they have to get rights to use them. Do they have to pay royalties and if so how would that work (each character, genre, company)?
I would suspect that Nintendo would have to pay royalties by each character and I wouldn't be surprise if they would pay hefty amounts. That's why I am only expecting three third-party characters for SSB4 at best. Four is possible, but I'm not sure if Nintendo would be willing to lean out even more money; especially when the fourth choice will likely be very controversial since no other third-party characters have the popularity like Mega Man.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I'm reading the thread right now Omega. I just noticed you've on this forum longer than I have O.o

Star, called me a troll T.T
Hahahaha, no I wasn't calling you a troll. Most people call Ono a troll, and I was saying either way he knows his stuff when it comes to games.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
A Cranky Kong convo huh? You guys know that he makes potions as of DK64 and DKC Returns right? Those concoctions gave SURPRISING abilities in both games, so with a potion-based playstyle, he could do ANYTHING.

Oh and a SOLO Dixie after K.Rool's playability would be great.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
U mAd boy?

I dOn't sEe your Point, Its a knOwn fact, why diDnt he appEar in MarvEl x Capcom 3?


BecAuse he WaSnt deServinG enouGh, Zero got In,

he hAs a betTer cHance thaN meGaman! :troll:
I would guess you would be stupid to see my point. Ono the man who makes Megaman's moveset in any fighter he is been wants him in SSB4. Not Ryu.

MvC3 isn't Brawl so your point is moot.

Okay I'm sorry guys let's move on :awesome:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I'm reading the thread right now Omega. I just noticed you've on this forum longer than I have O.o

Star, called me a troll T.T
I had forgotten about this guy, until I saw his sig :/

It was during the brawl hype, I still can't believe moderation back then was so relaxed compare to what it is now.



Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Modding isn't good enough if he is still around LOL.

@Star, I heard people calling him a troll but at E3 he was asked about Capcom getting into SSB4 and went on talking about how he would love that then mentioned pitching the CvN idea. So either way Megaman is getting a game with Nintendo fighters. So guy is going have to deal with it ;)

His thread is really funny though LOL


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Say what you will about that man, troll or not he knows his stuff. C'mon Nintendo, give him the opportunity to make that Nintendo X Capcom. Though I'd personally feel it'd be better handled under Nitsuma's hands, Ono seems less "business" than the others. Which has it's pro's and con's.
If it was between the two of them, I'd go with Ono instead of Niitsuma. That being said, both do aim for unique playstyles for each character.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
A Cranky Kong convo huh? You guys know that he makes potions as of DK64 and DKC Returns right? Those concoctions gave SURPRISING abilities in both games, so with a potion-based playstyle, he could do ANYTHING.

Oh and a SOLO Dixie after K.Rool's playability would be great.


Okay! Maybe I've been looking at it the wrong way, it's news to me that Kranky was in the original game, this whole time I though it was Donkey Kong.:/



Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I was happy to see a previous iteration of my roster pop up a few pages back! Figured I should release my next version seeing as I've refined it even more.

Notable Changes:
- Tom Nook has been removed, seeing as if they didn't want him in Brawl even when Resetti and Smashville were involved, it's probably a deliberate choice rather than simply not realizing the option.
- Wolf is back instead of Krystal. Added Toon Link as it's clear Sakurai wants him there, given Toon Zelda was also considered.
- Dropped Black Shadow, Lyn.
- Replace Megaman Volnut with classic.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Regarding Cranky: Now that Pieman0920 and Starphoenix mentioned it, I will say that based off being the main antagonists of Donkey Kong, he has a small shot. Much smaller then that of Dixie or King K. Rool, but still a shot. While I would obviously prefer the latter two, I would be interested in seeing how he operates.I would suspect that Nintendo would have to pay royalties by each character and I wouldn't be surprise if they would pay hefty amounts. That's why I am only expecting three third-party characters for SSB4 at best. Four is possible, but I'm not sure if Nintendo would be willing to lean out even more money; especially when the fourth choice will likely be very controversial since no other third-party characters have the popularity like Mega Man.
Which is why I say that the best franchises to make an appearance in Smash Bros are Metal Gear Solid, Sonic The Hedgehog, Megaman, and Dragon Quest. There are reasons I keep listing those four franchises, and not just because I "favor" them.

Metal Gear Solid: Already in Brawl out of a personal favor between two friends. Besides being a popular character he is also one of the best characters in the game, making him popular among the elite circles. I doubt Kojima or Konami would be opposed to him returning in the next game, unless they become greedy in some manner. But if they secure whatever agreement they had in Brawl there shouldn't be any reason he can't or won't return.

Sonic the Hedgehog: It's Sonic the Hedgehog! The reason he was included in Brawl (and so late in development at that) is because he is Sonic the Hedgehog. Cannot see Sega passing up another chance to promote their character, because he does need it. Sega and Nintendo have become very close as games such as Mario and Sonic at the Olympics prove. Removing him would probably invoke the quantum opposite of the pre-Brawl hype, which is whining and backlash. All he needs is a little improvement in regards to his moveset, but then again the whole cast does...

Megaman: He is the new "Sonic". He was already popularly requested during the Brawl days, but with Sonic out of the way he has become THE third party choice. The difference this time is Capcom is making more of an effort on behalf of their fans to see if they can make something happen. You have developers talking about it, company representatives talking about, heck the former creator talking about it, and most of all the fans. It would be more shocking to not see him included at this point. As long as Capcom continues to make the effort, I highly doubt Sakurai will decline. The only reason more third party characters were not in Brawl was because no one else approached him or his team.

Dragon Quest: This one is the surprise and controversial choice. There is a lot of flack I receive for my opinion and I have been called stupid for it. But there are very real reason why I consider this the second best choice. Nintendo as a company has taken an interest in expanding this series and taken unprecedented steps in publishing and advertising this series in the West. THEY are the one's keeping this series close to them, it was Satoru Iwata who made the statement that Nintendo would seek to expand the series. Intelligent Systems, a Nintendo subsidiary company, developed the DSiWare title "Dragon Quest Wars". Which is impressive as this is one of very few times that Nintendo actually developed a title for a third party franchise. The have published Dragon Quest IX, VI; and will soon be publishing X, Joker 2, Rocket Slime 2 and Fortune Street. Which the last one I want to discuss a moment.

Fortune Street is a cross over title between Mario and the Dragon Quest universe. There are only three games where Mario has crossed over with other universes; Super Smash Bros, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, and Fortune Street (the DS version having only been published Japan). This fact alone is extraordinary when you think about it for a moment. Nintendo's relationship with this series is long (read up on the early Dragon 'Warrior' NES days) and is why I consider it the best 4th choice. It is enormous in Japan, becoming a little more widely known overseas (Fortune Street will probably help that if advertised correctly), and the very atmosphere would fit well into the Smash Bros universe.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I was happy to see a previous iteration of my roster pop up a few pages back! Figured I should release my next version seeing as I've refined it even more.

Notable Changes:
- Tom Nook has been removed, seeing as if they didn't want him in Brawl even when Resetti and Smashville were involved, it's probably a deliberate choice rather than simply not realizing the option.
- Wolf is back instead of Krystal. Added Toon Link as it's clear Sakurai wants him there, given Toon Zelda was also considered.
- Dropped Black Shadow, Lyn.
- Replace Megaman Volnut with classic.
OMG!!! You actually included the Black knight and Ray MK!! This roster is the best :cool:

I'm not too sure about Tingle, but he would definetle be a good WTF character, Dog Hunt Dog is also a great choice as a WTF!

I honestly don't see starfy making it, but I could be wrong, hopefully I am though.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
That makes me wonder if Iwata is just a huge Dragon Quest fanboy.
I have no idea, but if he is it doesn't really matter. Nintendo and Square seem to be tightly knit on this one series (better yet the Enix side of Square).

And, if I really wanted to stretch it. Masahiro Sakurai held a joint interview with the producer of Dragon Quest IX. They both asked questions about each other's series.


Deleted member

@Starphoenix: I can confirm that I highly agree with everything that you said. If Mega Man is revealed at E3 2012 and if a fourth third-party character shows up, Slime is most likely next in line. Supporters of Slime will have a lot of work to do to get the popularity up their with Mega Man and Sonic had. One thing Slime supporters must do is try to put to end to the argument that generic enemy characters can't be in SSB4 and I will gladly actively push for his inclusion if Mega Man is confirmed at E3 2012, even if I don't expect him.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
OMG!!! You actually included the Black knight and Ray MK!! This roster is the best :cool:

I'm not too sure about Tingle, but he would definetle be a good WTF character, Dog Hunt Dog is also a great choice as a WTF!

I honestly don't see starfy making it, but I could be wrong, hopefully I am though.
D'awwww, thanks slugger. *Ruffles hair*

Tingle was kept out of western hatred, but that's really gone down in recent years, noone really cares anymore. He's really popular in Japan, and has his own games, makes far more sense than Skull Kid, Vaati, or Ghirahim as the new Zelda character.

Duck Hunt Dog is so iconic to early Nintendo that he's my new retro choice. Its a perfect fit :p

And I gotta say, I have more confidence in Starfy making it than a lot of other characters. He's growing as a franchise, and loved in Japan and even abroad.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
@Starphoenix: I can confirm that I highly agree with everything that you said. If Mega Man is revealed at E3 2012 and if a fourth third-party character shows up, Slime is most likely next in line. Supporters of Slime will have a lot of work to do to get the popularity up their with Mega Man and Sonic had. One thing Slime supporters must do is try to put to end to the argument that generic enemy characters can't be in SSB4 and I will gladly actively push for his inclusion if Mega Man is confirmed at E3 2012, even if I don't expect him.
Heck, I'm even going beyond Slime. I want Slime and Chocobo team! Want to talk about work, I first need to figure out how to properly translate that in Japanese.

[COLLAPSE="Slime and Chocobo"]

Stage: Lost Plains
Icon - Crystal sword

Final Fantasy - Battle Scene (Dissidia)
Final Fantasy II - Rebel Army
Final Fantasy III - Vs. Dark Cloud
Final Fantasy IV - Boss Theme
Final Fantasy V - Clash on the Big Bridge
Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad
Dragon Quest - Overture/Title Theme
Dragon Quest III - Fighting Spirit/Zoma
Dragon Quest V - Monsters In The Dungeon/Tower of Death/Dark World
Dragon Quest VI - Pegasus
Dragon Quest VII - World of the Strong
Dragon Quest VIII - Great Battle in the Vast Sky[/COLLAPSE]


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Dragon Quest can't be that popular if I haven't played it. :troll:
Well you definitely should, I highly recommend it if you are into Role-Playing as you are into fighting games. :)

@Barbasol: Alright man, I just finished my Zelgius Moveset, should I post it here, or send it to you as a PM? Also I love your Zelgius Avi, I need to change it to one.

Deleted member

Heck, I'm even going beyond Slime. I want Slime and Chocobo team! Want to talk about work, I first need to figure out how to properly translate that in Japanese.

[COLLAPSE="Slime and Chocobo"]

Stage: Lost Plains
Icon - Crystal sword

Final Fantasy - Battle Scene (Dissidia)
Final Fantasy II - Rebel Army
Final Fantasy III - Vs. Dark Cloud
Final Fantasy IV - Boss Theme
Final Fantasy V - Clash on the Big Bridge
Final Fantasy VI - Dancing Mad
Dragon Quest - Overture/Title Theme
Dragon Quest III - Fighting Spirit/Zoma
Dragon Quest V - Monsters In The Dungeon/Tower of Death/Dark World
Dragon Quest VI - Pegasus
Dragon Quest VII - World of the Strong
Dragon Quest VIII - Great Battle in the Vast Sky[/COLLAPSE]
As said before, that would be amazing and would be a great way to represent both franchises. If you make a move set, I would love to see the result.

Deleted member

DO IT!! might as well make a Dragon Quest stage as well, just saying.
He already did.

Also, I did some calculation and noticed that 74% of Dragon Quest games have been on Nintendo consoles. Shows that the series has a long history with Nintendo.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
As said before, that would be amazing and would be a great way to represent both franchises. If you make a move set, I would love to see the result.
That sounds like a plan. I'll work on that over the next couple of days.

DO IT!! might as well make a Dragon Quest stage as well, just saying.
Already did one.

[COLLAPSE="Dragon Quest stage"]So this time my next stage concept is going to be a little different than the ones previously, how so you ask? Well I'll tell you. My next stage concept is a third party stage! I'm not going to do many of these, but I am going to work on ideas for franchises I feel have legitimate chances at guesting in the next title (not saying they will or won't). These are completely at my discretion so if you disagree with me, tough cookies. Without further ado, let me introduce our first guest stage!

Coming to us straight from Dragon Quest, it is the floating castle Zenithia! For those of you who missed out on Dragon Quest IV, V, and VI for the DS; first off shame on you, secondly this castle spans across the "Zenithia Trilogy" and plays an important role in the plot of all three games. This trilogy being published on the DS makes me believe this stage would be the most likely choice for a Dragon Quest stage. As you have a better chance of a person being familiar to this castle than any other locale in the DQ universe. It was a difficult choice choosing between this stage or The Observatory from Dragon Quest IX. Maybe down the road I'll do an alterante concept?

Now onto the stage itself. You would be fighting in the large courtyard before the doors leading into the tower. The castle would be glistening while you fight. The background would be magnificent as the castle slowly floats through the clouds. Beneath you could look upon the land as you pass over plains, deserts, ships sailing on the ocean, busy towns, and large towers. Seldomly you'll be able to see the Dragon Lord (Dragon Quest IV, V), Peggy Sue/Pegasus (Dragon Quest VI) or the Starflight Express (Dragon Quest XI) flying in the background in the distance.

One of the secrets to this stage is there is an alternate version that can load, what I call the "Dark World" version. Taking pages out of the many demon realms in the Dragon Quest series. It would take on more of a worn state as seen in Dragon Quest V and VI. You would see some of the iconinc monsters make appearances in the background. Such as Slimes, Golems, Drackys, Goodybags, Rockbombs and others. The sky would turn red and the clouds dark. Below, the once vibrant land would become withered; the waters dark, fires abound, the towers would now look more evil in structure, and the towns ruinous.

Stage Example:

Flat I know, just think Bridge of Eldin.

Stage Name: Zenithia
Stage Icon: Slanted Sword

Dragon Quest - Overture/Title Theme
Dragon Quest I - Chateau Ladutorm
Dragon Quest II - Endless World
Dragon Quest III - Fighting Spirit/Zoma
Dragon Quest IV - Battle For The Glory
Dragon Quest V - Monsters in the Dungeon/Tower of Death/Dark World
Dragon Quest VI - Monsters!
Dragon Quest VII - World of the Strong
Dragon Quest VIII - Great Battle in the Vast Sky
Dragon Quest XI - The Observatory
Dragon Quest VI - Pegasus
Slime Mori Mori - Find the Slimes!

Well everybody there it is, my first third party stage. The next one will undoubtedly be Megaman. So be on the lookout for that. Hope you guys enjoyed this one![/COLLAPSE]

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Just put more characters!

Waluigi - I know that nobody likes, but can not see without it ssb4
K.Rool/ Dixie - They are two characters who were dk must
Matthew - Is more recent than isaac, so is more likely
Ghirahim - is the latest TLOZ antagonist, then it is likely!
Krystal/ Ray/ Little Mac/ Medusa/ Zoroark/ Goroh - Everybody love!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
My second list! What do you think?

WALUIGI?? WTF? He isn't going to be in!! At least not as a playable character.

I like the Team Rocket choice though, i've always suggested something like it.

Also Star Fox doesn't need 4 reps, if anything, another franchise should, I also don't think Earthbound will be getting 3 rep, hell maybe not even 2.

Deleted member

@Sonic Poke: Take off Waluigi, King K. Rool or Dixie Kong, Ghirahim, Team Rocket, maybe Caeda, maybe Krystal, Ninten, Matthew, and Andy.

Put Toon Link back, put one of Victini/Mewtwo/Lucario/Meowth in, and Isaac in Matthew's spot. I'll explain the latter in another post immediately.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
@Sonic Poke: Take off Waluigi, King K. Rool or Dixie Kong, Ghirahim, Team Rocket, maybe Caeda, maybe Krystal, Ninten, Matthew, and Andy.

Put Toon Link back, put one of Victini/Mewtwo/Lucario/Meowth in, and Isaac in Matthew's spot. I'll explain the latter in another post immediately.
Toon Link never, I hate it!, Why take Ghirahim and Caeda, Rool or Dixie? Team Rocket (or Giovanni, I'm in doubt) is the main antagonist PKMN, so why not?


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Well you definitely should, I highly recommend it if you are into Role-Playing as you are into fighting games. :)
As trollface implies, I'm making fun of people who say that as a counter-argument when someone brings up DQ's long popularity. I'm actually one of the few vocal Slime supporters with Phoenix. If Slime has a Spot Slime palette swap, confirmed main right there :awesome:

Also add that Dragon Warrior Monsters map theme to the My Music selection already!


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
Well you definitely should, I highly recommend it if you are into Role-Playing as you are into fighting games. :)

@Barbasol: Alright man, I just finished my Zelgius Moveset, should I post it here, or send it to you as a PM? Also I love your Zelgius Avi, I need to change it to one.
PM it if you'd be so kind. I'm sure it'll be fantastic. :)
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