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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2011
So, I've been playing back through my old games and realized something important. There needs to be a Bowser's Castle stage with this music. Please and thank you.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
I'll just repost my latest stage concept.

[COLLAPSE="Stage Concept"]So my last stage idea was pretty fun. After playing through Sin and Punishment it left me with a great deal of inspiration. But now it is time for probably the craziest stage idea I have ever had. It is going to take an old stage mechanics, tweak it, and triple the insanity. In a way this will be the home of a particular returning character, since it will be very applicable to him. So, are you ready for this?

What is this madness?! Why it is the ultimate stage, Nintendo! That is right, this stage takes place on Nintendo consoles! You will begin at the NES and end with the Wii U. All the while dodging the various hazards each consoles brings with it... The consoles will cycle much like Pokéfloats, there will be things that will carry you to the next console. The entire background is a blank TV screen with static. And yes, this is R.O.B's home stage.

The stage begins on a giant NES, it is long and flat. Much like Pictochat orFinal Destination. Suddenly the light flashes and the power button sinks into the console and the image of Super Mario Bros title screen flashes on the backround. Suddenly the background is nothing but a playthrough of World 1-1! While fighting atop an NES no less! But be careful, there is a strange gun above you. It's a NES Zapper, tired of the blood of fowl it is now hunting you! Dodge the crosshairs to survive to the next evolution of entertainment! The NES starts to pan to the left of the screen and the SNES emerges from the right, jump onto the SNES before you get pulled offscreen by the receding NES.

Now it is time for the 16bit era! With the NES gone the screen is blank once more, the stage is now a little more awkward as the design for the SNES is not smooth like the NES. Plus there is a floating controller to the right of the console acting as a secondary platform. Something looks off, what is it? No cartridge in the system? Until now, falling from the sky is a spinning SNES game cartridge. Move out of the middle of the stage before it lands or you will receive massive damage! Now the stage is even more awkward to fight on with the extra level. But the better question is, what game is it? The poser button slides up, the buttons on the the controller/platform start bobbing up and down (which means a hazard for characters on the platform BTW). The screen flashes, A Link to the Past! Our Link begins his adventure in the Dark World, making his way around the strange world. Now the system is off, the controller platform is unplugged from the SNES and begins to lower away, but the stage isn't moving? That is because this time we are going up! Hop onto the Zelda cartridge before you are left behind.

As it rises the cartridge will be your platform and other cartridges (NES, SNES, GB) will rise with you, allowing you to hop platforms to make up for the lack of space. Yes, you will be able to see their cover art and it will cameo many different series and titles.

Finally you make your way to the N64, this time you aren't fighting on the console, but the controller. Super Mario 64 is in the background on this one. As you hop on the control stick and buttons it will cause Mario to change directions or jump on the screen in the background. The controller itself will move around in the air, finally detaching from the system when that section is complete. Below it will emerge our favorite purple lunchbox!

But the Gamecube is sideways, so your view is from the side. The console itself is flat with the controller, again, acting as a platfrom to the lower left. Although this time the cable itself is a platform too and extends from the controller to the console. Giving the most space out of all the consoles to battle on. Be careful standing on the Gamecube, because when the top pops up you will be flung off the stage. Just like in Pirate Ship! Then it will close and our next game will appear in the background and its... Super Smash Bros. Melee!!! You will watch a match between Fox and Marth on Final Destination, no items. The disc will eject and it will fly offscreen to the left. The stage will begin panning to the right, only to unveil a certain white, rectangular box.

Ahh, a flat surface again! There is one Wiimote floating above the stage acting as an additional platform. It will float up and down and moving in accordance to the action of the game behind it. What game is that? Wii Sports of course. The blue light will flash on the Wii and the games will begin. If it's baseball the Wiimote will swipe across the stage, damaging players. If it's boxing it'll jab back and forth. Golf, a wide sweep below onto the stage. Bowling, will begin at the end of the stage and slowly move halfway until making a large skyward swipe. Tennis, simple easy swing. Tired after so much movement, it is now time to take a break. Wiimote lights flash and the system is off. Whew, time to move on. Our last stop, Wii U.

Wii U:
The Wii U tablet will arrive to the side of the stage just like an elavator. Hop aboard, there is plenty of room. So it will descend, no obstacles of gimmicks just a straight out static platform. But what will play in the bacgkround this time? The very match going on. Just like Pokémon Stadium it will be your characters. Except at point the stage will go blank and below you you will see the tablet screen light up. So down you go and go and go, until you begin at the very beginning. The NES...

You my friends just took the ultimate tour. The Nintendo tour, an experience unlike any other.

Stage Examples:

NES: ________
Snes: -...-.-

N64: -_-



Wii U: -_______-

Stage Name: Nintendo
Icon: Gyromite symbol

Nintendo - Nintendo (This song will be an original like Pictochat. It will be composed by Hirokazu Tanaka, and will make use of the many "sounds" of Nintendo. Such as the Gameboy boot up jingle, Gamecube jingle, Wii menu theme, cartridges clicking and scratching. Some of the most random sounds that only "Hip" Tanaka could turn into some musical masterpiece!)
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Quest
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Mii Plaza
Nintendo 3DS EShop - EShop
Nintendo 3DS - Augmented Reality titles
Wii Photo Channel - Bright
Check Mii Out Channel - Select a Mii
Wii Shop Channel - Wii Shop Channel (Brawl)
Gyromite - Gyromite (Brawl)
Mario Paint - Gnat Attack
Meteos - Lastar
Pictobits - End Credits
So many games - Totaka's Song (also here and here)

So what do you think? Was it worth the read? Crazy enough? This is probably a pro-player's worst nightmare but who cares. It's fun and that is what matters! Hopefully everyone enjoyed this as it is probably my craziest.[/COLLAPSE]
I love the idea. :) It would represent Nintendo throughout it's eras and generations and would give R.O.B. a stage of his own. Plus, it's unique and I enjoyed Poke Floats in Melee.

Berserker, for your Ridley moveset, I suggest looking at this moveset by ShadowHydra on IGN Boards.

Also, I liked the Mike Jones video. Showed off his moveset and had an actual plot as well behind itself.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Also, I liked the Mike Jones video. Showed off his moveset and had an actual plot as well behind itself.
Thank you. I was already wondering if I did the right thing in putting it up. :p

I love that stage concept idea. In fact I had a similar one. Well, I was more focused on the idea behind its music.

So that when you fight on the NES, you listen to a mashup of NES games (or the Super Smash Bros. theme in NES 8-Bit), then you move on to the SNES stage where you listen to a mashup of SNES games music (or a SNES 16-BIT continuation of the SSB theme), then N64, then Gamecube, then Wii, then Wii U. :p

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
Off Subject-Hey guys guess who got caught cheating on thier wife! :awesome: How to catch a predator's very own
CHRIS HANSEN!!! I don't know if I should "OMG","WTF?",or "LOL!"

On topic(somewhat): Cooking Mama for AT anyone?Or even a playable character!I know its preety far fetched but she may be able to help out the Sausage fest problem.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Shortie just doesn't like Megaman despite his chances. Maybe he just hates the guy or something.

That's hard O_O

Okay I'll take your challenge.

Any nintendo character moveset requests?
Alright then how about a moveset for Ray MK, any variation of him, detailed enough to include knockback percentages, UDairs, Fsmashes, chain grabs, handling, and extra like costumes and themes, a challenge accepted?



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
This is the only correct answer guys.

Super Mario World - Bowser

Hmmm... Bowser's Castle....
Hey Star, how about it, a Bowser castle stage theme? Or something related to Super Mario?

Finally people are beginning to suggest the ideas I once had, the stage should take inside specifically to look like this:



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
This is the only correct answer guys.

Super Mario World - Bowser

Hmmm... Bowser's Castle....
Got a stage idea now, do you? ;)

Here's another good Bowser theme.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - The Almighty Bowser

Does anyone think it would be cool if they added third-party themes from third-party games not represented by characters, trophies, etc. in Smash? It'd be awesome to hear some Castlevania tunes in addition to the Metal Gear selection, for example.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
That would likely be another copyright hurdle for them to get over so I don't think it'd happen, but if Megaman gets in, I want my SF music.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
That would likely be another copyright hurdle for them to get over so I don't think it'd happen, but if Megaman gets in, I want my SF music.
Well specifically any Marvel vs. Capcom themes.

This got me thinking, wouldn't Capcom probably most likely use the music from his game instead? Just like Sonic got only Sonic related themes as well as Snake, we didn't get variations from other Konami or Sega titles.

Sure it would be no problem for Capcom to contribute some themes since Megaman is already Capcom property, just wondering if it would happen though .



Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Just for the heck of it, and to prove I'm crazy, I made up a "Special-moveset" for Urban Champ.

B: Lag Punch:
An attack that is a bit slow to start, but causes opponent to have button delay for 5 seconds. The opponent will have birds circling their heads when in "lag" status.

B>: Pot
Champ takes out a small plant in a pot from his pocket, and throws it forward in an arch. The distance of this pot is determined by how you move the joystick (kinda like a Yoshi egg)

Bv: Whistle:
"Champ" starts whistling. If he is hit while doing so, a Police Car will drive through at full speed, ramming the attacker. So this is basically a counterattack.

B^: Confetti Pop
Blows up a balloon of confetti, causing Champ to rise... in style!

Final Smash: Manhole.

Champ will deliver a Punch. If this punch connects, he'll cause the opponent to roll backwards, and then delivers a follow up punch, and another, and another, until the opponent is punched into a manhole. The opponent will be heavily damaged when falling inside the manhole, and he'll be bounced back up fiercely, with a chance of KO if he's over his 50%.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Yep, I'm inspired. I'll get to working on it later, my idea is already set. Iblix will get his wish.

Twisting around the idea for something more pleasing in other ways. ;)

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Just for the heck of it, and to prove I'm crazy, I made up a "Special-moveset" for Urban Champ.

B: Lag Punch:
An attack that is a bit slow to start, but causes opponent to have button delay for 5 seconds. The opponent will have birds circling their heads when in "lag" status.

B>: Pot
Champ takes out a small plant in a pot from his pocket, and throws it forward in an arch. The distance of this pot is determined by how you move the joystick (kinda like a Yoshi egg)

Bv: Whistle:
"Champ" starts whistling. If he is hit while doing so, a Police Car will drive through at full speed, ramming the attacker. So this is basically a counterattack.

B^: Confetti Pop
Blows up a balloon of confetti, causing Champ to rise... in style!

Final Smash: Manhole.

Champ will deliver a Punch. If this punch connects, he'll cause the opponent to roll backwards, and then delivers a follow up punch, and another, and another, until the opponent is punched into a manhole. The opponent will be heavily damaged when falling inside the manhole, and he'll be bounced back up fiercely, with a chance of KO if he's over his 50%.
Please, you can put a picture of character for me to upgrade?:)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yep, I'm inspired. I'll get to working on it later. I already have my idea set. Iblix will get his wish. Twisting around the idea for something more pleasing in other ways.

Iblis wants a Bowser related stage? 0_o

If anything I though he would have requested either a Fox stage or Ryu one seeing he's a big fanboy of those.

But, yea I loved your console concept, did you read my comments over it?



Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2011
Stuck inside of Mobile
Just for the heck of it, and to prove I'm crazy, I made up a "Special-moveset" for Urban Champ.

It's pretty good given the limited abilities Urban Champion would have in SSB. His lack of moveset potential is apparently what kept him from becoming a retro character in SSBM according to Sakurai.

What I was thinking when I thought of having other third-party themes in the game was that they would only come from games made by any of the represented third-party companies, so no Namco tunes if Namco isn't in the game, for example.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
It's pretty good given the limited abilities Urban Champion would have in SSB. His lack of moveset potential is apparently what kept him from becoming a retro character in SSBM according to Sakurai.

What I was thinking when I thought of having other third-party themes in the game was that they would only come from games made by any of the represented third-party companies, so no Namco tunes if Namco isn't in the game, for example.
Yup. I know, I made it for the lolz.

Heck.... I just proved I could come up with a moveset where Sakurai couldn't. O_o

Oh well. I prefer "Champ" to be an assist trophy anyway, because his game isn't that enjoyable to be constantly reminded of it... ... ok, no. His game sucked. XD But as an AT, he would own.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
What about the Bowser Castle music from Mario Super Sluggers?! That would work well too.
Yea, having different music variations would be nice, in specifically the one's that are in MKWii would be nice.

This is inspiring me to create a Bowser stage for him as well, but Star might make it better, hmmm...:/


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Urban Champ does remind me of the Game & Watch title, Boxing!. I'm pretty sure that that's where the game originated from.


Smash Ace
May 16, 2011
Hey Star, how about it, a Bowser castle stage theme? Or something related to Super Mario?

Finally people are beginning to suggest the ideas I once had, the stage should take inside specifically to look like this:

That would be sweet.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Yea, having different music variations would be nice, in specifically the one's that are in MKWii would be nice.

This is inspiring me to create a Bowser stage for him as well, but Star might make it better, hmmm...:/

Do it, there is no contest. Just have fun, mine is going to be much different I know.:)


Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Matthew Moveset! Look:

Matthew Moveset:


Speed ​​Equivalent DK
Jump Equivalent Bowser
Equivalent Force Marth
Weight Equivalent to Link


A: Punch.
AA: Punch with your other hand.
AAA: Kick.
Side Smash A: Attack cross with an ax.
Up Smash A: Four Courts up with the Light Blade.
Down Smash A: Three small explosions on the ground.

'A' in Air: Attack with both arms.
'Side A' in Air: Meteor Smash.
'Other Side' A 'in Air: Punch without looking back.
'Up A' in Air: Punch up.
'Down A' in Air: Kick down.

Looking up 'A': Punch powered up.
Walking 'A': Small explosion on the ground forward.
Running 'A': Roundhouse.
Kneeling 'A': Small explosion on the ground.


Standard B: Spire - A Clay column appears with force - equivalent to the Falcon Punch however faster.
Side B: Growth - Plants with poisonous spines appear and shake the opponent.
Down B: Ragnarok - an energy sword appears with force - so slow and strong as the Warlock Punch.
Up B: A floating rock appears and stands up. As effective as the 'Up B' Snake.
Final Smash: Earthquake - Similar to the Olimar Final Smash, nobody escapes the damage, but in the end, only fly those who are close to Matthew.


Up: raise small stones and say, I feel connected with Venus
Down: Take the sword from the sheath and then save again.
Side: It would do some type of pose and say: Do you feel humiliated?


Phantom Gamer

<font color="#ff00ff">pranked!</font>
Mar 29, 2011
the Moon
Why is a pony challenging me to MKWii? Don't get embarrassed son LOL

Okay here's the story about the ponies summed up.

Backstory: JiggzMaster came and posted some stuff, I go in for no reason noticing it was wrong of me 2 posts later, he posts that I'm attacking him for no reason, for some reason I felt like following through with my wrongness though, I bring up Mink and pony brigade as a joke, after reading said joke jiggzmaster being the mad guy, tried to make me mad by getting ponies, it didn't work, I challenged Mink to a duel to the death, I invaded their home thread and they stopped posting here, and then random late pony challenges me to MKWii.
I actually wasn't challenging you....Omega maybe. I was really just asking why don't you join the MKWii thread group and race with us. Omega has joined us and races with us from time to time in friendlies, heck I've raced with him in a few races about a week ago. Not sure if he ever brought that thread up with you.
In case you're wondering, no, not every racer from the MKWii thread is a pony so you don't have to worry about that.

Also I didn't intend to be late to the party here with Mink. In fact I would've posted around the same time that he did, but I was at a friend's house till midnight. so I had to post late to show my support for Mink and send an invite to you to join our SWF MKWii group. :)

Not yet :/


Wtf.... Quit following me. Lol.
Looks like Rainbow Dash Mink is following you too.

I won the pony war with this gif.

The G1 pony war maybe, but not the G4 pony war as you're beating up a G1 pony.


Lastly I'll say those Ridley and Matthew movesets look great so far. ;)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I actually wasn't challenging you....Omega maybe. I was really just asking why don't you join the MKWii thread group and race with us. Omega has joined us and races with us from time to time in friendlies, heck I've raced with him in a few races about a week ago. Not sure if he ever brought that thread up with you.
In case you're wondering, no, not every racer from the MKWii thread is a pony so you don't have to worry about that.

Also I didn't intend to be late to the party here with Mink. In fact I would've posted around the same time that he did, but I was at a friend's house till midnight. so I had to post late to show my support for Mink and send an invite to you to join our SWF MKWii group.
Hey lol.. you should join us tonight, Jason already told me would arrange something tonight.

But yea, this thread needs more Smash and less ponnies, no thanks to Iblis.



Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Another Retro moveset!

Fighter Hayabusa (Pro-Wrestling)

The character's attacks are average, and his special moves are poor..But his devastating throw techniques more than make up for it.


A: Back hand pummel. (Hits with fist like a hammer over opponent's head)

Fwd/Back: Sends opponent running to the other side of the stage, "locked" in a running motion until he reaches the ledge, or after opponent "breaks free".

Up: Hayabusa carries opponent above his head, and jumps backward, slamming opponent on the ground while he drops on his back. Like an above-the-head suplex

Down: Hayabusa performs a pilediver on opponent.


B >: Concussion kick.
-Opponent is immediately stamped on the floor when this kick connects.

B: Pin down.
-A follow up to Concussion kick. Hayabusa will pin down one opponent, and damage him slowly over time until opponent breaks free. On opponent's higher percentages, it's harder to break free (0 to 30% = up to 1 second. 31% to 60% = up to 2 seconds. 61% to 100% up to 4 seconds. 100% and above, up to 5 seconds)
(Kirby version does Concussion kick first followed by pin down)

Bv: Back Brain Kick (not sure why this is called a KICK when it looks like an elbow crush... whatever)
-Hayabusa drops down with his elbow to slam an opponent with his body weight, elbow first. This can bounce enemies up if they're grounded. Can cancel horizontal momentum in air when performed, to fall straight down (kirby/yoshi like).

B^: Corner jump
-Hayabusa will crouch down and perform a high jump, as if he were performing it from the corner pole of a wrestling ring.
On contact with an enemy, the enemy will be "air-grabbed" and slammed under Hayabusa's derriere when falling back to the ground.
It is also an effective suicidal move if performed in a place where there's no ground to land on.

Final Smash: Ultimate Pin Down.
Hayabusa gathers all of his strength to perform his strongest most definite submission pin down. This will insanely rack up damage for the opponent. After this, he'll jump up with opponent, and fall back down, opponent's head first, on the ground. Around 50% as well for KO.
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