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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Dat shameless repost for attention :p

I think there needs to be more stages like rambi cruise.

with ponies.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
So my last stage idea was pretty fun. After playing through Sin and Punishment it left me with a great deal of inspiration. But now it is time for probably the craziest stage idea I have ever had. It is going to take an old stage mechanics, tweak it, and triple the insanity. In a way this will be the home of a particular returning character, since it will be very applicable to him. So, are you ready for this?

What is this madness?! Why it is the ultimate stage, Nintendo! That is right, this stage takes place on Nintendo consoles! You will begin at the NES and end with the Wii U. All the while dodging the various hazards each consoles brings with it... The consoles will cycle much like Pokéfloats, there will be things that will carry you to the next console. The entire background is a blank TV screen with static. And yes, this is R.O.B's home stage.

The stage begins on a giant NES, it is long and flat. Much like Pictochat orFinal Destination. Suddenly the light flashes and the power button sinks into the console and the image of Super Mario Bros title screen flashes on the backround. Suddenly the background is nothing but a playthrough of World 1-1! While fighting atop an NES no less! But be careful, there is a strange gun above you. It's a NES Zapper, tired of the blood of fowl it is now hunting you! Dodge the crosshairs to survive to the next evolution of entertainment! The NES starts to pan to the left of the screen and the SNES emerges from the right, jump onto the SNES before you get pulled offscreen by the receding NES.

Now it is time for the 16bit era! With the NES gone the screen is blank once more, the stage is now a little more awkward as the design for the SNES is not smooth like the NES. Plus there is a floating controller to the right of the console acting as a secondary platform. Something looks off, what is it? No cartridge in the system? Until now, falling from the sky is a spinning SNES game cartridge. Move out of the middle of the stage before it lands or you will receive massive damage! Now the stage is even more awkward to fight on with the extra level. But the better question is, what game is it? The poser button slides up, the buttons on the the controller/platform start bobbing up and down (which means a hazard for characters on the platform BTW). The screen flashes, A Link to the Past! Our Link begins his adventure in the Dark World, making his way around the strange world. Now the system is off, the controller platform is unplugged from the SNES and begins to lower away, but the stage isn't moving? That is because this time we are going up! Hop onto the Zelda cartridge before you are left behind.

As it rises the cartridge will be your platform and other cartridges (NES, SNES, GB) will rise with you, allowing you to hop platforms to make up for the lack of space. Yes, you will be able to see their cover art and it will cameo many different series and titles.

Finally you make your way to the N64, this time you aren't fighting on the console, but the controller. Super Mario 64 is in the background on this one. As you hop on the control stick and buttons it will cause Mario to change directions or jump on the screen in the background. The controller itself will move around in the air, finally detaching from the system when that section is complete. Below it will emerge our favorite purple lunchbox!

But the Gamecube is sideways, so your view is from the side. The console itself is flat with the controller, again, acting as a platfrom to the lower left. Although this time the cable itself is a platform too and extends from the controller to the console. Giving the most space out of all the consoles to battle on. Be careful standing on the Gamecube, because when the top pops up you will be flung off the stage. Just like in Pirate Ship! Then it will close and our next game will appear in the background and its... Super Smash Bros. Melee!!! You will watch a match between Fox and Marth on Final Destination, no items. The disc will eject and it will fly offscreen to the left. The stage will begin panning to the right, only to unveil a certain white, rectangular box.

Ahh, a flat surface again! There is one Wiimote floating above the stage acting as an additional platform. It will float up and down and moving in accordance to the action of the game behind it. What game is that? Wii Sports of course. The blue light will flash on the Wii and the games will begin. If it's baseball the Wiimote will swipe across the stage, damaging players. If it's boxing it'll jab back and forth. Golf, a wide sweep below onto the stage. Bowling, will begin at the end of the stage and slowly move halfway until making a large skyward swipe. Tennis, simple easy swing. Tired after so much movement, it is now time to take a break. Wiimote lights flash and the system is off. Whew, time to move on. Our last stop, Wii U.

Wii U:
The Wii U tablet will arrive to the side of the stage just like an elavator. Hop aboard, there is plenty of room. So it will descend, no obstacles of gimmicks just a straight out static platform. But what will play in the bacgkround this time? The very match going on. Just like Pokémon Stadium it will be your characters. Except at point the stage will go blank and below you you will see the tablet screen light up. So down you go and go and go, until you begin at the very beginning. The NES...

You my friends just took the ultimate tour. The Nintendo tour, an experience unlike any other.

Stage Examples:

NES: ________
Snes: -...-.-

N64: -_-



Wii U: -_______-

Stage Name: Nintendo
Icon: Gyromite symbol

Nintendo - This song will be an original like Pictochat. It will be composed by Hirokazu Tanaka, and will make use of the many "sounds" of Nintendo. Such as the Gameboy boot up jingle, Gamecube jingle, Wii menu theme, cartridges clicking and scratching. Some of the most random sounds that only "Hip" Tanaka could turn into some musical masterpiece!
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Quest
Nintendo 3DS - Street Pass Mii Plaza
Nintendo 3DS EShop - EShop
Nintendo 3DS - Augmented Reality titles
Wii Photo Channel - Bright
Check Mii Out Channel - Select a Mii
Wii Shop Channel - Wii Shop Channel (Brawl)
Gyromite - Gyromite (Brawl)
Mario Paint - Gnat Attack
Meteos - Lastar
Pictobits - End Credits
So many games - Totaka's Song (also here and here)

So what do you think? Was it worth the read? Crazy enough? This is probably a pro-player's worst nightmare but who cares. It's fun and that is what matters! Hopefully everyone enjoyed this as it is probably my craziest.
@Starphoenix: Wow, what an extraoridinary concept!!

I suggested something like this way back since this thread started, but you took it a step further and capatilized on what I was suggesting, I love the way the background from their respective consoles would show, in particular I liked your SNES idea.

Overall it's a wonderful idea, Nintendo and Sora should definetly do something like this kinda like PokeFloats. :)



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Dat shameless repost for attention :p

I think there needs to be more stages like rambi cruise.

with ponies.

Actually I reposted it because I saw a couple of people who usually follow my concepts posted recently so I wanted them to be able to see it.
Jun 8, 2009
My opinion about your stage is like Iblis'. It's actually legal enough to be played in tourneys.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Haha. Who is this "PH" of whom you speak of?
If you mean me, my shortened name is PG.
Also Omega haven't you ever noticed my avi at all on the MKWii thread? :p
Lol.. You know what I meant PHPG!!

Also, TBH, you're avi is so small I thought it was one of the newer Pokemon :p



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah I know, I was only kidding.

Here's hoping there's a good enough stage builder next time around that a combination of it and texture hacks can make any stage concepts!

Jun 8, 2009
Any moveset requests?

I'm willing to do any movesets excluding Bowser Jr. since well..... there's already one but it's too heavily based from Mario Sunshine.

Phantom Gamer

<font color="#ff00ff">pranked!</font>
Mar 29, 2011
the Moon
Lol.. You know what I meant PHPG!!

Also, TBH, you're avi is so small I thought it was one of the newer Pokemon :p
Nope. This be a pony as well as my avi, but you wouldn't of known that would you. :p


I figure this has been discussed already, but any predictions of what new nintendo based levels there could be?

Like I think there'd be some kind of LoZ: SS level.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
FF stage? Final Fantasy?

Unless you mean something else I don't believe we'll even see anything like that for SSB4 sadly, I for one always wanted a Cloud vs. Link match but I guess that's never going to happen. :(


Deleted member

Will read the rest of this later this afternoon but...
Megaman isn't ultimate. Megaman isn't a must have. Megaman isn't a gameplay changing addition. Megaman isn't new to the fighting scene, we see what he does in other fighters, and it isn't that cool. Stop acting like Megaman is god, and every other character pales in comparison. Just because he has the most fanboys, doesn't make him the most deserving. It definitely doesn't make him the most interesting.
There is more of my response to him then just me being a fanboy. Not once have I said he was ultimate or god and every character pales in comparison and it isn't just because I want him in. My opinion of Mega Man being the best choice for SSB4 is also because he is highly relevant, one of the most important third-party character to the Big N, and because he is after all, the most highly requested. If Capcom gets a character in SSB4, it should be what the majority wants. It's not like I don't understand the obstacles to his inclusion either.
Jun 8, 2009
Shortie just doesn't like Megaman despite his chances. Maybe he just hates the guy or something.
Mr. Resetti gogogogogogogogogogogogogo . Challenge accepted?

That's hard O_O
Well are you willing to do any of the possible candidates?


Okay I'll take your challenge.

Any nintendo character moveset requests?

@Mario and Sonic: It's time to this thread get back to shape


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Why is a pony challenging me to MKWii? Don't get embarrassed son LOL

Okay here's the story about the ponies summed up.

Backstory: JiggzMaster came and posted some stuff, I go in for no reason noticing it was wrong of me 2 posts later, he posts that I'm attacking him for no reason, for some reason I felt like following through with my wrongness though, I bring up Mink and pony brigade as a joke, after reading said joke jiggzmaster being the mad guy, tried to make me mad by getting ponies, it didn't work, I challenged Mink to a duel to the death, I invaded their home thread and they stopped posting here, and then random late pony challenges me to MKWii.

Keeping this thread on it's toes yo LOL

@Beserk: Have you done Ridley
Jun 8, 2009
Ridley moveset by Oasis (Mostly), Iblis, Berserker and Kuma

Attributes – Ridley is a large character, nearly the size of Bowser. However, his scrawny frame, useful for flying, keeps him from being as heavy. In fact, I’d say he could be as light as Wolf (the 14th heaviest character in Brawl) but no heavier than R.O.B. (10th heaviest character). His ground speed would be pretty good (Charizard (7th fastest) to Donkey Kong (9th) range). His aerial maneuverability in general would be among the top, probably similar to Yoshi. He can also jump five times. He can glide, but not wall cling, wall jump, or crawl.

Playstyle concept – I see Ridley as awkward on the ground, but amazing in the air. Jigglypuff’s king, if you will. His ground game in general would be damaging, and focus on sending opponents upward, but hard or risky to connect most of the time. In the air though, all of his moves are useful and quick, as well as being capable of comboing. Ridley’s aerial potential is why I say he should not be a heavyweight, as that may make him broken.

Entrance – A pair of glowing eyes appear out of nowhere. Ridley gives out loud roar as the rest of his body fades into visibility.

A – Quickly swipes with left hand claws. Fixed knockback. 4%-2%
AA – Follows up with right hand claws. Fixed knockback. 3%
AAA – Follows up with a quick bite. All together relatively good damage. 5%
Dash – Ridley spins above the ground (think Falco’s F-air) to lightly knock opponents upward. 10%-7%

F-tilt – Extends neck to bite. Awkward to connect due to the length of his neck. Could very well miss an opponent that is too close. Good damage and horizontal knockback to compensate. 12%-9%
U-tilt – Quickly puts his head down and lifts it upward over his body in an arcing motion. Flips opponents up into the air with fixed knockback. Naturally combos into U-smash. Does not hit behind him. 11%-8%
D-tilt – Sweeps the ground in front of him with his tail. One of his faster ground attacks and can trip opponents. 9%-5%

F-smash – Winds up his tail while charging, then stabs straight forward. Sweetspot at the tip which can KO. Awkward to connect like his F-tilt. Good damage and a bit of ending lag. 17-15%
U-smash – Breathes a single large burst of fire upward. Combos with U-tilt. Good damage and knockback. Does not hit to either side of him. 16%-14%
D-smash – Lowers himself and spins around once. While spinning he extends his tail outward and breathes fire. The fire does not have much knockback, but may be followed up by the tail at lower percentages. The tail is mainly what you want to hit with. It sends opponents up into the air. His slowest ground attack. This move recalls an attack from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Tail: 9%, Fire: 6%

N-air – Spins his tail around his body (clockwise when facing to the left). Think Meta Knight, Wolf, etc. Tip knocks opponents outward, while non-tip hits knock opponents at the angle they were hit. Combo potential. Mostly just gets opponents off you. Sweetspot: 13%, Sourspot: 7%
F-air – Stabs tail forward quickly. Already a good KO move, but a sweetspotted tip makes it even more so. Tipper: 18%, Non-Tipper: 12%
B-air – Twirls his tail closely behind his body for multiple (six) hits. Similar to Yoshi’s. 2% every hit, finishing hit is 5%
D-air – Stabs his tail downward. Tip sweetspots with a meteor smash. If not sweetspotted, it causes a pogo effect similar to Link’s. Sweetspot: 14%, Sourspot: 8%
U-air – Attacks with wing spikes. Slight upward knockback. Can probably hit with it a few times if you’re moving upward, like with Meta-Knight’s. 5%

Glide attack – A strong bite. As strong as Charizard’s. 12%

Pummel – While holding opponent by their head, he breathes fire on them. Relatively slow yet damaging among pummel attacks. 4%
F-throw – While holding opponent by their head, he quickly stabs them with his tail about five times, then with a sends them flying with a stronger sixth stab. Very damaging. 2% each stab, 4% last stab
U-throw – Grabs opponents with his talons and carries them into the air while swatting them twice with his tail. He quickly descends, slamming them into the ground with all his weight. Most damaging throw due to the high vulnerability. Opponents are sent upward after being slammed. 4% each swipe, 7% on slam
D-throw – Grabs opponents in his mouth, raises them upward and brutally slams them into the ground. Very damaging. 12%
B-throw – Stabs tail into opponent while they are in his grasp. He then flings his opponent, now impaled on his tail, behind him. 8%

Special – (Fireball) – When tapping the special button, Ridley releases a spray of four fireballs. They travel a relatively short distance for a projectile, and are essentially a wall of hitboxes. They do not do much knockback or damage. When holding special, Ridley releases a single large fireball. This fireball travels a longer distance, and causes more knockback and damage. When done in the air, the large fireball travels in a downward diagonal direction. If it were to hit the ground, a small damaging shockwave comes from the impact. His special can actually be used while gliding to fire up to four shots that “bomb” the stage. These do little damage and knockback. 2% each fireball, 5% on large one, 2% on shockwave
Side Special – (Command Grab) – Ridley flies forward a distance longer than Ganondorf’s side special, but with slightly longer startup. Ridley can only do this once in the air, but he will not be put into a helpless state. If the grab connects Ridley will essentially act as though he has a second normal grab. He can pummel opponents with his tail, and opponents can also break out of the grab. On the ground, “throwing” forward or back causes Ridley to drag the opponent across the ground for a set distance, racking up damage. At the end of the animation (he cannot fall off ledges during this) he will simply toss the opponent upward. You can also simply throw the opponent upward to begin with as a sort of “U-throw” option. Unlike Bowser and Ganondorf, Ridley has wings and does not have to plummet to the ground when connecting his command grab in the air. Again, while in the air it is essentially a second grab. There are no “F-throw” and “B-throw” options in the air, but you can “U-throw” opponents upward. You can also dive-bomb while holding the opponent as a “D-throw.” This will result in a suicide if done off the stage. Same percents as normal throws.
Down Special – (Reflector) – Holding down special charges up a reflector. While charging, you are vulnerable to any attack. Once the charge is complete, you can move around freely as though you have a Franklin Badge. Ridley’s skin darkens while you have these properties, accompanied by particle effects. All together, the charge time and effect time lasts about 3.5 to 4 seconds.
Up Special – (Fly/Unfly) – This move is similar to R.O.B. and Pit’s Up Specials. It works with Ridley’s five jumps. If you were to use Fly (and Unfly) five times, Ridley could no longer jump, and vice versa if you were to jump five times, you would not be able to use Fly. Pressing down while using Fly causes Ridley to Unfly. You are not put into a helpless state. You can attack with aerials normally while Flying, as well as after Unflying. Like R.O.B.’s “fuel,” you can only Fly for a certain amount of time – 3.5 seconds.

Final Smash – Meta-Ridley Transfo—F*CK THAT. SPACE PIRATE RAID, B*TCHES:
The camera zooms in on Ridley as he roars to summon two Space Pirate ships. The Space Pirates hop out to attack Ridley’s opponents. Think of them as enemies from Melee’s adventure mode. They have limited methods of attack, and can be attacked and killed themselves. The problem for your opponents is that there would be so many of them to deal with. The amount would depend on the amount of players, and Ridley’s damage. There would also be different kinds of Space Pirates that hop out. Grey pirates are the simplest to kill, with only a small amount of health. Green pirates have more health, Red have even more, and Gold pirates have the most. They all attack by shooting beams (which can be fired horizontally or diagonally upward) and jumping. Gold pirates can do a jump kick which has a lot of knockback. They disappear after a set amount of time.

Now that's how you do a moveset. Strongest moveset in the whole world. *POSE* Also, sorry Iblis but I edited your percentages in a few places. HOPEFULLY THEY ARE STILL AGREEABLE.

Thanks to Kuma, Broserker, and Iblis for all the help!


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
WELL, Ridley is an actual name, so that kind of happens. Incidentally, it's strange when people pronounce it "RIDE-LEE" as though they've never heard it before. Or even Ripley (RIPE-LEE?). Same with Geno and people using a hard G. IT'S AN ACTUAL NAME.

Being a fanboy, I guess I'm the only one who notices. >8O

...Oh man, I hope I get to hear the Smash announcer say his name~ IT'S OVERDUE.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
WELL, Ridley is an actual name, so that kind of happens. Incidentally, it's strange when people pronounce it "RIDE-LEE" as though they've never heard it before. Or even Ripley (RIPE-LEE?). Same with Geno and people using a hard G. IT'S AN ACTUAL NAME.

Being a fanboy, I guess I'm the only one who notices. >8O

...Oh man, I hope I get to hear the Smash announcer say his name~ IT'S OVERDUE.
No, you're fine. Not being a fanboy is no excuse for atrocious pronunciation. Ridley is OBVIOUSLY pronounced Ridley. There is no debate. Anyone who mispronounces his name is just stupid. But then again, I AM a pronunciation nazi (OMG the debate threads back in the day on how to pronounce Dedede...).



Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I remember mispronouncing Ridley as Ride-lee, but that was because I knew of the name Riley (this is back in the early Melee days).
Jun 8, 2009
Same here. When I first heard of Woody Wood Pecker Ridley, I thought you pronounce it as Ride-lee.

Ridley moveset still in progress. What should be his up B?


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Wait for Oasis to put up his moves. I sent my ideas to him as he requested.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
Same here. When I first heard of Woody Wood Pecker Ridley, I thought you pronounce it as Ride-lee.

Ridley moveset still in progress. What should be his up B?
Hey man! Woody Woodpecker Ridley is so legit in fact, that he causes a hardened bounty hunter to become paralyzed with fear even though she had killed him like 5 times before. THAT is the badassery of Woody Woodpecker Ridley.

Jun 8, 2009
Hey man! Woody Woodpecker Ridley is so legit in fact, that he causes a hardened bounty hunter to become paralyzed with fear even though she had killed him like 5 times before. THAT is the badassery of Woody Woodpecker Ridley.

Not cause of his face.

Because Samus had bad memories of him.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
Stage Idea:Advance Version of Picho chat or w/e stage name.Let ppl draw with the Wii U controller. Manipulate stage in real time,and let people share their stages online.


Smash Cadet
Jun 3, 2011
Same here. When I first heard of Woody Wood Pecker Ridley, I thought you pronounce it as Ride-lee.

Ridley moveset still in progress. What should be his up B?
I've seen other movesets for Ridley and they all seem to make his up-B similar to Pit's. Though you could try and make it different.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I don't know if you can embed videos in this site (most likely not), but here's the URL to the moveset for Mike from StarTropics I made last time.

It has combos.
It has a part where the "button input" is displayed.
It has a bit of a corny side-story.
It has a fitting ending theme.
And it has a great character in general. :D

Hope people watch it, and... well, you don't have to read the dialogue, the text is a bit too fast to be readable. :p



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I want to make sure it's as good as it can be, because I'll be using it a lot afterward, so I'll probably toss ideas around with a few others before actually posting it. KumaOso is my first victim. :3

I KIND OF NEED TO SLEEP THOUGH, so I'll get to work after waking up. >:

EDIT: Wow, that was a really neat Mike Jones video. Doesn't he have some weird move that lets him teleport behind (?) enemies? That'd be a very unique move.

ALSO that Bowser's Castle music is a must for a Bowser's Castle stage.
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