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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
I just can't picture Stafy, Tom Nook as complete fighters. I'll give Phoenix, and Tingle the benefit of the doubt. Also there's a lack of Ness on your roster. I can understand that as is him and Lucas are as good as clones but, as one of the original twelve I'd like to know why he gets the boot and not Lucas?


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
They both have original movesets, excluding their similar specials, so no, they aren't clones, but I just don't see Ness coming back. He was initially going to be scrapped from Brawl and replaced by Ness, anyway.

I don't know much about MOTHER, but from what I can tell, they're essentially the same character, along with Ninten, so I don't see the point in keeping Ness. Also, the series could use a second representative, and I'm positive the Masked Man would fit in perfectly with a great moveset.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Does anyone else think something like this from KEY would make for a great stage?
I don't care what it is, Epic Yarn needs a stage in SSB4. I also strongly support a stage based on Paper Mario and one based on Super Mario Galaxy (which is pretty much a given). I suppose one based on Wii Sports Resort would be pretty nice too.

Add in: I love the Phoenix Wright games but I think it's going to be a long time before he's ever playable in anything. He was turned down for both Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Capcom vs Tatsunoko because the directors of those games didn't know how to implement him without making him balls off the walls weird and awkward to play as. Professor Layton, on the other hand, might be territory worth looking into.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
OK I'm posting the word clone because you *****s keep saying it like it's about to be taken out of the dictionary.


noun /klōn/ 
clones, plural

A group of organisms or cells produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical

An individual organism or cell so produced

A person or thing regarded as identical to another
- successful women don't want to be male clones

A microcomputer designed to simulate exactly the operation of another, typically more expensive, model
- an IBM PC clone

verb /klōn/ 
cloned, past participle; cloned, past tense; clones, 3rd person singular present; cloning, present participle

Propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone
- of the hundreds of new plants cloned, the best ones are selected

Make an identical copy of

Replicate (a fragment of DNA placed in an organism) so that there is enough to analyze or use in protein production

Illegally copy the security codes from (a mobile phone) to one or more others as a way of obtaining free calls.

WTF are you guys talking about?


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
stop calling him masked man... it's Claus!

instead of Pikmin & Olimar... put Capt. Olimar or Captain Olimar... or just Olimar.

while it may be obvious that Zamus is within Samus, i feel it is important to note if Zero Suit Samus actually stays on your roster by making it evident via asterisks. in addition to asterisks, you should also note what pokemon Red and Hilda have (even if it is obvious)

if you name Bowser Bowser instead of Koopa, then you are English. as a man(or woman) of the English language, you should call Stafy, Starfy.

King K. Krool... it's actually King K. Rool.

I will never see Tom Nook, Phoenix Wright, Sukapon, and Paper Mario as playable.

Bowser Jr., Toad, Diddy & Dixie, Ridley and Chibi-Robo are ones i am just being difficult with. I would not put them in my roster (not gonna mention why Ridley, it's merely my own vision ousting him for a reason that isn't his size.)

Me personally, i would remove Sonic and Snake but clearly, i am forever alone on this.

the other things i would say about that IMG i have already stated at the former Official SSB4 Discussion Thread. at least, if you didn't edit it...


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2007
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- I know he's Claus, but it'd be nice to avoid spoiling that to anyone. I mean, having Zelda and Sheik as one character has the same affect as calling him Claus, but still.
- Doesn't matter.
- That was a typo, actually; still doesn't matter.
- Another typo, but that one's really bad.
- Why wouldn't you put in Bowser Jr. or Ridley? Please don't say he's too big.
- My idea for Diddy & Dixie would be a tag team thing, not like Popo & Nana. The character not in the lead would be in the background, completely invincible, and they'd be able to swap out very quickly and have very slightly different movesets. They'd share damage, of course.
- Chibi Robo's adorable and hilarious.
- Sonic and Snake are most likely coming back considering Sakurai's interest in third party characters.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
My bad. They share a few (5) moves "regarded as identical to [one] another". Not complete clones for sure but enough to get that impression.
-Valves to use the word 'similar' next time this circumstance comes up.-

stop calling him masked man... it's Claus!
Do you prefer to use Darth Vader, or Anakin?


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
@Soniccuz... I'd prefer Darth Vader. But the situation with Vader is different as Darth is a Rank of the Sith and Vader is his given Sith name.

as for Claus, the player has no clue the Masked Man is Claus, so he identifies him as a masked man. no one in the game is present to call claus by his name during the course of the game.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
as for Claus, the player has no clue the Masked Man is Claus, so he identifies him as a masked man. no one in the game is present to call claus by his name during the course of the game.
By the time he takes that persona he's more machine then man, and to me referring to him as Masked Man only strengthens that impression. As such, and coupled with the fact I don't want to spoil the game for anyone. I prefer to use that title.


Disco Romance
Aug 20, 2001
Denver, CO
My oh my... after all these years, I still find myself back here. Thankfully there is merely an announcement for this title and no trailer, technically, it isn't even in production. Hopefully by the time the first trailer comes out I'll be done with school and the speculation can begin!


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
another reason why I despise the use of Masked Man rather than Claus is because it's not his given name. I for one couldn't care less about those who haven't played MOTHER 3. I knew that the Masked man was Claus before i even played the game. I passed the game already and Porky never referred to him as the Masked Man. He's merely a thing to him, he then finds out his name is actually claus... he doesn't care... he's still a thing to him.

the name Masked Man, to me sounds like he isn't identified properly... it's like calling Balloon Fighter... Balloon Fighter!! balloon fighter has no name!! but the masked man does... his name is Claus. and i know that, and you know that.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
@Soniccuz... I'd prefer Darth Vader. But the situation with Vader is different as Darth is a Rank of the Sith and Vader is his given Sith name.
Please no Darth Vader, let him stay on Soul Calibur, he's not even a video game character. :/

Anyway, Issac sucks ***, Paper Mario would be great, but I'd rather see Paper Luigi instead, no regular Luigi.

And MORE freakin villains, Giovanni would make an awesome trainer.



Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
gh!!... Omega? are you trolling? no one suggested vader for ssb4, soniccuz is just using an example to counter my logic. but failed... hard.
the second line evokes trolling... so does the third.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yes because I'm cool. :cool:

But seriously, as far as mechanics I would like too see more balanced characters, possibly L-cancelling, less hitstun than Melee, faster characters, and most importantly NO tripping.

Everybody keeps on making a list of possible characters, will also post mine.



Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
He's merely a thing to him, he then finds out his name is actually claus... he doesn't care... he's still a thing to him.
Referring to him as the Masked Man acknowledges that his name doesn't matter, and now he's just another pawn in Porky's army. He's a tragic figure and the title exemplifies that.

It's great that you'd rather refer to him by his proper name. Just don't tell me how I should refer to him. ^^


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
This thread gained 50 pages over night...

To add to the topic of FE lance users that I missed before, I think Ephraim should be considered as well. While Shiida appeared in a more recent game, Ephraim's base class fits better (no Pegasus) and if lord status is an issue he would fulfill that as well.

Not sure yet what I'd like to see mechanics wise...


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Alright peeps here's my official list of characters:

Mario(obviously in)

Bowser(my all time character from Melee and Mario's arch nemesis)

Peach(I can't say, she won't be scrapped)

Paper Luigi(YES People!! No one has ever thought of this, different Mechanics and doesn't have to be "luigified" like his counterpart)

Donkey Kong(obviously big Nintendo mascot)

Pikachu(popular and in)

Boss Leader Giovanni/Pokemon Trainer: you guys know the concept of Pokemon trainer right? Well I would Love to see Giovanni in PT's position instead, his three pokemon could consist of Mewtwo, Persian, and Nidoking/Rhydon, awesome eh? :)

Jigglypuff: as much as I dislike her moves, it's almost inevtable to get cut

Mewtwo: sure, I may have mentioned him part of Giovanni, but if Pokemon Trainer gets in, it Mewtwo whose gonna make is EPIC comeback, no Lucario, je wasn't even original, unlike Mewtwo

5th Gen Pokemon: ??? Well I never kept up with the new series but I'm sure Sora would make a fine choice.

Ike: another personal favorite, I love his games.

Black Knight: this guy is a total bad ***, besides, Fire Emblem needs an antagonist for once.

Marth: Ive never really played him, but what can I say....

Link: Do I really have to say why?

Zelda/Sheik: has always been a part of Zelda

Ganondorf: this guy might possibly be one of the best villains ever, he needs a unique moveset, plus his heaviness needs to be modified

Young Link DS/toon link: well I mentioned Young Link simply because he will be represented in the latest 3DS remake, so his factors are going to depend on this, personally Toon Link isn't all that great, but it beats having no younger link at all.

Samus and Zero Suit: she's in, period.

Ridley/Dark Samus: there is a great deal of debate when it comes to Ridley, sure be may be oversized in Metroid, but you people also have to remember that Olimar was modified in order to "fit" with the rest. Personally I'd rather see Dark Samus instead, different movesets, maybe luigified to a certain extent.

Ness/Lucas: I could care less which one should get the spot, but I will say this, NOT BOTH!, just ONE!!

Porky/Klaus: don't ask why?!

R.O.B.: He's a Nintendo Icon, nuff said

Mr. Game&Watch: Another Icon from Nintendo

Wart: HE NEEDS TO BE REVIVED!! I may be alone on this but I will defend him at all costs!!!

Yoshi: meh...

Wario: I guess, since he has a bunch of Wii titles :/

Pit: he is unique and should be kept

Fox: he's in

Wolf: People need to to critizing him and taking him as a "clone". This guy is an Antagonist and Sora could easy redo his moveset.

Kirby: a 64 favorite :)

Meta Knight: Seriously this guy was WAY to buff, nerf him down a bit.

King DeDeDe: I liked his playstyle, simar to Bowser in the aspect of being heavy and powerful

K.Rool: I don't care if he hasn't made any recent appearances or not, DK needs his own antagonist this time around.

Captain Falcon: even with the lack of recent games, he was still part of the original twelve in SSB64.

Black Shadow/Samurai Goroh: F-Zero needs one of these baddies to represent

Captain Olimar: unique, on of a kind

Animal Crossing Series: looks interesting, didn't know what specific charater to include lol..

3rd party characters: yes they are controversi, and there are millions of them to choose from, but my choices have a good possibility.

Sonic: yes, why not? He has had a number of Wii exclusives and has been heavily hanging around Nintendo as of late, no reason for him to be absent.

Megaman: yes, the blue bomber has also been involved with Nintendo az of late, considerably for the DS.

**Cloud**: Okay, okay, but I can dream .cool:

If you notice my list... I did not include Ice Climbers because I need convincing as to why?, Falco, meh luigified if if were to be unique then yes, otherwise Luigi (regular), because this is MY List, don't flame at me, I have squirtle by my side.

3rd party characters:



Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
Referring to him as the Masked Man acknowledges that his name doesn't matter, and now he's just another pawn in Porky's army. He's a tragic figure and the title exemplifies that.

It's great that you'd rather refer to him by his proper name. Just don't tell me how I should refer to him. ^^
you can be as deep as you want, but the name Masked Man does not mean what you think it does. It is merely a man with a mask that obscures the face to hide one's identity.

referring meaning Porky? or MOTHER 3? which one are you talking about?
if Porky... then he never referred to Claus as Masked Man, only the game did. If MOTHER 3, then what do you mean his name doesn't matter!? He will always be claus, even in death. during his onslaught of PK Love omegas, he was still Masked Man at heart even though his former loved ones tried to get through to him by calling him claus.

well, i have given you all i got to get you to yield to calling him Claus, soniccuz. if calling him Masked Man makes you happy, then by all means, refer to "Claus" as "The Masked Man" as if you don't already know (playing the ignorant card for a cooler experience... really... this is what you are doing when it gets down to the core of your debate.).

when the character is revealed with the title "Claus" instead of "The Masked Man", i will not hold it against you if you continually announce his name as the latter. no skin off my back.

(oh, it's not that i am telling you to refer him to the other name... that's what i do to everyone else... but you... hohoho!! you are passionate. (for some strange reason) your supposed passion is what gets my fire burning! instead of just telling you, i want you to feel it. to feel yourself turning away from your own views in favor of your opponent (i guess you can call me the bad guy, huh) that feeling of betraying yourself is what you must feel!)
Jun 8, 2009
Alright peeps here's my official list of characters:

Mario(obviously in)

Bowser(my all time character from Melee and Mario's arch nemesis)

Peach(I can't say, she won't be scrapped)

Paper Luigi(YES People!! No one has ever thought of this, different Mechanics and doesn't have to be "luigified" like his counterpart)

Donkey Kong(obviously big Nintendo mascot)

Pikachu(popular and in)

Boss Leader Giovanni/Pokemon Trainer: you guys know the concept of Pokemon trainer right? Well I would Love to see Giovanni in PT's position instead, his three pokemon could consist of Mewtwo, Persian, and Nidoking/Rhydon, awesome eh? :)

Jigglypuff: as much as I dislike her moves, it's almost inevtable to get cut

Mewtwo: sure, I may have mentioned him part of Giovanni, but if Pokemon Trainer gets in, it Mewtwo whose gonna make is EPIC comeback, no Lucario, je wasn't even original, unlike Mewtwo

5th Gen Pokemon: ??? Well I never kept up with the new series but I'm sure Sora would make a fine choice.

Ike: another personal favorite, I love his games.

Black Knight: this guy is a total bad ***, besides, Fire Emblem needs an antagonist for once.

Marth: Ive never really played him, but what can I say....

Link: Do I really have to say why?

Zelda/Sheik: has always been a part of Zelda

Ganondorf: this guy might possibly be one of the best villains ever, he needs a unique moveset, plus his heaviness needs to be modified

Young Link DS/toon link: well I mentioned Young Link simply because he will be represented in the latest 3DS remake, so his factors are going to depend on this, personally Toon Link isn't all that great, but it beats having no younger link at all.

Samus and Zero Suit: she's in, period.

Ridley/Dark Samus: there is a great deal of debate when it comes to Ridley, sure be may be oversized in Metroid, but you people also have to remember that Olimar was modified in order to "fit" with the rest. Personally I'd rather see Dark Samus instead, different movesets, maybe luigified to a certain extent.

Ness/Lucas: I could care less which one should get the spot, but I will say this, NOT BOTH!, just ONE!!

R.O.B.: He's a Nintendo Icon, nuff said

Mr. Game&Watch: Another Icon from Nintendo

Wart: HE NEEDS TO BE REVIVED!! I may be alone on this but I will defend him at all costs!!!

Yoshi: meh...

Wario: I guess, since he has a bunch of Wii titles :/

Pit: he is unique and should be kept

Fox: he's in

Wolf: People need to to critizing him and taking him as a "clone". This guy is an Antagonist and Sora could easy redo his moveset.

Kirby: a 64 favorite :)

Meta Knight: Seriously this guy was WAY to buff, nerf him down a bit.

King DeDeDe: I liked his playstyle, simar to Bowser in the aspect of being heavy and powerful

K.Rool: I don't care if he hasn't made any recent appearances or not, DK needs his own antagonist this time around.

Captain Falcon: even with the lack of recent games, he was still part of the original twelve in SSB64.

Black Shadow/Samurai Goroh: F-Zero needs one of these baddies to represent

3rd party characters: yes they are controversi, and there are millions of them to choose from, but my choices have a good possibility.

Sonic: yes, why not? He has had a number of Wii exclusives and has been heavily hanging around Nintendo as of late, no reason for him to be absent.

Megaman: yes, the blue bomber has also been involved with Nintendo az of late, considerably for the DS.

**Cloud**: Okay, okay, but I can dream .cool:

If you notice my list I did not include Ice Climbers, Falco, Luigi (regular), because this is MY List, don't flame at me, I have squirtle by my side.

3rd party characters:


I prefer Ridley over Dark Samus. Ridley appeared in more games and he's more of a main villian than Dark Samus.

Wart? He only appeared in one game. He's also the villian of that Doki panic game so.....

I'm just expressing my opinions. I'm not flaming you. I know you explained about Luigi and Ice Climbers but it's feels weird. Oh well! It's your own list


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Wart? He only appeared in one game. He's also the villian of that Doki panic game so.....
May I ask, what are you referring to?
FYI, Wart was the main antagonist from Super Mario Bros. 2, which was one of the biggest titles for Mario to appear in, also I don't see the harm of as to why he should be included, you maybe asking he isn't popular/remembered etc... To answer well G&W and Pit may have had popularity, but honestly, they weren't even remembered as much by the community until they got their official spots, therefore gained a great deal of fam base through Smash, same can be said if Wart were to appear out of the blue, yea.. He would definetly get some much needed recognition, which he ****in needs.

As for the Ice Climbers, well they may be a unique duo, but IMO, they need some different/updated moves, sure, there old moves were great but they could be implented a little better than they have been.

As far as Luigi goes, yes I like him, but he needs to detach from Mario completly, not just luigified, and since the "paper" version of him would totally change a bit of his style, he would be more unique than ever. I may need some convincing about regular Luigi's moveset.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Someone mentioned Scrafty on the earlier posts. The only spot that I see it popping up is a Poke Ball. Don't know who Scrafty is...



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

Super Mario Bros 2 was a redesign of Doki Doki Panic.

Luigi is fine as is in my opinion.

Blog post about Smash Bros Wii U: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=305027

Ignore the Toad moveset :p
well I'm guessing Doki Doki comes from Japan, right? Lol..

Interesting blog of characters, Toad might be an excellent choice considering he wad in Doki as well, I love his moveset, I totally forgot about him.




Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
I'll only allow Toad in the new installment if his final smash is a fatality to peach's uterus. Seriously do you think they'd change her down b so they could add toad in? They have enough mario characters. Everyone will be looking for megaman this time.

This ends up sounding like a bunch of not so popular kid picked last bull**** lol. I pick mario, bowser, paper blah blah blah and zoroark..

but whata about lugi?
Go home Luigi no one loves you.


Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I'll only allow Toad in the new installment if his final smash is a fatality to peach's uterus. Seriously do you think they'd change her down b so they could add toad in? They have enough mario characters. Everyone will be looking for megaman this time.
Easy there. Don't want to go anywhere that would lead to an M-rated title. THAT would be a disaster.
Jun 8, 2009
I know that hack.

Honestly, I don't like how overrated Cloud and Sephiroth is but that hack is awesome.]

I feel bad for the little kids that will play Luigi's mansion 2


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010

Best video ever!!!

But yes, if this were to actually happen, my life would be complete, screw the other ****in characters!!

These two Win!! :awesome:

I think you can actually download it and put it on your wii. You may have to have the homebrew channel or something like that, I don't know. I know Brawl is the most hacked wii game with Brawl + , Brawl - , Balance Brawl, character edits, and level edits it's pretty amazing what they have done.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I think you can actually download it and put it on your wii. You may have to have the homebrew channel or something like that, I don't know. I know Brawl is the most hacked wii game with Brawl + , Brawl - , Balance Brawl, character edits, and level edits it's pretty amazing what they have done.
Amazing stuff!!! I must do this NOW!!!

You sir have won today's top comment for today :cool:

Jun 8, 2009
I tried the hacks already. It's awesome. Unfortunately, we have to stop this whole Cloud and Sephiroth PSA topic since the main topic is about the next smash bros.
Jun 8, 2009
Old news Abel... We know that and it's alright. CC pro is still with me.

Adding the GC controller just because of one or a few games? Maybe they won't put GC support afterall.... Oh well :(


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yes, which is why you should look at my previous character inclusion post.

Speaking of 3rd party characters, Snake is an awesome character, buffed as ****, and a fan favorite,
but IMO, as much
as I love good ol' Solid SnakE, he just doesn't have as much of a chance as he did in Brawl, why? Because he was simply added by Kojima's request, not fans, this time around people are
overlooking Snake and looking more
towards Megaman and Possibly Ryu, I could care less about Geno or the FF mages.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
EDIT: @ refugee

There are no other recurring Wario villains besides Captain Syrup. But even her chances are not very good. The only reason I see people using to support her is that she is a "female" and a "villain". If we are going to have a female villain, make sure she really counts! That's why Medusa works. She is THE villain of the Kid Icarus series... Captain Syrup is not THE villain of the Wario Land series... at least not yet!
Well she is the closest thing to being THE villain of the Wario series if she's the only villain that is recurring in that franchise. Medusa can work well too. I guess we'll wait and see.
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