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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Deleted member

That's actually really low for Waluigi on GameFAQS. They love that fella..

He's garnered a lot of hate over there for the past few months.

And until Lip is actually important in her own series again and appears outside Japan, I agree that Anna of Fire Emblem > Lip. And least Anna appears in her own damn series and isn't Japan exclusive.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Its hilarious that anyone would think Anna's chances are 45%. Her chances are even lower than Sheeda (whose chances are abysmal). The female Fire Emblem character that is suggested the most in Japan is Micaiah. Want to bet that they will now flock to Masked Marth now that....
its confirmed to be a be a girl.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
Yuui: She still is important in Japan, tell me then why you can unlock HER stage in japanese version of Planet Puzzle League? Not Yoshi's. Or Pikachu's.

It's just NOA's localization reception /taking out fairies, locking Lip's stage for international release/ that is killing this series and turning her obscure. Can't believe everyone now thinks Lip's actually unimportant when it's NOA who's the ONE making her unimportant. Intelligent Systems thus are afraid of putting any characters because it would hinder international sales due all changeup. But they at least keep Lip alive in Japanese installments.


Deleted member

Its hilarious that anyone would think Anna's chances are 45%. Her chances are even lower than Sheeda (whose chances are abysmal). The female Fire Emblem character that is suggested the most in Japan is Micaiah. Want to bet that they will now flock to Masked Marth now that....
its confirmed to be a be a girl.
And how do you come to that conclusion? Caeda is only in 4 of the 13 games while Anna is in 12.
Sure, she was a shopkeeper, tutorial guide, or some other minor occupation in them, but she was in them nonetheless. And now she's recruitable and manages the Other World Gate.
The only thing Caeda has going for her is that she's Marth's waifu. Hell, unlike Marth, she is allowed to die. While canon states she doesn't, the fact she can and the game can continue....

And to be quite honest, there is only one character not in Brawl that suggestions will actually matter, and that is Roy. Anyone else is up to Sakurai or Intelligent Systems. To rate any Fire Emblem character's chances that are not Roy based on what people suggest is pointless.
Think about it; Sakurai decided upon Roy in Melee and IS suggested Ike to him for Brawl. Fan demand had nothing to do with either.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
You know, I've never played a Fire Emblem game, but if I get a 3DS and this gets localized, I'm gonna buy it. It looks good.

Deleted member

Yuui: She still is important in Japan, tell me then why you can unlock HER stage in japanese version of Planet Puzzle League? Not Yoshi's. Or Pikachu's.

It's just NOA's localization reception /taking out fairies, locking Lip's stage for international release/ that is killing this series and turning her obscure. Can't believe everyone now thinks Lip's actually unimportant when it's NOA who's the ONE making her unimportant. Intelligent Systems thus are afraid of putting any characters because it would hinder international sales due all changeup. But they at least keep Lip alive in Japanese installments.

Tell me, how many games in the series has she actually appeared in Japan since her debut?
And I mean an actual appearance, not a cameo/throwback like in Planet Puzzle League. Because if you have to unlock a background for her in Planet Puzzle League, a game that doesn't have her as a main character, that's saying something.

Deleted member

Strong fan demand in Japan was what got Marth in.
It surely had nothing to do with Marth being essentially the "main" hero as well as the first. :rolleyes:
But still, that's Marth. 1/3 characters that fan demand actually did something for their Smash debut.
And you really think that fan demand will be the deciding factor for new characters now, when the latter 2/3 had not?

Simply put, if IS or Sakurai feel Krom is best to add, he will be in.
If they feel Anna is, they will add her instead.
If Sakurai wants to go ahead and be biased for his favorite character, Nabarl, then regardless of how little support he has, he will be in.
Sakurai has praised Caeda in the past; if he really finds her important to include, he'll go ahead and do it.
If they suddenly feel Judgral needs a representative, they will include someone like Leaf.
If Sakurai feels having a relatively main character that isn't male or a sword wielder, he might include Micaiah.
Or Hell, if Sakurai just wants to bring back Roy and leave it there, he's going to do it.

So we honestly can't predict Newcomers on fan demand.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
FE13 spoilers are starting to come in:

Masked Marth is a girl named Lukina who is Krom's child from the future.

EDIT: Aether will return as a skill
(For Krom, Lukina and Krom's extra child to use).
Please excuse me while I crap my pants. I saw the Masked Marth
being a female part
coming, but not
being from the future and being Krom's daughter.
Man, this is wild. This might actually confirm a sequel for Fire Emblem 13 where
Krom travels to the future with Lukina to save her time.

Geesh, this "obvious plot twist" has turned into a really loaded one.

Also, Aether
being used by those mentioned characters could really be a game changer.
I predicted both of these. Though....
while I thought Masked Marth was not actually Marth and really a girl, the revelation that Masked Marth is Krom's daughter from the future is really out there.

Anyways, hopefully Krom's daughter doesn't get hit on by him like how Marty was hit on by his mother in the original Back to the Future.
I found this amusing tidbit from GameFAQs, from their "rate their chances" topic:
7. Anna (Fire Emblem) 44.84%
Now will people believe my theory about the Female Fire Emblem Character Bandwagon?

I think most of us believe you. I've seen this be true for about 7 years, and it's not just exclusive to Fire Emblem. However, most of it seems to be based around Fire Emblem.
Ugh, GameFAQS.
This is the best post of your life.

Edit: Anna's role is less than Toad's in a series that is 1/100th as big as Mario AT BEST! Really, Anna has no shot if Toad doesn't make it. She's just a supporting character.

Deleted member

@John: Again, her "shot" doesn't depend on her role; it depends on what Sakurai and IS decide.
And I am not trying to claim that they will want to include her like Diddy deludes himself into believing the Zelda team will do for Impa. What I'm saying is that we cannot honestly make a safe bet with the Fire Emblem characters. Characters we pass off as having little chance and characters we feel have the best chances could end up being the opposite.

EDIT: The only "safe bet" is Roy, but that's for outside reasons. One of them namely because he isn't a Newcomer.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I found this amusing tidbit from GameFAQs, from their "rate their chances" topic:

7. Anna (Fire Emblem) 44.84%

8. Lip (Panel de Pon/Puzzle League) 38.77%
9. Waluigi (Mario Bros.) 35.99%
10. Caeda (aka Sheeda) (Fire Emblem) 30.47%
11. Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) 21.07%
12. Bandana Dee (Kirby) 18.30%

Now will people believe my theory about the Female Fire Emblem Character Bandwagon?
That's hilarious. From what people are saying on the Serenes Forest, you recruit her in a Gaiden chapter, meaning that she's an optional character with next to no involvement in the main story outside of her side story chapter and support conversations. lol

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
I guess one, /unless someone would mention Furil from Puzzle Collection being Lip. But nah/. But just because she's now a cameo stuff means she's unimportant to the series, right? I could say Yoshi or Pokemon are even more unimportant to them then despite them being able to sell MORE. Do we even have Tetris Attack or PKMN Puzzle League on Wii's VC? Japanese have at least an access to original Panel De Pon in VC.

So still gonna support her. No matter what.
Intelligent Systems should open their eyes and realize their wasting a damn good series here.

They should reboot it. Give it a proper name! Like "Panel Pop". Feature fairies AND Yoshi & friends. Pokemon too. Include all the good modes from the last installments, like Endless, Time Attack, 3D Mode, Vs Mode, Daily Play, and online play powered up by Nintendo Network.



Deleted member

Pokemon Puzzle League is on VC. I should know; I have it.
I think Tetris Attack is too, but I haven't checked.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@John: Again, her "shot" doesn't depend on her role; it depends on what Sakurai and IS decide.
And I am not trying to claim that they will want to include her like Diddy deludes himself into believing the Zelda team will do for Impa. What I'm saying is that we cannot honestly make a safe bet with the Fire Emblem characters. Characters we pass off as having little chance and characters we feel have the best chances could end up being the opposite.
What you are saying that Sakurai can decide Error from Zelda II can replace Mario. I get that. And of course there is nothing 100% confirmed. But I can say without a shadow of a doubt Link. will be playable, and Error will not. It's this little thing called "logic" you seem to be discounting and overlooking. Sakurai isn't going to add a minor character from a minor franchise. He has not done this in the past, and he won't start doing that until he runs out of small franchise major characters and minor characters from major franchises first.

Also, Anna has no shot. She's done nothing somebody else hasn't already done except be there in the background. According to what Triple Dash is saying (assuming it is true), she's an optional playable character in her only playable appearance.

Besides, so far all the characters that have been playable in smash from Fire Emblem have been Lords. Why would this change=???
I just looked back, it's pretty much confirmed that Krom
(and his kids)
can use it. So you're probably right there.

Looks like there will be two versions of Falchion. One for Krom,
one for Lukina.
Surprisingly it looks like the latter gets the stronger version.
That's weird. Maybe
support will actually be challenged by
now imminent fan base for a spot in the Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS roster. That is of course, if
role is big enough and rivals

Also, Anna support is gonna die, just like what happened to all the other Fire Emblem females short of Lyn! :laugh:

Edit: We're getting a lot of good "small" information that could or could not involve smash in the last week or two. Seriously, we have tons to talk about suddenly! :grin:

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC

But seriously, why I should let go off her? I might set myself for a disappointment or not, but I had been supportint this character since the time I was introduced to this series. Nintendo, stop streamlining yourself too much! Pikmin 3 is a good step already.



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Old-ish response to stuff

I think the purpose of that was to make the game more exploration-driven. In my opinion, that's awesome, because it's like 64, but you have access to much more ideas and places than if all Mario can do is jump. I loved the heck out of Galaxys 1 & 2, but they focused much more on platforming than 64 and Sunshine. Which is fine, but I think a great Mario 3D platformer should balance both.
I agree that there should be more free world exploring in 3D Mario games. I also agree that Galaxy 1 and 2 didn't do that enough. However, I think the way Sunshine did it was boring. There were too many beaches, too many awkward areas, and "points of no return" (which IMO is never a good thing in platform games). Overall 64 did it best. Every level in 64 IMO was memorable. I remember all of those levels vividly, and I have fond memories of all of them. (although the tiny/large word was hard to get used to) :chuckle:
And I gotta disagree about the level design. Pina Park was one of the most awesome levels evaaaaah.
The inside of Pina Park I agree on. The outside=??? It was stupid. I don't get why you couldn't backtrack, or why the outside of the park even existed. There was some dumb "outside" like this on several levels (that was made a thousand times worse by the "points of no return"). The hotel level also had this issue, although the outside was much better. However, even that "outside area" was far from perfect. It was noticeably absent of that special "thing." IMO it should have also been much bigger (outside).

There was a lot of such stale parts of levels. Like that last level with their humanoid people. While it was a fun level, there was a lot of "empty space" on the level that didn't feel necessary. If there's a feeling of a level having "empty space," it sure as heck better be either unique or absolutely HUUUGGGEEEE!!! (like ten Hyrule Fields big)
Well, I guess I had a different experience with this game then. I found lot of the game pretty memorable. And If you don't like the Fludd then just play every other Mario game ever made that has the same old Mario gameplay. I just liked the FLudd because even though it might of been repetitive, it was still fun to use.
It was fun to use, but it was overused. Really, there should have been more nozzles for FLUDD, actual power ups. Fire Mario, ice Mario, raccoon Mario, Toad Mario, Fish Mario, Koopa Mario, THE SHOE OF PAIN AND DEATH, etc. Heck, we could even use ballerina Mario! :grin:

Also, Super Mario Sunshine had worse voice acting than Brawl (in English, at least). That's hard to do, given how awful a lot of the Brawl voice acting was! :laugh: Bowser's voice = :urg:

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Please excuse me while I crap my pants. I saw the Masked Marth
being a female part
coming, but not
being from the future and being Krom's daughter.
Man, this is wild. This might actually confirm a sequel for Fire Emblem 13 where
Krom travels to the future with Lukina to save her time.

Geesh, this "obvious plot twist" has turned into a really loaded one.

Also, Aether
being used by those mentioned characters could really be a game changer.


Anyways, hopefully Krom's daughter doesn't get hit on by him like how Marty was hit on by his mother in the original Back to the Future.

I think most of us believe you. I've seen this be true for about 7 years, and it's not just exclusive to Fire Emblem. However, most of it seems to be based around Fire Emblem.

This is the best post of your life.

Edit: Anna's role is less than Toad's in a series that is 1/100th as big as Mario AT BEST! Really, Anna has no shot if Toad doesn't make it. She's just a supporting character.
Okay, what did you do with the real Johnknight1 and where is he.

I don't see a single laughing or happy emoticon ANYWHERE in this post.

Deleted member

What you are saying that Sakurai can decide Error from Zelda II can replace Mario. I get that. And of course there is nothing 100% confirmed. But I can say without a shadow of a doubt Link. will be playable, and Error will not. It's this little thing called "logic" you seem to be discounting and overlooking. Sakurai isn't going to add a minor character from a minor franchise. He has not done this in the past, and he won't start doing that until he runs out of small franchise major characters and minor characters from major franchises first.
You clearly have not comprehended what I am saying.
Think: Fire Emblem is not a 1st Party series; Sakurai has to negotiate with Intelligent Systems for usages of its characters. Whatever Sakurai and IS feel is necessary will be done, as Roy and Ike both show.
With Mario, he has liberties and can choose the popular characters with no problem. Bowser and Peach were 1st and 2nd on the Pre-Melee poll, and naturally, they were added into the series. The only exception to this was Dr. Mario, who was not heavily demanded by fans, however it does go to note that fans had SOMETHING to do with it by giving Sakurai an idea about Dr. Mario when a suggestion was made to make him a costume for Mario.
It's this little thing called "logic" which you seem to not comprehend.
Also Ivysaur is pretty damn minor and random within the Pokemon series. All it is is a bridge between the popular Bulbasaur and the powerful Venusaur. Who honestly gives a **** about Ivysaur of all Pokemon?

Also, Anna has no shot. She's done nothing somebody else hasn't already done except be there in the background. According to what Triple Dash is saying (assuming it is true), she's an optional playable character in her only playable appearance. No, someone like Master Chief has no shot. And again, her shot depends on Intelligent System/Sakurai. If they don't see any value in including her, they won't. If they do, they will. Simple as that.

Besides, so far all the characters that have been playable in smash from Fire Emblem have been Lords. Why would this change=??? Pure coincidence. As I have said before which you clearly have ignored, Roy was added on Sakurai's whim, and it was to promote the then-upcoming Binding Blade. Ike was Intelligent System's suggestion on a Newcomer for Brawl.
It was by pure coincidence that the two were Lords and there is no set rule that only Lords are allowed in Smash.

That's weird. Maybe
support will actually be challenged by
now imminent fan base for a spot in the Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS roster. That is of course, if
role is big enough and rivals
role. According to your stating on Lords, she won't have a chance. Last I checked, she wasn't a Lord. Only Krom and the My Unit were Lords. And with Marth's Kakusei outfit matching hers sans Mask, do you really think they will include her? It'd be like adding Ninten now despite us having Ness.

Also, Anna support is gonna die, just like what happened to all the other Fire Emblem females short of Lyn! :laugh: As I said, support means **** for Fire Emblem as only ONE character debatably had fan influence working in their favor; Marth.
And if support for
starts, it will die just the same. Especially when people note that the only difference between her and Marth is gender, and that's not saying much.
Responses in red.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
So did anyone even see my last post?

Deleted member

Totally called it... Anna is Golden Y's Impa. :troll:
Totally called it...you are ********.

I have stated that she is more favorable to me than Krom. To be very honest, and I will dumb down my language so even you can understand: i fell leaf shud r be in smash bors ovr any othur noo phire emlem char. I honestly don't give a flying **** if Anna makes it or not, whereas Diddy would probably cut himself every night if Impa doesn't make it. I would just rather have her than another blue haired swordsman that is similar to one already in Smash.

Now, I want you to do something you hardly do: Think: Diddy keeps trying to argue that Impa is going to be in the game and keeps bringing her up whenever he can.
Whenever I talk about Anna, it's always after she is already being discussed and people dismiss her as if Kratos of God of War had a bigger shot.
I am merely trying to get people to see that she is a legitimate candidate.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Yeah I saw it.

To tell you the main reason people suggested Anna wasn't because of her role but because she kept on showing up.

But while I'm not saying I support her inclusion, her role isn't necessarily hampered by being recruited in a gaiden chapter. She's still the secret store owner and runs that dimensional gate thing whether you recruit her or not. In addition, just because someone's ability to be recruited is optional doesn't really mean they have a small role.

Deleted member

I am so getting modded for my last post, but at this point in time, my Give A Damn is broken. I really must repair it.

Although, given that Krom and
use the same weapon and have similar abilities, and with Kakusei introducing team fights, they could become another two characters as one like the Ice Climbers, couldn't they?
I'd take that over Krom alone, to be honest.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Sakurai has to negotiate with Intelligent Systems for usages of its characters. Whatever Sakurai and IS feel is necessary will be done, as Roy and Ike both show.
Why would Intelligent Systems say no to a character=??? If they did, Sakurai and Nintendo could be like "Okay. We'll just add another Pokémon instead" to take away their leverage. This is free advertisement. What "leverage" do you have for something that makes your brand bigger=??? Heck without the Melee advertisement of Fire Emblem, the series would have never left Japan.

It's this little thing called "logic" which you seem to not comprehend.
Also Ivysaur is pretty damn minor and random within the Pokemon series. All it is is a bridge between the popular Bulbasaur and the powerful Venusaur. Who honestly gives a **** about Ivysaur of all Pokemon?
While Ivysaur isn't well know by non-Nintendo fans (Nintendo fans largely know what an Ivysaur is), it was made as a bridge to Squirtle and Charizard, whom most gamers know of. That is because Ivysaur was the middle of the balanced "lightweight-midweight-heavyweight" concept for the Pokémon Trainer.

Also, Ivysaur certainly was a heck of a lot more well known than characters like Captain Falcon, Ness, the Ice Climbers, Sheik, Mr. Game and Watch, Marth, Roy, Pit, Ike, Captain Olimar, and ROB before they were in Smash.

No, someone like Master Chief has no shot.
Fine. "Anna ha next to no shot because she is a minor character in a minor franchise who has virtually no impact on the main story of any Fire Emblem game."
If they don't see any value in including her, they won't. If they do, they will might. Simple as that.
Changed, because things can change in the development cycle.
Pure coincidence. As I have said before which you clearly have ignored, Roy was added on Sakurai's whim, and it was to promote the then-upcoming Binding Blade. Ike was Intelligent System's suggestion on a Newcomer for Brawl.
It was by pure coincidence that the two were Lords and there is no set rule that only Lords are allowed in Smash.
No, it is because they are the main characters of their games. Roy was the main character of Fire Emblem 6. Ike was the main character of Path of Radiance and the better/last half of Radiant Dawn. Anna is just an optional character. Even if she wasn't, there's been hundreds of playable supporting characters in Fire Emblem. None of them have been anything more than a trophy or sticker. Heck, the one Assist Trophy character was Lyn, who is also a Lord.
Marth's Kakusei outfit matching
Lukina's sans Mask,
do you really think they will include
? It'd be like adding Ninten now despite us having Ness.
Lucas/Ness and Mario/Luigi have pretty much the same shirt and pants (different colored shirts is the only difference) Does that eliminate them=???
As I said, support means **** for Fire Emblem as only ONE character debatably had fan influence working in their favor; Marth.
And if support for
starts, it will die just the same. Especially when people note that the only difference between her and Marth is gender, and that's not saying much.
We don't know that yet.
could have original moves and be totally different. Plus I remember when Ike was introduced in Fire Emblem. There were automatically people clamoring for him to be in Smash (possibly to replace Roy) and people who said "he's got no chance."

As my pal John Locke says, "New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without anyother reason but because they are not already common."

Really Golden, there are at least 200 better characters who are more popular, more important to their series' story lines/game play/history, and have more potential to be original than Anna. That is why I don't even think Anna will get a look from Sakurai.
probably will get at least small consideration, given said character's role in the latest (and from how it's hyped, greatest) game in the Fire Emblem series.
Okay, what did you do with the real Johnknight1 and where is he.

I don't see a single laughing or happy emoticon ANYWHERE in this post.
Because I used spoilers a lot. All of my funny stuff was in the spoilers.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
This is off topic, but just in case people can't come up with a Prince Sable move set, I think it can go along the lines like this.

B: Financial Naivety - Prince Sable pulls out a massive bag of gold. Wow! He had all of that in his pocket?! If simply tapped, it will be flung in front of him carelessly, crashing into whatever it hits. What is he doing with all of that gold that is spilling out on the floor! *this is where in the Dojo Sakurai shows a picture showing the smashers collecting the gold that spewed out* If held, he will spin it in a circle in his hand harmlessly as you can move around with it. This is so you can then select a directional input for where you toss your riches.

Upward B: Frog Transformation - Sable is falling off the side of the stage... time to recover! But wait... he isn't going up? Sable turns into a small frog with much less weight than his normal form, making him vulnerable to attack, but in return his normal jump prowess sky rockets, allowing him to use his normal jump to reach the stage easy! And if he falls short, tapping A in any direction causes his tongue to flick out, either lightly damaging a character or latching onto the edge of the stage. It should be noted you run slower in this form, as you hop about.

Side B: Royal Duel - In the traditional For the Frog the Bells Toll fighting fashion, Sable has a move that makes him charge a bit and then, if he runs into a character (or multiple, they can get caught in), a dust cloud appears and the characters get locked in a fight that damages them. Players must then tap the B button as quickly as possible to deal the most damage. This move requires confidence, and a willingness to be dealt damage in order to rack up some on your opponent! At the end, the duelers are tossed out.

Downward B: Snake Transformation - He once again transforms, but this one does not increase your jump, in fact, it is decreased, but your movement speed is greatly increased and you become so short in stature most attacks go right over you! Hitting A in any direction will cause the snake to do a bite that poisons foes like the Lipstick weapon. This is good for getting away or harassing enemies, but like with most of Sable's special moves, it must be done with confidence!

More on topic, you guys need to play nicely now. D: Seriously kids.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Those were some pretty inspired special attacks for Princess Sable (who I know nothing about).

Good job Holdereth of thy Heelether! :awesome: :grin: :shades:
Thankies. :D And THAT is the kind of post I'd expect from you, full of faces haha.

I don't know much about it either, haven't played it (I think you can only ROM it right now, which I'm not really into). But I did watch some videos of it, and it's an amusing little game. Enough for me to like him, and to think that a reboot like they did with Kid Icarus would probably be a lot of fun.

I think it is also the game that inspired the original Legend of Zelda, in terms with how the game was laid out and played.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Yeah I saw it.

To tell you the main reason people suggested Anna wasn't because of her role but because she kept on showing up.

But while I'm not saying I support her inclusion, her role isn't necessarily hampered by being recruited in a gaiden chapter. She's still the secret store owner and runs that dimensional gate thing whether you recruit her or not. In addition, just because someone's ability to be recruited is optional doesn't really mean they have a small role.
I guess. Not to mention we haven't seen enough of the game yet.

Either way it was Gamefaqs who suggested her. GAMEFAQS for crying out loud. lol

Put this mother****ing song in Smash RIGHT NOW


This. lol

Deleted member

Why would Intelligent Systems say no to a character=??? If they did, Sakurai and Nintendo could be like "Okay. We'll just add another Pokémon instead" to take away their leverage. This is free advertisement. What "leverage" do you have for something that makes your brand bigger=??? Who do you suggest instead?" Heck without the Melee advertisement of Fire Emblem, the series would have never left Japan. Fixed for truth. It's not like Sakurai's a dictator that would say "Let us use this character or you won't get a character from this series." There is this thing called "compromise".

While Ivysaur isn't well know by non-Nintendo fans (Nintendo fans largely know what an Ivysaur is), it was made as a bridge to Squirtle and Charizard, whom most gamers know of. That is because Ivysaur was the middle of the balanced "lightweight-midweight-heavyweight" concept for the Pokémon Trainer. Your point? It's still frigging minor of a Pokemon. Even Magikarp would be considered more major, given that it's frigging well known as the weak Pokemon that becomes Gyarados.

Also, Ivysaur certainly was a heck of a lot more well known than characters like Captain Falcon, Ness, the Ice Climbers, Sheik, Mr. Game and Watch, Marth, Roy, Pit, Ike, Captain Olimar, and ROB before they were in Smash.
Tell me you're joking for most of these. PLEASE tell me you're joking. I'm not even sure how to respond to such blasphemy.

Fine. "Anna ha next to no shot because she is a minor character in a minor franchise who has virtually no impact on the main story of any Fire Emblem game." More like "Anna has next to no shot because I say so." :rolleyes:

Changed, because things can change in the development cycle. Do you really want to get technical, as that can heavily backfire.

No, it is because they are the main characters of their games. Roy was the main character of Fire Emblem 6. Ike was the main character of Path of Radiance and the better/last half of Radiant Dawn. Anna is just an optional character. Even if she wasn't, there's been hundreds of playable supporting characters in Fire Emblem. None of them have been anything more than a trophy or sticker. Heck, the one Assist Trophy character was Lyn, who is also a Lord.
No, Roy and Ike being the main characters didn't give them free passes. Intelligent Systems could've suggested the frigging Black Knight instead of Ike, and Sakurai would've likely gone with that. And this point had actually nothing to do with Anna to be honest. It had to do with the fact that you seem (and still seem) that only Lords are allowed in Smash, which is not true. It only so happens that the characters that were playable and Assist were Lords. If Pichu wasn't in Melee and Lucario wasn't in Brawl, would you be arguing that only 1st Gen Pokemon were allowed?

Lucas/Ness and Mario/Luigi have pretty much the same shirt and pants (different colored shirts is the only difference) Does that eliminate them=???
No, because unlike Ness/Ninten and Marth/[Masked Marth's true identity], there are easily distinguishable differences. With Ness/Ninten, there literally is no difference. If you can name any (that are canon), I'd be surprised. With the two Marth's, all that is different is the face, from what I've seen. ("But what if she wears the mask?" Then it's pretty much just Marth wearing a mask with a girl's voice.)

We don't know that yet.
could have original moves and be totally different. Plus I remember when Ike was introduced in Fire Emblem. There were automatically people clamoring for him to be in Smash (possibly to replace Roy) and people who said "he's got no chance."
From what we've seen, she is like Krom. Why not just add Krom then? Or even the two together as a tag-team?
And wouldn't what you say about Ike more or less support my argument about how we can't predict by fan output?

As my pal John Locke says, "New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without anyother reason but because they are not already common." As my English professor says to me constantly, you can't have quotes stand alone. Clarify your point, please.

Really Golden, there are at least 200 better characters who are more popular, more important to their series' story lines/game play/history, and have more potential to be original than Anna. That is why I don't even think Anna will get a look from Sakurai.
probably will get at least small consideration, given said character's role in the latest (and from how it's hyped, greatest) game in the Fire Emblem series.
This sounds like one of Diddy's arguments for Impa, only you're talking about a new character rather than an older one coming out of the woodwork. :troll:
Responses in red. I'm honestly done with this whole argument. People just seem so closed minded, and I don't really see the point in continuing an argument for a character that I wouldn't care if she made it.
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