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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
From Fatmanonice on Smashboards:
I agree, it isn't enough which is why I hope to expand the idea to other sites. Back in 2006, I started Operation: Star of Heaven. Basically it was a campaign to get Geno in Brawl. It started on Nsider where me and about 10 other Geno fans created a 26 page portfolio (both in English and Japanese) supporting Geno's inclusion into Brawl. I then went to Nintendo's HQ in Kyoto and tried to drop it off but a security guard turned me away so I had to send it when I was in Tokyo. After I came back, I made "bases" in other forums to rally support. I made one here, on IGN, on Gamespot, and on Gamefaqs and support for Geno grew from there.
That's called dedication.

As much as I don't care for Geno talk, this I respect.
Jun 8, 2009
I respect them Geno fans despite me thinking Geno is meh

I feel bad for Fatman. Working hard and all that then finding out it went to waste because Geno did not get in. Of course, he was probably aware of Geno's issues while doing such work, right?


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Well, let's look at the context.

Geno demand really kicked off after the poll came out. Little did we know at the time that the playable cast had been decided before hand. I don't remember when exactly, but I wanna say Fatman (bless his soul) kicked off the Geno Movement sometime around the poll's opening. While his dedication may have been in vain at the time, I think they will pay off with the next one. I have a pretty good feeling Geno and Krystal's inclusion will come about because of this poll in particular. Geno MIGHT have been planned (considering the mysterious legal issues and the mushroom forest track) but didn't meet the deadline. Likewise, Krystal may have been befallen a similar fate at the time which would also explain her saying she'd be the only one out of the other SF crew members to stand a chance fighting.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!
I still don't get why for Geno. He is both insignificant to Super Mario and Square-Enix. Heck, Square-Enix made four more games with Mario characters in it after Super Mario RPG, and two of them even referenced Super Mario RPG (remix of Mushroom Kingdom Super Mario RPG theme), yet neither Geno or Mallow appeared in any of them. Heck, up until Brawl's announcement Geno was no more popular than Mallow was. Never underestimate the power of the bandwagon and mob mentality.
Well being our own little cult is fun man. I think many of you know this, but smash speculation can get BOOORRRIIIIINNNGGG!!! Having random characters like Geno brought up makes it a party man. WE NEED MORE PARTY ON THESE HERE BOARDS!!! :cool: :awesome: :grin:

Plus you must admit, it is better than the emotional "EFF YOU! X CHARACTER IS BETTER THAN Y CHARACTER" flaming. We don't expect Geno. We would just like him. There is nothing wrong with that. We're a chillax fanbase... for the most part. We're as cool as the other side of the pillow stars... :cool:
That's right, before the Geno cult took over Mallow reigned supreme!!! Now he has become the second banana. Smh.
Yes, but Mallow is a big **** ****. Plus, quite frankly, he is childish and annoying. After several play thrus of Super Mario RPG, he gets old quickly. If people liked whiny characters, they would like Krystal more. :troll:

Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2010
Mushroom Kingdom :D
Geno? I love this hack mariodk is working on

Geno in Brawl
looks like someone like some of my work :D

anyway i hope Geno come in SSB4
he was so close for join SSBB so he got this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCAoj8Lmimw (without hack/mod/whatever you can call it)
Geno is my fav. mario char.(beside mario bros.)
i always used Mario/Geno/Peach in SMRPG since that was the best team up in that game (in my option)
if not geno joins then i hope for Bowser jr. or Walugi(as playeble) or Tails


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!
Geno also appeals to many of us Super Nintendo/Famicom generation gamers. It doesn't hurt when you support from us Super Nintendo/Famicom era oldies. :cool:

By the way, I am typing in pink because Mallow is a wimp. :p

Oh yeah, and who else was there for a Mario spot back pre-Brawl=??? Just Bowser Jr. (with Shadow Mario according to many) and Waluigi. Quite frankly, a lot of us hate Waluigi, and he's a filler/party game character. Bowser Jr. was very unpopular then, due to Super Mario Sunshine's negative fan reception. Many people also didn't want Bowser Jr., because they feared he could transform into Shadow Mario, who would be a Mario clone, or a potential replacement for Dr. Mario. Some (stupid) people even felt Shadow Mario could replace Luigi! :laugh:

Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Well, let's look at the context.

Geno demand really kicked off after the poll came out. Little did we know at the time that the playable cast had been decided before hand. I don't remember when exactly, but I wanna say Fatman (bless his soul) kicked off the Geno Movement sometime around the poll's opening. While his dedication may have been in vain at the time, I think they will pay off with the next one. I have a pretty good feeling Geno and Krystal's inclusion will come about because of this poll in particular. Geno MIGHT have been planned (considering the mysterious legal issues and the mushroom forest track) but didn't meet the deadline. Likewise, Krystal may have been befallen a similar fate at the time which would also explain her saying she'd be the only one out of the other SF crew members to stand a chance fighting.
You, Star, and I have the similar feelings about Krystal, regardless of whether or not Star cares for her. One of the reasons I like Star~


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Super Smash Bros is a platformer inspired fighting game series. Many of Smash Bros. fighting game elements and mechanics are inspired by the Super Mario Bros. Heck, the title even makes reference to Super Mario Bros.

the Super Smash Bros. franchise also has elements of shooters, action games, RPGs, action RPGs, strategy RPGs, stealth game, party games, puzzle games, dungeon-solving games, retro games, etc.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
You, Star, and I have the similar feelings about Krystal, regardless of whether or not Star cares for her. One of the reasons I like Star~
Shortie's only requirement for respect = must think Krystal will get in Smash 4.

On a side note, I noticed that on NeoGAF and GameFAQs. there is a lot of hate toward Krystal, and basically little support.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
That mech fellow on the NAVAL BATTLE stage of S&P can go eat a ****.

If we get an S&P area for story mode, I hope he is in it so I can beat him up. Also that dinosaur Ruffian. I will call him REX SEEMER.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Super Mario Sunshine was badly received? Who could ever not like that game :urg:
Super Mario Sunshine was not poorly received. Its just that when people compared it to Super Mario 64 they were disappointed. It was still probably the best platformer for the GameCube.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Super Mario Sunshine was badly received? Who could ever not like that game :urg:
*raises hand* Controls felt way too slippery. The fact that it had to deal with water is a complete coincidence. I honestly felt like it was a step backwards from Super Mario 64.

Not that it was a bad game, but not on my top list.(I found Galaxy somewhat better, but not great)

But eh.

I hope we do get some Galaxy notes into SSB4. Maybe the 3DS version can have something from Super Mario 3D Land?


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Shortie's only requirement for respect = must think Krystal will get in Smash 4.

On a side note, I noticed that on NeoGAF and GameFAQs. there is a lot of hate toward Krystal, and basically little support.
The only reason I did not like Krystal was because of the Wolf/Krystal rivalry going on pre-Brawl. Now that that is over there really is no reason for me to hate against her. It really would not hurt anything to have four Star Fox characters. Especially one that would be different from the boys. Granted, she is not one of my particular favorites, but not someone I am going to vomit over being in the game. That honor is reserved for Cloud and Travis Touchdown.


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
looks like someone like some of my work :D

anyway i hope Geno come in SSB4
he was so close for join SSBB so he got this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCAoj8Lmimw (without hack/mod/whatever you can call it)
Geno is my fav. mario char.(beside mario bros.)
i always used Mario/Geno/Peach in SMRPG since that was the best team up in that game (in my option)
if not geno joins then i hope for Bowser jr. or Walugi(as playeble) or Tails
That is amazing. The best I've seen by far. Final Smash=Gigantic Explosion=:awesome:.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I liked Sunshine, although I do think that the controls did feel weirdly slippery. Like HyperFalcon said. But it was fun. I like it more than Galaxy, but Galaxy was fun too.

Most Mario games are good, lol.

Peach's Castle
Bowser's Castle
New Super Mushroom Kingdom
Delfino Plaza
Super Mario Galaxy Stage
Mario Kart Stage

This is the perfect Mario Stage list for me.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I liked Sunshine, although I do think that the controls did feel weirdly slippery. Like HyperFalcon said. But it was fun. I like it more than Galaxy, but Galaxy was fun too.

Most Mario games are good, lol.

Peach's Castle
Bowser's Castle
New Super Mushroom Kingdom
Delfino Plaza
Starship Mario
Rainbow Road

This is the perfect Mario Stage list for me.
Fixed for accuracy.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
You guys know the whole "Real men use items." line on the Dojo? According to TVTropes, the message on the Japanese website was "I'm finished registering." Iblis, can you verify this?

The MK stage MUST be Rainbow Road. No doubt about it.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!
Super Mario Sunshine was badly received? Who could ever not like that game :urg:
No, it was just a disappointment when some compared it to Super Mario 64. Personally I think it is the weakest 3D Mario game, but it is still a great game.

The main gripe was the gimmicky F.L.U.D.D., the camera, the somewhat slippery controls, the awful voice acting, the weird story (that had random moments), and some of the levels and challenges being sort of dull.
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
You guys know the whole "Real men use items." line on the Dojo? According to TVTropes, the message on the Japanese website was "I'm finished registering." Iblis, can you verify this?

The MK stage MUST be Rainbow Road. No doubt about it.
Give me a link to the Dojo article. I will figure out what it says.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
Off topic, but the Sin & Punishment game for Wii is 6 bucks on the Target website. Going to pick it up and play it after I download the 64 game.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Perhaaaaaps, SMG will get a stage, such as Good Egg or the Comet Observatory....and SMG2 will also get a stage based around Yoshi Star Galaxy, but said stage would be counted as the Yoshi series....because you know in Melee, that SMW stage was a Yoshi stage.

Alsooooo, I've been more open to the idea of Kamek lately. Probably not going to get in, but I think it'd be neat. Everyone's saying the DK series should get four, but the Yoshi series should keep its one, so its weird to me. I mean yes the DK series is older, has more games, and is more popular, but if the DK series had three reps and the Yoshi series got two, would that be so bad. (Though maybe that's my K.Rool hate speaking. Since Kamek is the one I have in mind, he'd get in, and for the DK series you could just add Dixie and be done with it)

Alsoooooo, Geno's not getting in. There's no good reason for it. And Forest Maze music doesn't mean anything regarding Geno in Smash even if the song did get in. People seem to over associate the whole of SMRPG with Geno, even though the game had a different main character (who's playable) and also has two other party members from it already playable in Smash. Weird concept.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Yo guys, best idea I ever had for Smash Bros. 3DS; what if Sakurai remade all the character's games from the playable characters and made an entire SSE-inspired sequel in which you play the actual games (listed as litterally Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country, Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, StarFox, Mother, Pokémon, ect.) but with a total Smash feel to it? Fighting other characters in between in "cutscene battles" on actual Smash Bros. Stages? Also with actual real inspired boss battles in between? And eventually when completed play the gsme with a second player with a second character from that franchise?? Add in "RPG" elements according to the games, as in Metroid Missiles or Beam powerup... Or just in general powering up your A and B moves in an RPG style, battling enemies from the series repeatedly. And with a sprt of "Battle Tower" like idea to train your character... Leveling them up litterally perhaps as you fight?

Just basically a Sakurai & Smash team made total remake game. With some RPG elements, which in some series could be dofferently represented than in others, but with an equal system every where. Characters could be unlocked as the story progresses in game, and each game could be worth playing in story mode for about 10 to 15 hours easily. And make them all worth replaying in a way of adding characters to the game system cleverly. Say you unlock zjigglypuff in Pokémon, but she still has no B moves and is like level 5. In gsme very weak, but unlocked as a character anyways, so you'll basically are given the choice to play as Jigglypuff a lot or not. Lots of characters could and should be added this way. Picture playing Metroid... You play as Samus of coarse, and mission would simply be : invade Metroid base, and hunt for Ridley. Some story involved evening could have you play as Zero Suit Samus as well. Anthony Higgs would also appear sometimes as an NPC, als fihtingmome enemies in early level, then goes missing and becomes a playable character himself to at a later point. When Ridley is defeated though in the story, he's not killed of but rather left wounded and becomes playable only when completing the game Metroid perfectly for a different ending??

And with Donkey Kong Country for example, a sort of mash up game in between the original DKC games and DKCR. Played with Donkey Kong solo at first, untill Diddy returns in the first level which would allow tagging in between Donkey and Diddy Kong. And when later Dixie get unlocked for story purposes (got left behind by Diddy for the adventure, chases him but get trapped by a boss) you can also tag to play with her. There's then two main teams though: DK and Diddy as a DKCR like duo : featuring Diddy's B as a special, and his Up B to, as in DKCR. No Spinning Kong or Gaint Punch. Spinning Kong would then literally be teached or inspired to DK by how Dixie does her hair spin, and Gaint Punch is learned fully in the battle against King K.Rool as a way to damage his weak point. Up untill then, it's just a regular punch. The Diddy and Dixie tag team woukd feature different specials for the side B and neutral B (yet very similar in working to both characters special moves separately) but would borroe the other specials from each other. Perhaps Up for Dixie and Down B for Diddy (which'd be the Peanut Popgun duo shot, with tripping effect). In the game storynyou'd find parts where you play levels where you either play as one Zking, or a tag team of either DK and Diddy, or Diddy and Dixie. And parts with DK alone (and some with Diddy and a few with zdixie to). King K.Rool would be a playable character in a sexret unlockable event where he takes it up to the Tikis with his own side story. When completing Donkey Kong Country Smash, you can even tag team DK and Diddy or Diddy and Dixie in battle in the VS Mode.

In Pokémon, you play as Pokémon Trainer himself. But it's more a half scenamatic sort of game. You play as the Pokémon Trainer, but he doesn't fight really andmyou can only walkmwith him from point to point, when engaded in a sort of event of a battle he goes to the backside and let his Pokémon fight for him. You start with your Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander, and will first of coarse start with the famous rival trainer battle. You pick Squirtle, fight Bulbasaur, you pick Charmander you fight Squirtle. This is your starter, and you'll fight an evil corporation of sorts... What was the story like in Pokémon Black and White? Well, I don't but picture that with a sort of mix between the story of that and Pkémon Colloseum and XD. You fight wild Pokémon and Trainers and just certain Pokémon are unlockable, and the Trainer catches them in a cutscene. All starters are fully playable, and mostly are all powered up versions of each other, but clones formthe most part still. Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard are thus all playable. Lol. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo and... Just anything would all be unlocked by curscenes and in battle. There are also Boss Battles on stages against Gym Leaders and Pokémon boss fights of coarse. Some Pokéball item Pokémon could also be found, fought and even catched... And usable in a way beyond what we've seen this far. Directly would they attack the target and come up with a set HP bar and battle automatically. Could be used in boss battles as a mean of 2 vs one (picture: Playable Wartortle and or Pikachu with a CPU NPC character aide of say.. Latios or Articuno vs a gaint Rhyperior or Groudon or Dialga). Just a lot of potential there.

But just in general, each game series as their own game wouldmplay as if it actually was a game in the series, but with full playable Smash characters. Who'd also be playable in VS mode. On the stages found in Adventure Mode cutscenes! Even possibilities of cross overs! I'd totally play that. And each game should or would last about 5 to 10 hours story and gameplay wise. Or offer something else, as F-Zero would for example be a full fledged racing game. With cutscene battles. Just like StarFox woudl. Wheras Pokémon and Mother are most RPG like, and Mario and zdonkey Kong would be Smashified plstformers. Legend of Zelda and Metroid would be adventuring and exploring games. With dungeons and maps and stuff.

I'd play this untill my fingers would fall off or stop functioning otherwise.



Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2012
Augusta, GA
I just read something about an apparently leaked document pertaining to Smash4.

I don't really care about the veracity of it. What I found interesting was that it apparently said that Sakurai felt that Samus should be faster because of Other M.

How would you guys feel if Smash4 Samus was more like Other M Samus than Prime Samus? I know very few people liked Other M, but was it because of anything that would necessarily matter in the context of Smash?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
May I bring up the NINTENDO character Sakurai tried to add in Brawl, but had LISCENSING ISSUES. (Remember, Sakurai considers Geno a Mario character)

You all laugh at Geno, but that could have very well been him~

And this Ridley **** is annoying me.
Geno getting in is nothing but good. People will make giant cults regardless of Geno's playablity status.

Oh, and I honestly do believe that character was Geno, which means, he's PROBABLY not showing up in Smash, since Sakurai clearly hit a wall with him during Brawl. How sad.

This is true, but can you think of a character who fits that bill didn't have any content in Brawl? Starfy most definitely did.

The characters I can think of aren't even requested.
Geno could be that character? Hmm... I don't think so... I think that Starfy was that character. Based on how Starly's trophy in Brawl is grouped with the Fighter-Related trophies, I would say Starfy was probably that character who almost made the cut but was relegated to AT role. That's at least better than relegated to nothingness in Geno's case. Starfy is also the only AT we could attack... meaning he had hitboxes.

Reposting my dream roster of SSB4 newcomers:


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!
The only reason I did not like Krystal was because of the Wolf/Krystal rivalry going on pre-Brawl. Now that that is over there really is no reason for me to hate against her. It really would not hurt anything to have four Star Fox characters. Especially one that would be different from the boys. Granted, she is not one of my particular favorites, but not someone I am going to vomit over being in the game.
I would vomit. She represents the 3 worst Star Fox games. Plus, the Star Fox series is not that big, and the characters aren't that great past Fox, Falco, Peppy, Wolf, and Andross (maybe James, too). Really, she is the Scrappy Doo of the Star Fox series. The icon of a series that people used to love, but now are indifferent to.

Besides, if any series with less than four characters deserves four, it would be:
1. Donkey Kong (a lot of great options)
2. Kirby (a big franchise, but not the most options)
3. Metroid (lots of awesome aliens)
4. Fire Emblem (loads of neat characters, and about as popular as Star Fox if you take away Star Fox, Star Fox 64, and Star Fox 64 3D)
5. F-Zero (because there is nothing wrong with a man loving Captain Falcon's nipples, or Captain Falcon's clones) :awesome:

Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
That's a pretty conservative selection of "dream newcomers" lol

Would anyone even give a **** if F-Zero happened to get 4 reps? I know I wouldn't


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Geno could be that character? Hmm... I don't think so... I think that Starfy was that character. Based on how Starly's trophy in Brawl is grouped with the Fighter-Related trophies, I would say Starfy was probably that character who almost made the cut but was relegated to AT role. That's at least better than relegated to nothingness in Geno's case. Starfy is also the only AT we could attack... meaning he had hitboxes.
Ew. Impa.

And it's obviously not Starfy, because he's in Brawl...


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Alsoooooo, Geno's not getting in. There's no good reason for it. And Forest Maze music doesn't mean anything regarding Geno in Smash even if the song did get in. People seem to over associate the whole of SMRPG with Geno, even though the game had a different main character (who's playable) and also has two other party members from it already playable in Smash. Weird concept.
Thing is is in Japanese all the song title says is "Mushroom Forest." That could be anything. I have said time and time again that people just believe things without even checking the facts. For all anyone knows it could have been either one of these two songs.

Mario Party - In the Mushroom Forest
Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time Music - Toadwood Forest


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Geno could be that character? Hmm... I don't think so... I think that Starfy was that character. Based on how Starly's trophy in Brawl is grouped with the Fighter-Related trophies, I would say Starfy was probably that character who almost made the cut but was relegated to AT role.
Yeah, I think that's about right.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!
Yo guys, best idea I ever had for Smash Bros. 3DS; what if Sakurai remade all the character's games from the playable characters and made an entire SSE-inspired sequel in which you play the actual games (listed as litterally Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country, Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, StarFox, Mother, Pokémon, ect.) but with a total Smash feel to it? Fighting other characters in between in "cutscene battles" on actual Smash Bros. Stages? Also with actual real inspired boss battles in between? And eventually when completed play the gsme with a second player with a second character from that franchise?? Add in "RPG" elements according to the games, as in Metroid Missiles or Beam powerup... Just basically a Sakurai & Smash team made total remake game. I would totally buy that...
Replaying the whole game seems like overkill.

Personally, I have suggested numerous times that like the whole first world of Super Mario Bros., all 100 Meters of Donkey Kong, and some areas from various Nintendo games (and guest franchises' games) would be nice. Heck, it would be pretty cool to visit modern day version of some of those places.

Just imaging an epic Sector X battlefield level where you run along ships, flying garbage, broken ships, various technology, while fighting various enemies (maybe Andross' minions=???) and getting shot out from various enemies out of range would be TOTALLY EPIC!!!

Also, that "Mushroom Forrest" was definitely from Super Mario RPG. Why would Sakurai take something out of Mario Party when there is absolutely nothing (aside from the Masterpiece) that references to Mario Party=??? Better yet, why would he choose one song from one forgettable mini-game=??? :troll:
Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash! Ridley for Smash!
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