How Long Have I Been Asleep?
I do not feel it should be remixed in another genre. The jazz fusion-esque the song is in suits the mood fine. Anything else would probably kill the theme of the song. All it needs is to be remastered to sound cleaner than what the N64 allowed for musically.I forgot to say TANKOO Star. :3
BUT ANYWAY, I do like this song. It has a tinge of HARDSHIP to it, yet also a little feeling of HOPE. That fits Saki and the series rather well I think. Would your idea of ARRANGING be to sort of give it that sort of.. fast, techno/rock/metal (I'UNNO) sound to it? To make it more like the other songs in the game?
Another song a lot like this is Marionation Gear in Brawl. The song style did not change, but it was polished for Super Smash Bros. Listen for yourself.
Marionation Gear (Original)
Marionation Gear (Brawl)
Obviously the DS version is of lesser quality. This is what I had in mind for that Sin and Punishment song, Heroine A