Funny considering these characters have their fans. They have to like them for something about their character.
A lot more people hate Krystal and the post-Star Fox 64 Star Fox series than like them. Krystal is the symbol of the degrading quality of Star Fox, and why the series, aside from the original, it's remake, and it's remake's remake, is
NOTHING! More people bought Star Fox alone and Star Fox 64 alone than Star Fox Adventures, Assault, and Command combined!
Most of the people who want her playable in smash bros are either furries, want a staff-based character, or think that Adventures, Assault, and/or Command are better than Star Fox 1, 2, 64, and 64 3D (which is like 5% of the people who actually bought a Star Fox game). Star Fox, the original, 64, and 64 3D aside, is a smaller franchise in terms of sales than Mother! MOTHER!!! A series that only had one game leave Japan!!! The franchise is nothing in most people's eyes without those games.
Actually, interestingly enough, Sakurai did not plan for Melee to be competitive. He did not think it was completely bad, but really preferred the casual crowd(well, let's be honest, I can see why with how rude and elitist competitive players act, especially top players sometimes. Not that they're all, but it does happen, and I've seen quite a few pathetic examples of this. How they're in the Brawl Back Room is funny. They're a very poor representation of the community, really)
If you've gone to any tournament, this isn't true. I've met Mango, and he was polite and either calm or crazy. Isai is totally calm and respectful. HugS is very friendly and chill.
I think everybody does. The anime actually had some great remixes and variations of songs from the games, especially early on in the series.
Why the hell are you people still here, watch the Super Bowl goddammit
Pretty much my thoughts in review of reading your guys' posts.
I'm not watching it because my team isn't in it.
Considered this, but couldn't resist. Watching my team (whom I know every single players' name by heart) lose because of a billionaires son fumble twice because he was an idiot enrages me!!! CURSE YOU KYLE WILLIAMS!!! CURSE YOU!!!

Well ever since Warren Moon, Cameron Wake, and others left your country for the big bucks, you lost all your league's good players, so watch ours!