Ghirahim, not so much, but I can see Tingle having a good shot with what he has on his resume.
Anyways, I just looked at all of the Dojo pages for characters for the lulz, and I found something that is not going to make people happy about Toon Link....he's not that likely to get moves different from Link in Sm4sh....
"Those who have played Link should enjoy playing Toon Link, too. As a rule, the special moves are the same."
As a rule? So pretty much, Young/Toon/whatever Link HAS to have the same Specials? Which means, had Toon Zelda made the cut...there REALLY would've been a Toon Sheik....and Toon Zelda WOULD have had the same Specials....which means that Light Arrows would have been the new Landmaster.
EDIT: Now we know why Toon Zelda didn't make the cut.