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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Deleted member

Sin & Punishment deserves a rep. (Saki Amamiya/Isa Jo)
Custom Robo deserves a rep. (Ray MK 01/III)
Golden Sun deserves a rep. (Issac/Matthew)
The Legendary Starfy deserves a rep. (Starfy)
The Mysterious Murasame Castle deserve a rep. (Takamaru)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Custom Robo!
Custom Robo!!
Custom Robo!!!

Ray MK I is what I really want to see as far as Nintendo Franchises go.

I would pick someone from Sin&Punishment but i've never played any game before, :( Is the Wii version any good?


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
I think we should officially label this day "Custom Robo love and appreciation day". Forget fathers. ;)

Deleted member

Sin & Punishment and Custom Robo. Saki and Ray, please.

Punch-Out deserves some rep too.

And though it's a stretch, some sort of Chibi-Robo representation would be nice.

Deleted member

Sin & Punishment and Custom Robo. Saki and Ray, please.

Punch-Out deserves some rep too.

And though it's a stretch, some sort of Chibi-Robo representation would be nice.
Add Punch-Out!! to my list (Little Mac). How can I forget about him?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
I've added some things to the Melee list and created a Brawl list. With Brawl, I left out the mention of clones due to the lack thereof, and many of the fighters referred to as semi clones are about 25% similar to someone else at the most.

Melee's Problems

-6 clones out of 25 characters. 1 was a semi clone, making it 6.5. In total, 12/25 fighters have extreme similarities.

-Most characters can't return to the stage due to their UpB. The 8 that are guaranteed are Fox, Pikachu, Zelda (not Shiek), Kirby, Jigglypuff, Peach and DK in some cases.

-Kirby's throws can be broken out of (in mid animation) due to lack of hands.

-A lack of stages make some characters essentially homeless, and other stages are used to fill the role. Ganon (Brinstar Depths), Roy (Final Destination), Young Link (Jungle Japes despite Great Bay being his stage), Bowser (Rainbow Cruise), Dr. Mario (Kingdom 2), Mewtwo (Battlefield), Link (Great Bay on All Star) and Pichu (Four Side) are examples.

-Some characters have clear advantages, while others have disadvantages. Compare Fox to Bowser.

-Bodies of water have no effects on fighters. This makes Jungle Japes and Great Bay seem strange because the fighters float like bricks in the water.

-CPU opponents can't detect motion sensor bombs, and stay in place (horizontally) when using a Warp Star. AI is very exploitable in 1-player modes as well.

-Many stages are not too varied and are often simply frustrating. Big Blue, Venom, Poke Floats, Rainbow Cruise are examples.

-Pichu XD

-Neglected series. However, the introduction of new series characters diminish this feeling.

Brawl's Problems

-Random Tripping. Known to occur at inconvenient times and can cost the match.

-Horrible Wi Fi. The connection is inconsistent (sometimes smooth but often laggy), Friend Codes as opposed to gamertags, lack of fluid communication (no mics), lack of robust online features.

-Slower pace. Game seems to favor defensive tactics.

-Classic Mode is not as random as Melee's. Master Hand and Crazy Hand are less fun to fight and that particular match leans to the boring side.

-Event Matches don't feel as creative as Melee's.

-Change in character properties. While this helps to de-clonify characters, some veterans are less appealing as fighters. Exceptions are Luigi, DK, and Kirby; they have notable improvements.

-Lighter physics. While this solves the 'Only Fox has a good UpB' problem of Melee, this affects a match's pacing.

-Some characters have clear advantages (Metaknight, chaingrabbing) and others have disadvantages (Ganondorf).

-Some stages are Frustrating. Spear Pillar, Norfair, 75m, Mario Bros., Pokemon Stadium 2, Rumble Falls, Summit, Hanenbow and Skyworld. However, the good stages highly outnumber the bad, so these can be ignored.

-Break the Targets! is the only mini-challenge in Classic Mode. No returning challenges, or new ones.

-Poor Final Smashes for some characters. The feeling is amplified by laggy online matches.

Feel free to add to these as well as agree or disagree.

EDIT: Would you all agree that most of Melee's problems were solved in Brawl?

@SSB Fan: OK.

Deleted member

BirthNote said:
-Pichu XD
The one character that deserved to go and thank god he's out. He and Dr. Mario will never again appear as a playable character.

For Brawl, you might want to add that some characters had poor Final Smashes. Like DK and Wario.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2007
Am I the only one who doesn't hate the clones? I think they offer interesting alternatives to various characters. For example, despite the fact he should have his own moveset, I think that Ganondorf works out fairly well as a slower, more tank like alternative to captain falcon. Not saying we should have clone spam like starfox had, just saying when done right they can be pretty awesome.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
The one character that deserved to go and thank god he's out. He and Dr. Mario will never again appear as a playable character.
Well I wouldn't exactly want to keep him out for good, just make him into a Mario Alt Costume like Wario had in Brawl, but certainly not as a seperate character.

Pichu is the worst character ever!! ..and I'm not going to get into this.

Deleted member

Well I wouldn't exactly want to keep him out for good, just make him into a Mario Alt Costume like Wario had in Brawl, but certainly not as a seperate character.

Pichu is the worst character ever!! ..and I'm not going to get into this.
In Dr. Mario's case, he would work best as Mario's alternate costume.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
Am I the only one who doesn't hate the clones? I think they offer interesting alternatives to various characters. For example, despite the fact he should have his own moveset, I think that Ganondorf works out fairly well as a slower, more tank like alternative to captain falcon. Not saying we should have clone spam like starfox had, just saying when done right they can be pretty awesome.
The tier list says otherwise.:laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2010
Hm...the problem with a balanced game is making all the characters work...the truth is, every character can be played well if you practice enough with him/her/it/etc.

But then again, I am not usually one for the competitive scene. I'm just throwing my two cents out.

Deleted member

If there's one thing we cannot prevent, it's that people will have unrealistic expectations.

Has anyone noticed that the Super Smash Bros. fanbase could quite possibly have the most amounts of idiots of all video game fanbase? Really, you have every franchise with playable characters thrown together and the fanbase as well. You have the furries on the Sonic/Star Fox/other franchises, people who constantly argue about Melee Vs. Brawl, rabid fanboys of said playable characters and franchises, and most of all, people who constantly ***** about everything, even thought what they've gotten was good (I'm not referring to just people who complain about the franchise, but those who moan all day about Brawl's roster, even thought it was good).

Mix those things together and have the problem added on with each installment and you have what could possibly be the worst fan base in video game history. I'm just glad that this forum will never have to recognize that.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Am I the only one who doesn't hate the clones? I think they offer interesting alternatives to various characters. For example, despite the fact he should have his own moveset, I think that Ganondorf works out fairly well as a slower, more tank like alternative to captain falcon. Not saying we should have clone spam like starfox had, just saying when done right they can be pretty awesome.
All the clones are high caliber characters who deserve their own movesets. It's degrating IMO to see Ganondorf, the king of darkness, become nothing more than a really slow clone of a character from a franchise he has nothing to do with. Wolf/Falco/TLink have so many alternative moves. It's just silly. No clones, semi or full, should be playable in SSB4.

Hm...the problem with a balanced game is making all the characters work...the truth is, every character can be played well if you practice enough with him/her/it/etc.
Have you heard the term punishment? It's something Puff and Samus get a lot of in Brawl.

Pichu is the worst character ever!! ..and I'm not going to get into this.
I once mained Pichu, watch it. Besides, model swap for Pikachu and make it an alternate costume.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
If there's one thing we cannot prevent, it's that people will have unrealistic expectations.

Has anyone noticed that the Super Smash Bros. fanbase could quite possibly have the most amounts of idiots of all video game fanbase? Really, you have every franchise with playable characters thrown together and the fanbase as well. You have the furries on the Sonic/Star Fox/other franchises, people who constantly argue about Melee Vs. Brawl, rabid fanboys of said playable characters and franchises, and most of all, people who constantly ***** about everything, even thought what they've gotten was good (I'm not referring to just people who complain about the franchise, but those who moan all day about Brawl's roster, even thought it was good).

Mix those things together and have the problem added on with each installment and you have what could possibly be the worst fan base in video game history. I'm just glad that this forum will never have to recognize that.
Lol at gamefaqs, going crazy over characters that don't stand a chance at all, literally! Fools

That's what happened at Nsiders forums lol...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2007
The tier list says otherwise.:laugh:
Strong characters. Weak characters. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled players should try to win with the characters they love best.

All the clones are high caliber characters who deserve their own movesets. It's degrating IMO to see Ganondorf, the king of darkness, become nothing more than a really slow clone of a character from a franchise he has nothing to do with. Wolf/Falco/TLink have so many alternative moves. It's just silly. No clones, semi or full, should be playable in SSB4.
I agree and disagree. Certain characters do need to have completely original movesets for SSB4. Mostly Ganon. Mostly because the guy has such a rich history to drawn from that there's no reason not to make him original.

At the same time, I disagree. Most of the smash games are rushed out. The clone system just allows characters who wouldn't have made the deadline otherwise possible. I wouldn't call it degrading. A tad disappointing at times, but not degrading. I like how they're taking the clones and adding little twists to them as the games pass, ala falco's reflector kick.

Like I said before, the clones add interesting spins to already existing characters. As long as they don't go overboard with them, I really don't mind if the clones.

Deleted member

Lol at gamefaqs, going crazy over characters that don't stand a chance at all, literally! Fools

That's what happened at Nsiders forums lol...
It doesn't help that people are trying to get Sora and Cloud in, even thought they have almost zero chance of appearing. Regardless of how the roster turns out to be, people expect too much.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Lol at gamefaqs, going crazy over characters that don't stand a chance at all, literally! Fools

That's what happened at Nsiders forums lol...
And when you try to discuss something semi-intelligent your thread gets buried in the onslaught of rubbish...
Jun 8, 2009



That is EVEN worse than call of Duty. No offense though, DBZ fans. I like DBZ.
And when you try to discuss something semi-intelligent your thread gets buried in the onslaught of rubbish...
When I saw SSBF's links to Game FAQ, I died for a few seconds.

Lol. Goku
Sora is going to be in because it's Project Sora!!!!1!1!11!!1!!!


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Strong characters. Weak characters. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled players should try to win with the characters they love best.
Pokemon reference? :p


As far as character goes, I don't think I'm asking for much when I want:

-Little Mac (AT, and had a Punch Out! remake last year or two years ago)
-Saki Amamiya (AT, and had a sequel to his game (though he wasn't on it))
-Isaac (AT, and also had a sequel last year)
-Mike J. (.. from StarTropics..? ok you got me here. This guy had two games back in the 90's, but didn't even get a STICKER in Brawl... still, I'm hopeful)

Deleted member

And when you try to discuss something semi-intelligent your thread gets buried in the onslaught of rubbish...
That happened to me three times. One time I was trying to bring up why it's a good idea to have different rosters and another time to logically discuss the top 10 most likely newcomers, and if relevance was truly that important. None of them took off and I was less then please having to watch them die off without hopes of returning while people try to suggest anime characters get in and try to defend Sora's and Geno's inclusion (The latter would be a good character, but I would loath to see Sora playable). Very few intelligent threads survive for more then a few hours. It especially angers me because these are actually something that are very important to consider when a character gets in.
berserker01 said:



That is EVEN worse than call of Duty. No offense though, DBZ fans. I like DBZ.
I love Dragon Ball, especially the original series, but it pains me to see a fellow Dragon Ball/Super Smash Bros. fan make such an idiotic suggestion that will never happen. That along with people defending Sora shows the sad state of the fan base when you go out of this forum, where at least intelligent discussions are mostly consistent.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
When I saw SSBF's links to Game FAQ, I died for a few seconds.
Trust me it is bad. I took my Custom Robo stage concept over there and only had about 4-5 replies. And yet a thread about a My Little Pony character is at 270+ responses...


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
At the same time, I disagree. Most of the smash games are rushed out. The clone system just allows characters who wouldn't have made the deadline otherwise possible. I wouldn't call it degrading. A tad disappointing at times, but not degrading. I like how they're taking the clones and adding little twists to them as the games pass, ala falco's reflector kick.

Like I said before, the clones add interesting spins to already existing characters. As long as they don't go overboard with them, I really don't mind if the clones.
I would much rather have a roster of 30, whose last x amount of months were used balancing the game, giving it better physics and a freaking combo system vs. getting 8 "Semi-Clones".

Trust me it is bad. I took my Custom Robo stage concept over there and only had about 4-5 replies. And yet a thread about a My Little Pony character is at 270+ responses...
I wouldn't last there.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
No bro I mad cereal about project sora! They will put sora in cuz same naem!

Btw who is sora?
Harhar, but really, why the Sora hate? Kingdom Hearts is probably one of the best games. . . ever. IMO of course.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
No bro I mad cereal about project sora! They will put sora in cuz same naem!

Btw who is sora?
The whiny boy with clown shoes whose background story is so convoluted it would make even a comic book writer squeemish. He's from Kingdom Hearts 1&2.

Deleted member

Trust me it is bad. I took my Custom Robo stage concept over there and only had about 4-5 replies. And yet a thread about a My Little Pony character is at 270+ responses...
:sick: Can't believe pointless topics overpowering the valuable ones are frequent.

I'm glad I got the opportunity to comment on it because this is a good idea and it should be done. And seriously, there are so many troll/idiotic topic there, it's hard to find a good discussion. This is why I plan on writing an essay on expectations and why fans will be disappointed unless they lower their expectations. That's the biggest problem with the fan base, they expect too much and they refuse to lower their expectations to at least reasonable levels.

This is why the Super Smash Bros. board on IGN is practically dead: Because it was filled with troll topics and idiots, which drove people away from it, even former regulars. GameFAQs will meet the same faith.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
:sick: Can't believe pointless topics overpowering the valuable ones are frequent.

I'm glad I got the opportunity to comment on it because this is a good idea and it should be done. And seriously, there are so many troll/idiotic topic there, it's hard to find a good discussion. This is why I plan on writing an essay on expectations and why fans will be disappointed unless they lower their expectations. That's the biggest problem with the fan base, they expect too much and they refuse to lower their expectations to at least reasonable levels.

This is why the Super Smash Bros. board on IGN is practically dead: Because it was filled with troll topics and idiots, which drove people away from it, even former regulars. GameFAQs will meet the same faith.
Tell me about it, I put a lot of thought into that stage idea and even refined it even more for my Gamefaqs edition. To bad Robotnik, Goku, Missingno being a new Assist Trophy, and My Little Pony are more important subjects than discussing the stage possibilities of a potential new series...

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Should Diddy get paired with Dixie, it would add another interesting duo element. I dunno, I'm indifferent towards Diddy.
I think Diddy and Dixie should be separate entities. Ice Climbers should stay unique.

@BirthNote: Here's a small list of flaws for Brawl:

- Terrible online mode.
- Tripping.
- Some characters were less then great to play with. Three examples: Ganondorf, Toon Link, and to a lesser extend, Diddy Kong.
- Clone issues. Not as bad as Brawl, but I can think of six semi-clones right off the top of my head; Luigi, Ganondorf, Lucas, Toon Link, Falco, and Wolf.
1: Understandable.
2: Blame the banana peel for that mechanic.
3: Depends on your point of view.
4: Animations should also be applied; refer to Kirby and Jigglypuff.

The one character that deserved to go and thank god he's out. He and Dr. Mario will never again appear as a playable character.

For Brawl, you might want to add that some characters had poor Final Smashes. Like DK and Wario.
Wario's Final Smash isn't that terrible. The only flaw with it is that you shouldn't use the Wario Bike.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2009
The whiny boy with clown shoes whose background story is so convoluted it would make even a comic book writer squeemish. He's from Kingdom Hearts 1&2.
He's not even whiny and the story is supposed to be happy fun time. Somewhat on topic, I dont see Sora fitting in Smash. Just saying.
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