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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Pikachu being Chiaotzu? Meh...that's Pichu dawg, they both self inflict damage, get it.

But yeah, if a custom music option happened I would so add a bunch of DBZ tracks as well like from the Tenkaichi's and such, also Sonic related obviously.



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Wow, really? Yeah, I actually saw a Kid Goku texture hack and it looked impressive, almost identical to the real thing, powerpoll and all. o_O


The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Also, aside from Ridley, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong every other Nintendo character that is not currently playable in Smash Bros. (aside from guys from the Mario series and Melee's cut characters) are obscure compared to most of Melee's and Brawl's newcomers. I think we may have already hit the bottom of the barrel with Brawl (in terms of notable Nintendo characters). Pretty much Sakurai will have to look toward the more popular minor Nintendo series for some newcomers. Palutena and Medusa might become notable if Kid Icarus Uprising is a huge success critically and commerciailly.
Ridely, King K. Rool, Bowser Jr., Paper Mario, Krystal, Zoroark, Mewtwo, Little Mac, Ghirahim (main villain in the newest Zelda), Samurai Goroh, and Bomberman.

I just named 11 new characters off of the top of my head that wouldn't be considered obscure.

All I'm saying is that Nintendo still has a fairly good amount of main stream characters to choose from for Smash 4.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Of course Smash has alot of very probable characters, Ridley being one of them for sure.

And yeah, Mewtwo is definetly a very probable choice, I think he is aware of that!



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Ridely, King K. Rool, Bowser Jr., Paper Mario, Krystal, Zoroark, Mewtwo, Little Mac, Ghirahim (main villain in the newest Zelda), Samurai Goroh, and Bomberman.

I just named 11 new characters off of the top of my head that wouldn't be considered obscure.

All I'm saying is that Nintendo still has a fairly good amount of main stream characters to choose from for Smash 4.
Ridley: Already named in my post as one of the few recognizable non-Mario Nintendo characters not yet playable in Smash Bros.

K. Rool: Already named in my post as one of the few recognizable non-Mario Nintendo characters not yet playable in Smash Bros.

Mewtwo: Melee veteran and notable Pokemon

Paper Mario: Mario character

Zoroark: Only those who follow Pokemon know who he is, and for those that do he is nothing more than some 10-year-old's "Dark Lucario" design.

Krystal: No one gives a damn about Star Fox after 64 outside of furries. Minor side character outside of Adventures.

Little Mac: Notable in the West due to Punch-Out NES. In Japan though, he is just another obscure retro.

Ghirahim: We'll see when Skyward Sword is released how important he really is in the game, and how well received he is. If he ends up being another Zant, he will pretty much have the same amount of support as that character did.

Samurai Goroh: F-Zero has always been much more niche than all of the series introduced in Smash 64 with the exception of Mother. F-Zero has not had a new game since 2004.

Bomberman: Third-party characters whose company recently got bought out and nearly all of their games canned (outside of mobile phones). Bomberman also had not had a noteworthy game since the Nintendo 64.

Deleted member

@ChronoBound: I think Takamaru is decently requested outside of Japan.

As for notable potential newcomers, I can think of Ridley, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Toad, Paper Mario, Bowser Jr., Zoroa
rk, Victini, Palutena, Medusa, and Little Mac. Maybe Vaati if he plays a major role in Skyward Swords.

As for Ghirahim, he will be a Zant.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
@ChronoBound: I think Takamaru is decently requested outside of Japan.

As for notable potential newcomers, I can think of Ridley, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Toad, Paper Mario, Bowser Jr., Zoroark, Victini, Palutena, Medusa, Ghirahim, and Little Mac.

Ridley: Already named in my post as one of the few recognizable non-Mario Nintendo characters not yet playable in Smash Bros.

K. Rool: Already named in my post as one of the few recognizable non-Mario Nintendo characters not yet playable in Smash Bros.

Dixie Kong: Already named in my post as one of the few recognizable non-Mario Nintendo characters not yet playable in Smash Bros.

Toad: Mario character (even the spinoff characters like Daisy and Waluigi are recognizable)

Paper Mario: Mario character (even the spinoff characters like Daisy and Waluigi are recognizable)

Bowser Jr.: Mario character (even the spinoff characters like Daisy and Waluigi are recognizable)

Zoroark: Posterboy for Black/White that is only well-received among the furries of the Pokemon fanbase.

Victini: The other posterboy for Black/White that was made with female Pokemon fans in mind. Has much more potential to be a lasting recognizable Pokemon if the Pokemon Company plays their cards right.

Palutena: Not notable yet. We'll first need to see how Kid Icarus Uprising performs.

Medua: Not notable yet. We'll first need to see how Kid Icarus Uprising performs.

Ghirahim: I am going to wait until Skyward Sword is released before I can get a firm understanding on him.

Little Mac: Definitely the most notable hero to a series that has not been playable in Smash Bros.... in the West. However, if only looking at the West, Little Mac is definitely up there with the Mario trio, Ridley, K. Rool, and Dixie Kong.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Victini: The other posterboy for Black/White that was made with female Pokemon fans in mind. Has much more potential to be a lasting recognizable Pokemon if the Pokemon Company plays their cards right.
I have this wierd feeling u don't know who Victini is...


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
With so few notable characters to pick from, then perhaps he'll be forced to pick only the most INTERESTING choices. Don't be afraid to get subjective, SSBF. :troll:


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
Holy ****... We have a gunman right outside are school I'm dead serious



Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
rystal: No one gives a damn about Star Fox after 64 outside of furries. Minor side character outside of Adventures
Haha, I find this true to me, she really isn't that special aside from being a female and having uniqueness that could possibly be utilized towards Palutena or maybe even Medusa.



Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Haha, I find this true to me, she really isn't that special aside from being a female and having uniqueness that could possibly be utilized towards Palutena or maybe even Medusa.
I know you're just regurgitating here, but I wonder why people disregard so quickly what Krystal could bring to the roster with her moveset. Bad taste leftover from annoying pre-Brawl days? Suggesting Palutena or Medusa could offer the same as Krystal is PRETTY SILLY since it would be a huge waste on their part, as well as be (at least from my impression) out of character.

I know Krystal is pretty UNNECESSARY, but she'd still have a fun moveset nonetheless. Which, hey, is hugely important when picking characters.

@Opelucid: Dead serious? That's the wrong attitude! You better be posting by tomorrow.
Jun 8, 2009
Krystal? I'm only after her mo---

Erp. Never mind. I'll wait and see on what will Sakurai to Krystal.... (Being a semi clone despite it being sort of impossible). I'm saying this mainly because of jiggs and Snake (Yes. His moveset wasn't sooo faithful).


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, it's not really that she can't offer anything because she clearly can, I just feel (IMO) that her staff moves could possibly be done on Palutena since she does happen to weild a staff, I think even Chrono mentioned it the other way, I dunno, I'm just losing interest towards her, also; her popularity isn't all that great.

Jun 8, 2009
For **** sake

Anyone can offer anything. It all depends on what Sakurai will do but the problem is... Sakurai is unpredictable. No one saw Ganondorf's semi clone Falcon moveset coming nor ROB's laser style moveset. The result? ROB was unique but Ganondorf was laaame.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
That wasn't directed to you.

It was directed to the whole moveset/unique potential topic.
Not comfortable delving into the subjective?

Is it because Toad's not all that interesting? :troll:

@Opelucid: I would prefer having neither, mostly. Mario is set, so I'd like to have new series before them. If we get one Mario rep, I'd rather it be Bowser Jr. since he is INTERESTING. Toad I have no problem with coming after. He's popular and an icon, no doubt.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2011
New Jersey
Switch FC
SW 5860 1420 7528
So in sitting here bored for who knows how long...what if we get two Mario reps Toad and Bowser Jr?



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Moveset potential is a stupid excuse to determine character merit (and even dumber for character probability).

The Krystal and Midna fans found that out the hard way when Wolf and Toon Link got in despite them saying that, "they would be clones". Turns out having an already existing moveset was very beneficial for both Toon Link and Wolf. However, I think many people are too hard on Wolf for being a "clone". He is only four specials and a Final Smash away from being a completely unique character. At the very least, he has far more unique moves than Falco.

Anyone can make almost any character into someone "unique" and "interesting" if that devoted enough time to think about it.
Jun 8, 2009
^^ Was stated a lot of times already but yes. I agree.

Not against any character except Waluigi
Jun 8, 2009
@Oasis: Got nothing against your opinion.

@Omega: Erp. I never noticed it for some reason but why does Shortie have something against Paper Mario? He keeps excluding him from Jr and Toad when it comes to Mario (But we know in the end, he thinks neither will make the cut) but we know that he's betting on the 3 (Jr, Toad, Tingle regarding "minor" characters) or 2

Anyway, epic surprises coming in October 10


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Moveset potential is a stupid excuse to determine character merit (and even dumber for character probability).


Anyone can make almost any character into someone "unique" and "interesting" if that devoted enough time to think about it.
And those are the things Sakurai has to MULL OVER when striving for diversity and individuality. Recipe for a GOOD roster, don't you think?

Sakurai has said something along the lines of "first impressions are invaluable" which leads me to believe that characters that offer something... READILY interesting would have an advantage over the Sheriffs and Hunting dogs. You can tack a moveset onto anything, but obviously for some you're grasping for straws from the beginning.

Am I the only one placing near-utmost significance on something Sakurai himself describes as placing utmost importance on?

"They placed the "utmost importance" on character individuality, Sakurai said. From a very early point, they considered what each character could bring to the game in terms of unique aspects."

@Broserker: >:I

@Omega: Everything is bias to you, lol.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
That the thing, what I think it is is bias towards P.Mario, he obviously has it going for him, to exclude him out completely would be foolish.

@oasis: well, it's true, show me facts that he isn't likely, otherwise it's just mere on his part opinion.
Jun 8, 2009
And those are the things Sakurai has to MULL OVER when striving for diversity and individuality. Recipe for a GOOD roster, don't you think?

Sakurai has said something along the lines of "first impressions are invaluable" which leads me to believe that characters that offer something... READILY interesting would have an advantage over the Sheriffs and Hunting dogs. You can tack a moveset onto anything, but obviously for some you're grasping for straws from the beginning.

Am I the only one placing near-utmost significance on something Sakurai himself describes as placing utmost importance on?

"They placed the "utmost importance" on character individuality, Sakurai said. From a very early point, they considered what each character could bring to the game in terms of unique aspects."

@Broserker: >:I
The problem is we don't even know what Sakurai is thinking about.

He could have different opinions and characters can get in the game other than having a potential "unique" moveset. Well... Like that blue hedgehog and the guy hiding in the box. Oh... And also Wario? Sakurai was against Wario's addition since he had "no moveset potential" as said by some guy I don't know who posted here a long time ago.

Despite that, he still accepted Wario and look at the him. No one plays similarly to him. NO. Not even Jiggs

@Oasis: Gotta give you a nickname hmm....

AHA! Broasis :D

@Broasis: Firebrand's checklist:

[V] OTG Super
[V] Awesome level 3 super
[V] Combo maniac
[V] Fast, OTG projectile
[V] Buff up super
[V] Long combos
[V] Good damage input

= Wtf..... OH WELL. Say hi to Sentinel and Phoenix!


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Anyway, epic surprises coming in October 10
What happens on October 10?

Anyway, I am very curious about what Sakurai is going to do for stages pertaining to Yoshi, F-Zero, and Mother, considering that those series did not get any new installments since Brawl. The same might also extend to Star Fox which only had a remake get released since Brawl's release.

Also, on the topic of Wario, Sakurai said that her personally thought Wario was nothing special until WarioWare was released. It was not Sakurai saying that he thought Wario did not have moveset potential, but rather him feeling Wario was unimportant or derivative. It does show though that Sakurai does not think highly of the Wario Land series.
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