Pikachu needs a new moveset. Here's what I got.
All of his (A) moves are the same. They are fine. AS FOR (B) Moves... Time to upgrade to the 5th generation, Pikachu.
(B): Electro Ball:
Pikachu throws an eletric ball at the opponent. Homes in on the target, but if target gets behind it or gets out of range, it explodes into little volts. Electric Confetti, hurray!
(B)^: Quick Attack:
The same as before, but needs more time for the second jump.
(B)>: Iron Tail:
Like Skull Bash, but stronger and he spins when executing it.
(B)v: Thunder:
Although I do not agree, you probably would, so I'm leaving it as is.
FS: Volt Tackle
He's body turns into pure elelctric, and he can run around, very fast, and tackle opponents with it. Quick Attack is very awesome with this, as well. Touching Pikachu in this state will cause damage too, Not like his old FS, because that is too similar to Super Sonic. As a countering physic, Pikachu, at the end of the FS, will discharge all of the electric, sending anyone near him to knockback hard.
Taunts will be the same.