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The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Yeah Davis joined about a year ago and scared the **** out of me. By saying hey Everett.

Some of you guys should try to make it to my musical!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 12, 2006
Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days... Thirty-two more days...


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
February 21,22 at Cibola HIgh school, 7pm 5$.

I got a lead in it.

Also, if you guys want you could talk about stuff and do confirming of NVGA in our thread, I would like your guy's help.


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
You joined more than a year ago Davis. Your join date is May 2006. Also, I think it's garbage that Marth got better. He was already crappy enough to begin with. Sorry to anyone who likes Marth but he has cost me so many tournament victories. Meaning that whenever I use him in tournaments (no matter how good people think I am with Marth) I lose. That's why I dropped Marth and decided to use Fox.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Really?! I always thought your marth was good. Whenever I saw you playing others your Marth did well... Guess I wasn't watching enough. Good thing your fox is too good still :D
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Yea...actually, the only Marth he can't beat is mine. However, he knows the space animals and Shiek better than he knows Marth, so that's why he lost with him sometimes.

Just because Marth looks like the best character doesn't mean he is. In my opinion, the character can only do as much as its controller. Anyone of the new characters could look like the new best character in the game, it just all depends on who's using that character. When Lovo plays Link, everyone's gonna be in awe of Link, and they'll say, "Wow, Link is so much better than the other characters in this game." Or if Ken plays Marth, everyone will say, "Wow, Marth is by far the best character in the game." Or if Da_Shiz_Wiz plays ANY of the space animals they'll all say, "Wow, the spacey's are the best characters in the game." See? It's all a vicious cylce. In most cases, there is no best character in the game, it all depends on who the best controller of that character is. In some cases, like with Ness or Pichu, this does not apply, but mostly this is how it is. Fox was supposedly the best character in Melee by the tier list right? Well, I've never let a Fox player take me out of a tournament, and Marth is several places below Fox. It's all on the person playing the character, not the character itself.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Mmm. I agree to an extent, but overall I think otherwise, Erich. I think each character and each person has a certain potential, while certain characters' potential is larger than others. It's a directly proportional thing. Skill of a player is directly propotional to the potential ability of the character being used. Tiers are an implication of that potential in characters. If someone using their maximum physical skill with a character with more potential is fighting someone with the same maximum physical with a character with less potential, most like person A will win. However, that's where the whole "metagame" concept comes in. It gets layers deep.

Also, I see where you are coming from. I know in Melee Paul is better than me, yet I can still beat his Marth with my Doc, and sometimes even do well against his Fox. Then how come is it I always get so close to Erich but can never beat him or lose to Everett often when Paul is better than them? *shrug*

It doesn't matter now. There's a new day and age upon us... and I should have that by the time I get home from school >.> Or I better.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 18, 2007
...I think I'm losing it guys. All I think about is Brawl. I'm going crazy.

But yeah, I agree with you all to an extent. When I play Melee it seems that everyone does well with the space animals or Marth or Shiek, because they're high tier characters, and they're potential is greater. Needless to say, I've seen some insane people play as low or even bottom tier characters. It all depends on who is playing them. It's just that people will find it easier to get good at high tier characters.

But yeah, it better come it today, Davis. Or some ****'s gonna go down.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I agree with Kash to an extent. But it also depends on the skill of the player. HUGE EXAMPLES: Wobbles or Chu-Dat with lower tier IC's. Bum or Captain Jack with low tier Donkey Kong. Gimpyfish with Bowser. They all tear **** up and they are almost solely those characters. Bum and Gimpyfish will not play anyone else in tournament play and they destroy. Tires Don Exit my friends. There is a potential in skill but an even greater potential in players. And from the looks of it, in Brawl almost every character has a chance... Thank god lol


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Mmm. I agree to an extent, but overall I think otherwise, Erich. I think each character and each person has a certain potential, while certain characters' potential is larger than others. It's a directly proportional thing. Skill of a player is directly propotional to the potential ability of the character being used. Tiers are an implication of that potential in characters. If someone using their maximum physical skill with a character with more potential is fighting someone with the same maximum physical with a character with less potential, most like person A will win. However, that's where the whole "metagame" concept comes in. It gets layers deep.

Also, I see where you are coming from. I know in Melee Paul is better than me, yet I can still beat his Marth with my Doc, and sometimes even do well against his Fox. Then how come is it I always get so close to Erich but can never beat him or lose to Everett often when Paul is better than them? *shrug*

It doesn't matter now. There's a new day and age upon us... and I should have that by the time I get home from school >.> Or I better.
...I think I'm losing it guys. All I think about is Brawl. I'm going crazy.

But yeah, I agree with you all to an extent. When I play Melee it seems that everyone does well with the space animals or Marth or Shiek, because they're high tier characters, and they're potential is greater. Needless to say, I've seen some insane people play as low or even bottom tier characters. It all depends on who is playing them. It's just that people will find it easier to get good at high tier characters.

But yeah, it better come it today, Davis. Or some ****'s gonna go down.
I agree with Kash to an extent. But it also depends on the skill of the player. HUGE EXAMPLES: Wobbles or Chu-Dat with lower tier IC's. Bum or Captain Jack with low tier Donkey Kong. Gimpyfish with Bowser. They all tear **** up and they are almost solely those characters. Bum and Gimpyfish will not play anyone else in tournament play and they destroy. Tires Don Exit my friends. There is a potential in skill but an even greater potential in players. And from the looks of it, in Brawl almost every character has a chance... Thank god lol
Yeah, I agree to an extent.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
The simple reason that I can thing of Davis, is what i have learned through singing and through the musical. Is that some people do better with different things, like for example, I can high an octage G, but I can rarely hit the Octave F just because it is in my Drop zone range. However, my friend who doesn't sing much can hit that.
Okay maybe not a great comparison. But, I do better against people who aren't crazy.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Should be fun. Something I was laughing about with David, by a show of hands who uses wavedash often *waits...* What I'm getting at is besides with my IC's I never really used wavedashing. So the lack there of wont be too much of a difference. Will I miss it? Yes I think we all will. But it should be interesting seeing how everyone adjusts to not having it. I'm guessing we're going to see Neil's falco doing a lot of accidental jumps in brawl when he's meant to be waveshining/dashing :p


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Wavedashing will be easy to forget, with a different physics and look, your mind will be able to interpret the difference immediately. Maybe once or twice, but not too much.

As far as the tiers goes, you guys should know that tiers exist. While some people play really well with Mewtwo or Bowser, look at the other characters they play. They do alot better. A good player can pwn with a low tier. And with Donkey, he was just placed wrong in tiers, he can 0-death combo almost every character, I seriously think his tier rank is wrong. But as for like Gimpyfish, if you watch his Fox or something you'll see it is amazingly better then his bowser, just due to character move comparison. The high tiers are better because of the attacks given to them, the physics they take advantageous, and overall speed. Tiers don't say weather the character is more playable then another, they say which character is going to have a higher chance of winning a tournament. Kind of like the NY Giants were not supposed to beat the Patriots, yet it happened. The Patriots are a better team, all in all, but the Giants had certain advantages over that team, such as pressure control. Tiers exist everywhere, and it's all based on the specifics of the characters, not the people playing them. In my opinion.

So, anyways, Albq. ready to get pwnd by Durango soon? Give a date. Oh, and GoldenGlove, lets do a Mountain Dew match. We each give 1 2 liter of mountain dew to the match, winner takes all. That's right.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Pick a weekend Dark. just let everyone here know in advance. I want to be there to see that lol. And nice speech about tiers. o true and meaningful. But the tiers will be different in brawl in my opinion until people find out those really REALLY cheap tricks with characters. I heard someone already found an infinite with Pikachu! If you thunder against a wall its an infinite or something like that. Wow huh?


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
The new DI system is great tho, it doesn't allow for infinites because none of the attacks hold attributes that completely cancel DI or draw you in closer (excluding Pikachu's thunder XD) but tiers will still exist, not quite so much tho. I can't wait to see the speed of the game increase, especially Sonic. Tiers will be different in that the ability to confuse other players are there. Since advanced tactics aren't in yet, I want to see some of the intense warping strategies that come out (like falcos lasering being twice as fast, and his shine extending for a perfect edgeguard XD).

And I'll go ahead and give you guys a week in advanced. Maybe two. I'm trying to figure everything out, I think we are doing Brawl doubles for the tournament because it's amazingly new and noone should have an upperhand with experience (by much anyway) and the crews are for Melee. (That's the test of ultimate skillz right there ^.^)

So, as for the food and all that, I'm gonna be providing all of your drink and if you choose to stay, nightly needs, but hunger is your own issue. MM your way to food if you must.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Well for one thing, Paul's really not even that much, if at all, better than me. We're more equal. Neither of us have been able to really outstrip the other. If I have a bad day, or if I'm tired, which is usually the case every FREAKIN' day, then he wins. Maybe better worded as UBER tired. If he has a bad day, or is tired then I win.

I do agree with you Davis, and that's why I put the example of people like Ness or Pichu, or even Pikachu, Mewtwo, Young Link or others like them. Those kinds of characters just don't have enough potential to really get you to the very top. They can bring you pretty far, but if you play Pichu, I'm sorry you're NEVER going to beat my Marth. All characters have a certain amount of potential, and I believe that the controller of that potential is who wins the match. A character can only go so far without having its full potential unleashed. If the players knows their character inside and out, that's what I believe makes the true difference. That potential cannot be unlocked if the controller of that potential just plays, or doesn't tap into it.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Ha ha those matches were awesome :) How the heck did you pull off the Up Smash spike with Pichu!!!!

Oh and Kash just text me (along with everyone else I bet) he has Brawl finally!


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2005
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
It's called the metagame.

"The metagame refers to a number of different things. First, there can be a player versus player metagame, which two players who may have a significant skill gap overall happen to have close matches due to repetition of play (experience) and knowledge of the other person’s tactics. The second is the overall level a person plays at, usually referred to in a generality, like the high level metagame. Lastly the metagame, as a definition, is how a person thinks during a match, similar to the term mind games."

In other words, two players can have a huge skill gap between the two but end up having close matches. This is all because the two are familiar with each others playstyles. This would probably explain why you do so well against me Davis but then struggle when you play either Sinz or Erich. Perhaps you are just familiar with my playstyle more than theirs. Don't be discouraged by this, I have the utmost respect for you as a smasher. This can be applied to everyone.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Ha, wow. Thanks for those words of encouragement, Paul. I'm glad to see everyone voiceing their opinions, and no one immaturely putting anyone else down.

And yes, I do have Brawl now. Omg, right?

It's absolutely amazing. GoldenGlove, me, and three other friends played it. I didn't sleep at all. I think the only characters I haven't unlocked are Toon Link, ROB, Wolf, and G&W. I unlocked Sonic this morning at around 6:30 AM.

If you have any questions about the game, let me know. Otherwise, let's set up our play day, shall we?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 18, 2007
I have but one question, Davis. WHEN CAN I PLAY?

It's an interesting question at that, since I'm grounded. Get on AIM after school anyway, I'd like to get some impressions. I have A LOT of questions and I don't want to ask them all here for sake o' spoilers. It'd be one gigantic black box. XP


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Lol fear the big black box of temptation!!! hey Kash. What time are you out of school on Monday thru Wednesday? You go till 2:30 or have early release


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, this Friday I have an inservice. Monday I can get out as early as 1:25, same as Wednesday. Tuesday it is 6:00 and Friday I have another inservice, and another inservice that Monday.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Ha, wow. Thanks for those words of encouragement, Paul. I'm glad to see everyone voiceing their opinions, and no one immaturely putting anyone else down.

And yes, I do have Brawl now. Omg, right?

It's absolutely amazing. GoldenGlove, me, and three other friends played it. I didn't sleep at all. I think the only characters I haven't unlocked are Toon Link, ROB, Wolf, and G&W. I unlocked Sonic this morning at around 6:30 AM.

If you have any questions about the game, let me know. Otherwise, let's set up our play day, shall we?

Gonna be straight up honest this musical has taught me alot of things, I try not be as muich of an *** to you guys now. Seriously, if you come to my play(
which you will
) just listen to the words of the song, A bit of earth. It is a symbolic song.

By the way, you guys are coming right?


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Sinz: I'm trying to get off the night but since its lent right now my work is slammed all week long for 2 months :'(

Kash: Hey maybe on a monday I can head over to your place and show you how sonic is meant to be played lol (or get my faced owned in)


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
If I have a bad day, or if I'm tired, which is usually the case every FREAKIN' day, then he wins. Maybe better worded as UBER tired. If he has a bad day, or is tired then I win.
Hate to say it Erich but its just another John there (now hear me out before you threaten to kick my *** inside out lol). You could easily be the best in state consistently and you could easily be twice as good as you are now, but everytime something doesn't go your way in a match you start making excuses in your mind as to why you're playing worse and, in turn, start playing worse. An example of this would be with your match against Lovo at the invite. You were doing great, it was close, but you lost. So you start saying how you lost interest and then you played worse. (Again I'm not trying to be mean). This happenes a lot in your case, so with Brawl if you lose that mindset and picj up more of a "I can do better in the next match or last stock" mindset you will be pro status.

And Paul, the metagame you described is a good example between Lewis and I. We are even in every way in my opinion but then at the higher skill matches I can hold my own or win and Lewis gets 2 or 3 stocked.

I'm off to take a Calc quiz, peace.

Oh and kash, props


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Ey guys, some Brawl impressions! Firstly, and I know this has been said a ton, but this is NOT melee 2.0. Don't expect any of your melee skills to carry over at all, unless you're playing Marth, or to a lesser extent Sheik. Now then, by character:

Diddy is a combo machine, his attacks come out fast and seemed to have quite a bit of priority. He actually killed better than I expected him to. Though, "better than expected" for Diddy still means he won't be killing until 110%+, even longer of you spam his stronger attacks. Overall, he has the combo ability of Melee's Fox without the gimp kill ability. So you're looking at high-tier, I believe.

Ganondorf is the character I played with the most. A lot of people are saying he's bad, but I think you just have to play him differently than melee Ganon (but who knows, I could already be suffering from the low tier player "Nuh-uh, my character rocks!" complex). He's way more ground-based than melee Ganondorf. His tilts are essentially smashes, and they have very little start-up time (minus utilt). His ftilt and fair were killing as low as 90%. Pretty much all his other moves are KO moves as well, with dash attack killing in the 110-120 range. Ohhhh, and his side-b. Force Choke mother****er. It's amazing. He doesn't fall down if he misses, so you have time to shield, roll away, whatever. He grabs the ledge if you do it off the side, so you have free reign to do it anywhere on the stage. It's relatively easy to chase from as well. Barring all that, Ganon's still very slow and laggy. It's all about knowing where your opponent wants to be and ****ing them up as they get there. In my experience with him, I'd put him in Mid-tier.

Toon Link is more Luigified than I thought. His bair, nair, and fair are all unique. His bair seemed to be one of his best moves, it came out incredibly quickly and virtually no lag. I like his fsmash better than Link's, because the first hit sucks them into the second, more damaging hit. So, Toon Link is fast, fun, and semi-original, but overall he just lacks range and KO ability. Maybe it's just a matter of me not being able to play effectively with him, but I'd rank him low-tier (which, in this game, still means fairly good and playable).

R.O.B. is absolutely insane. Just press a direction and a button and chances are you'll be doing something that interrupts your opponent while simultaneously setting them up for comboage. All of his moves seemed useful, a godsend given the fact that spamming select attacks is discouraged by the damage system. His only real disadvantage is his size. I'd easily place him in high tier.

Lucario is not at ALL a worthy replacement to Mewtwo. That's just my two cents, and that's all I have to say about him. I only played him a couple of times before I decided he was not my thing.

Marth seems to be the character most similar to his melee counterpart. All your fair approaches, uair juggling, nair interrupting, etc. still work. Also, his uair has killing potential, and his usmash will send them up no matter where you hit with it. His recovery got an inherent buff because of ledge-snapping. His only real nerf is his range, but that's not enough to keep him from high tier.

Ike is an absolute beast (power-wise). I lost barely any of the 4-way brawls I entered as him. He doesn't seem too terrible in 1v1 either. He has a select few attacks (side-b, utilt, bair, amongst others) that come out rather quickly and set up for his more time-consuming attacks. Really though, any attack you do with Ike is going to be satisfying and devestating if it connects. The whole damage-decreases as you spam attacks thing also doesn't hurt him too much, since all of his attacks are quite powerful. Overall I'd put Ike in Mid-tier with fellow heavy hitter Ganondorf.

Those are the characters I spent any substantial amount of time with. Note that this is all personal observation and opinion, and is all subject to change.

Another note: Items and FSes are very, very fun. But also very, very gamebreaking. Sooo I've pretty much taken the stance of no items or FSes in competitive Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
How does regular link play when compared to melee?

Oh and the question I've been wondering since I heard they were back: can you still desynch the Ice Climbers!? If you dont know how to do that, all you have to do is spot dodge and while dodging hold B. How are they mobility wise without wavedashing?
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Nice observations page Steven. I look forward to playing Brawl. It's gonna be a blast.

There's a technique someone discovered that's like wavedashing, but it's a little different because it's like doing a dash-dance in the form of a wavedash. You turn around during the slide. It's really weird. They still don't know how to do it though. Hahaha.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2007
Erich's right, they made videos kind of.

And from what I hear Peach is still pretty much the same, with a little less "yum". But the the glide cancel turnip dash grab, she could quite easily pick up some more interesting techniques, and be top tier.

And GoldenGlove, would you spend some time with Falco/Fox/Wolf and tell me some comparisons you saw? And also please give me a couple of cool things you found. Also, if you get time, you should mess around with Peach and/or Poke'mon Trainer (I've been way curious, gotta be some cool recovery methods with pokemon switching, or something of the sort).

A brawl doubles tourney is gonna be amazing, and we have projectors with another copy of the game, so everyone should be able to play. (Oh, and GoldenGlove, sorry if I came off a little overhung the other day with my ****talking, 24 mountain dews in such a short time period makes me ancy. Still can't wait for a Melee money match ^.^)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 28, 2007
Oh man, I can't believe you have it... That's awesome... Playing with all of the new characters must be so awesome ****.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
Ha ha kick *** stuff there. I can't wait to get my hands on it. When should we have the first brawl monthly?


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Meow... I'm the one who owns Brawl, not Steven, and I was going to give my impressions yesterday but I left school and I would now but I'm going to work, so I will when I get back. I was just getting on to ask who is coming over? My number is 505-554-6123. You can CALL or TEXT me whenever.

By the way, Olimar is God Tier. More on that later (I've been manly playing only Olimar and Wolf).
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