Chukks, RPG, take a good look at this thread. Except for the ones who are brutal. Seriously, AlphaBravo?
I am not a huge typist so I will keep this short. (I lied)
RPG, don't think that what they are saying is unwarranted.
We were promised Crews, Doubles, and Singles. I am a bit disappointed that this Singles tournament was going to be Single Elim, but by the graces of ALB it became Double Elim.
What you must understand when planning tournaments is the community you are catering to. The types of tournament you expect us "big names" to attend has to be a pure tournament, not a mix. This was an exception tournament, I know, but if the Madden Challenge guys say "HEY. COME JOIN! LOTTA PEOPLE!" don't be tempted for a big turnout cause, honestly, a smashfest with our closest friends down the street, is just as enjoyable as playing with a bunch of scrubby people who think they can hang.
Don't take this wrong, my man, but this is a smash community that thrives off smash. All three forms. It would be best not to advertise a tournament on here unless its straight up smash based. Sure you can play other games, but smash is the priority on this board. So unless you feel that you can cater to other groups, cool, but smashers like to know that what they are going 4 hours to is worth going to.
Pros and Cons I can state about this tournament.
Seeing old faces
Regulated Pot
Random Raffle Lol
We finished on time...kinda lol
False Advertisements of events (Don't Promise what you can't keep. You are not the president, you aren't allowed to get away with it. :D)
Poor time management (Im for blame a bit for that, but the tournament time should have changed if this was the case, I gave fair warning when I was coming in.)
Poor Venue management (I would have said Eff no if there wasnt enough room to move or not enough set ups. I am not sure what the normal venue is in town, but I kid you not, NMSU has that one room that could handle a tourney and then some. It was a great place for a tournament. Better than That other venue)
TO Management and skills (When holding a tournament, your job is to listen to others and put what they suggest into action. Light has been playing longer than I have, and Older. Light left a tournament before for bad TO management and I was their to see it first hand. To bite your guest's head off on being a bit ticked off that things weren't promised and things are not as it should be, is bad. We have come from hundreds of miles to have a good time. Don't treat guests like this. Likewise, I dunno if this is true, but Ill say it anyway, just in case. If it doesn't apply to you, don't worry about it. Hand's off the bracket after the tournament starts.)
Change of venue (Yea...Now, if I had a car, I wouldn't have cared one bit. But I'm on a bus. I wish when I called GameKnights (GK), they could have gave me a mention this may have occurred before I got the ticket. I'd rather not have to do that again.)
Overall, the tourney was a C- for me. The way Tucson tournaments are run is the best way for a state tournament to be ran. I'd invite NM to Tucson, if they be willing for the trip. I also would invite RPG and Pink to come as well so they know how a tournament is ran, since Okami does a damn good job at it.
I don't mind going back to LC for other things than smash because I like to hang out with people and do other random things like that. But as far as pure smashing is concerned, it'd be best if some kinks are worked out, or at least Tucson or ALB handle it.
Or I could come to LC and run a tourney and invite the state. I helped run SAST2, Im a boss. :D
I think the latter half of the statement is true, ya. However, he did run 4 at once. All completed on time. I say he did decently well :D