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Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Workin' on it.

So... this topic is awfully quite, ya... >.>

Erich... I abso-freaking-lutely need my wallet A.S.A.P.

If you haven't mailed it yet, DON'T!

I'll just come over there myself to get it. I need my ID.

Also, Kendric (Mitsurento) and Steven (GoldenGlove) spent the night recently and I recorded a few matches. I'm trying to get them tuned up and then I'll post them on youtube, here, and in the video discussion.

...Keep in mind my Fox is in a horrible stage as of now.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Not Youtube! Anything Else! No Youtube!


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2006
Albuquerque NM
sweet, i hope to see ur vids soon. So not too much longer, i hope everyone is spreading the word

Hey erich or sinz, can u make some flyers or something, to post places and stuff. I think that might work as well


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Rofl. Why not youtube? I'll probably do Google Video, too.

Sinz, around how much does a capture card cost?
Around 130$. If you already have it on your camcorder just use a firewire(5$)
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
We'll see ABP, we'll see. Having a GCN doesn't really help nearly as much as you may think it will. But whatever, that's just me.

True Kash. I was going to run it to your house when I go to visit my grandma sometime, but that's a whenever matter, so maybe you should come and get it. My parents are sometimes inconsiderate and don't know how valuable some things are to people. Anyways...

Yea we can make fliers ABP, I thought Joe would be smart enough to do that himself but whatever...yea sure we'll do it.

Not YouTube because Sinz has YouTube blocked from his computer. Looking forward to these vids my friend.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2006
Albuquerque NM
k, joe would of made them, but he has no colored ink, so he wants them to look good. And lol what do u mean, having a GCN won't help are u crazy? how do u think sinz got better? just sitting there... lol. And u wouldn't be able to know, cause uve never not had a GCN either. But whatev.

So basically i only caught the ending of the saturday naruto episode, i was pretty mad


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I was smashing, so I didn't see it at all, lol.

K, Erich. Kendric and I will probably come pick it up. And it's not that it is incredibly valuable to me, I could wait until the tournament, but I have my ID in there, and I need that to check out a chemistry book, and without my chemistry book I'm falling behind in that class... very, very rapidly.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho

Of course I know what I am talking about ABP. You'll just have to wait and see what I meant by that freaking weird sounding post, I know...having a GCN does help, yes, but...nevermind, it's too complicated for me and my apparantly puny brain to form into words. I'm too lazy right now to sit and think about it. But yea, whatever. ABP, I also have a GCN is part of what I meant, so no matter how much better you get, I'm just as capable of getting that good as well, I just never really made Smash a priority in life, so I have a happy-go-lucky demeanor about it. But whenever I decide to change that outlook, I'm just as capable as you are.

He doesn't have colored ink?!? How does he survive?!? OMFG!!!! OK, I'll print off some fliers tomorrow, I gots some other stuff to do right now, but whatever. I'll try and get some by tomorrow, so I can hand you and Joe some of them, and then give some to Sinz and Joe can give them to Donald, and Donald can give some to Alex, and...and....yea.

And this announcement goes for all of NM; we all need to bring camcorders to the tourney, and tape as many matches as possible. I don't care what's wrong with the camcorders, because if there is something wrong with them, then we have an ENTIRE FREAKING MONTH to get them fixed, now don't we?:teeth: :smash: :ouch:


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lol, fliers. Man, I'm going to get ***** at this tournament. I'll hopefully win at least one match =/ You guys will help me, though, right :urg:

As for your statement about Smash, I completely agree, Erich. That's how my entire nature is. Usually I'm a laid back guy who tries not to make too many priorities and, for the most part, is pretty lazy, but if I set my mind to something or I want to do it, so help me GOD, no one will stop me.

As for the camcorder situation, I'm all over that. I can boast about five hours of footage =) Assuming I have a place to charge my batteries, that is. But yeah, I'll get as many matches as possible, and then I'll send the files to someone more video editing capable than I. But, however, I don't have a capture card OR a tripod. How much do those cost?
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Depends on the type. If you have a camcorder then a capture card is not necessary. Just get a fire-wire to upload the matches directly from your camcorder to the computer. Ask a technical expert like BACH for help on that. Just PM him with a title like Can you help me with posting vids? Something that's direct and to the point so he knows what you're talking about, and he doesn't discard it. Five hours is a lot of footage Kash, that's excellent. I don't recall hearing such good news in a while. At least we know that you can tape a lot of the matches. Good stuff, good stuff. Can you come pick your wallet up sometime, or do you need help retrieving it?
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
As for your statement about Smash, I completely agree, Erich. That's how my entire nature is. Usually I'm a laid back guy who tries not to make too many priorities and, for the most part, is pretty lazy, but if I set my mind to something or I want to do it, so help me GOD, no one will stop me.
Well said Kash. Well said. Especially the last part, how true it is.

Of course we'll help you in the tourney. In fact, many of us fellow NM'ers will watch some of your matches and give you points after or before you play. More afterwards because then we can see what you did wrong and tell you what to work on, eh? Don't give advise during matches, it's not allowed...EVER! Even though this isn't MLG, just don't do it. But yea, we'll help you. How else could you improve??


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Erich, they haven't made that official. People were just being idiots.

btw, I am ****ing happy right now!

GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNGRAVE OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
Thanks for the support Erich =). You can begin helping us by watching and critiquing these matches. (I post them here because Davis'll probably make a thread about them later today)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKKko2npTqo (Peach Vs. Fox FD)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhKZB-LAimQ (Peach Vs. Fox DL64)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VV6ayT-t6c (Y. Link vs. G&W FD)
P.S. Sorry Sinz, youtube...
P.P.S. I know, I have really, really, REALLY stupid suicides in both matches, one of which cost me the match =(
P.P.P.S. Here's some melees just for fun


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
you *******. google.video them. NOW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That really sucks.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, I can already upload the videos to my computer with a USB cable, but yes, a firewire would be perferrable. I also have a Panasonic... GS-300, I think? I know it's 300, though. I'll just get a tripod and a firewire, probably. And yeah, actually, if I have an outlet I can use, I can have infinite battery... but it's a little wirey, so I'd like to avoid that if possible.

And, I appreciate it Erich. I can only do so much on my own, AND I need human interaction to improve. Worthless computers. And on top of that there is only so much you can do in training mode. Hopefully I can make it past round one, heh.


I'll post the videos on Google Video sooner or later. And I've already improved a lot since those matches. Or, I'd like to think I have... mentally I have... =)

Also, I'll be calling you in a second to see if you're home, Erich. Kendric and I are going to come over to pick up my wallet if you are. Hope to see you soon :)


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2006
Albuquerque NM
hey, can anymore people bring tv's? if this gets as big of a turnout we might need more tv's and cubes, so mabey if kendric or david can bring some, that could be helpful, or if anyone else can. mabey like 2 more tv's and 3 cubes if possible
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Cool. See you in a minute.

I'll watch the vids soon. Sometime this week...

Of course GG, I'll always help you guys out.

Oh my gosh!!! I hear Sonny's gotten better!!! This is most DEFINITELY an exciting revelation. As soon as I heard that, I felt fire course through my veins like crazy!! My body and SOUL are SCREAMING at me!!!! "Erich, start practicing like mad, like you did when you first joined Smashboards!!!! And I'm going to do it, I feel like I need to practice, the need to get better is driving me absolutely CRAZY!!!! I feel a desire, stronger than I've felt in a while, to play Smash, to get better at it and to play competitively!! I feel way hyper...I need to play somebody to get it all out...help me Sinz!!!!

Am I already bringing a T.V ABP? Or just a GCN?


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
It's okay, Erich. Just calm down, and watch out for those spiders man, they'll get ya ;)

Steven, Kendric, David, and I are going to be practicing up the *** three weeks before the tournament. A sleepover every weekend filled with Smash goodness. Should I try and get good enough with a secondary character so that I can compete on a competitive level with two characters? If so, who?
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Pshh!! Whatever. I could get into long discussions about anime, and what is better than what, but I won't.

Anyways...I'll try and watch your guys' matches sometime during this week.

I got another one on me last night Kash!! It was big, and...and ewww!! I flicked it off because I had no idea what it was, then I asked my friend to turn the ligths on for a minute, becuase we were all doing a movie night, and WHOAA!!! That thing was WAAAAYYYYY bigger than what its shadow made it appeared to be. You could see it moving, and then you turn the light on and you can see the whole thing, and it was HUGE!!! It was a grey, white one, and I've never seen anything like it before. IT WAS THE MOST DISGUSTING AND GROSS THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! I was very creeped out why such a spider would be in his house...:scared:


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I don't mention anything important in this post. Just talking about spiders and my dreams last night. So if you don't feel like reading, move along.

Oh ****! That sucks Erich. I ought to send you into my attic/crawlspace someday. Crazy paranoid German used to live in my house before me, and in the crawl space there is this drop downs pot inbetween two walls in the relative locatoin of the hallway. My parents and I think it was used for weed or something, but now... oh, it's not used for illegal substances anymore. One day my dad's friend was in the crawlspace to help us hook up some eletrical stuff, blah blah. He almost fell down it, and he was like, "Woah." He looked down the crawl space, and he saw nothing but white... and black. And that was without his flashlight on. He turned it on, and there were the hugest freaking spiderwebs you had ever seen everywhere. And there must've been at least fifteen different species of spiders. I mean, MY GOD, there was a lot of spiders. So, basically, I can say I have a hive of spiders in my wall O.o We just leave them alone because they leave us alone. Just think about if we sprayed them. OMG THERE WOULD BE SPIDERS EVERYWHERE! Scary.

Anyways, I had the coolest/weirdest dream... like, holy crap. In case you guys didn't know, you have mutliple dreams when you sleep, you just usually remember the most recent one, if any at all. This is because you have multiple REM periods throughout the night, depending on how long you sleep. Anyways, I remember two of my dreams, and they were kind of spliced into one. First one was pretty normal. I was playing Melee with Kendric and Steven, and I forgot how, but I had a Wii controller. I think I won it in a contest or something, but I had no Wii. Then Miyamoto came to my door while we were playing Smash, asked me dad if we play Smash, he said yes, and Miyamoto handed him a Wii and Brawl to give to me as a present. However, my dad wouldn't give it to me. It started giving me this huge ol' lecture on how I need to take care of it, blah blah. I was getting really pissed, because if I had a Wii it would be my ultimate baby. I would take care of it as though it were my soul. So things went on like that. End of dream #1

Dream number two was odd... It mainly took place on the streets and in and around my school (Keep in mind in the dream it didn't look like Albuquerque nor like Manzano high school). Apparently there was this one "haunted house" and people kept walking behind continuelly and randomly kept getting pointed at/chosen by some guy in a... argh, what's those white masks called? You know, like the one that's sad and the one that's happy that are used to represent plays sometimes. Whatever. He had one of those on. And then this red door would appear, and he would invite you. They would make you feel call comfortable and stuff... but then when your guard was down they'd do something strange to you and you wouldn't see that person again. I saw this happen to someone, the guy chose him, he walked in, and I was like, "Woah." Then the guy turned around and pointed at me and the red door appeared. So I got the heck out of there. But I kept getting haunted by these white fuzzy sillhoutte. I can't remember much about them from the dream, but I remember they weren't good and they were kind of creepy... actually, real creepy. Eventually one of them got ahold of me and like transported me into this weird area. It looked normal at first, but it was infested with these unearthly bugs and hives and stuff. And there were several doors around. I went around closing all the doors which like... weakened their power. Then I got out of there. Then one night I was like, "Enough with this crap." So I went back to the red door, and the masked guy sucked me through the door. It looked like a house. A large, nice house, but it was odd and distorted at the same time. And there were masked like things everywhere. And they started coming up to me, so I pulled what I had brought with me, this sarerated swordbreaker, and I started slashing at them, but it went right through them. So I slashed at their faces and started cutting off their masks, and that pissed them off. And then I started killing them, and they went from semi-friendly, to really pissed. More came at me as I wondered through the house, they got more vicious and aggressive. Eventually they became really hard to kill. They started taking on the forms of Tazmanian devils, children, and dogs. I killed like their guard pet and three children or so and got out. And the hunt was one. They started hunting me everywhere. I went back to school and tried having a normal time, until one day a saw one of the trails that those white fuzzy things leave behind on the cieling, and it looked like me. I about pissed myself. I got up there and started ripping off the layers of the cieling saying, "This isn't me. I wasn't here. This isn't me. I wasn't here." I eventually got scared that I would come across something and get owned, 'cause I was nervous and scared, so I left to go get one of my friends. We eventually found one of those doors, but instead, it was in our world. I got a huge group of friends and people to follow me through the door. We all went through, got prepared, and my friend, Thomas, said, "Let's go kick some ***." And my dream stopped, or at least, from what I can remember. Some other random stuff happened, but I'm not sure it was part of that dream or after it. But yeah... if you dreamt it you would've thought it was cool, but scary. One of my better dreams in awhile. Sorry, I suck at explaining, and I left out quite a few details, so don't complain that that is long =P


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Holy crap man, I've practiced so much Smash today I'm surprised I'm not bleeding from the eyes. Let's see here, I didn't work on my Fox too much, but I did work on my Dr. Mario a lot, Link, a little Ice Climbers, Game and Watch, and Marth.

You'll be really happy with my Doc now, C-J. At least, I hope @.@

I haven't no one to play today to see if I can really use the techs I practiced with. Computers aren't the best =/


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
I had a dream where Sasuke was standing in the middle of care-alot and on of the car-bears cut off his head with a rainbow (I think it was the Rainbow Carebear) and all the carebears said "Must. kill. everybody. in Naruto."

Wierdest dream ever.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dear GOD. Worst character screen ever. It makes my eyes bleed just thinking about it.

Anyways. Gaara is hacks. I swear. He gets up and walks away like Rock Lee didn't do anything to him. -.-

EDIT: And a inch or two of sand does NOT cushion a five hundred mile hour slam into marble tile at all!


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
ey, I told you it was ********. :ohwell:

Gaara is a Dues ex in disguse. Plus he is made out of chocolate and sand.

It is also wierd that he has a kanji letter of "love" above his eye, and "Gaara" means hate or something in Japanese.
Sep 6, 2005
Rexburg, Idaho
Gaara's stupid. I hate him. Unfortunately for him, Gaara has to fight Naruto sometime soon in the episodes...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Anyways, I think that Rock Lee should have won. Oh and if Naruto says something, then you knows it's gonna happen. He said that it's not true that Rock Lee can't fight anymore, so OBVIOUSLY Rock Lee's going to be able to fight again. In fact, he does, and then he fights this bauhhhhhh...oops. I'm shutting up now.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2006
Albuquerque NM
Gaara's stupid. I hate him. Unfortunately for him, Gaara has to fight Naruto sometime soon in the episodes...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Anyways, I think that Rock Lee should have won. Oh and if Naruto says something, then you knows it's gonna happen. He said that it's not true that Rock Lee can't fight anymore, so OBVIOUSLY Rock Lee's going to be able to fight again. In fact, he does, and then he fights this bauhhhhhh...oops. I'm shutting up now.
lol i already saw that episode too lol. Or at least i think i did. I watched it in Japanese, it was great


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Yeah, I know. And besides, Rock Lee is too hardcore not to fight again. I mean, Gaara is cool and all, but he really pisses me off. When Gaara fights Naruto doesn't he like... go demon form or something?


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Gaara name means demon. The Shukaku is the demon that lives inside of him getting stronger and stronger. Naruto is his counterpart! He used the frog boss! Who doesn't want to fight at first because him and Naruto hadn't had a drink together. !
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