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New IC infinate NPCing


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I am confident that Ice Climbers are my best character, and it does indeed make a difference. This is the confidence gimpy has, but he doesn't believe bowser should be higher Tier, although I do think IC should move up one above falcon but eh.

But I am very confident that Marth is a better character overall and has less bad match ups. Hense why everyone under the sun is using him lately.

I dont think of the infinite as an infinite I think of it as a 40-death gimp. Same as a 4% shine spike on falcon, or 20% throw poke spike from Marth. Or Marth's chainthrow vs Spacies. Sheiks grab vs half the cast. Ice Climbers grabs are powerful the wobbles is arguably their best grab move, but even still the character itself is STILL at a disadvantage in many match ups, in fact vs Marth and Peach there aren't even viable grab combos when you do manage to grab them.

Since you are so keen on showing videos that only prove your side of the argument, this may be an eye opener to the don't get grabbed.

Azen vs Chu (battlefield)

Chu Dat vs Azen's Marth on Congo

Notice the ammount of potential wobbles in both of these matches combined was 1 that one wobble was during the second match at over 100% where chu chose to get the kill with a grab smash making that potential wobble irrelivant.

Ice climbers have very poor aerial mobility they dont have a lot of directions they can take things in the air, you limit their choices, and often you make them desynch while jumping around after you. Azen knows how to fight against ICs, he knows how to not get grabbed, and he is on Chu's level of play so this is a better example than watching Chu play people he is better than.

And since you cant seem to think of a match where he beat a good player with Pika, I've seen Chu counter pick Cort with Pikachu on Mute City during EVO. Also he counter picked Ken's Marth with Young Link and took Ken down to 1 stock, YL for top Tier I guess.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
It's not about not having confidence in your character, it's about being realistic.

You gotta know your character's weaknesses. Playing to reduce to impact of these weaknesses will prevent you from getting *****.

And Mow should stop complaining. Don't get grabbed is not stupid at all, we're not talking about Marth/Sheik here we're talking about the Ice Climbers. If you get grabbed it just means that the IC player is better than you... and Chu is better than 99% in the country so expect to see your *** get grabbed and Wobbled when you play him.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
I don't think I've ever seen you make a constructive post. Way to keep the legend alive!
I know I'm late on this but, I must say I have always had a certain amount of respect for Wobbles. He's a very smart guy and can manipulate language to make otherwise boring posts entertaining.

But this was just you calling someone out, and pretty much asking to be flamed, especially since Wobbling is of course a disputed issue.

If everyone in the world said Wobbling was legal, then maybe Mow should have thought twice before making a post saying it's "gay." But it turns out that ~ 50% of smashers share his belief, so really you were wrong to even start anything with him.

Also, the post about the hobos was good, a little over the top but that's what makes you you. After that, you were just picking fights and being childish. So IMO, you lost a good bit of respect.

Neal did the classy thing when he revealed the tactic and then stopped posting. Getting on a high horse is very ugly, and I suggest that you think twice before doing it again at the risk of the respect of people who hold you in high esteem.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
if you don't have confidence in your character, you can't be a good player of that character.

If you think confidence and proficiency have no direct impact on each other, you don't know enough to argue with me. Go tell it to a falco player.

I completely agree with you Mow. I have a lot of confidence in my Roy, Climbers, and Falcon. I can honestly say that low/no confidence can mostly result in a bad day of smash in terms of performance. Oh and so Naka didn't want to type a full-blown college report on NPCing like Wobbles would, that shouldn't mean that everyone should get on his *** about it. He did disclose enough info in his first post for us to be able to figure it out, it just required a little patience, research, and trying it out for ourselves to figure it out. Finally, if anyone here doesn't like using IC infinites, then either concentrate on their other strengths + ur mindgamez or use someone else, simple.

Sorry you had to put up with all of the BS Naka. >.>


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
how about mow stfu and leave the thread alone instead of just generally being so closeminded that you cant agree with anyone but yourself, if you want a personal argument: use PMs.

if you want to discuss pros & cons of wobbling, create an appropriate topic or a poll

or hell if you really wana piss people off in large numbers, you just keep it up son

Deleted member

so what you really said was:

"mow **** you. do not give any refutation because if you argue me you're just being provocative and not actually making any points. You also cannot reply to my blatant insult to defend yourself."

I have no intention of making personal arguments, but I won't sit by idly and allow people to insult me. I've listed several reasons why I think the IC infinite should be banned, but it seems no one reads them.

edit: since when do people in the UK refer to anyone as "son".


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
lmao, But it does seem you'll gladly sit there idly, insulting others and expect no reply?
I make no personal arguments, but i wont sit by and watch you talk out of your ***, talking down to members of this forum if they don't agree with your logic. Maybe you should question why your post count is disgustingly high also, because you talk noone listens

Besides, if people don't read them, don't get your panties in a bunch, chill out and take the discussion somewhere else instead. If you don't NEED to post, don't post to bring up the same points every time a nd up your own ****ing ego.

Also, insulting where i come from? If you wana stoop any lower, go ahead sir talk won't phase my argument. I'm sorry i didn't know british smashers had to ask your permission to use a word like 'son'. Do you know our dialect? No. So gtfo im done with this thread


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2007
Naples, FL
I know I'm late on this but, I must say I have always had a certain amount of respect for Wobbles. He's a very smart guy and can manipulate language to make otherwise boring posts entertaining.

But this was just you calling someone out, and pretty much asking to be flamed, especially since Wobbling is of course a disputed issue.

If everyone in the world said Wobbling was legal, then maybe Mow should have thought twice before making a post saying it's "gay." But it turns out that ~ 50% of smashers share his belief, so really you were wrong to even start anything with him.

Also, the post about the hobos was good, a little over the top but that's what makes you you. After that, you were just picking fights and being childish. So IMO, you lost a good bit of respect.

Neal did the classy thing when he revealed the tactic and then stopped posting. Getting on a high horse is very ugly, and I suggest that you think twice before doing it again at the risk of the respect of people who hold you in high esteem.

scar ur an idiot... wobbles can justify his actions, if u ask me wobbles and speed are right in this argument. if u have a cool new move/infinate and dont want to tell anyone about it then keep it to yourself and win a tourny with it so u can be recognized. but u could never do that so u figured u would run off ur mouth (or fingures in this case).

i know ill prolly get flamed for this post but i main doc and ic are my second and when there is an argument in the doc forums u just gotta remind everyone doc nor the ic are top tier. u dont see either of them 2 winning a whole lot of tournies. its just fox, falco, marth ect... so stop fighting and stick together and help each other so ic can start winning tournyes help each other dont flame!!!



Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
don't start a post with "ur an idiot" then finish with "make love not war"

i also don't see why people can't seem to say "i disagree" or even "you're wrong" without arriving at the conclusion that the person they're disagreeing with is an idiot


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
don't start a post with "ur an idiot" then finish with "make love not war"

i also don't see why people can't seem to say "i disagree" or even "you're wrong" without arriving at the conclusion that the person they're disagreeing with is an idiot
LOL good point.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
if u ask me wobbles and speed are right in this argument.
First of all, great point by Pocky, but I don't mind being called an idiot if I deserve it. However I have no idea what I'm being called an idiot for, since you just said that and moved on.

I never said Wobbles was wrong, I think he's right too, Naka was having fun at the expense of others which isn't the coolest thing to do. So Wobbles should have just said, "Don't taunt us," and ended it.

Instead, he said that and looked really cool, but then went on to pick fights with Naka, Renth, and Mow. Even if Wobbles was right during all of the ensuing arguments, my point is that Wobbles egged Naka on after he admitted that what he was doing was simply for his own entertainment.

So I mean, it kind of seems like we're more or less in agreement here, sk8tinGam0r. Except for the fact that "8" accounts for the "t" since it is Eight and so your name SHOULD be Sk8inGam0r... or Skating Gamer.

Summary: Wobbles can justify coming in here and putting Naka in his place, but cannot justify continually attacking someone who has more/less admitted that he was being a jerk, nor can he justify flaming Mow's post and then expecting not to get flamed back.

Also for claiming higher intellectual ground. Wobbles and Mow were essentially saying the same things, except they have different styles. Anyone on said intellectual high ground can see through the "gays" and take away something meaningful. Mow pulling the "undergrad vocab" card was simply a response to Wobbles's implications that Mow is somehow intellectually inferior.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2006
Norwalk, CA
Meh, People complain about a single tactic that any of the top 7 characters have... It's just more of peoples' opinion...

(and its not that hard to not get grabbed...)


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2007
Naples, FL
i called u an idiot cause u go and say there right then say how u lost respect for him. how do u say there right, then lose respect? makes no sense. and he did say it nice the first time then got flamed.

don't start a post with "ur an idiot" then finish with "make love not war"
but i guess i did the same thing so ill fess up to being an idiot as well...:laugh:


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
i called u an idiot cause u go and say there right then say how u lost respect for him. how do u say there right, then lose respect? makes no sense.
His argument was fine, he just went about it in the completely wrong way. For example, if M2K were to say that he was the best in the world, that's ok, it's true, I agree, he's right.

But if he went on every board and posted "Everyone here sucks" and then when they flamed him and he thought he didn't deserve it, then that would make him stupid and I would lose respect for him.

It's really quite simple.


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
yus apologies to mow and speed, but i hate people who fill their arguments with insults, however i reacted in the same way so i think ill admit to being an idiot also XD

*gives scar cookie for peacekeeping duty*


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Lol @ sk8.

So seriously though about this version of wobbling, is it supior to traditional wobbling in any way?

Deleted member

*punches scar*

j/k you're awesome.

you forgot the upenn tags again LOL.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I still dont think it can be done from 0%, the reason you cant wobble before 40% is because of the time it takes for nana to resynch after the grab right? isnt that same thing happening here? at 0 they can still wiggle out after the headbutt but before the permastun I am pretty sure.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
yeah good job naka, way to with-hold secrets like a jerk. All those starved hobos. More like another reason for ICs to WD shield camp so they can do another gayer version of the first tactic, which should have been banned anyway. I can just see all the starved IC homos reading this, "Man I wanna gay someone with this really bad. I can't wait to watch my opponent ruining his controller trying to avoid my gayness."


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
This is starting to get out of hand again. Nakamaru has already apologized as has renth and wobbles. There is nothing more here people, go home.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2004
Michigan State/Chicago, Il
rofl... infinite is so gay... ive just come to realize such things...

power to people who actually sit through tournies and do it.... takes a diff. breed of person to do that **** i guess...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2005
im pretty sure when this was brought up originally by speed there was still something like 2-3 frames of escape on the jab-cancel infinite. but someone else can verify the frame data im too lazy.

and rofl @ ppl still ****in complaining about infinites. how many years now has it been? its an inevitable part of competitive fighters and honestly theres only ONE true and tested infinite in smash (wobbling). thats nothing. go play any MvC, almost any tekken, any SF, etc etc etc and you'll find numerous infinites or other guaranteed 0-death's by numerous characters. play for the win and kudos to wobbz.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
ignoring the massive flame war, when ive been doing this even CPUs get out after like 65% damage. when you were doing it, did you have to time the headbutt with the jabs or anything?
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