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New IC infinate NPCing


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
next week i'll tune in and it'll be something like "wobbles is pregnant? and taj is the father~!"

As The World Smashes...

You know what's funny? a bunch of players that don't play IC at all are reporting in this thread.


white walker
Jul 28, 2006
Please, we all know only a handful of people actually use the ice climbers, everybody is just here for the novelty.

kind of like the bowser boards.


white walker
Jul 28, 2006
I can't even play Bowser properly. ):
(I'm not good at edgeguarding with him)

We probably shouldn't be discussing Bowser in an Ice Climber infinite topic, but I find it a whole heapful more interesting than people fighting.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
You know... I had a really long post typed out, but I'm just tired of arguing.

I apologize Nakamaru, for insulting you. I also apologize to you, Renth, for repeatedly being rude to your friend.

I'm NOT sorry at all about what I said to Umbreon, because his posts are inflammatory, logically fallacious, rude, and pointless. He insulted me, insulted IC players in general, and I have no qualms about tearing him down.

Edit: I just read your post Umbreon. Saying that you won't even respond to my argument because it's "petty" is petty in and of itself. Furthermore, I'd rather have "undergrad vocab," whatever the hell you're trying to insinuate with that, than rely on the word "gay" and "douchebag" to do the brunt of my arguing. And while I take your arguments--if you can call them that--point by point and answer each one in turn, you sum up my post as "lolz meaningless," so in the end you're pretty much just proving my point.

I taught you nothing because you didn't come in here looking for a debate. You came in here looking for a fight.

However, to everybody else... I'm very sorry for causing a lot of unnecessary internet drama. I plan to take Taku's advice and stop posting in this thread. So, again, my apologies.

Well then, i'm sorry for making you seem like an ***. Let's let this topic die out.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
You over simplify things, oh with Sheik you just run around looking for ANY MOVE SHE HAS that comes out instantly and has no lag afterward then you just juggle with the simplest combos in the world, or you just downthrow over and over again, oh and at a slightly higher game you can needle cancel into combos too. Wow Sheik is soooo skilled. Man Sheik combos me? I think I'll quit the game, Oh wait falco just has to dair and laser, or Marth just needs to C-stick, OMG Fox can grab u throw UAIR - broken.

ICs are harder to use than those characters, I used to main Marth, ive mained Falco, I am starting to secondary Sheik, the top 7 characters all have something that makes them good, IC make up for having a low grab range and poor aerial abilities for the ability to do MASSIVE damage out of a grab. I think Fox's shine is "gayer" because it makes him difficult to grab even if he just recklessly aerials into your shield, I think the Marth is "homo" because he has a grab range that is longer than Yoshi and amazing ability to punish most characters after a throw, also his tippers and spikes are pretty **** "f4ggy". Sheik is just a boring character to fight or play because her combos are so simple and strait forward, I think skilled players make her look good. Falco is relatively simple to use, just mix up when you attack and when you laser. Falcon's knee anyone?

Anyways all of the top 7 or 8 characters have "gay, cheap, homo, f4gtastic, ********" whatever term you want to use in place of effective moves. ICs just happen to have an infinite, and although easy to perform you can wiggle out before they can do it if you are under 40% and expecting the grab, or if nana is desynched when they grab and you are under 60-80% I believe.
Thanx I was about to post about that... and I have the answer right here, we should all play with low tiers so no one quit playing smash, If they ban the woobles why not ban top tiers , Thanx to Umbreon now I know Ken never win because his skilled, he just won because of marth cheapness LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2005
Lynchburg, Va
LoL, M2K posted in this thread = it's doing something right, or very wrong. W/O bias I pretty much back up Wobbles on everything he said...

Naka/Renth: Like I said, Idc really what your intentions were. Makes sense that you didn't have the video for a bit so couldn't get it up, but like someone said, I can't really take your argument too objectively b/c he's your close friend, but I can understand your point. Wobbles/Naka/any1 else who fights that much online and resorts to all the flaming & name calling is stupid. I respect Rob for apologizing...

M2K: Gtfo outta here if any1 doesn't have to worry about getting infinited it's you, Lmao. If anything you should be an example to ppl on what to do right; you beat Chu now so you got nothing to worry about anyways, so keep your kisser out of heah! J/K. Nothing but respect *pound*

Max: Similar to Jason. How long have you been complaining about the infinite and pretty much IC's in general? Now, subtract the number of times where you have lost against any other IC's than Chu, or even just a STOCK due to the infinite from that number. I predict the final number will be pretty much the same. Now subtract individually the times you've been gimped by a F-shine/F-spike/S-fair/M-fsmash/P-dsmash. I'm fairly sure all those numbers will end up pretty far into the negative. And I also haven't heard of anyone quitting Smash b/c of it. Can you name me two? Please stop the johns...

Point in case: Binx pretty much summed it up nicely. It's all relative. All you guys who complain about the infinite refuse to look past the obvious; All the char's above them have way more useful techniques. IC's will never move up past where they are, and IMO they should move down. Everyone who complains needs to readjust their thinking and realize what the REAL cheap moves are, and start worrying about how to deal with them instead...


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Pretty sure he goes by Nick, and back on topic I wasn't really calling those other tactics cheap I was just saying that they are all effective and powerfull tactics that are much more consistent and in many cases easier to set up than wobbling.

I don't particularly believe in cheap tactics outside of infinite stalling. That being said there are many tactics that annoy me such as Falco laser lockdowns, fox's shine anytime, Marths Fair is pretty frustrating at times.

Deleted member

Anyways all of the top 7 or 8 characters have "gay, cheap, homo, f4gtastic, ********" whatever term you want to use in place of effective moves. ICs just happen to have an infinite, and although easy to perform you can wiggle out before they can do it if you are under 40% and expecting the grab, or if nana is desynched when they grab and you are under 60-80% I believe.
The point of the new one is that you can't break out, otherwise it's not worth anything.

Max: Similar to Jason. How long have you been complaining about the infinite and pretty much IC's in general? Now, subtract the number of times where you have lost against any other IC's than Chu, or even just a STOCK due to the infinite from that number. I predict the final number will be pretty much the same. Now subtract individually the times you've been gimped by a F-shine/F-spike/S-fair/M-fsmash/P-dsmash. I'm fairly sure all those numbers will end up pretty far into the negative. And I also haven't heard of anyone quitting Smash b/c of it. Can you name me two? Please stop the johns...
Of course, because ICs aren't a popular character. The last C3 in nova I went to had 8 screens. All 8 had marth on them. 3 of those were marth dittos. ICs aren't played everywhere like marth/fox/falco. As for johns.....johns are bad excuses for when you lose a match. I didn't lose a match, so....I'm confused as to why "no johns"?


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
Rofl, I have been doing this crouching-> jab **** for about 2 months now. You can also do a ftilt if you hold it in the front corner.

dj asakura

Smash Ace
May 13, 2006
Peoria, IL
i'm going to agree with speedsk8ter on the plur part but i'm going to say one last thing to umbreon mow.

what i've gathered from your last post more of less comes down to this. the reason why IC's ARE gay and the other higher tiers ARENT is because almost everyone plays them and you therefore have more experience against their gay moves. hmmm....lets think about weather or not thats a good excuse...


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Except all IC players probably only have one thing in common, we really like using cute characters in fighting games lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2006
Centennial, Colorado
I enjoyed reading this thread, thank you IC forums.

Wobbles gained my respect with this thread, I don't even think UmbreonMow read his essay-long post.

Deleted member

i'm going to agree with speedsk8ter on the plur part but i'm going to say one last thing to umbreon mow.

what i've gathered from your last post more of less comes down to this. the reason why IC's ARE gay and the other higher tiers ARENT is because almost everyone plays them and you therefore have more experience against their gay moves. hmmm....lets think about weather or not thats a good excuse...
I never mentioned other characters at all. Of course other top chars are gay, but they don't have a standing death infinite. This topic is only heated because it's the IC forum. If you go to another char discussion board like "ICs are gay" they go "yeah pretty much" and that's the end of it.

And yes, I did read his post.


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I never mentioned other characters at all. Of course other top chars are gay, but they don't have a standing death infinite. This topic is only heated because it's the IC forum. If you go to another char discussion board like "ICs are gay" they go "yeah pretty much" and that's the end of it.

And yes, I did read his post.
The funny thing is that from what I gather, only the noobs think that IC is "gay". Don't be a ****ing douche about this. If you can avoid getting Wobbled, you can avoid this. They're the same thing. And if it requires no skill, why is it that the only IC players worth nothing are Wobbles and Chu? You'd think that IC players would always take 1st place.

Whatever. All I really wanna say is everyone should just be quiet and let this thread die. Yes, wobbling is cheap and it shouldn't be in Brawl. But honestly, how different is that from being Shine-spiked at 15%? Or ken-comboed to spiked? Or any 0-death combo by any character?


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Well Ken combo to spike can be DIed, shine spike can be avoided. Oh but wait, SO CAN WOBBLING, dont get grabed at 40% by synched ice climbers and you avoid being wobbled. The ONLY reason people dislike being wobbled so much is because it takes a long time, I dont remember who it was but they compared wobbling to another form of gimping, which is very accurate, people need to just stop being so stressed.

EDIT: you might want to change the word nothing to the word noting your muscle memory is too good.

Deleted member

the point of the wobbling with jab cancels posted here is that you can't get out at 40. Why doesn't anyone understand this?

And if it requires no skill, why is it that the only IC players worth nothing are Wobbles and Chu?
Yeah, that says something about everyone else, doesn't it?

Also, another difference between this and gimping: gimping doesn't always work. Also, saying "don't get grabbed" is the most ridiculous thing you can tell someone at a competitive level of play. If it were as simple as "don't get grabbed" there would be no discussion, but generally avoiding a frame 7 move with top priority that you can combo into 100% isn't realistic. When fox/sheik/marth grab, they severely mess up the opponent, but at least it's not a standing guaranteed death infinite.

Yes, wobbling is cheap and it shouldn't be in Brawl.
And it shouldn't be in melee either, which is why it should be gone from tournaments.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Except it isnt guaranteed, its only for sure if you are synched which is pretty **** hard to come by in a fast paced match. ICs grab doesnt have as much range as those other characters, also ICs dash dance isnt as good so it isnt as easy to grab someone.

As far as wobbling with Jab cancels it still takes just as long after the grab to since up and start jab canceling from what I can tell, you have hit headbutt once with popo and wait for nana to be able to start jabbing, if it is lower than 40% it is still around 30% which makes it MUCH better but still not as imba as you seem to believe. Also gimps are just as gauranteed as wobbling, the only difference being that ICs gimp on the stage rather than off of it, and off the stage ICs are horrible and have a horrible recovery. I think wobbling is boring which is why I don't really push myself to master it but I don't think its cheap, and I hope it is in brawl so this way a bunch of scrubs online can be like woah and learn to do it and then you guys will still own their faces cause you wont get grabbed and you can understand how bad ICs really are compared to the top 5.

You take wobbling out of context, in a match when it happens sure it seems pretty overpowered, the thing is though is that ICs aren't very good and its just one tactic that probably takes maybe 1 stock per match (similar to a shine spike) you probably are not going to wobble a good player more than once if they are familiar with the match up. If they arent familiar with the matchup they are going to lose because ICs will trick you the first few times you play against them and your gonna get wobbled.

Fox is very difficult to grab and the ones you do land are VERY VERY VERY rarely synched with nana in time to do a wobble, especially if they are a quick wiggler. Marth is **** near impossible to grab, so is Luigi, Samus doesn't even need to be near you to kill nana and then your grabs ammount to 15% damage at best, Falco is very difficult to grab but thankfully you can dair chain throw him so you could kill him with relative easy without wobbling. All characters save ultra low tiers have a way to keep from being grabbed by ICs, sure its going to happen but if they stay mobile enough it will not be a synched grab and you wont be able to wobble them.

Deleted member

I know more players that think ICs are the best in the game than I know players that think "ICs aren't very good". Granted, both numbers are pretty small. I know like 4 people who think ICs are the best, but you're the first person to say that they're not good overall that I've ever seen.

I suppose Chu is the only high caliber IC player because he has confidence in his character choice.

I can't wait till EC vs mid-west from FC crews is released.




Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon

Chu Dat - "When I first got the game I played as everybody. Then, one day, I was searching for Ice Climbers videos online and I stumbled onto a Japanese site, I don’t remember which anymore though. I downloaded a few videos and ended up using a few of their techniques like grab-down, throw-forward Smash and grab-blizzard. This was many years ago though and every technique I’ve come up with since then has been on my own. I use the Ice Climbers because there is simply too much I would need to learn and know to play as one of the high-tier characters at this point, although I’m very good with every character in the game."

Also Chu is amazing, he beats top pros with Pikachu and Young Link, are you going to tell me those characters should move up a dozen spots on the tier list also? Good players can win most matches with any character but Marth is WAY better and WAY more imbalanced than ICs, even if ICs were allowed to wobble and freeze glitch.

If you think about Ice Climers and their match ups there are many characters that outright counter them and many more that are really difficult, when you think of sheik you only think of 2 or 3 characters that counter you, same with Fox, Marth, Falco, and even Peach.

I think Ice Climbers are great but not as good as the other 5, I personally believe that if you are good enough as a player then tiers don't matter as much but wobbling is barely an equilizer, as for that crew battle, I am pretty sure the short hopped dairs can be DIed out of, that worked because it was a surprise, so 2 wobbles in that match, vs peach there was 1 wobble performed and it would have been zero if Vidjo hadn't missed his Fair on Nana at 6:37.


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I suppose Chu is the only high caliber IC player because he has confidence in his character choice.
Having confidence in you character means nothing. Gimpyfish knows that Bowser is garbage.

Not to mention, Mow, what exactly are you trying to prove? Or get accomplished? You sitting here *****ing isn't going to get this tactic banned. Why waste time posting in the forum of a "gay" character?


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
Having confidence in you character means nothing. Gimpyfish knows that Bowser is garbage.

Not to mention, Mow, what exactly are you trying to prove? Or get accomplished? You sitting here *****ing isn't going to get this tactic banned. Why waste time posting in the forum of a "gay" character?

Lol, you're talking to ****ing Umbreon Mow.

Calm down.


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC

Lol, you're talking to ****ing Umbreon Mow.

Calm down.
Should I really care? I'd talk this way to Ken if he was doing the same thing.

>_> <_<

Like I said before, him complaining isn't really gonna solve anything. Neither is me arguing with him. Whatever. I'm done arguing. But I'll frequently return to this thread. Internet drama is interesting.



Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
Bleh, this post was a waste of space. Hey mow, I don't see where you were going with the FC crew battles... Were you pointing out chu's use of the wobble?

Deleted member

Having confidence in you character means nothing. Gimpyfish knows that Bowser is garbage.
If he thinks his char is garbage, he's not very confident, is he?

And yeah I just think the vid of chu wobbling in crews was a grade A example of why "don't get grabbed" isn't plausible, since grabbing a technically sound capt falcon is extremely difficult, yet does so several times. Admittedly, I forgot he did it to vidjo too, on mute city, vs a float cancel spamming peach. "Don't get grabbed" is ********.

edit: I just saw this morsel of goodness.

Also Chu is amazing, he beats top pros with Pikachu and Young Link
Like who, sastopher in 2005? chu is a great player and he can play lots of chars well, but when he wants to win he plays ICs, at least from what I've seen. Even vs all the peach players lately.

Initially, I posted a sarcastic comment about the bitterness towards my fellow state smashers simply because they didn't have the video done. But seeing how the IC board thinks a standing, stalling infinite is perfectly legit boggles my mind. Only 2 other characters have infinites: mewtwo and fox. Mewtwo's is so worthless and the char himself is so bad, it's a moot point. And when fox's infinites were first discovered, many people thought THAT was overpowered.


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2006
Far far into the stars
And even fox's Infinites aren't true infinites since smash DI was discovered and the fact that you can simply Smash DI through his shine.

And having confidence in your character is alot in this game of mentality. If you dont have confidence in your character that means you think he is worse than the other characters meaning it brings you down and makes you play worse. If you believe that your character is better than everything even begin low tier scum. You still can play that character well and have a chance of beating any character in the game.

Wether you need faith in infinities or faith in your character is up to you, but i'd rather have faith in my 8-bit GnW than rely on waveshining with fox. I think i'll win alot more with GnW than fox.

Mow FTW, sorry you have to put up with these people.


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
If he thinks his char is garbage, he's not very confident, is he?
You were referring to confidence in your character as having a link to your proficiency with that character. I was saying that even though Gimpy knows that Bowser is crap, he still plays the best Bowser out there.

Deleted member

if you don't have confidence in your character, you can't be a good player of that character.

If you think confidence and proficiency have no direct impact on each other, you don't know enough to argue with me. Go tell it to a falco player.

dj asakura

Smash Ace
May 13, 2006
Peoria, IL
i quote a fellow smasher when i say this:
there are no low tier characters, only low tier players
i think thats me, haha

I'm not going to direct this at anyone i'm just going to say this. comparing what chu does and how good he is with the rest of us isnt a solid example. chu may be able to grab anyone at will but not all of us can. confidence may have a lot to do with it. when i play someone and truly believe the IC's are the best, i do a lot better, but it doesnt mean they're the best.

but really when it comes down to it, every high tier has cheap moves, imo, most of them are FAR easier to setup then wobbling is and considering how easy it is to gimp an IC player, i dont understand why everyone has to complain. its the same thing thats been said before, if wobbling is really so good and so gambreaking, why arent IC's winning tournaments? its because people could still outplay any IC that played each stock like it was a grab or die game. if you can land a grab and nana is there, do whatever the **** you want but understand that others are going to *****. but even then, watch them win and they'll still ***** about how they won even though you wobbled. and if you beat them with it, they'll ***** about how you wobbled. but when you beat them without, cool, then they cant ***** and will probably still complain how IC's can wobble.

long story short, get over it, everyone
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