Going to set a few things straight then drop this all together... i like posting from mobile bc then I have less of an urge to do this:
It was 3 wizard's foot spikes in a single match on FD. I also beat chudat in another match, all ganon v. IC. Very surprising he didn't know that from how much I just relish it with all it's luster. Speaking of which, let me check....
......yep, it's still there. INFINITE LUSTER. roflmao @ this guy comparing me rubbing that in danny mexico's face to me thinking a puff rest on darksyde is an accomplishment for years to come?!!?!? LMAO?????????
i cover options with puff quite well btw, it wouldn't just be one rest. It would be in the several to many range. Be on a platform and roll either direction, tech in place, or get up attack and see if I miss the rest. I would also be shoving upC with all my might whenever I get a grab as well for the free rest. Other than that I would be playing as defensive and gay *** possible getting hits when I can / provoking the 2 scenarios I just referenced(If you thought my puff haunted your dreams now josh, re-read that a few times....... omg!!!)
Additionally, mr. I 4 stock people that 4 stock you, if you had a competitive mindset you would have been like ACCEPTED!!!! Which is what I thought your gay *** would do / say some silly stuff underestimating me.. instead I got some even gayer horse ****.. I feel foolish for even expecting different. lol.
No one thought you were scared. More so, so open to the possibility of me winning and dreading that outcome....but scared, no! And my initial comment "So much for that".... that was me saying 1) so much for the MM and 2) So much for even going to this **** being what the host just said to me..esp. with the posts following.
Yes I do have this off, a week before and after, although i'll be in NJ up until 2 days before it. i WAS considering it, although it would be a **** ton of driving. the decision not to go, which is what I was already leaning towards anyway, was just made a lot easier than it was.
Anyway I am regretting even seeing the replies to this....... maybe i will check THE BOARDS tomorrow some time......or never hopefully.