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NC Power Rankings discussion (Brawl)

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Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
hey now what kind of bull**** southern hospitality is this?!?!

does VA have to school NC on how to be proper and dignified!? wowwww...

Now I don't know the whole story at all or how y'all really feel about eachother but even if we don't like someone in our region or what they have to say, we never go so far as to be *******s and, even if in jest, suggest that we "kick them out" :(
Trust me if you were in NC threads you would want to kick them out.

Half of NC will agree on that or most of it.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007

can't you guys just be cordial and put them on your ignore list instead of having to deal with [and deal out] pettiness? :)
Flamingo is on forgot about Killer.

Sushi- Go get me some fish.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
hey now what kind of bull**** southern hospitality is this?!?!

does VA have to school NC on how to be proper and dignified!? wowwww...

Now I don't know the whole story at all or how y'all really feel about eachother but even if we don't like someone in our region or what they have to say, we never go so far as to be *******s and, even if in jest, suggest that we "kick them out" :(
Edit: What BEHR said. :laugh:

Your calling me a troll?

Stay in the Melee PR thread you don't see me posting there.

Go away troll.
Okay, that's it. I've had it with you two.

1. If I was calling you a troll, I would've just said it ya dumbfuck.

2. I asked where your argument was: you seem heavily in favor of keeping Luigi's Mansion, which was banned last summer. (At least at C3) Through all of your efforts, I've yet to see one legitimate reason as to why that stage shouldn't be banned.

3. Last time I checked, you don't post in the Melee PR thread because you don't play Melee and don't want to be involved in anything that has to do with it. Don't tell me where I can and can't post (only Matt can), especially if it's because, "You don't like Brawl get out of the Brawl thread." I was actually part of the NC Brawl scene before you were, I have been to more tourneys than you have, and I actually understand the concept of PRs. (Unlike you) Basically, I have more tournament experience than you, whether you like it or not. While what I say maybe not be taken into much consideration, if any, it will be looked at by PP and Bill (and whoever else) long before anything relative you say comes to their minds. Around here, I say my 2 cents and gtfo or reply to something completely unrelated. Just because I don't like Brawl doesn't mean I don't understand it. All you do is .... well... troll the people you're talking to until they give up, you and Flamingo, and you consider this a victory. You contribute hardly anything constructive to anything that we're talking about, even if we're just spamming. (Though Flamingo is worse about that.)

4. You both think that you're so good, and that you're going to beat everyone. While you may not be bad, you have to have the most scrubish attitude I've ever seen. "I'm KillerSOS and I'm so good, I'm going to **** everyone even if I've never played them because I know I'm going to win and take everyone's money because I play Olimar and he's underrated blah blah blah blah blah look at me I'm Flamingo and I play Sheik. Once I go to another tourney I'm going to win with Sheik and show you that I'm the best with Sheik and I play Sheik and Melee sucks because it's old and I play Sheik and blah blah blah blah blah..." Nobody gives a shit. Seriously. No one cares. All you two do is annoy the whole community with your attitudes towards... everything. Just stop.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2008
Raleigh, NC. - In Dark Hart's Hart.
hey now what kind of bull**** southern hospitality is this?!?!

does VA have to school NC on how to be proper and dignified!? wowwww...

Now I don't know the whole story at all or how y'all really feel about eachother but even if we don't like someone in our region or what they have to say, we never go so far as to be *******s and, even if in jest, suggest that we "kick them out" :(
Toasty---- +1 rep.


Uh. Does Dark Hart need a hug?

Btw. I main Sheik.

Edit: Dark Hart, you can't tell me you aren't the biggest nerd on the forums after reading that. Seriously, you're trying to go all Salem Witch Trials on us and burn all the non-conformist posters at the stake, (in the form of whining) but seriously. Grow up.


Smash Champion
Sep 29, 2008
Behind a wall of Pikmin (Raleigh NC)
Edit: What BEHR said. :laugh:

Okay, that's it. I've had it with you two.

1. If I was calling you a troll, I would've just said it ya dumbfuck.

2. I asked where your argument was: you seem heavily in favor of keeping Luigi's Mansion, which was banned last summer. (At least at C3) Through all of your efforts, I've yet to see one legitimate reason as to why that stage shouldn't be banned.

3. Last time I checked, you don't post in the Melee PR thread because you don't play Melee and don't want to be involved in anything that has to do with it. Don't tell me where I can and can't post (only Matt can), especially if it's because, "You don't like Brawl get out of the Brawl thread." I was actually part of the NC Brawl scene before you were, I have been to more tourneys than you have, and I actually understand the concept of PRs. (Unlike you) Basically, I have more tournament experience than you, whether you like it or not. While what I say maybe not be taken into much consideration, if any, it will be looked at by PP and Bill (and whoever else) long before anything relative you say comes to their minds. Around here, I say my 2 cents and gtfo or reply to something completely unrelated. Just because I don't like Brawl doesn't mean I don't understand it. All you do is .... well... troll the people you're talking to until they give up, you and Flamingo, and you consider this a victory. You contribute hardly anything constructive to anything that we're talking about, even if we're just spamming. (Though Flamingo is worse about that.)

4. You both think that you're so good, and that you're going to beat everyone. While you may not be bad, you have to have the most scrubish attitude I've ever seen. "I'm KillerSOS and I'm so good, I'm going to **** everyone even if I've never played them because I know I'm going to win and take everyone's money because I play Olimar and he's underrated blah blah blah blah blah look at me I'm Flamingo and I play Sheik. Once I go to another tourney I'm going to win with Sheik and show you that I'm the best with Sheik and I play Sheik and Melee sucks because it's old and I play Sheik and blah blah blah blah blah..." Nobody gives a shit. Seriously. No one cares. All you two do is annoy the whole community with your attitudes towards... everything. Just stop.

Wait a min....

Do I really need to counter every point here? Seems like a waste of my effort but here I go.

1. Your a troll. This just proves it. I don't insult you. Period.

2. Never said I was heavly in favor of LM. Read my posts you idiot. I said it was up to the TO.

3. I don't troll. I know what PR stands for. It stands for Power Rankings. You know... whos the best out of those that Play.

4. I never call anyone else a scrub(other than Stingers). You are just twisting it in that warped mind of yours.


Can't believe you posted this crying post....
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