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NC Catfish Social Thread! *<3 KEV*


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Well now it's /co/

oh yes, now it's /s/.

Not being on that particular site can help in many ways. Losing weight is not one of them, fo sho.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I love the new title hahaha. Much love =D

I want to meet the twins >=(
Someday buddy :) Especially if my bro and I can get a weekend out at NC next summer :bee:

true facts: Scarlett Johansson got surgery to make herself look more like Sister PP
This is the truth. I read it too.

Get at me Twins.
Use your imagination? I dunno. I got nothin' today. I just wanted to make a new topic, and you guys had the most recent subject.
Ok Yeroc. Tell me a few things first. How old are you? Man or woman? Ethnicity? How sensitive are you to jokes and/or insults lol? What is your favorite color? And what is the meaning of life?

Once these are answered, I shall get at you :)


Tell me how to lose weight!
Excercise. Eat right. Wake up at a decent hour and go to bed at a decent hour as well.
Do not eat for the first 2 hours you are awake and the last 2 hours before you sleep (this boosts your motabilism).
Don't eat big meals, just more small meals.

Those are just the basics obviously. You gotta really commit to losing weight to do it.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
losing weight is a calories game. calories absorbed<calories burned=weight loss.

small meals=less absorbed.

the main thing is to do it for a long time. as in 4eva

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
lol, Zio losing weight is easy.
just balance it all right, eat correctly and work out for a good amount of time. Sleep is very good too.


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
Ok Yeroc. Tell me a few things first. How old are you? Man or woman? Ethnicity? How sensitive are you to jokes and/or insults lol? What is your favorite color? And what is the meaning of life?

Once these are answered, I shall get at you :)
26. Male. White. Generally imperturbable, but persistance often proves annoying. Blue. 42.

Edit: No. YellLLLOWWWWW......*is cast into the gorge of eternal peril*


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
26. Male. White. Generally imperturbable, but persistance often proves annoying. Blue. 42.

Edit: No. YellLLLOWWWWW......*is cast into the gorge of eternal peril*
Ok. Let me file the paperwork and I shall get at you soon enough.

Also I shall avoid killer bunnies for your sake ;)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 28, 2009
Charlotte, NC
Hey NC. I quit Smash last night. There are a couple reasons. But the foremost is that I might be leaving the country for good. At the very least the state and the things that I need to get my life in order doesn't involve smash. Also I always want to play but no one ever seems to be willing to play with me even if I could drive to them or I'd pay them gas money for a ride. I just feel like I have at least a but of potential but no one to bring it out of me. I'm not going to get good comboing lv3's and 9's all day. That only get's you so far before you hit a plateau. I just wish that things were different.

I want to make it to at least one more event with you guys so I can say my goodbyes to the scene but most importantly the people that have made it so amazing. My friendship and support will always be with you guys. Also there a certain safety meeting a couple of you have to attend with me ::cough cough::

I'll miss you guys. Maybe we can hang out but not if it involves smash. <3


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I was expecting a more funny response to losing weight from the twinz.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
=[ dang daft. as long as ur quitting for the right reasons, its okay. and yeah we need to have another big melee/brawl tourney for the whole scene to get together soon. maria host another BAC


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
Hey NC. I quit Smash last night. There are a couple reasons. But the foremost is that I might be leaving the country for good. At the very least the state and the things that I need to get my life in order doesn't involve smash. Also I always want to play but no one ever seems to be willing to play with me even if I could drive to them or I'd pay them gas money for a ride. I just feel like I have at least a but of potential but no one to bring it out of me. I'm not going to get good comboing lv3's and 9's all day. That only get's you so far before you hit a plateau. I just wish that things were different.

I want to make it to at least one more event with you guys so I can say my goodbyes to the scene but most importantly the people that have made it so amazing. My friendship and support will always be with you guys. Also there a certain safety meeting a couple of you have to attend with me ::cough cough::

I'll miss you guys. Maybe we can hang out but not if it involves smash. <3
Why are you leaving the country/state?

I'm sorry to hear that man, i hope the load for you gets less heavy, we would love you back.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Very sorry to hear that Felipe but I completely understand. Life stuff comes first.

Hope I see you at another tournament before you depart from NC. You are a true bro.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 28, 2009
Charlotte, NC
Yeah, I hope to see you guys soon. Tomorrow would've been cool but I got no ride and I might be in the hospital about some stuff I would rather not talk about. My phone # is going to change so I won't delete my SWF account until I can get some numbers.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I was expecting a more funny response to losing weight from the twinz.
That's because you asked me for an answer but sadly you got the lesser, Bieber loving, half. However his advice was sound.

But there are several ways to lose weight, like sticking a stick with string on your head and have a donut hanging from it. Chase away good sir.

Or you could always gorge all you want then make sure you either vomit it all up or take a big enough crap to compensate for all of your disgusting habits (fattie).

Usually motivation is all someone needs big guy. Just knowing that someone is there to encourage your fat *** to run a little everyday. To remind you that if you ever want to see little Zio again you'll lose this weight tubby. And to be as a good a friend as possible thourgh these hard times chunky bunny. Friends shouldn't put your oversized gut toting self down, because that may make you depressed (you worthless ****). Just remember to wake up early and go to bed at a decent time, and stay off of 4chan pervert.

If all else fails, there's always liposuction.

Next question please.
And don't forget, all your questions must be in the form of an answer... or a question. you get to choose (lucky you)


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
I've heard great things about it. in fact being an accounting major, I get glares from friends that rival when I tell people I have never seen Scarface nor have I seen any of the Godfather movies and the Clerks movies.

Time for the next lesson in life from one of the twins. This one comes to you from the melee social room when I had a few minutes of free time to kill. They were talking about consensual sex, then someone mentioned silent spectre and this small debate on "No that's ****" happened. So after some talks as to what is consensual and what is not happened, I decided to include my two unnecessary cents.

Consensual sex goes as follows:

First of all you have to understand the female language. Don't be fooled by the plain English/Spanish/Dutch/etc that they use. Although it sounds similar to what we are all speaking, it is in fact very much different and takes years to master.

The basics are quite simple actually, it's just that we are so used to perceiving what they say as fact/intentional that we can be caught off guard by it. Subtle words such as "No" and "Yes" will slip past you without you even being aware.

here is a brief comparison of how the words translate from English to female:

No = No
Yes = Yes

No = Yes
Yes = Take me I'm yours.

Note the minute differences between these words. Small, discrete, but deadly to the untrained ear or eye (let's say texting or going old school and writing letters).

So in some senses, many of the times you thought it was "****" was actually mutually agreed upon sexual intercourse.

When she was yelling "No, no stop it! Get off!" what she was actually saying was "Yes, yes I <3 you! Too good!" (editors note: I used an online translator for this because I'm only in the intro course of Female Speak. So it may be slightly off. And yes girls actually say <3 in their language. Not "Less than 3" and not "heart", somehow they are able to manifest a word that encompasses <3).

Other notable examples include words and phrases such as:

Tiny - Huge

You were Ok - You were amazing

Hot - Hottest person they've ever seen unless it's not you, then the other guy is just ok (not ok as in amazing, just "OK")

Ugly - Try harder. I think you're cute but you have to put in some effort

I like your twin brother - I like you more than him

So strong - So strong

So weak - So strong

Women have rights too - Their attempt at being good comedians. Just smile and nod.

So you see it is very easy to get confused with what women say and as to whether or not it truly was consensual intercourse. But by following this simple guide, you can better understand that when she wakes up and yells "Get off me!" what she really means is "Oh I love when you sneak into my room, random stranger, and surprise me with wake up sex!"

Oh those girls.

Just read the d*** thing :p


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
Wall Street is one of the best movies ever created.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
if you want to lose weight, then drink water instead of soda, and stop eating fast food. it sucks, but if you're serious about losing weight then don't be a *****.

if you want to lose more weight after that, then do 20-60 minutes of cardio (running/swimming/biking/etc) every day. it's pretty simple as long as you aren't a ***** *****.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Case in point:

Don't be a **** poosy a$$ ***** who is too lazy to get off his Fa-goat behind and stop drinking cok juice.

(Did I summarize it well enough for you buddy?)

Actually I gave up sodas years ago. I drink one once every blue moon now (heh, blue moon), but really it was hard at first. you don't realize how addicting they are until you have cravings and withdrawels, and you see everyone around you saying stuff like "Oh God I would die if I didn't drink six pepsi's a day" or a case of red bull or Monsters, etc.

But it gives you more energy and helps you lose weight (in my case maintain weight for wrestling).

Dang it, I tried to find the clip from South Park were the wrestling coach yells "FOR WRASTLIN!!!!" and launches the rocket at Ed McMahon. but alas this will have to do.


of which one of those linked to this, which was pretty funny
(it's pole dancing bloopers for anybody afraid to click the link. No it's not the YESSS DANCE whic is so horrific it hurts, although I'm tempted to link it anyways).



Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2009
ECU, and Charlotte NC
Any charlotteans wanting to play sometime between now and tues? im on fall break!

Oh wait, i forgot my controller/setup lmao. so hopefully peeps here have extras.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Case in point:

Don't be a **** poosy a$$ ***** who is too lazy to get off his Fa-goat behind and stop drinking cok juice.

(Did I summarize it well enough for you buddy?)

Actually I gave up sodas years ago. I drink one once every blue moon now (heh, blue moon), but really it was hard at first. you don't realize how addicting they are until you have cravings and withdrawels, and you see everyone around you saying stuff like "Oh God I would die if I didn't drink six pepsi's a day" or a case of red bull or Monsters, etc.

But it gives you more energy and helps you lose weight (in my case maintain weight for wrestling).

Dang it, I tried to find the clip from South Park were the wrestling coach yells "FOR WRASTLIN!!!!" and launches the rocket at Ed McMahon. but alas this will have to do.


of which one of those linked to this, which was pretty funny
(it's pole dancing bloopers for anybody afraid to click the link. No it's not the YESSS DANCE whic is so horrific it hurts, although I'm tempted to link it anyways).

i've been drinking water only since the middle of august, and it's not as bad as I expected. but it's weird, I have random dreams about me caving in and drinking sprite or something, haha.

but on a different subject, twitch needs to come to tipped off 6.
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