...My entire point wasn't directed towards Just you.Okay what the heck is up with this common sense.
I feel like people are treating me like a dumb*** all over me today.
Like what i can't edit much?
Do you really think just cause you edit your posts we automatically think that you're stupid? No, it's not like that at all... In fact it's something completely different.
The way some of us think of you is basically you not having common sense in Some of your posts, like the Thread getting locked incident.
Editing your posts has absolutely NOTHING to do with idiocy/common sense/stupidity everyone does it, You basically just don't think (Like a few others, Mink getting banned for example or ph00t's recent Link) before posting and most of the time, comes out as a post we don't take seriously/even bother reading due to it being slightly stupid.
I would dig up some examples, but too lazy/don't feel like it.
Nvm, here's an example at the top of the previous page. That saved a bit of trouble...
This thread must be saved from this horrible tragedy of broken friendship and magic by the vermon who started it all Evil Nightmare Ph00t!
With the power of friendship, anything possible. we will turn ph00t into good.
Moar katy perry, more cupcakes, more scootaloo, more derpy, more 20% coolness, more spike, more paramore, more LOVE.