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Music City Smash


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2008
OMW to slash's house soon, See you all at the SWR money matches.

(oh, and I guess at the brawl tourney too.)
i forgot about swr. ill have to bring a wad of 1 dollar bills for that xD
No one wanted to play (rather, not enough people wanted to play) so a tournament didn't happen last time. I believe I've already said that I was so upset at the dismal level of interest i'd not waste time trying to host another SWR tournament this time, or even bring a setup.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
If anyone wants to learn how to play Melee, talk to me! Even if you think you might be slightly interested in it, I will be more than happy to help people learn. If you already play melee, play meeeeeee I'm really trying to improve and I need to work hard for Genesis.
I wanna learn how to play Melee!

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
If anyone wants to learn how to play Melee, talk to me! Even if you think you might be slightly interested in it, I will be more than happy to help people learn. If you already play melee, play meeeeeee I'm really trying to improve and I need to work hard for Genesis.
I ned moar maylay


Smash Cadet
Feb 28, 2009
Nashville, TN
No one wanted to play (rather, not enough people wanted to play) so a tournament didn't happen last time. I believe I've already said that I was so upset at the dismal level of interest i'd not waste time trying to host another SWR tournament this time, or even bring a setup.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2009
Nashville, Tennessee.
Since I'm home, shout outs. I had a lot of fun, even though I didn't enter the actual bracket, it was cool coming and watching and playing friendlies. Anyway, shout outs!

Slash- Thanks for letting me sleep over. Except you hogged the cocoa puffs. Selfish. xD

Kain- sup. Asuf Asche whatever is epic.

Player 5- Meleeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Acid, Mr. P, Oasis, and Viking- The Pester Papstr time was quite enjoyable. Acid, I really enjoy playing you.

KO- brawl+ <3 <3 <3

Milln- <3. BlazBlue is pretty epic.

Iori- everytime I turned you kept having a camera pointed in my general direction. stalker. :p

others I'm forgetting- sup.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
If anyone wants to learn how to play Melee, talk to me! Even if you think you might be slightly interested in it, I will be more than happy to help people learn. If you already play melee, play meeeeeee I'm really trying to improve and I need to work hard for Genesis.
I want to learn how to play melee.

Power of Slash

Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Antioch, TN
Weeeeeellllllllllll, What's the story morning glory? Weeeeeeelllllllllllll, Need a little time to wake up wake up! Weeeeeeeeeeelllllllll, what's the story morning glory? Weeeeeeeeellllllllll, Need a little time to wake up wake up!

I was hoping dude would get my reference XD, but it doesn't seem like he picked up on it.

Well fun times, as always. Hoho, I didn't get 9th this time! foos :p. Need to play moar singles Wifi. Avoiding 1v1's because it's wifi doesn't really help much. Strictly playing Doubles on Wifi, did. Wifi made me.

I don't really have any shoutouts to give. Only real thing to say, is that I want Iori's hat. So I can go back to my Meow. tag and make sense. After Genesis I'm going to anyways, but that hat would complete me.

Down Attitude =/= me sore about losing, I just get like that when I know I can play much better then what I exhibited :p, from the outside I look like a rager O_o. I don't want that. ._.

Still sad I missed out on Moonwalker runs.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
I loved seeing everyone again. Thanks for the hug Reflex. And Chad too. And Kingpin.

Jester Kirby

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Memphis, TN
was mk banned?
Yea he was

SOOOOOOOOOOO...my first tourney...didn't do TOO bad...even though I was playing sorta caustiously. :laugh: Never had to play with money on the line before. I think I got 9th or something.

It was a very fun tournament, you guys are really cool in person! I had alot of fun and look forward to next time!

Though getting up at 5:30 am to get back home at 12:30 am the next day made me feel.....:psycho:

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
Since I'm home, shout outs. I had a lot of fun, even though I didn't enter the actual bracket, it was cool coming and watching and playing friendlies. Anyway, shout outs!

Slash- Thanks for letting me sleep over. Except you hogged the cocoa puffs. Selfish. xD

Kain- sup. Asuf Asche whatever is epic.

Player 5- Meleeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Acid, Mr. P, Oasis, and Viking- The Pester Papstr time was quite enjoyable. Acid, I really enjoy playing you.

KO- brawl+ <3 <3 <3

Milln- <3. BlazBlue is pretty epic.

Iori- everytime I turned you kept having a camera pointed in my general direction. stalker. :p

others I'm forgetting- sup.
I'm glad I made you feel extra special XD

I don't really know alot of you guys but here goes

Tujax you showed up late but you sliding shiek is amazing.

Reflex- I wanted you to win but, falco just be some kinda jank <3 you

Hyper- good shiz man, I didn't know falco could be played like that.

warpd- I can't forget you dog, good stuff

theonejanitor- honestly man in our money match it was good close but I guess you bested me <.< even tho I tried so hard.

Joot- you are always a treat

Vts- thanks for hosting a melee tourney for us, you made my day twice over XD. Thanks for driving as well man you are truely a insomniac. I do want you to know that if you were to get better in melee it would make me happy.

Moogle- you super awesome beastly beast, we did amazingly well against all odds. I mean we are the dream team of brawl. I would love to team with you next time as well. kuddos champ <3

captin n 2000- honestly you looked disapointed when you lost, but you were still a beast to me. We have to play more and all that jazz

guys form the shoruken boards- you were awesome and all fun talking about all the good times and cheap games.

Ko- for making all this posible, thanks for being the host with the most. We all know how much stress it is running these things and you handle like a beast gg. Too bad you like brawl plus over all the others T_T

Nes- good job in brawl even tho you hate it dearly. Atleast you got to melty blood.

Chams- it was fun plaing you and all, also for driving some of the way. I remeber stopping and you driving at some point even tho I was sleep.

Jester- good job man, you did extremly better than I expected you to lol. I hope I get to play you again some time XD

Board of this..... um ko can you say thanks to the owner for me. Letting us use the venue was b balling. pictures up in a while

lol this is how I felt after the tourney. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT0FijlsneM&feature=dir

more later


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL

iori: revenge for the last money match we had a long time ago !!! see practice does help a little bit in brawl
chad: where were you the whole time, seems like i didn't see you much. i want to learn how to play melee :-D
adam: stop getting laid before tournaments so we will do better in teams
george: thanks for getting us home alive...and good **** at taking 3rd, AL for life
kismet: wtfuzz stop beasting all the time. teach me how to play this game
reflex: we were jealous that we didn't have any queen to listen to.
ko: honestly you have the smoothest running tournaments ever. i think its because no one wants to make you mad :-D
ajax: good friendlies there at the end. i'm getting better against your sheik
phloat: didn't play you, except in gay FFAs, but you're snake is over 9000 times better than it was the last time we played. good **** beating will twice
will_: stop wrecking me all the time gosh
duchock: good **** at not coming in last :-P come over the apt moar and play
nes: i meant to play some melee with you...maybe you should teach me how to play melty blood
jack: good to see you as always...fun times playing moonwalker

sorry if i forget anyone


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2007
I'm probably not gonna take much effort into these shoutouts, but don't take offense from it. I usuallly don't spend enough time socializing... or playing Brawl...

Hell, what do I even do at these things!?

Thanks for the DDR Milln. I don't get to jump around on the arrows unless someone else is standin' next to me :x
Good matches Shadow, my Ness has too many problems with Kirby, so I picked him up instead!
Thanks for putting together the tourney KO. Brawl is fun, Brawl+ is fun too. Wish I had the chance to play it, though.
You melee players are always so much fun. Chad, still fanatic about Doukutsu as always, eh. Iori, snazzy hat; someone should make a group of snazzy hat wearing tourny goers. NES, Falcon is still the best. Ever. IHSP, thanks so much for keeping up with my melee disc. I got a lil' carried away with DDR and didn't realize they were shutting down the venue. Always unprepared.
And the usual stuff to the Alabama people (told you I was getting a lil better!)

Game Galaxies is always my favorite out of state tournies to go to... mostly cause there's the most kickassery arcade in the whole darn south. Except for that time I got into a $5000 fender bender on the way to the last one. And then spun out and landed in the median on the way back home. And then spent the night stuck in a shell station talking to a Wilford Brimley look-a-like.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
Alrighty, time for some real shoutouts. Sorry if I looked so "out of it" throughout the day - I only had around 3 hours of sleep and I was starting to feel the effects of that at around 2 p.m.

IHSB - Thanks for all the friendlies, lol. Crazy stuff happened in those matches. You're as sick as always.
Chad - Uber Falco. Thanks a lot for the mandatory hug.
moogle + Will_ - Thanks for riding up with me, I had a good road trip... >_>;
Reflex - I weep every time I see you. Thanks for the mandatory hug, good job beasting in Melee :D
VTS - was cool hanging out with you. You're definitely improving, keep it up.
Jmoan - Thanks for the friendlies, play more Falcon. Your beard has also grown as well.
Iori - Dude, If I shave my face all if it will be gone. I'm not keeping some weird curly mustache >_>;


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
Vts- thanks for hosting a melee tourney for us, you made my day twice over XD. Thanks for driving as well man you are truely a insomniac. I do want you to know that if you were to get better in melee it would make me happy.

Np, It was the real reason i went to this event to try and get better/win.

yeah working off 3 hours of sleep and then driving back at midnight for 3 hours was little crazy had to make chamberlin drive like last 45m cus i started to see things that weren't there lol.

my plans are to become better than your IC :)

btw u should go to Genesis :D

VTS - was cool hanging out with you. You're definitely improving, keep it up.
Yeah my goal is to become the best IC in the south :)

i'm slowly getting there!

my hammers will put fear in your heart!!!!

your new name should be mr. game & watch is so amazing i didn't know u could do any of that stuff it was just mind blowing and i really mean it.

never have a feared a character that has no shield lol.

@moogle- i will not fail next time i will beat you! <3

@everyone else since i don't like really doing shout outs- Was great to meet new people and play everyone, i enjoyed brawl people trying melee :)


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2008
The all encompassing shoutout: Was so funsies aaaaaaahhhhhh <3

To everyone at KO's house:

Sleep vs. Milln!


Sleep wins! Perfect!



Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
oh oh oh whateverrrrr soon as I turn on bust a move I look back and your just "sleeping" cmon just admit it, you didn't want me to beast you in bust a move : P
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