I wouldn't complain about the graphics. You should know that the game is played zoomed out. Not only will you not notice the "low quality" models, but you'll be busy fighting someone else. Also, it's all about animation. Model detail creates believability in screenshots, but animation creates it in motion.Dude this update was awesome, it gives alot more info than you think
1: It confirms 4th gen, Drifbloon may have implyed it but this update destroys any doubt.
2: It deconfirms Munchlax while boosting up the probability of Lucario as a player
3: It confirms a returning item
4: It about Deconfirms Lip. Lip isn't a character without her stick. If she was a character than I don't see why they'd put her item up for anyones use (It's like making Aether an item).
5: a possible remedy to item haters. This of course will only be true if the player can change the occurance of pokemon and items like My music. If so you could make Munchlax appear more to even out items (This added with very low would make item grabs a rarity thus it would take more skill to aquire an item). Of course that's assuming alot.
6: It shows the interactivity of the crowd. I was suspesious at first but this clearly confirms it. AC characters will follow the action watching the player. their fashial expresion must alo change by the interactivity of the battlefield because in any active screenshot, The AC characters host a more dynamic expression.
7: Priority. Does anyone else notice how much the Smash Munchlax looks like the coloseum munchlax?
That's not saying alot.
The Coloseum pokes look a little rushed to some degree. I've actually noticed the same with all the pokeball pokes and the stadium pokes too. The only exception are the PC pokes and Deoxsys (I think that they probably considered him as a possible PC). I'm thinkingthat they're just taking the coloseum designs from Game freak and slightly boosting their graphical and physical feel. This would be faster but still seems a bit sloppy. Lets just hope I'm sadly mistaken.
I'm getting hungry. :embarrass