Alright, Im here for samus, just lettin everyone know right now.
Aye aye, cap'n!
Ronike said:
Now, there are three items that truly come to mind when thinking of ways that MFS can triumph over link that MPS does not posses. Those three are the infinite jump space jump..........
'Space' jump? It's not just for space, is it? I would assume not, I'm just makin' sure.
Ronike said:
Her stackable beams would give her a massive advantage over Link as she can shoot from behind any cover and it would freeze link. The wide beam upgrade would also allow her to shoot in a manner that would be hard, though not impossible, for Link to dodge. And even if we assume the wide beam only extends the beam upward, not horizontally, the rate at which MFS can fire her beam could make the beam so as to be wide horizontally. She is portrayed as very smart, so I would assume she would be able to figure out to shoot a shot to the right and left of Link in a quick manner to trap him, then one up the middle to hit him. In addition, is it possible that the plasma beam upgrade would pierce Nayru's Love and damage Link? It works on SA-X...
Let's assume any 2D character to be 3D in a 3D environment, k? So it would expand both vert. and horiz.
Everything in the Zelda games 'pierces' Nayru's Love, it just doesn't hurt Link. Like, it doesn't bounce off the barrier, it just goes on through and hits Link. He even flinches/falls down, he just doesn't take damage.
Also, I see how missles would be completely out of the question, but shouldn't beams be absorbable by the Mirror Shield? He could absorb them and shoot them back like he did against Ganandorf's 'mom' (yes, according to story those elemental witches raised Ganandorf), I can't remember her/their names.
Ronike said:
The Space Jump basically would allow her to remain out of link's sword reach and would make it quite easy for her to dodge link's bomb arrows. Even if Link could so masterfully shoot the bomb arrows so that they explode just as they reach where MFS is, at the range he would be shooting from, MFS could easily just ascend another 10 feet and she would be out of explosion. And in addition to this, she can shoot down at Link while this far in the air, so she need not come down. So now Link has no way to hit her.
Did Oot/MM Link have bomb arrows? I can't remember.
If he had absorbed any beams, he'd have a way to hit her. And is there a chance that the Longshot (longer hookshot) could grab onto her?
Goron Link could 'run' fast enough to dodge Samus's shots, and I think she'd tire out before a Goron.
Link could play the Song of Storms. If Samus stayed up too high, along with being the only thing up IN the air, and having a suit of metal, she'd get hit by a lightening bolt. Could that screw up her suit?
Ronike said:
Now, if she got bored of the aerial assualt on Link, she could come down and use the speed booster. Hyrule field is more than large enough for her to build up the speed for it, and while she uses it, she is invincible completely. Link's weps would just bounce off of her in this mode. Now, since MFS is 2D, perhaps she can only speed boost in one direction. But in MF, Samus can crouch to "store" the speed boost effect and reaim and fly thru the air. And once she hits a hill, she goes back to running with the effect and can repeat this effect. Anyone that has played OoT knows that Hyrule Field is very hilly, so she could do this very easily. And she is moving at a very high velocity, so Link would be unable to keep up and do damage when she crouches. So with MFS flying all around at high speeds, eventually Link would get careless and get hit by her. When this happens, most things in the game explode or take heavy damage, so at the very least link would take heavy damage. If he had Nayru's Love on, I think it could be easily assumed that he would at least fly back in recoil, at which MFS could hit him with a couple of shots and freeze him until the NL ran out.
I don't have much, here. He could use the Blast Mask, and explode whenever Samus got near him. The Giant's Mask would certainly help him
some. With the Mask of Truth, he could read Samus's mind and have a decent idea of what she might do. The Fierce Diety Mask would allow him to shoot those disks out, but only at full health, right? And if he ever
did manage to hit Samus while in Fierce Diety mode, it would do quite a bit of damage.
LukeFonFabre said:
And I'm still not comfortable with the gauntlets increasing attack strength idea. Granted it makes sense, but the game itself doesn't give any evidence that they are a passive ability, and as they're magical, it's plausible that they are entirely situational. It's probably something people should vote on.
Well, game mechanics are not included, so what makes sense works. Nothing that you use them for is required, I'm pretty sure. They just give Link incredible strength. That's all. Since nothing you do with them is required, you can think of it as them just 'helping Link do stuff.' Well, since killing Samus isn't required (not according to story, anyway), shouldn't they 'help Link' beat Samus? He could lift a building that may be out there to throw at Samus, so why not swing a sword with the same amount of energy? After all, all it did was
make him stronger.