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Moonblasting the competition! The Psychic/Fairy type Gardevoir for Smash Ultimate


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2014
Middle of nowhere
~Gardevoir support thread~

Welcome to the support thread of Gardevoir for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! This thread serves as the home base for Gardevoir fans and alike to discuss the possibility of it in Smash.
Who is Gardevoir?
Gardevoir is a Psychic/Fairy type (pure Psychic prior to generation six) introduced in the third generation games Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire being one of the evolved forms of Kirlia. It has gained a fair amount of popularity & featured in a fair amount of Pokemon media and even managed to make it in another fighting game being Pokken.

Why Gardevoir for Smash?
While made somewhat redundant by the presence of other largely energy based characters such as Zelda and Mewtwo, Gardevoir could hold some potential for Smash. Being a Psychic type, it could use Psychic type attacks such as Teleport, Psywave, Future Sight as well as some non necessarily Psychic attacks that fit with its Psychic characteristic such as Thunderbolt, Confuse Ray and Will-O-Wisp. Being a Fairy type, it could use pixie like attacks such as Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam and Draining Kiss.
Support material:
(Credit to http://zanethedragon.deviantart.com/art/SSB5-Gardevoir-Smash-Palettes-601946666)

(Credit to Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy )

(Credit to DevaAshera DevaAshera )

Stock icon by Mario & Sonic Guy Mario & Sonic Guy

(Credit to Leaf_It Leaf_It )

Snake: Mei Ling, what is this thing?! Is it a ghost?
Mei Ling: Not even close Snake. That's Gardevoir, a Psychic and Fairy type Pokemon.
Snake: Fairy? It certainly looks delicate. It looks like I could snap it in half with a punch.
Mei Ling: Don't let looks deceive you. It may lacking in body strength but it more than makes up for it with it's powers. If you threaten anyone it cares about it can even summon a black hole and then it would be game over for you!
Snake: Huh... I better catch it unaware before it has a chance.
Mei Ling: That's how you work best, isn't Snake?

Pit: Lady Palutena, do you have a sister with short hair?
Palutena: Ha ha ha! That's not a Goddess, Pit. That is Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokemon.
Pit: Embrace? It doesn't attack by hugging me and jabbing me with that spike does it?
Palutena: No, Gardevoir are Psychic and Fairy Type Pokemon who use their emphatic powers to bend the fabric of space around them. If its trainer is under threat then they can use some pretty scary powers so watch your step.
Pit: Using great power to defend people? Maybe it's an angel!
Virida: Blech! Stop patting yourself on the back.

It's a floaty, graceful character capable of boosting its power. Its attacks are ranged.

  • Neutral Attack: Quickly holds out its hand for four psychic sparks, one after the other, and each bigger than the last and 1% stronger, starting with 1% damage. The first spark is in the bottom right, and they move clockwise.
  • Dash Attack: Does three ballet twirls while advancing. 3%.
  • Forward Tilt: Releases a surprise flash of psychic energy with a small and fast hitbox. 6%.
  • Up Tilt: Claps and creates a big psychic explosion. 8% with good KO potential.
  • Down Tilt: Jabs downwards with a hand of light. 3%.
  • Forward Smash: Calls four pillars of light to rise from the stage in quick succession. The first and second pillars, and the third and fourth pillars share hitboxes. First hitbox is 4-16%, second is 3-21%. Great KO potential.
  • Up Smash: Punches upwards at a slight angle, with its fist covered with a circle of light. 3-10%.
  • Down Smash: Braces up while charging, then floats off the ground while releasing a long surge of light and psionics beneath it. 6-12%.
  • Neutral Aerial: Twirls twice as it falls. 2% first hit, 5% second.
  • Forward Aerial: Swings a light-coated arm to maximum range. 4%.
  • Up Aerial: Gets on its back and kicks for 5%, also throwing a punch at three times the kick's height for 1%.
  • Back Aerial: Swings out its light-coated arm to half the range of the forward aerial. 8%.
  • Down Aerial: Raises up both arms before front flipping 90° and swinging its arms all the way down with a large psychic force. The force pulls opponents down under Gardevoir before meteor smashing them and causing 13%.
  • Grab: A large disjointed psychic force.
  • Pummel: Causes 2% damage using nothing but its mind.
  • Forward Throw: Shoots them a straight, far distance. 5%.
  • Up Throw: Shoots them a straight, far distance.
  • Back Throw: Throws them to the ground (3%), then creates a burst of light on them (6%).
  • Down Throw: Begins to levitate, and psychically picks them up. Floats them a while, slowly causing a total of 3%, then bounces them off the ground for 9%. Lands.
Neutral Special: Future Sight. Manifests its vision into a sort of-cone-shaped field in front of it. The field then disappears. Five seconds later, anyone other than Gardevoir itself inside or around where the field was takes 25% and massive knockback. If Gardevoir is attacked while creating the field, the attack is launched much sooner, as a counterattack.

Side Special: Dazzling Gleam. Holds out its arm and creates a long stream of glitter, causing nonstop hits of 1%. Flinching doesn't occur until the opponent is hit with successive seven hits. The direction is minorly controllable. Stopping the input stops the glitter.

Up Special: Light Screen. Becomes completely coated in light that reflects projectiles. Gardevoir uses the light to fly in absolutely anywhere, with more control than ExtremeSpeed. However, the distance is low.

Down Special: Calm Mind. Closes its eyes, and with a smile and a deep breath, begins to relax. After this, its mind begins to glow. With a Calm Mind up, Future Sight, Dazzling Gleam, and most of Gardevoir's normal attacks receive a 1.5× boost in damage and knockback. The effect can be stacked up to six times, with each usage increasing the amount of glow. With two CMs, damage and knockback are doubled. With three, they're multipled by 2.5. In addition, the Calm Minds last Gardevoir the rest of the stock.

Final Smash: Mega Gardevoir. Mega Evolves. In its Mega Evolution, its speed and jump height are doubled. Its attacks get a fair boost in power.

  • Neutral - Moonblast: Gardevoir charges up a ball of light. As the ball grows bigger, it'll deal greater damage, and cover a larger distance when released. Gardevoir can also hold the charge.
    • Piercing Moonblast: Takes less time to fully charge, and can damage multiple targets. Deals less damage than normal, however.
    • Mega Moonblast: Takes more time to fully charge, and travels slower than normal. However, the full charge is much more damaging.
  • Side - Stored Power: A close-range attack, which deals damage based on Gardevoir's current damage. Hits at frame 8, and at worst, it deals a minimum of 4% damage, but it can deal up to 40% damage if Gardevoir's current damage is greater than or equal to 200%. The attack has 20 BKB and 100 KBG. Additionally, it can't be reflected or absorbed.
    • Fast Stored Power: Damage output is reduced to 0.5x in favor of reduced start-up lag, hitting as early as frame 4.
    • Mighty Stored Power: Start-up lag is longer than normal, but the damage dealt is increased by 1.5x, and Gardevoir receives some heavy armor as well. Hits at frame 24.
  • Up - Teleport: Gardevoir teleports from one area, to another. Doesn't deal any damage.
    • Stunning Teleport: Travels a shorter distance than Teleport, but upon reappearing, Gardevoir creates a flash that has a paralyzing effect on fighters who get hit. Deals 12% damage, and has 80 BKB, and 80 KBG.
    • High-Range Teleport: Travels a greater distance than Teleport, but Gardevoir can only travel straight up. Deals no damage.
  • Down - Safeguard: Gardevoir shields itself with a barrier that reflects projectile attacks. Reflected projectiles deal 1.4x their normal damage. However, the barrier itself can't deal any damage to opponents, so it can't be used in the same manner as Fox's Reflector. Can be held for an infinite time period, but it won't protect Gardevoir against direct attacks, nor projectiles that can't be reflected.
    • Healing Safeguard: Instead of reflecting projectiles, the barrier will absorb them, and Gardevoir will heal itself equal to half the damage that it would've taken. Can only absorb energy-based projectiles, however.
    • Direct Safeguard: A special barrier that's designed to counter direct attacks. It can't be held, however, having more in common with most other Counter moves, except for that it's completely useless against indirect attacks. The counter window begins on frame 5, and ends at frame 25. And upon blocking a direct attack, Gardevoir will create a psychic wave that deals 1.2x the damage that it would've taken. The counterattack has 50 BKB and 100 KBG.
  • Final Smash - Hyper Beam: Gardevoir mega evolves into Mega Gardevoir, and fires a powerful energy beam that can trap multiple targets at the same time. It is a multi-hitting attack that deals up to 60% damage, with the final hit possessing high knockback statistics. The beam can also be angled, but it won't hit anyone who's standing behind Mega Gardevoir. When the Final Smash ends, Mega Gardevoir reverts back to its normal state.
A: Slap. She doesn't normally learn slap but it would just fit. Can use a few times for double slap(Gothitelle learns this)
Side A: Disarming voice. Gardevoir sings and hurts anyone in front of her with music notes. Gothitelle doesn't normally get this
Up A: Zen Headbutt. Gardevoir headbutts up with psychic energy
Down A: Low Sweep. Gardevoir sweeps low with her leg. Normally only Gothitelle gets this via TM
Dash: A psychic charged twirl attack

Forward Smash: Moon Blast(Energy Ball for Gothitelle) Gardevoir raises a hand up, forming a ball of moon energy above her, and then slams it down in front of her after she finishes charging. The ball is green for Gothitelle as its Energy ball.
Up Smash: Magical Leaf(Dark Pulse for Gothitelle): Gardevoir twirls as Multicolored leaves fly around her during the charge animation, then fire up above her as it releases, close to Lucas's hit box. For Gothitelle its not magical leaves but dark energy)
Down Smash: Dazzling Gleam.Gardevoir points her arms towards her sides, and a gleam of light scatters out at her feet on both sides Gothitelle doesn't normally have this move but it could be altered to look more darkish/psychic ish for her

Nair: Hyper voice(Uproar for Gothitelle)Gardevoir sings, blasting out shock waves around her.
Bair: Charge Beam. Points back and fires a beam or weak psychic electric energy
Fair: Psybeam. Points her arm out and fires a short ranged psychic beam. Gothitelle normally only has this
Uair: Grass Knot. Holds up one of her hands and a grass ballgrows, damaging anyone hit multiple times before launching them
Dair: Gravity. Gardevoir reachs below her and makes a dark ball of energy appear. Hitting the sweet spot right in the center of the mass spikes the enemy. Graviety is something only Gothitelle learns but fits into Gardevoirs lore with her pokedex.

Grab: Grabs with psychic energy
Pumble: Mean look. Looks at the enemy, doing slight psychic damage.
Forward Throw: does a spin and throws them forward
Back Throw: DOes a twirl and throws them back
Up Throw: Does a curtsy and the enemy spins then flies up
Down Throw: Gardevior slams the person into the ground tree times, with the third time bouncing them away

B: Future Sight. Gardevoir swings her arm out, and a twinkle flashes from her eye. a same twinkle will hit the closest person around her in a 15 unite radius. 5 seconds later, a blast of psychic energy fires down from the sky where that person is, doing damage. The attack has like a 8 frame start up before the damage hits, so fast reactions can result in a shield or dodge. The hit box also hits anyone above like thunder, so an enemy could try to also hurt someone else if they try.
Side B: Captivate. Gardevoir sings, and the person in front of them takes damage and is captivated, making them deal less damage for a short time. The effect does not stack, but can be reapplied. A different take is that it puts the person into a charm state, which is basically like sleep or stun, instead of reduced damage.
Up B: Telekinesis. Gardevoir crosses her arms, and a small bubble surrounds her, like her old reflect pokeball animation, but closer to her. She then flies into the air and goes in a direction for a bit and at the slow speed. Any projectile that would hit her is reflected back, If anyone is next to Gardevoir as she activates the move and as she is flying gets spun around like mewtwos confusion and thrown back. The range is average for a recovery, but the upside is she is hard to be edge guard her as projectiles are reflected back.
Down B: Heal Pulse. Gardevoir shoots out a pulse of energy in front of her. If it hits someone, it damages them, then returns back to her, healing herself for part of the damage. If she hits an ally teammate, she heals them instead of damaging them. The amount healed to yourself and an ally is reduced if this move is used repeadily in a short time.

Final Smash(Gardevoir): Fairy Tempest:

While it is in Pokken, it does tie into a bit with Gardevoirs Pokedex about making mini black holes.

Final Smash(Gothitelle): Doom Desire.
Similar to Rosalina, Gardevoir rarely touches the ground. It's lightweight and floaty but has higher air speed than Rosi with a slower dash.

Jab: 2 slaps followed by Garde doing an animation similar to Mewtwo's Disable, creating a tiny shockwave that knocks opponents away.
Ftilt: after a quick spin, downward slash with hand. Creates a slash of psychic energy that shoots forwards as a projectile to do weak damage. Reaches to just over 1/3 FD.
Utilt: Pushing itself up with telekinesis, Garde headbutts upwards.
Dtilt: Peach's old down tilt, backward slap along the ground, just without the spike.
Dash: After bringing both hands in, does a cross slash forwards as it bounces back. Powerful but high endlag.

Fsmash: Brings both hands to it's chest, then extends them forwards for a multihit attack. Pretty much Zelda's Fsmash.
Usmash: Dazzling Gleam. Gathers light energy around it to a point above it's head, where it shoots off a ball of light upwards as a projectile. Startup pushes opponents at the side into the light ball above.
Dsmash: Dazzling Gleam. Swirls glittery light around itself as it twirls once before blasting it away along with opponents. Multihit.

Nair: Brings both arms in as psychic slash emit from it's body. Multihit like Zelda nair with 4 hits.
Fair: Extends hand forwards and creates a psychic blast out of it. Good kill move off stage as it hit's opponents close to horizontal.
Bair: Does an upwards slash with it's hand as it spins once. Hits opponents upwards.
Uair: Twirls with one hand extended upwards, creating a glittery vortex above. Like Palutena's uair but thinner.
Dair: Extends it's feet downwards and spins once at a slight angle. Doesn't spike and pretty weak, just for dealing with opponents below.

Grab: Simply attempts to grab with one hand. Sub-par range to make up for side B.
Pummel: Attacks the opponent with weak psychic energy.
Fthrow: Reels back, then puts hand on opponent, and blasts them away with a psychic blast.
Bthrow: Elegantly spins around once with the opponent spinning with it, then throws them backwards.
Uthrow: Holds them overhead with both hands, then extends them to the side blasting the opponent upwards
Dthrow: Spins them behind and overhead, then whacks them into the floor in front. combo throw.

B: Future Sight. Borrowed from Zelda's Din's Fire, Gardevoir sends out a small pink orb while holding B. Letting go of B has the orb flash then disappear. 4 seconds later a powerful blast of psychic energy explodes from where the pink orb stopped. Can be controlled up or down as it flies out. Good damage and kill move at high %.

Side B: Psychic. Ranged command grab. Gardevoir focuses psychic power onto a specific point in front of it, around 1/4th FD range. Any opponent at this point gets constricted by psychic energy. Gardevoir can then choose to throw them away for it, towards, upwards, or deal damage, as the initial grab only deals about 2%. Grabbing in the air has both characters float but shortens the hold time. Has a startup and can be stopped by the opponent having a hitbox out while Gardevoir attempts to grab.

Up B: Telekinesis. Gardevoir creates an anti-grav effect in a radius around it, allowing free movement in the air for around 3 seconds. Any opponents and items in the effect are pushed along with Gardevoir (as a sort of windbox effect, so they're free to move around themselves). Can air dodge and attack out of the move, but enters freefall afterwards. Didn't just wanna go with Teleport for an easy recovery move but it works here too.

Down B: Light Screen. Creates a shield around Gardevoir that reflects any projectiles. If Gardevoir attacks, gets attacked or after 8ish seconds, the barrier goes down. Startup is pretty laggy and the reflect effect doesn't go up straight away, so it's more for preemptively dealing with projectiles instead of on reaction. Also much weaker than other reflectors. If you attempt a back-and-forth with another reflector, you'll likely lose.

Final Smash: Moonblast. Mega-evolves and creates an image of the moon around itself. If any opponent is caught in it then teleports them to a flowery field at night. Mega Gardevoir appears nearby on a hill, glows and raises a hand to the moon hanging overhead. The moon itself then glows and fire a devastating beam of light onto the opponents, dealing heavy damage and knockback.

Gothitelle changes: Gothitelle's effects are similar to Rosalina's galaxy print attacks as opposed to the pinkish ethereal effects of Gardevoir's attacks. Gothitelle also uses Shattered Psyche as a FS. Gothitelle holds the Psychic Z-Move pose as it creates a large orb in front of it. If an opponent is in this orb then they get teleported to the pink cloudy area where the Z Move happens in Sun and Moon. Gothitelle then performs the move with accuracy to the Sun Moon animation, hitting opponents off psychic barriers before breaking the background into darkness. Besides the effect changes and FS, Gothitelle's differences are rather minimal, relegated to slight changes in knockback direction and % values.


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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Uh TimidKitsune129 TimidKitsune129 , you might want to check this place out.

Gardevior is far from my favorite, but I sure wouldn't mind her in Smash. Even I'm currently raising a Female Ralts besides my male one in Omega Ruby to get both final evolutions. Hey, even I could make her a part of my team if she's good enough.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Well Gardevior is my favorite Third Generation Pokemon.

I would love for her to finally break from that Pokeball. Even if I'm kind of satisfied with her inclusion in Pokken.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
One of my favorite pokemon of all time and second most wanted for smash after Inciniroar

Support wholeheartedly.

Hoping there is a pokken port for the switch (no reason for there not to be one) so I can finally play as one in a fighting game.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
More Gen III representation is always nice.
Gardevoir is amongst my favourite Pokémon too.

I was quite happy to see her in Pokkén too. It nicely acknowledged her popularity.


Smash Ace
Mar 14, 2014
Middle of nowhere
Uh TimidKitsune129 TimidKitsune129 , you might want to check this place out.

Gardevior is far from my favorite, but I sure wouldn't mind her in Smash. Even I'm currently raising a Female Ralts besides my male one in Omega Ruby to get both final evolutions. Hey, even I could make her a part of my team if she's good enough.
Gardevoir can def be good, I've been trying to be less into it so I can give other Pokemon more spotlight but it's def a good one.
Also should I add you as a supporter or not?

Well Gardevior is my favorite Third Generation Pokemon.

I would love for her to finally break from that Pokeball. Even if I'm kind of satisfied with her inclusion in Pokken.
I'll be honest, I largely made this thread because I wanted to make a character support thread and this character popped in my mind so I wanted to have its thread before others, I'm not that huge of a supporter for it although it could hold some potential and I'm pretty satisfied with it in Pokken as well. My number 1 most wanted Pokemon would likely be Meowth but I wasn't really feeling like making its support thread and I'm waiting for someone else to do it. (That and I'm not as much into it as I used to be)

More Gen III representation is always nice.
Gardevoir is amongst my favourite Pokémon too.

I was quite happy to see her in Pokkén too. It nicely acknowledged her popularity.
Yeah definitely. Also thanks for the sticker, think you could make an updated one for Smash Switch?
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Gardevoir can def be good, I've been trying to be less into it so I can give other Pokemon more spotlight but it's def a good one.
Also should I add you as a supporter or not?
Sure, go ahead.

This would be fine. She would be a wonderful addition to Smash.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
I figured this would be the best place to post a Gardevoir moveset.
It's a floaty, graceful character capable of boosting its power. Its attacks are ranged.

  • Neutral Attack: Quickly holds out its hand for four psychic sparks, one after the other, and each bigger than the last and 1% stronger, starting with 1% damage. The first spark is in the bottom right, and they move clockwise.
  • Dash Attack: Does three ballet twirls while advancing. 3%.
  • Forward Tilt: Releases a surprise flash of psychic energy with a small and fast hitbox. 6%.
  • Up Tilt: Claps and creates a big psychic explosion. 8% with good KO potential.
  • Down Tilt: Jabs downwards with a hand of light. 3%.
  • Forward Smash: Calls four pillars of light to rise from the stage in quick succession. The first and second pillars, and the third and fourth pillars share hitboxes. First hitbox is 4-16%, second is 3-21%. Great KO potential.
  • Up Smash: Punches upwards at a slight angle, with its fist covered with a circle of light. 3-10%.
  • Down Smash: Braces up while charging, then floats off the ground while releasing a long surge of light and psionics beneath it. 6-12%.
  • Neutral Aerial: Twirls twice as it falls. 2% first hit, 5% second.
  • Forward Aerial: Swings a light-coated arm to maximum range. 4%.
  • Up Aerial: Gets on its back and kicks for 5%, also throwing a punch at three times the kick's height for 1%.
  • Back Aerial: Swings out its light-coated arm to half the range of the forward aerial. 8%.
  • Down Aerial: Raises up both arms before front flipping 90° and swinging its arms all the way down with a large psychic force. The force pulls opponents down under Gardevoir before meteor smashing them and causing 13%.
  • Grab: A large disjointed psychic force.
  • Pummel: Causes 2% damage using nothing but its mind.
  • Forward Throw: Shoots them a straight, far distance. 5%.
  • Up Throw: Shoots them a straight, far distance.
  • Back Throw: Throws them to the ground (3%), then creates a burst of light on them (6%).
  • Down Throw: Begins to levitate, and psychically picks them up. Floats them a while, slowly causing a total of 3%, then bounces them off the ground for 9%. Lands.
Neutral Special: Future Sight. Manifests its vision into a sort of-cone-shaped field in front of it. The field then disappears. Five seconds later, anyone other than Gardevoir itself inside or around where the field was takes 25% and massive knockback. If Gardevoir is attacked while creating the field, the attack is launched much sooner, as a counterattack.

Side Special: Dazzling Gleam. Holds out its arm and creates a long stream of glitter, causing nonstop hits of 1%. Flinching doesn't occur until the opponent is hit with successive seven hits. The direction is minorly controllable. Stopping the input stops the glitter.

Up Special: Light Screen. Becomes completely coated in light that reflects projectiles. Gardevoir uses the light to fly in absolutely anywhere, with more control than ExtremeSpeed. However, the distance is low.

Down Special: Calm Mind. Closes its eyes, and with a smile and a deep breath, begins to relax. After this, its mind begins to glow. With a Calm Mind up, Future Sight, Dazzling Gleam, and most of Gardevoir's normal attacks receive a 1.5× boost in damage and knockback. The effect can be stacked up to six times, with each usage increasing the amount of glow. With two CMs, damage and knockback are doubled. With three, they're multipled by 2.5. In addition, the Calm Minds last Gardevoir the rest of the stock.

Final Smash: Mega Gardevoir. Mega Evolves. In its Mega Evolution, its speed and jump height are doubled. Its attacks get a fair boost in power.
Gardevoir is one of my favorite Pokemon. It's my favorite Fairy-type (other than :038:).


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Once again, missed the chance to make this thread. Darnit.

I'm getting slow.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I will note that Gardevoir is one of the characters that would need a whole new Smash 5 rather than a port, as he/she/it is tied up in a Pokeball.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Favorite Gen III mon along with Banette. Don't think it's very likely as of now, but I support.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
One of my favorite Psychic/Fairy and Gen 3 Pokemon. Her moveset would be very unique with a Zelda feel in a way



Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Well with Smash Switch coming out and that huge international Ballot for DLC (and more besides) I wonder how Gardevoir's chances are looking

They got some fighting game representation in Pokken Tournament, and as one of the first of the Roster even.

I guess it depends on if GF wants more than latest and Gen 1 Pokemon.


Smash Hero
Aug 6, 2014
Overkillscythe Hell
Hm. Lemme share some love for Garde, too, then. Not least since she carried me from Petalburg all the way through Champion in Omega Ruby.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
You know, I really hated gen 3 when it came out (no growlithe bummed me out), but it’s grown on me a bit.

The Ralts line was always one of my favorite gen 3 lines, and I’d love to see her as more than a pokéball some time. Especially if we can get some nice fairy-type moves now.

In each of my dream rosters, she’s right there next to Mewtwo and Brawl’s Pokémon Trainer (:love::squirtle:)

Besides, she did also make it into Pokken as well, so you can’t deny she’s a big name.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2018
Maybe Gardevoir already missed her window of opportunity but I think she's one of the most solid Pokemon candidates for Smash. She's enduringly popular, got a Mega Evolution, and is in Pokken Tournament. She's sort of like Lucario in all those ways. She wouldn't just be there to promote the newest Pokemon game, like Greninja clearly was (and Decidueye clearly will be). But at the same time I feel like she got popular too late and now it doesn't make sense to include her.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Time for me to jumpstart this thread again. Gardevoir wasn't deconfirmed. She still has a chance.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Since we have no confirmation of Gardevoir being a Poke Ball Pokemon, maybe I can think up some special moves for it.
  • Neutral - Moonblast: Gardevoir charges up a ball of light. As the ball grows bigger, it'll deal greater damage, and cover a larger distance when released. Gardevoir can also hold the charge.
    • Piercing Moonblast: Takes less time to fully charge, and can damage multiple targets. Deals less damage than normal, however.
    • Mega Moonblast: Takes more time to fully charge, and travels slower than normal. However, the full charge is much more damaging.
  • Side - Stored Power: A close-range attack, which deals damage based on Gardevoir's current damage. Hits at frame 8, and at worst, it deals a minimum of 4% damage, but it can deal up to 40% damage if Gardevoir's current damage is greater than or equal to 200%. The attack has 20 BKB and 100 KBG. Additionally, it can't be reflected or absorbed.
    • Fast Stored Power: Damage output is reduced to 0.5x in favor of reduced start-up lag, hitting as early as frame 4.
    • Mighty Stored Power: Start-up lag is longer than normal, but the damage dealt is increased by 1.5x, and Gardevoir receives some heavy armor as well. Hits at frame 24.
  • Up - Teleport: Gardevoir teleports from one area, to another. Doesn't deal any damage.
    • Stunning Teleport: Travels a shorter distance than Teleport, but upon reappearing, Gardevoir creates a flash that has a paralyzing effect on fighters who get hit. Deals 12% damage, and has 80 BKB, and 80 KBG.
    • High-Range Teleport: Travels a greater distance than Teleport, but Gardevoir can only travel straight up. Deals no damage.
  • Down - Safeguard: Gardevoir shields itself with a barrier that reflects projectile attacks. Reflected projectiles deal 1.4x their normal damage. However, the barrier itself can't deal any damage to opponents, so it can't be used in the same manner as Fox's Reflector. Can be held for an infinite time period, but it won't protect Gardevoir against direct attacks, nor projectiles that can't be reflected.
    • Healing Safeguard: Instead of reflecting projectiles, the barrier will absorb them, and Gardevoir will heal itself equal to half the damage that it would've taken. Can only absorb energy-based projectiles, however.
    • Direct Safeguard: A special barrier that's designed to counter direct attacks. It can't be held, however, having more in common with most other Counter moves, except for that it's completely useless against indirect attacks. The counter window begins on frame 5, and ends at frame 25. And upon blocking a direct attack, Gardevoir will create a psychic wave that deals 1.2x the damage that it would've taken. The counterattack has 50 BKB and 100 KBG.
  • Final Smash - Hyper Beam: Gardevoir mega evolves into Mega Gardevoir, and fires a powerful energy beam that can trap multiple targets at the same time. It is a multi-hitting attack that deals up to 60% damage, with the final hit possessing high knockback statistics. The beam can also be angled, but it won't hit anyone who's standing behind Mega Gardevoir. When the Final Smash ends, Mega Gardevoir reverts back to its normal state.
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Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
I think Ivysaur's return slightly lowers Decidueye's chance and slightly raises the chance of other popular, non-grass-type pokemon, including this one.

I'd like to support Gardevoir. I've always appreciated Gardevoir.

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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
There's been ideas going about of Gardevoir as a Zelda Echo.

I don't belive it but I thought I may as well share my idea of how that would translate into Pokemon moves.

B: Reflect/Light Shield
B-Side: Will-o-Wisp
B-Up: Teleport (Greninja's Hydro pump works dramatically different from Squirtles so it damaging while Mewtwo's doesn't wouldn't be a problem.)
B-Down: Gallade (Gallade instead of a phantom)

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I seriously doubt that Gardevoir would be anyone's echo fighter. Based on what we've seen so far, a fighter can only be made into an echo fighter if he/she is mimicking a fighter from the same franchise as him/her.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
I seriously doubt that Gardevoir would be anyone's echo fighter. Based on what we've seen so far, a fighter can only be made into an echo fighter if he/she is mimicking a fighter from the same franchise as him/her.
It wouldn't be unprecedented. We only have three echo fighters so far, and in Melee Ganondorf was introduced as a Captain Falcon clone. That's proof that clones don't have to be from the same series, and Gardevoir certainly has the popularity to back her up to have another incident like this occur again.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
It wouldn't be unprecedented. We only have three echo fighters so far, and in Melee Ganondorf was introduced as a Captain Falcon clone. That's proof that clones don't have to be from the same series, and Gardevoir certainly has the popularity to back her up to have another incident like this occur again.
It should be noted, however, that Ganondorf's moveset has been modified enough so that he no longer counts as an echo fighter. And there's also the matter of how each fighter and echo fighter is organized, since Gardevoir is a Pokemon franchise character.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
It should be noted, however, that Ganondorf's moveset has been modified enough so that he no longer counts as an echo fighter. And there's also the matter of how each fighter and echo fighter is organized, since Gardevoir is a Pokemon franchise character.
I think they'll actually have a couple of different roster options. One for the intro order and one grouped by series.

(for the record, I think if the LoZ series gets an echo it'll be Hilda or Impa)
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
I think that Gardevoir has good odds. She's in Pokken (and was one of the first characters to be confirmed), and she's popular. I would like to see more mage characters, so please add me to the support list.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Here's some renewed hope for Gardevoir.

Exhibit A.
Ultimate's Project Plan was completed in December 2015:


Spring Man and Rex+Pyra definitely aren't making it, then.
Exhibit B.
Now that we know the Ultimate roster was finalized in December 2015, I think we can more accurately pinpoint what our new Pokemon character could be, should we get one.

This roster would have been decided between Pokemon OmegaRuby / Pokemon AlphaSapphire and Pokemon Sun / Pokemon Moon. A fan-favorite Pokemon from Gen III (like Sceptile or Blaziken) isn't too out of the question in this case. We could also get a Gen VII Pokemon that had its design finalized earliest in development (from what we know, that means Decidueye, Incineroar, Primarina, or Magearna).
So the stars had aligned just right for it to happen. Let's just hope they were seen.

P.S. Thinking about it, Zelda's new Final Smash would be perfect for Gardevoir. i.e. her Pokedex only ability to create black holes.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Here's some renewed hope for Gardevoir.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

So the stars had aligned just right for it to happen. Let's just hope they were seen.

P.S. Thinking about it, Zelda's new Final Smash would be perfect for Gardevoir. i.e. her Pokedex only ability to create black holes.
Yeah. It looks like a Gen 3 Pokemon is more likely than a Gen VII one. And, Gardevoir is likely given her popularity. She really only has Sceptile and Blaziken for competition. That is, unless there's another Greninja situation.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Gardevoir's my favorite Pokemon and I'd really like her to be playable. It's not something I expect, but she's not disconfirmed yet so I'm cautiously optimistic~


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
Gardevoir's my favorite Pokemon and I'd really like her to be playable. It's not something I expect, but she's not disconfirmed yet so I'm cautiously optimistic~
Yeah. So am I. Gardevoir would be interesting to see in Smash but we'll have to wait and see.


Smash Apprentice
Writing Team
Jun 9, 2010
Windsor, CT
It would be cool to get a 3rd gen rep and Gardevoir would be my top choice for that. My guess would be only one new Pokemon and I think it's more likely to be a 7th gen rep like Decidueye or Lycanroc though. Could Gardevoir be an echo fighter of Zelda? DownB would most likely have to be changed but otherwise I don't see why not:

UpB - Teleport (Farore's Wind, looks more like Mewtwo's Teleport)
SideB - Moonblast (Din's Fire, has light effect instead of fire)
NeutralB - Reflect or Magic Coat (Nayru's Love, different GFX, same effect)
DownB - Double Team? (Phantom Slash)
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Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Maybe Din could be Future Sight instead? It functions exactly like Din only it has a stronger delayed explosion. Gardevoir's pokeball attack could be re-imagined for her neutral B, where it's not remotely offensive like Nayru but it creates a smaller barrier around her that lasts for a little bit? The only attack I see that actually needs to be heavily altered is Phantom Slash, and it could be changed to be something like Stored Power that creates a shockwave like in Pokken.

Dr. Jojo Phantasma

The Chessmaster
Mar 8, 2018
I do believe that Gardevoir made it high on the ballot for Pokemon alongside Blaziken and Grovyle, but I hope if they had to pick between the three of them it would be her because she is my favorite Gen III Pokemon.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Phantom Slash could be replaced by Gallade Teleporting in and using Psycho-cut if we want to get creative.

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I probably should've mentioned this sooner, but Gardevoir would also have to share the same attributes as another fighter if it were treated as an echo fighter. I don't see it copying Zelda's attributes in any way.
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I probably should've mentioned this sooner, but Gardevoir would also have to share the same attributes as another fighter if it were treated as an echo fighter. I don't see it copying Zelda's attributes in any way.
Tall,, thin, light, (apparently) female. I don't see the issue. Is it because her feet are too small for lightning kicks?
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